COMBINED STATEMENT OF THE RKCh, 1PTS AXD DISSURSKAIh:NTS (A VPARENT AND ACTUAL) THE UX1TKD STATES FOLIC THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1878 COAlB I NED STATE llENT i)F TEER RECEIPTS A ND DISBU RS K 11 ENTS (APPARENT AiVD ACTUALl 'I'HE tJNITED STATES FOR TEIE I& is&-, nl beni ended tuu&. '30, 18'7~E. TREASURY DEPARTMENT IVAsHIN&ETCN, D. ('. , Deeembe& I, 1873. SEz: I» compliauce with instrn&tio»s received f&om yo», I have prepared tbr publication in the Bool- of Estimates a combined statement of the receipts and disburse1»ents of the Govern»1ent, by appropriatio»s, exclusive ot' the principal of the public debt, for the fiscal year ended J»n&* 30, 1873, exhibitiug the various so»&c&s of tl» revenues; th& apparent expenses of each brauch of the service under the several Depart1nc»ls, and of each D& p;«t»1&»t. on;«;co»nt of 'salnri&s, " "oEdjnary exp& nscs, " "public wo&k», " "miscellaneous, " and "unusnal and extraordinary;" an&1 the actual &.&1)&»&see of the same, a»d the actual revenues, by deductions frou1 them of those items which;1ppear i» both accounts by requirements of law, but which are not actual revenues or true expenCktures, and other iten1s on acco»»t of bra»ches of the se& & i«e i»tended to be self-supportiug. the expeuses and revenues of which must by l;&w enter into the accounts of the Treasury. I have the ho»or to be, very respectfully, yonr obedie»t servant, 'HAS F DONA VT Chaef of Warrant Drv&sion. Hou. WM. A. REOHARDSQN, Secretary of the Treas«ry. RECEIPTS 1 t J, Districts. Total by districts. Total by States. C~ross receipts. i Deductions. Xet receipts. Fi'rrnt Cax0riss— Maine: Aroostook, $13, 11( 01 Passamaquoddy. 92 739 59 Machias. :3& 04H 56 Frenchman's Bay. 36 45 Castine. :376 54 Waldoborough. 7, 35G Hl Wiscasset. , . 653 Gl Bath . 11, G35 2H Portland. 572, 008 27 Saco. 53 10 Kennebunk 6 29 Belfast. 7, 368 55 Bangor 16, 836 09 ,j'(25, 236 15 New Hampshire; Portsmouth . 23, 261 78 Vermont . 942, 097 22 Massachusetts: Newburyport 5rd, 450 73 Gloucester. 5, 662 36 Salem 4H, 238 17 Marblehtrad . 588 14 Boston. 20r 662, 215 43 Plymouth 22, 116 69 Fall River. 210, 724 31 Barnstable. 2 H55 38 New Bedford. 40, 867 26 Edgartown. ii78 91 21, 053 397 38 Rhode Island: Providence. 362, 031 33 Bristol . 338 00 Newport. .. .. 2, 350 H!? 3G4, r20 15 Connecticut: Middletown. 2, 364 12 New London. 33, 100 02 New Haven. :343, 552 24 Fairfield. 18, 590 42 Stonington. 1, 719 51 Gu99 32(i 31 Netv York: Genesee. 91, 399 60 Oswego. 921, 011 32 Dunkirk. 7, 852 77 Albany. 121, 121 60 Viagara. .. 6,'35, 774 49 Buffalo. 476, 678 62 Oswegatchie .. 290, 17o r7 New York 126, 824, 899 92 Champlain. 344) H45 29 Cape Vincent „. 59, 502 41 129, 77:3, 261 79 Vew Jersey: Perth Amboy. 892 65 Burlington. 302 20 Newark. 2, 187 79 :3, 3R2 64 Pennsylvania, : Philadelphia .. ir, 023, 930 83 Erie. 56, 865 93 Pittsburgh. 32, 593 59 H, 113, :390 35 Delaware. 20 502 7n Maryland: Baltimore. 7, i3:37, 407 70 Eastern. 28 81 Vienna. H06 85 7. 33R, 243 36, District of Columbia: Georgetown . 6, 584 64! RECEIPTS AND DISBIJRSEMENTS. REI, F IPTH. Districts. 'l otal by d&str&cts. Total by States. Gross receipts. Deductions. Net receipts. From Customs —Continued. Virginia: Richmond. BB6, 969 91 ', Norfolk. 31, 926 60 l Tappahannock. 137 97 Petersburg. .. .. 172, 295 29 Alexandria . 4, 555 06 8295&, H84 H3 ' West Virginia: Wheeling o&-l 65 ' North Carolina: Albemarle . 80 08 Pamlico .. 2, 137 39 Beaufort. 121 90 Wilmington. 115, 702 56 11~. 041 93; South Carolina: Charleston. 167& 648 39 Georgetown. 421 79 Beaufort. 37, 183 29 205&, 254 47 Georgia: Savannah. 197, 811 08 St. Mary' s. 1, 030 41 Brunswick. 8, 708 42 i 207, 549 91 Alabama: Mobile . 111&155 41 Selma. 4, 000 00 115, 155 41 [Btlisstssippi: Pearl River. 4 46 Natchez. 555 03 Vicksburg. 1& 100 81 i 1, 660 30 Florida: Pensacola . 78, 875 40 ~ Key West. 242, 918 51 Fernandina . 1, 650 24 St. Mark's. 592 16 St. John' s. 581 83 Apalachicola. .. 331 00 324, 949 14 &Louisiana: New Orleans. 3, 835, 758 13 Tech'. 318 97 3, 836, ()7& 10 i Texas: Texas. 507& 582 14 Paso del Norte. 27, 167 42 Saluria. 16, 005 52 Corpus Christi. 39, 659 2H i Brazos Santiago . 57, 852 91 648, 267 27 i Tennessee: Memphis . 55, 297 21 Nashville. 5, 017 82 60, 315 Kentucky: 03, Paducah. 17, 837 79 Louisville. 89, 599 H7 Ohio: 107, 437 66 Cincinnati 271, 467 54 Miami. 20, 299 07 Sandusky. .. 3, 369 39 Cuyahoga. 219, 417 45 Michigan: 514, 553 45 Detroit. 309, 427 62 Michigan . H82 45 Superior. 38, 605 97 Huron. 78, 056 63 Illinois: 426& 972 67 Cairo. 17, 883 20 Peoria. .. 3, 881 87 Quincy. 2) 474 51 Chicago. ', 158& 737 99, Indiana: 2. 182, 977 57 Evans' le. , »4(6 27 New 4. lbany. 4, .i. ls;&2 ' 9 924 79 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. 0 F.()EIPTH. Dis(, ricts. Total by districts. Tots, l by States. Crross receipts. Deductions. xct receipts. From Cas(osis —Continued. Missouri: St. Louis xl,. 448, 561 62 Wisconsi n: ldil waukee. 153, 736 05 Ioivii: Burlington. fi932 14 Dubuque 15, 152 56i Keokuk. 922 90 1&, 007 60 .& I 0 &1 t a u &i . 37 589 09 Oregon: Oregon 40, 993 92 Wi! Iamette 224& 220 96 '&65, 214 HH 5liunesota: Duluth. 1HH, 27H 74 Minne&oti& H, 516 66 196, (95 40 Calilornia: San Francisco . x, 167, 207 87 Washington Territory: Puget Hound. 18, 709 52 $188, OHO, 522 70 Less amount refunded for excess of deposits for uuascertained duties, cliarged as au expenditure under the head of "Repayment of excess of deposits for unas- certained duties ". ('k 120, 192 &90 Aiuount refunded for duties collected from importers ou articles sub- sequently exported, charged as au expenditure under thc hen&i of "Debentures and drawbacks ". 1, 17(i, 055 1 x Amount refunded to private parties for duties paid uu;irticles eu- titled to be admitted free, or at less rates, charged:is au expendi- ture under the head of "Refunding duties". .. )34, 552 (&6 Aruount refunded to claiiuants from sale of uuchiinie&l merchaudisc. charged as an expeuditure under the liead of "I.uchiimed mer- chandise ".. .. 1, -!RO HO A. mount returned to pay debentures aud other charges arising from duties, charged as an expeuditure uudcr the head of "Debentures and other charges " . !3 i. 65;i Hl Amount refunded for duties paid ou tea aiul coffee iu public stores or bonded warehouses on July 1, 1872, sul&ject to uo duty, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Refunding duty on tea an&I. .cofiee ". 2.i&. 231 R2 Amount of drawback of duties paid ou niaterials imported into the district" of Chicago, charged as an expenditure under the head of" Drawback on c ertain articles imported into the district of Chicago 1&92, 15.& 95 Amount of duties refunded which had 1&een p;iicl on merchandise de- stroyed or injured while in the custody of ofiicers of' the customs or in bonded warehouses, charged as an expeuditure under the head of "Refunding duty ou goods destroyed in warehouses ".. !lgi "1 Amount refuu&led to the Wiuoua aud Ht. I'eter's Railroad Con&pany for additional duties paid by itou railro;id iron, per act June 4, 1H72, charged as an expeuditure uuder the he;id of "Refunding certain duties paid by the Wiuoua and St. Peter's Railroad Com- pany" 3, 424 2H $4, 921, 684 01 tjll83, 1(37. R3R 66 From fines, penalties, and fort'eitures, (custouis service). 1, 169, 515 3R Less amount charged as an expenditure under the head of "Collect- ing the revenue from customs" ') ll, 920 63 Less amount paid to informers aud others as their share of penalties imposed by tice (Ioverumeut, charged as;u& expenditure under the head of "Distributive shares of fiues, penalties, aud forfeitures ".. !i26, 156 &1 I, ess repayment ot' nioneys accruing froni iiues, penalties, aud for- feitures, or other sources, erroueously receivccl;&ud covered into the Treasury before the paynient of the proper iuforuicrs' moieties. or other legal charges against the same, charged as;iu expenditure under the heacl of "Refunding nioneys erroneously received and covered into the Treasury " 1, 13R 01 I, 169, 515;3H From labor, dray;ige, and storage, (cnstcmis service). xl. 410 1!3 Fro&n weighiug fees, (custonis service) . 5(, 0&3 59 From services of United States otlicers, (custonis service) :)os& 51R 70 From emolument fees, (customs service). ;321 '& l o 61 From mileage of examiuers, (custoius service). 1, 738 90 796, 953 9R I.css aiuount expeu&lcd ou t!&ca& i&ccouuts, charged undei the he;id of collectingreveuue froiu customs". of "Expenses !&6. 953 OR I RECEIPTS AND DISIIURSEMENTS. RECEIPTS. Districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Gross receipts. Deductions. Net receipts. From Internal R« & n«&— Maine: 1st district. .. $124, 363 19 2d district. 27& H68 53 3d district 19, 108 03 4th district. o5, 864 49 5th district . 1'1, 087 25 $214, 291 49 New Hampshire: 1st district. .. 197, 440 96 2d district. .. :.. 105, 509 70 3d district. .. 18& 349 48 321, 300 14 Vermont: 1st district. 18& 978 84 ?d district.
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