Index to Archivaria Numbers 1 to 54, 1975–2002 Index by bookmark: editing & indexing AAAC. See Archival Association of Atlantic Canada AACR2. See Anglo American Cataloguing Rules, 2d ed. AAQ. See Association des archivistes du Québec Abdication Crisis, The: Are Archivists Giving Up Their Cultural Responsibil- ity?, 40:173–81 Abella, Irving Oral History and the Canadian Labour Movement, 4:115–121 Abiding Conviction, An: Maritime Baptists and Their World (review article), 30:114–17 Aboriginal archives documentary approach, 33:117–24 Métis archive project, 8:154–57 See also Aboriginal peoples; Aboriginal records Aboriginal peoples bibliography, archival sources, Yukon (book review), 28:185 clothing traditions (exhibition review), 40:243–45 Hudson’s Bay Company fur trade (review article), 12:121–26 trade, pre-1763 (book review), 8:186–87 Indian Affairs administration (book review), 25:127–30 land claims archives and, 9:15–32 research handbook (book review), 16:169–71 ledger drawings (exhibition review), 40:239–42 literature by (book review), 18:281–84 missionaries and, since 1534, Canada (book review), 21:237–39 New Zealand Maori and archives, reclaiming the past, 52:26–46 4 Archivaria 56 Northwest Coast artifacts (book review), 23:161–64 and British Navy (book review), 21:252–53 treaties historical evidence (review article), 53:122–29 Split Lake Indians, 17:261–65 and White relations (book review), 4:245–47 in World War I (book review), 48:223–27 See also Aboriginal archives; Aboriginal records; names of specific Native groups Aboriginal Portraits from the National Archives of Canada (exhibition review), 42:148–50 Aboriginal records Department of Indian Affairs, 1860–1914, 19:50–72 language imprints, Anglican Church (book review), 28:169–72 legal evidence, Canada, 32:51–77 maps, reserves and settlements (book review), 13:137–40 oral, and cultural values, 43:64–88 photographs, British Columbia, 21:68–86 portraits, NAC (exhibition review), 42:148–50 See also Aboriginal archives; Aboriginal peoples Abortion Canadian law (book review), 27:166–68 Abstracts of Theses in Archival Studies at the University of British Columbia, 21:269–74; 27:178–85 Abukhanfusa, Kerstin Principle of Provenance, The: Report from the First Stockholm Conference on Archival Theory and the Principle of Provenance, 2–3 September 1993 (joint editor) (book review), 41:249–51 ACA. See Association of Canadian Archivists ACA Annual Meeting, 1977: A Personal View, 5:188–91 ACA Conference, 3:95–96 ACA Copyright Committee in Reply to Keyes-Brunet, 6:162–63 Academic archives. See University and college archives; names of specific university and college archives Academic freedom history (book review), 48:230–33 Academic Freedom in Canada: A History (book review), 48:230–33 Academic libraries. See names of specific university and college libraries Acadians research sources, inventory (book review), 1:129 Acceptance and Implementation of the Rules for Archival Description by Canadian Archives, The: A Survey, 47:27–45 Index to Archivaria Numbers 1 to 54, 1975–2002 5 Access archival legislation, France (book review, French), 47:167–69 archives in Canada, 6:16–31 national, Australia, 2:20–32 bibliography, 1:136–40; 6:235–38 Bill C-255, proceedings and evidence, Standing Joint Committee, 5:217–18 electronic environment, by users, 45:118–26 manual (book review), 5:215–17 papers literary, 18:220–27 ministerial, 4:3–19 of public figures (book review), 6:195–96 personal information guidelines, PAC (book review), 23:168–69 public archives, disclosure, 32:138–44 as political and social issue, 25:44–50 postcustodial, to historical records, 53:76–93 privacy versus, and records custodians (book review), 35:296–98 private manuscripts, limitations, 23:175–78 public records confidentiality, 6:3–11 Green Paper, 6:192–94 public research and, 16:139–49 records clinical, non-current, 41:61–77 religious, 30:42–54 researchers and, 8:135–38 secret intelligence documents, United Kingdom (review article), 54:124–29 solicitor-client privilege, Canada, 18:135–41 subpoenaed personal records, public archives, 34:138–51 See also Confidentiality; Law and legislation: Access to Information Act (Canada); Law and legislation: freedom of information; Reference Access and Copyright in Literary Collections, 18:220–27 Access Denied: The Access to Information Act and Its Effect on Public Records Creators, 49:84–123 Access Dilemma, The, 8:135–38 Access to Information Act (Canada). See under Law and legislation Access to Information and Privacy: The Ten Information Commandments, 23:4–15 Access to information legislation. See Law and legislation: freedom of information 6 Archivaria 56 Access to the Papers of Recent Public Figures: The New Harmony Conference (book review), 6:195–96 Accessibility and Archives, 6:16–31 Accessibility and Archives: A Response, 7:144–46 Accession manual (book review), 5:215–17 ACCIS. See Advisory Committee for the Co-ordination of Information Systems Accountability public right to know, 3:132 Accounting. See Bookkeeping Accounting Records and Everyday Economic Life in Upper Canada, 1790– 1850, 21:149–57 Acland, Glenda Electronic Record-Keeping Issues and Perspectives (review article), 38:164–74 ACMLA. See Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) historical context (exhibition review), 32:196–98 Acquiring and Preserving Private Records: A Debate, 38:155–63 Acquisition art and the law (book review), 11:248–50 artifact versus information, 40:182–88 bibliography, 2:132–33; 6:233–34 draft model law on archives Canada, 18:58–69; 18:70–83 Northwest Territories Archives, 3:127–28 of fake documents (book review), 39:160–62 federal/provincial jurisdictions, 17:86–105 libraries versus archives (French), 37:35–46 methods of, 18:58–69 personal papers lawyers, 18:142–53 literary, 18:214–19 methodologies, 52:126–35; 52:136–50 photographs, from acquisition to exhibition, 17:106–14 records electronic, control procedures, 36:64–73 government, and records management, 17:201–32 health care (review article), 43:174–79 labour, English Canada, 27:8–24 private, and state funding, 38:155–63 religious archives, PAC, 3:40–56 Index to Archivaria Numbers 1 to 54, 1975–2002 7 scheduling and, 33:78–86 See also Acquisition policy; Acquisitions strategy Acquisition of Federal Government Records, The: A Report on Records Man- agement and Archival Practices, 17:201–32 Acquisition of Lawyers’ Private Papers, The, 18:142–53 Acquisition of Literary Archives, The, 18:214–19 Acquisition policy appraisal and memory, 36:111–21 cartographic archives, 13:3–22; 13:67–88; 13:91–97; 13:99–107 federal, regional records, 33:57–65 multicultural archives, NAC, 52:151–74 Ontario, 1872–1935, 22:12–39 volume, dealing with, 33:66–77 See also Acquisition; Acquisitions strategy Acquisitions strategy cabinet ministers’ papers, by NAC, 25:29–43 electronic series, transformation, 53:31–46 institutional mandates and appraisal, 52:175–83 records appraisal, and, 33:34–56 See also Acquisition; Acquisition policy Across the Great Divide: Archival Discourse and the (Re)presentations of the Past in Late-Modern Society, 53:16–30 Act of Faith, An: Access to Religious Records in English-Speaking Canada, 30:42–54 Actes du colloque sur les archives et recherches régionales du Canada français tenu à l’Université d’Ottawa les 17 et 18 février 1977 (book review, English), 5:226–27 Actes du IVe congrès annuel de l’Association des archivistes du Québec. Archives. Cahier No. 1 (book review, English), 2:108–9 Actors character sketches (exhibition review), 35:309–13 Drainie, John (book review), 29:234–36 Acts of the Appraisers, The: The Context, the Plan and the Record, 34:175–80 Adam, Dawne Tuol Sleng Archives and the Cambodian Genocide, The, 45:5–26 Adams, Virginia M. Whaling Logbooks and Journals 1613–1927: An Inventory of Manuscript Records in Public Collections (joint editor) (book review), 25:120–22 Add. MSS. System, The–PABC, 1:97–98 Administration archival legislation, France (book review, French), 47:167–69 archival theory and practice 8 Archivaria 56 handbook (book review), 29:228–29 keeping archives (book review, French), 27:151–52 archives libraries and, comparison (review article), 27:133–42 sound (book review), 24:138–39 total, discussion, 11:224–27 university, standards (article review), 9:265 bibliography, 1:137–38; 2:128–31; 6:226; 6:228–32 archives and manuscripts, (book review), 3:137 automation, (book review), 11:254–55 capacity, 1877–1920, United States (book review), 20:215–16 descriptive practices, analyzing, 40:99–108 management information (review article), 24:129–36 records, RAMP programme, 31:163–70 results-oriented, 5:165–67 techniques, technological change, 20:94–104 manuals (book review), 8:202–3; 37:158–59 media divisions, 10:249–252 photographic collections (book review), 21:215–16 postmodern theories (book review), 38:204–6 Administration of Cartographic Materials in the Library of Congress and National Archives of the United States, 13:23–39 Administration of Dominion Lands, 1870–1930 (book review), 33:230–32 Administration of Photographic Collections (book review), 21:215–16 Administrator’s Manual: Preservation/Restoration of Documentary Materials (book review), 4:249 Admissibility: A Review and Update, 20:162–65 Admissibility in court archival documents, 34:138–51 computer printouts and microfilm, 18:166–201 records business, 18:154–65 as evidence, 19:196–203 labour, 18:202–13 machine-readable, 20:158–65 public (book review), 20:194–95 See also Law and legislation: Canada Evidence Act ADP (automated data processing). See Electronic records Advertising immigration to Western Canada and (virtual-exhibition review), 49:236–40 Santa tradition, 1930–60 (exhibition review), 34:250–51 Index to Archivaria Numbers 1 to 54, 1975–2002 9 Advisory Committee for the Co-ordination of Information Systems (ACCIS) Management of Electronic Records: Issues and Guidelines (review article), 33:202–16 Advisory Committee on Archives.
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