INDIAN INGOME TAX RETURN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assessment Year lwhors the data of thE Return of lncome in Fom ITR-1 (SAHAJ), lTR.2, ITR-3, 2019-20 lTR.{ , ITR€, ITR-6,lTR-7 filed and ve.ifled electronlcallyl Name PAN PAT'L MANAB AJLPP6658F F FlaUDoor/Block No Name Of Premises/Building/Village z IO NEW BIKRAMGARH Form Number. 4G ITR.3 Road/Str€et/Post OIfi ce Arer/Locality lEc JADAVPUR LNIVERSITY KOLKATA EI!P Status lndividual z^a -zz Town/City/District State Pin/ZipCode Filed u/s ?X KOLKATA WEST BENGAL zi 700032 139(l)-On or before due date ts Assessing Olfi ccr Details (Ward/Circle) CIRCLE 25, KOLKATA e-filillg Acknowl€dg.ment Number 226295931281019 I Cross total incom€ 1 6896234 2 Totrl Deductions under Chapter-Vl-A 2 179894 3 Total Income J 6716310 3a Deemed Total Income undcr AMT/tr{AT 3a 6716340 2< JD Current Yeer loss, ifany 3b 0 t207664 ollr 4 Net trx pryable 4 38t81 oz- t Interest and Fee Pryable 5 6 Total trx, interest snd Fec peyrbl€ 6 1245845 r Advstrce Tax ta 1 800000 =^ 1 Taxcs Paid '1b b TDS 20000 U C TCS 0 d SelfAssessment Tax 7d 430000 e Totrl Taxe! Prid (7n+1b+1c+7d) 1250000 8 Tsr Pry.bl. (G7e) 8 0 9 Rcfund (7e{) 9 4160 Agriculture l0 Exempt Income l0 Others Income Tax Retum submitted electronically on 28-10-201915:26:56 from IP address 117.19,1.9.148 and veriiied by MANAB PAUL having PAN AJLPP6658F ON 28-10-201915:26:56 from IP address 117.19.r.9.148 using Digital Signature Certilicate (DSC) l8?l277CN=Crpricom CA 2014,'STREET=lt\LAXMI NAGAR DSC details: DISTRICT Cf,NTf,R,ST=DELHI,,OU=Cerlifying Arthority,GC.pric orn ldcrtity S.rviccs Ptt Ltd.,C=IN DO NOT SEND THIS ACKNOYI'LEDGEMENT TO CPC BENGALURU Sri Manab Paul 10, New Bikramgarh, Kolkata-700 032 PAN-AJLPP6658F COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE INCOME & TAX LIABILITY FOR THE ASSESSMENT YEAR 2019-2020 RELATING TO PREVIOUS YEAR 2018.20.I9 PARTICULARS AMOUNT AMOUNT Rs. Rs. 1 lncome from Profession / Business Net Loss from Ganesh Enterprise Net Loss from Real Estate Consultancy Net Profit from Sree Balaji 1 ,7 46 ,331 .82 '1,746,331 .82 (Share of Net Profit from Balaji Hotels & Resorts Rs. 16850 is Exempl from Tax U/s. 10(2A) of the LTax Act,'1961) 2 !-@-t@,ap!!e!-ggE Short Term Capital Gain from Mutual Fund 5,145,009.00 Long Term Capital Gain from Mutual Fund 5,'145,009.00 3 lncome from Other Sorces lnterest on S/B A,/c 4,894.00 lnterest on lncome Tax Refund Dividend lncome Rs.3,496.50 is Exempt from Tax U/s10(34) of l.Tax Act 4 894.00 Gross Total lncome 6,896,234.82 Less Deduction U/S 80-C tJPPrid 150,000.00 Less Deduction U/S 80-TTA l"i"r""t S.BA/" "" 4,894.00 Less Deduction U/S 80-D Mediclaim 25,000.00 179 894.00 Total Taxable lncome 6,7'l6,340.82 Total Taxable lncome rounded off 6,716,340.00 lncome Tax on Rs On Special Rate 5,145,009.00 771 ,751.35 On Normal Rate 1 ,751,225.82 283,899.55 Tax Payable 1,055,650.90 Add: Surcharge 105 565.09 1,16'1,215.99 Add : Education Cess @ 4% 46 448.64 1,207,664.63 Add : lnterest U/s. 38 181 .00 1,245,845.63 Less : Advance lncome Tax 800,000.00 Less : TOS 20,000.00 820 000.00 lncome Tax Payable 425,845.63 Self Assement Tax Paid 430 000.00 Amount Refundable (4,154.37) SREE BALAJI Prop.Manab Paul 10, New Bikramgarh, Kolkata.700 032 7 Balance Sheet aa at 3lst March, 2019 / Llabilitios Amounl Amount Agagtr Amount Amount Rs. tu. Rs. Rs. CapitalAccount Fixgd A3sets As per last uc 16,936,780.63 As per Schedule-1 24,719,635.80 Add:SBlnterest 4,894.00 lnvostment ln lrulual Fund Add : Net Profit From Sree Ealaji 1,746,33r.42 As per last tuc 7 4,440,706.48 Add : Dividend Received 3,496.00 Add During the year 28,900,0O0.00 Add : Share of N€t Profit from Sh.ee Add CapitalGain 5,145,009.00 Balaji Hotels & Resorts 39,281.00 108,485,715.48 Add Capilal Gain from Mutual Fund 5,145,009.00 Less : Redemption 9 00 11,985,715.48 Add lnsurance Money Eack Socurltv Doposlt-BSNL Add lnterestonlTRefund 2,000.00 Add lncome Tax Refund 7,27O.00 S Deposlt lor Offlco Rent 23,883,062.45 As per lasl A/c 183,000.00 Less Drawings 589,613.00 lnvestment in Balall H & R L7,L29.00 lncome Tax 1,180,[email protected] lnvestmentinBelalPI 100,000.00 Lrc 544,2s2.@ lnvestment in Bela H P L s0,[email protected] Mediclaim 25,000.00 2,342,865.OO 27,540,791.45 Loan & Advance 62,33s,6s8.00 Securod Loan Closln. Sto.k FederalBank 10,000,000. 12 Finlshed Flat 8,526,589.00 A/c No 13047100000095 Work-in-Progress 26,589.00 12,053,178.00 Unsecurcd Loan Advancos against Flat Sale 45,916,332.00 GST Receivable 3,9'fi.183.00 Sundrv C.editors 30,241,693.00 Cash at Bank OCB 8ank, 08722900000365 25,000.00 DCB Bank. 08722900000356 924.00 Fedarel Bank - 13040200026830 39,024.55 Liabilitiqs ror Exponsos HDFC, CA-l21923200001s9 368,695.40 Advance for Mantanance 3,272,47L.@ lClcl Bank, Ballygunge 21,382.88 Advance for Extra Work 283,780.00 s&.003401053561 Security for Abnormal Loss 5,s00,000.00 lDBl Benk, 1676102000000355 284,685.89 T D S Payable 15,173.@ lndian ov6rs6as Bank O 8, Patuli Br. 70,595.89 salary & Wages 118,500.00 cA-193002000000076 EPF 15,287.00 Kotak Mahindra Bank ESt 7,707.@ Ballygunge, CA-2414 17,124.34 Audit Fees 63,5m.00 s B t, s&l1079890692 51,005.34 I AccountinS Char8es 25 00 9,301,818.00 U B l, Hazra Ro€d sa-01040104981r4 238,453.00 Balagaria Central Co-Operative Benk IJc Ne2680 500,000.00 1,616,891.29 Cash in Hand 25,650.00 '117,000.040.57 117,000,040.57 ln terms ofour separate rcport of even date A DAS & ASSOCIATES Place Howrah CharleredAccounlants Date 24.10.2019 fl0tfRAt M.- m (AS|S KUMAR DAs ) { Proprietor M.No.075924 u0tN-19075924AA4AQU2730 SREE BALAJI Prop.Manab Paul 10, New Bikramgarh, Kolkata-700 032 Profit & Loss A./c for the ended 31st March,2019 PARTICULARS AMOUNT PARTICULARS AMOUNT Rs. Rs. ro Qps.Ei!.s-5&.9! By Sales of Flat 77,43L,746.00 Finished Flat 18,179,525.00 ,, Other Service (Maintenance) 882,102.00 78,313,848.00 Work-in-Progress 1!,0L4,264.00 29,193,789.00 Closinr Stock ,, Purchase 33,064,174.00 Finished Flat 8,526,589.00 ,, Labour charges t4 ,7 L4,447 .00 work-in-Progress 3 26,s89.00 12,053,178.00 ,, Site Office Expenses 307,017.00 ,, WBSEDCL Expenses 1,169,115.00 ,, Gross Proflt 11,918,484.00 90.367,026.00 90,367,026.00 To Accounting Charges 1s1,500.00 gy Gross Profit 11,918,484.00 ,, Advertisement 3,346,262.00 ,, Audit Fees 20,000.00 8y lndirect lncome 3,763,582.00 ,, Bank charges 70,831.98 ,, Brockerage 75,258.00 ,, Car Maintenance 216,s60.00 ,, Electricity Charges 42s,766.00 ,, Engineer b(penses 401,000.00 ,, Miscellaneous Expenses 323,273.00 ,, Flat Cancellation Expenses 32s,658.00 ,, Legal & Professional Fees 1.843.260.00 ,, lnterest to Bank Loan 2,438,508.00 ,, ProfessionalTax 2,500.00 ,, Postage & Courier 2,02L.00 ,, Printing & Stationery 85,813.00 Office exp 393,890.00 ,, Rent 1,125.901.00 ,, Bonus 116,280.00 ,, EPF 94,863.00 ,, ESt 66,309.00 ,, Salary & wages 1,395,918.00 ,, Staff welfare 50,360.00 ,, Tea & Tiffin 88,736.00 ,, Telephone & Mobile Expenses 38,287.00 ,, Trade Licence 2,300.00 ,, Travelling & conveyance 49a,197.00 ,, Depreciation 336,482.20 ,, Net Profit 1,7 46,337.42 (Transferred to cap. A/c) 1s,682,166.00 15,582,166.00 ln terms of our separate report of even dato A DAS & ASSOCIATES Place Howrah Charlered Accountants Date 24.10.2019 @_ HOWRAH (ASIS XUMAR DAS ) Proprietor M.No.075924 u Dt N-19075924AAAAQU2730 *t* F SREE BALAJI 10, New Bikramgarh, Kol-32 Schedule-1 l SCHEDULE OF FIXED ASSETS AS ON 31ST MARCH, 2019 S.L DescripUon Openlng b.l. Additlon durlng th. year Saloi/AdJ Doproclatlon tor th. yea Cloilng b.lanc. No. of W.O.V... Betore Ailr durlng % Age on 01.0u1.18 30.09.2018 30.09.2018 tho yoar on 31.03.2019 1 Land 4,942,6!2.@ 4,942,672.00 4,942,612.N 2 Oooars Land 2900,988.00 6,750,506.00 14.651.594.00 14,651,594.00 3 Sonar Pur Land 2 10,470.00 182,900.00 193,370.m LO9{ 19,337.0O L74,O33.@ 3 Elcdri(, lnstallalbn s27,946.@ 361,500.00 889,446.@ LO% 70,869.60 818,576.40 4 Motor Cycle 40,843,00 57,903.00 ss,74;oo 15% 14,811.90 83,934.10 5 Motor Car !43,U7.@ 595,692.00 739,339.@ !5% 66,223.9s 673,115.05 6 Motile S€t 70,991.00 129,2t1.O0 14,500.00 2L4,702.OO ts% 3L,LL7.N 183,584.20 7 Computer & Accessodes 33,889.00 60,620.00 ,n,r*.oo N% 2s,619.@ 68,829.rr0 8 Airconditioner 79,97L.@ 382,382.00 452,353.00 15,6 40,674,30 42L,674-70 9 Reftegerator 3,91s.00 3,915.00 1S* 587.25 3,327.75 10 Generator/lnvertor 25,356.00 269,492.00 ,ro,*".* 1516 44,227.20 250,620.80 11 Television 10,858.00 10,858.@ 15% 1,628.70 9,229.30 12 Gold 1,626648.m 691,012.00 2,3L7,6@.@ o% 2317,6@.@ 13 Water Filter 14,490.00 14,490.00 LS% 2,173.50 12,316.50 r,4 Mixture Machine 127,676.N r27,676.N L5% 19,151.40 108,524.60 Total Rs- 15,560,300,00 7,390,112.00 2,105,706.00 25,056,118.00 336,482.20 24,719,635.80.
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