Index A Aldwinckle, H. S., 245, 246 Abbad, H., 107 Alegre, L., 151 Abdelkader, A. F., 99 Alexander, M., 327 Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench, 347 Alfaia, S. S., 456 Abreu, S. M., 443 Alfisols in semi-arid regions of South India, Abrol, I. P., 362 343 Abrol, Y. P., 362 arid horticulture, 351 Abscisic acid (ABA) climate and crop calendar, 344–345 accumulation and redistribution, 105 composting, 347 drought resistance and, 103–104 double cropping, 346 mediated mechanism, 80 low-cost gravitational drip irrigation plant growth and, 103 system, 351 plants survival, 104 nutrient status, 344 and stomata closing, 102 pigeon pea, intercropping with, 345 synthesis, 101 productivity, 349–350 Achilea, O., 384 ridge-furrow system and tied ridging, Ackers–White formula, 325 347–348 Acreman, M. C., 313 social mobilization and income-generating Adam-Blondon, A. F., 417 activities, 352 Adamchuk, V. I., 198 soil Adamo, A., 162, 169, 170 analysis, 343 Additive intercropping system, 18 health card, 352 Aditnarayana, J., 385 summer ploughing, 347 Adjei-Nsiah, S., 454 water management, 344 Adopter cycle distribution, 208 Aliasgharzad, N., 129 Adramytini cultivars, 412 Alkanet, 139 Adsorption, Cu and Ni contents removal in Al Khatib, K., 385 WA, 312 Allen, R. G., 313 Africa Alleva, K., 81 intercropping system in, 14 Alleweldt, G., 407, 422 nations and global warming, 5 Allium cepa L., 347 Agbor-Egbe, T., 434 Allothrombium ovatum, biological control of AgGuideTM yield monitor, 199 wheat aphid, 37 Agiorgitiko cultivars, 415 Alluvial soils of Indo-Gangetic Plains, 357 Agricultural practices and extension, 375 ecoregional characteristics of, 358–359 Agroforestry, 364–366 rice-wheat cropping system Ainsworth, E. A., 76, 92, 94, 95 agricultural diversification, 364–370 Akilandeswari self help group, 352 alternative of, 359–360 Albritton, D. L., 78 income per drop of water, 363–364 E. Lichtfouse (ed.), Climate Change, Intercropping, Pest Control and Beneficial 485 Microorganisms, Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 2, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2716-0 BM2, C Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009 486 Index residue management in, 360–362 Aquaculture, 366 soil organic carbon sequestration, 363 Aquaporins soils properties, 359 biological significance of, 74 Almeida, T. I. R., 202, 208 expression/activation, light-dependent, 82 Alpha, C., 417 HgCl2 as blocker, 80 Al-Qadiri, H. M., 471 plant water status, role in, 79–80 Alston, F. H., 246 selective for H2O, 77 Altieri, M. A., 138 water permeability in, 74 Amarger, N., 46 Arabidopsis, water uptake and aquaporin Ambach, W., 81 transcript levels, 82 Amfissis cultivars, 409 Aradhya, M. K., 404, 415 Amigdalolia cultivars, 410 Aral, B., 129 Amla, see Phyllanthus emblica L. Araus, J. L., 107 Amon, J. P., 298 Araya, H. T., 166, 167 Ampelomyces mycoparasites, 238 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), 121 Amri, A., 143 symbiosis Anbumozhi, V., 303 beneficial soil microorganisms, Anderson, R. L., 226, 235 interaction between, 130–131 Andow, D. A., 37 effects of, 129 Angiolillo, A., 409 induced plant drought tolerance, Anilino-pyrimidines fungicide, 252 128–130 Anise, see Pimpinella anisum L. Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), Annicchiarico, P., 111 272–273 Antares resistant cultivars, 245 Arena, M. E., 433 Anzidei, M., 171 Aresta, M., 433–435, 437, 440 Aochi, Y. O., 465 Ariane resistant cultivars, 245 Aonidiella aurantii, red scale, 172 Arjoon, D., 384 Apan, A., 195, 201 Arkhipova, T. N., 126, 127 Apiaceae, genetic amelioration in, 160 Armenta, S., 462 Apoplastic pathway, 73 Armstrong, D., 389 Apple powdery mildew Arnau, G., 100 integrated apple orchards, 261–263 Arnholt, M. W., 198, 207, 210 organic apple orchards, 263 Arnold-Simard, G., 406 See also Podosphaera leucotricha Arnone, J. A., 75, 76 Apples Arnon, I., 138, 160, 168 cultivars, susceptibility for diseases, Arnott, D., 383 243–244 Aroca, R., 121–132 fungal diseases Arrhenius, S., 1–2 non-chemical control approaches, 223 Arroyo-Garc´ıa, R., 407 parameters of, 272 Artemisia spp., 168, 170 production flowering and oil content, 155 ecologically based systems, 275 as insecticide, 172 future trends in, 273–274 Artificial neural networks (ANNs) in soil See also Chemical control for fungal apple analysis, 472–473 diseases; Non-chemical control Artificial wetlands (AW), 295 approaches for fungal apple diseases effectiveness, 300 Apple scab, see Venturia inaequalis biomassbed, 304–305 Application Service Providers (ASPs), 383 constructed wetlands, 305–306 APSIM agronomic models, 205 detention ponds and storm basins, Aqua-agriculture, 355–356 303–304 See also Semi-arid black soils (vertisols) of forested plots, 303 Central India vegetated ditches, 301, 303 Index 487 as nonpoint-source pollution mitigation Baines, R. C., 248 systems Bajawa, S. G., 204 classification, 296–298 Baker, J. L., 297 pesticide removal mechanism in Baker, L. A., 297 biological, 309–313 Baker, N. R., 81 physical and chemical, 307–309 Bakker-Dhaliwal, R., 377, 388 pesticides and pathway, nonpoint-source Bakker, P. A. H. M., 45–61 pollution profile of, 298–299 Balcerek, M., 434 sediment management, 314–315 Baldoni, L., 403–405, 409 treatment objective and research needs, Baldwin mildew susceptible cultivars, 246 306–307 Balogh, A., 99 typology and implementation, 300 Banilas, G., 401–423 water management, 313–314 Banin, A., 468 Ascochyta, foliar necrosis, 171–172 Barea, J. M., 57, 123 Ashelford, K. E., 47 Barnabas, B., 110 Asseng, S., 198 Barnard, C. S., 386 Athelia bombacina Barnes, M., 144 and ascospore production of V. inaequalis, Barranco, D., 408, 410 236 Barrie, I. A., 390 biological control against apple scab, 238 Barthes, B. G., 466 Athiri cultivars, 418 Bartolini, G., 406, 408 Atmosphere Basagaoglu, H., 325 CO2 concentration in Bashan, Y., 47, 48 doubling, prediction on, 1 BassiriRad, H., 79 Keeling curve, 2 Basso, B., 205, 206 composition and anthropogenic activities, Batalla, R. J., 325 72 Batra, L. R., 248, 265 pollution, 10 Battaglia, R., 435 Atrazine removal by P. australis, 311 Batte, M. T., 198, 207, 210 ATR spectroscopy, 461 Bauer, S., 19 Aubertot, J. N., 298 Bausch, W. C., 193 Auernhammer, H., 195 Bautista-Cruz, A., 454 Auge,´ R. M., 102, 128 Bazile, D., 375 Aune, J., 343 Beaudette, P. C., 80 Aureobasidium spp., foliar necrosis, 171–172 Beauty of Boskoop resistant cultivars, 248 Aut/aut law, 154 Beebe, K. R., 472 Autio, W. R., 249, 252, 270, 271 Behl, R. K., 130 Autumn flaming treatment, 235 Belaj, A., 409, 410, 412 Avsar, Y., 306 Beland, F. A., 430, 431 Aylor, D. E., 226 Belding, R. D., 248 Belkin, S., 46, 58 B Bellardi, M. G., 172 Baan, R., 431 Bell, M. A., 387, 388 Bacillus subtilis as antagonists of N. galligena, Bellon, S., 221 238 Bending, G. D., 305 Backman, P. A., 268 Ben-Dor, E., 468 Back-Propagation Neural Networks (BP-ANN) Beneficial soil microorganisms and plant in soil analysis, 474 processes modulation, 122 Bacteria survival characteristics, 48–49 Benzimidazoles as fungicide, 252, 260–261 Bagarello, V., 141 Bergamaschi, L., 325 Baiges, I., 74 Berkett, L. M., 261 Bailey, M., 50 Berkett, L. P., 268 Bailey, M. J., 47 Bernacchi, C. J., 76 488 Index Bernardo, D. J., 386 Bogrekci, I., 467 Berners-Lee, T., 391 Bojcevska, H., 308 Berninger, F., 123 Bolandnazar, S., 128, 129 Bernoux, M., 226 Bond, W., 165 Berrow, M. L., 446 Bongiovanni, R., 191, 193 Berry, J. K., 193 Boning-Zilkens,¨ M. J., 19 Bertrand, A., 438 Boosalis, M. G., 228 Berzaghi, P., 476 Boote, K. J., 205 Besnard, G., 406 Boote, W. D., 205 Bezuidenhout, N., 206 Booth, N., 408 Bezzi, A., 156, 163, 166, 168 Bordeaux mixture, 254, 267–268 Bhargava, H., 383 Borecki, Z., 247, 248 Bhattacharyya, T., 363 Borenstein, A., 466 Bianco, R., 140 Borges, J. G., 375, 385, 388 Bicarbonates as fungicide, 260 Bosshard, E., 241 Biel, S. W., 50 Bostock, R. M., 232, 248 Biggs, B., 223, 248 Bosworth,A.H.,53 Binder, J., 23 Bota, J., 106 Bindi, M., 138, 141 Bottega, S., 151 Bindler, F., 445 Bouchard, R., 303 Biniari, K., 417 Bouchard, V., 304 Bioattenuation, 297–298 Bouldin, J. L., 303, 305, 312 Biofertilizer strains Boulton, R., 433, 435, 437 fate and effect, 52–54 Bouma, E., 384, 392 GM strains as, 54 Bouma, J. E., 50 Biological control agents (BCAs), 235, 237 Bouman, B. A. M., 200 antagonists, 236–239 Bouwmeester, H. J., 151 extracts/oils of plants and composts, Bowers, J. E., 417 239–242 Bradbury, J. H., 433 Biological pesticide removal reactions Bradley, C., 325 adsorption and, 311–313 Bradyrhizobium spp., 54 macrophytes, indirect and direct effects of, under well-watered/drought stress 309–311 conditions, 124–125 microorganisms, 311 Bramely, R. G. V., 191, 193, 194, 198, 199, Biomassbed, 304–305 201, 208 See also Artificial wetlands (AW) Bramley European canker susceptible cultivars, Bioremediation of GMM, 58 247 Birkenhead, K., 53 Braskerud, B., 306, 311 Bishop, C. A., 303 Braskerud, B. C., 324 Bismark European canker susceptible cultivars, Brassica juncea, 366 247 Braunack, M. V., 197 Bisson, L. F., 433, 444 Braun, P. G., 247, 252 Bittergourd, see Momordica charantia L. Bray,E.A.,103 Bjarnestad, S., 462 Brazil, G. M., 59, 60 Blackmer, A. M., 197 Brestic, M., 95, 98, 103, 105, 110, 111 Black soils, see Vertisols Breton, C., 412 Blade, F., 161 Brim, H., 59 Blanco, M., 473 Brina resistant cultivars, 245 Blankenberg, A. G. B., 306, 307, 324 Brisson, N., 205 Bloomfield, J. P., 296, 307 Brix, H., 297, 313 Blouin Bankhead, S., 50, 57 Broad BeanWilt Virus serotype I (BBWV-1), Blum, A., 104 172 Blumthaler, M., 81 Broad bed and furrow system (BBFS), 354 Index 489 Broadmeadow, S., 303 Carberry, P. S., 16, 19, 389 Brockman, F. J., 50 Cardoso, A. P., 434, 445 Bromfield, E. S. P., 50 Cardoso, I. M., 454 Bronzini de Caraffa, V., 406 Carisse, O., 222, 253 Brown, A.
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