Greater Lafayette Home Educator‘s Association May/June 2009 Home Sweet School Inside this issue: We invite all home school families to come to the A rea R esou rc es 2-3 W h o W e A re Home School Graduation 2009 Date: May 23, 2009 Time: 1:00 PM. Used Book Sales 4 Location: Faith Baptist Church G ig g lelearn M ath 5 T idb its Jordan Mull Robyn Haley Christina Riepe P rop h etstow n / 6 Andrew Dykstal Hailey Campbell Nathanael Pass F east In form ation Rachel Hodge Hannah Lanz Emily Gray Su m m er Sp orts 7 Reception to follow in the main gym at Faith Community Center until 5pm. T ip p ec an oe T orn ados 8 If anyone could help serve at the reception (especially families of Juniors!), we can use W ild C at C reek C o-op 9 you! Please contact Kathy Hodge at tkhodge@ sbcglobal.net. P lay s an d M u sic 10 M u llen F am ily 11 C on c ession s High School Graduation Open House L earn in g 12 Please join us as we celebrate the homeschool graduation of M in n istra David W ilson Su m m er A c tiv ities 13-14 W olf P ark Saturday, June 6, 2009 2:00-5:00 PM Brag g in g W rites 15 T h an k y ou 1329 W 625 South Lafayette, IN 47909 Q u o V adis N ew s 16 765-538-2772 F aith C om m u n ity C en ter 17 Brig h t L ig h ts Plans for the next season of Quo Vadis P u rdu e C on v os 18-20 T h e A rts 21 Speech & Debate Club Full details and registration information will be on the Quo Vadis webpage on L ib rary E v en ts 22 the GLHEA website by Friday, May 8. In dian a H istoric al 23 E v en ts Meets Fridays, September 4œ December 11 at Faith Community Center ñ Speech 11 AM-12:30 PM, Club meeting 12:30-1 PM, Debate 1-3 PM. F W A H ‘s C on v en tion 24 Families can chose to do either speech or debate or both. H istoric al Soc iety 25 The club meeting is required, however. E v en ts ñ W e ask that the family‘s oldest child should be at least 12 by 1/1/10 to join. However, we sometimes waive this age requirement. Please have a discussion with us if you‘re interested! ñ There are activities for younger siblings as well: Speech activities just for them Gym and swim program Bright Lights Boys‘ Bible study where they‘ll work on outdoorsman‘s skills! 1 Deadline to register is July 1. 3:80k>B00?k>.3::7k Area Resources for Homeschoolers Athletics Sm all Groups/Co-ops The YMCA offers Gym & Swim for homeschool- A small group is a group of homeschooling families who get to ers. Younger and older age groups each enjoy together for field trips, play days, and supporting one another. one hour of guided activity in the gym and one Check out the Small Groups page on the GLHEA website. hour of guided activity in the pool. Meets Tues- day & Thursday 1:30-3:30 pm during the school A co-op differs from a small group in that the mothers take year. Call 474-3448 for more information. turns teaching a different subject to a group of children. In a co-op children can do things that are hard to do at home such Area homeschoolers have banded together to as drama, debate, speech, etc. For more information about a form Homeschool Unified Sports Teams of La- local co-op, W ildcat Creek Co-op, contact Brenda Buehler at fayette (HUSTL). HUSTL forms teams of 574-583-0042 or ebuehler@ quixnet.net. homeschoolers to enjoy team sports Contact ath- letic director Geoff Anderson by email at Christian Schools [email protected]. There are area Christian schools that are committed to helping First Assembly Church offers team sports op- homeschoolers. They offer opportunities in sports, classes, portunities (Children's Soccer (Age 5-12) and field trips, etc. First Assembly Christian Academy frequently Little League (Age 5-14). Contact Chris Johns at offers ways that homeschoolers can be involved (e.g. band for (765) 474-1432 for more information about First 4th grade up). Call 474-1432 to see what is available now. Assembly‘s Recreational Ministries. Faith Christian School has homeschooling liaisons. Call Susan Blake (449-4555) or Bev Moore (567-2252). Lafayette Youth Tennis Programs for Homeschoolers at Christian School has resources, too. (447-3052) Lafayette Sports Center: Call 448-6444 for more information. Faith Community Center–gym & swim, rec leagues, etc. 449-4600 Dance classes: The Dance Conservatory: Contact Shanna Corner, 4-H and Scouting scorner59@ kconline.com, 866-444-1551 W estside Sunshiners 4-H group is predomi- Lafayette Ballet School: Call 423-1633 or check out their web- nately made up of homeschoolers. It meets year site: www.lafayetteballet.org round. Children in 2nd grade are eligible for Mini 4-H and 3rd œ12th graders can participate in regu- lar 4-H. Call Colleen Sipple at (765) 523-2327 for more information. I‘m New to Homeschooling! The Brookston Clovers 4-H Club located in 1. Spend time on the GLHEA website. Many questions can be an- W hite County. For more information, please con- swered there! www.homeschool-life.com/in/glhea tact Jennifer Greene at 563-3301. 2. Read Home Education in Indiana and The Big Book of Home (RJ5GREENE@ aol.com). Learning. Both can be found at the Tippecanoe Public Library in A Boy Scout Troop serving primarily homeschool- Lafayette. ers each meet in the greater Lafayette area. 3. Join the Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE). The Gary and Cathy Scott (squidley@ aol.com or phone number is (317) 859-1202. It‘s free! You‘ll get their bi- 538-3110) about Boy Scouts (6th grade–age monthly magazine, as well as notification about the annual state 18). convention. 4. Think about joining a small support group. An American Heritage Girls group has formed in our area. Based closely on the Boy Scout model, this group provides a structured way to disciple one's daughter in a troop setting. E-mail Cathy Scott (squidley@ aol.com or 538-3110) for infor- mation. 2 3:80k>B00?k>.3::7k GLHEA: Who we are and what we do GLHEA is a Christian organization with Christian leadership. GLHEA exists to provide information for all fami- lies interested in home education, to facilitate communication among homeschoolers in the area, and to organ- ize specific activities for these homeschoolers. Membership Benefits: 6 issues of Home Sweet School newsletter. ñ Discount to a Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) membership. Contact Mari Doerr for more information. mldoerr@ gmail.com or 497-4248 ñ Educator‘s discounts to Barnes & Noble, Borders, W aldenbooks, and JoAnn Fabrics. Some of these businesses ask you to fill out additional applications, but some allow you to show them your GLHEA card and save! ñ Email updates to notify members of information that comes up between newsletters. ñ School level membership to the Tippecanoe County Historical Association. See a listing of TCHA benefits on the GLHEA website! You will need to show them your GLHEA card for these benefits. ñ Full access to the GLHEA website: www.homeschool-life.com/in/glhea ñ Help in finding a small group that is just right for you. Disclaimer: Information, vendors, and ideas listed in any GLHEA publication should not be considered as an endorsement. Likewise they don‘t necessarily reflect the views of the board members. W e do expect parents to use discernment in choosing what information to utilize for their families. To Join: Dues are $10 for one year‘s membership (August to July) if you access your Home Sweet School on-line. If you prefer that it be mailed to you, dues are $20 a year. Half-year subscriptions are also available ($5/$10) after February. Send a check to GLHEA, P.O. Box 527, Lafayette, IN 47902 and a selfœ addressed, stamped envelope. A membership card will be mailed to you. To the new members of GLHEA, —W elcome.“ Here are a few more ins and outs of being a GLHEA member! ñ W e publish 6 issues of Home Sweet School (HSS) per year. (Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec, Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, & July/Aug.) The deadlines for the newsletters are usually the first of the month, and we try to get the newsletters into your mailboxes by the 15th. (For example, our target for the Sept/Oct. issue is September 15.) Usually the on- line version of the newsletter is available around the 10th, and an email is sent to let you know it is on the GLHEA website. ñ Because many of the activities in which we participate are offered to traditional schools, we must register for these events in the spring or summer as they do. That means we registered for things like Purdue Convocations, Feast School Day, etc. in the summer. Please watch future issues of HSS for registration information for next year‘s fall events! (Usually in the May/June issue.) ñ Many opportunities come up in between newsletter issues.
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