amplement 5ßo. 2 to Cï)e palestme ®alette Bo, nu of asmîr &pttl, 1945. ROAD TRANSPORT ORDINANCE. RULES MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 23. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 23 of the Road Cap. 128. Transport Ordinance, the High Commissioner has made the following rules : — 1. These rules may be cited as the Road Transport (Routes and Citation. Tariffs) (Amendment) Rules (No. 2), 1943, and shall be read as one with the Road Transport (Routes and Tariffs) Regulations, 1934, Gaz: 1.3.34, hereinafter referred to as the principal Rules. p. 159. 2. Paragraph (b) of Schedule I to the principal Rules shall be Amendment of amended by the deletion of the following particulars appearing in the paragraph (b) column headed "Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger" in Route of Schedule I A 1. :— to principal Bvtles "(d) Jerusalem—Ramie — 96 mils. (e) Jerusalem—Jaffa — 120 mils." and the substitution of the following therefor : — "(d) Jerusalem—Ramie — 100 mils. (e) Jerusalem—Jaffa — 132 mils." 3. Paragraph (a) of Schedule II to the principal Rules shall be re• Amendment of voked and the following substituted therefor : — paragraph (a) of Schedule II to "SCHEDULE II. principal Eules. HAIFA DISTRICT. (a) ROUTES WITHIN THE HAIFA DISTRICT. These Routes and the Stops thereon shall conform to those specified in the Permit No. Maximum Fare chargeable Description of Route ply per Passenger to Route Number of authorised Omnibuses of Maximum 1 Main Police Station-—Kingsway—Ard el 13 Main Police Station to Naza• Yahud—Nazareth Road to Yajur and reth Road — return via Station Road (East Exten• 7 mils per single journey. sion). Main Police Station to Yajur — 21 mils per single journey. — 377 — 378 THE PALESTINE GAZZETTE NO. 1262—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 22nd April, 1943 No. Maximum Fare chargeable Description of Route ply per Passenger to Route Number authorised of Omnibuses of Maximum 2 Neve Shaanan—Nazareth Road—I.C.I. 6 Business Centre to Neve Sha• Road—Station Road—Kingsway—Stop at anan — Old Business Centre and return via Neve 23 mils per single journey. 2(a). Shaanan—Rushmia Bridge—Hadar Ha- Neve Shaanan to Business carmel. Centre — 11 mils per single journey. 3 Khayat Beach—Kingsway. 15 14 mils per single journey up to 9 p.m. 28 mils per single journey after 9 p.m. 3/4 Central Carmel—Sea Road—Khayat 6 25 mils per single journey. Beach 50 mils per return journey. 4 Ahuzzat Sir Herbert Samuel—Mt. Car• 19 Main Post Office to Mt. Car• mel—Mountain Street—Herzliya Street— mel Hotel — Anaforta Street—Lower Herzliya Street— 28 mils per single journey. Mountain Street—New Commercial Cen• 42 mils per return journey. tre—Jaffa Road—Cemetery Road—Post Main Post Office to Ahuzzat Office and return via Kingsway—Carmel Sir Herbert Samuel — Avenue — Allenby Street — Mountain 30 mils per single journey. Street—Mt. Carmel to Ahuzza. 46 mils per return journey. Main Post Office to Mafhara Quarter — 14 mils per single journey. 21 mils per return journey. 4(a) Mount Carmel—Keith-Roach Avenue— 10 21 mils per single journey. Arlosoroff Street—Balfour Street—Herzl 35 mils per return journey. Corner—Herzl Street—Anaforta Street Stopping places: — and return by same route. (a) Corner Arlosoroff and Bar Giora Roads. (b) Corner Pevsner and Bal• four Streets. Passengers picked up at inter• mediate stations must be charged the full fare for the whole route. 5 Government Hospital—Aliya Street— 18 7 mils per single journey. Carmel Station—Jaffa Road—Silesian Approach Road — Kingsway — Eastern Railway Station—Vehicle Reserve Depot and return via Eastern Railway Sta• tion— Kingsway — Bank Street — Jaffa Road — Carmel Station — Government Hospital. e 22nd April, 1943 THE PALESTINE GAZZETTB NO. 1262—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 379 1 : j j No. j Maximum Fare chargeable Description of Route ply per Passenger to Route Number authorised of Omnibuses of Maximum 6 Hadar Hacarmel — Bourj — Stanton 29 New Commercial Centre — Street—Maronite Church Street— Kham- Herzl Street — ra Square—Jaffa Road—New Commercial 8 mils per single journey. Centre and return via Allenby Street and New Commercial Centre to Stanton Street to Hadar Hacarmel as far any stop beyond Herzl as Hashmonaim Street with diversion to Street — Herzliya Quarter from the Bourj via Law 9 mils per single journey. Courts Road—Anaforta Street—Herzliya Hadar Hacarmel or Herzliya Street—Mountain Road—English High to New Commercial Centre School Street — return to Anaforta 6 mils per single journey. Street—Law Courts Road to the Bourj. 7 Bat Galim—Jaffa Road—Silesian Ap• 12 8 mils per single journey. proach Road—Kingsway—Railway Sta• tion and return via New Commercial Centre—Approach Road to Jaffa Road and Bat Galim. 8 Plumer Square — Kingsway — Station 11 Haifa—Nesher — Road—I.C.I. Road—Nazareth Road— 21 mils per single journey. Nesher—Meshek Yagur—Kiryat Haro- Haifa—Meshek Yagur — shet and Hartieh (Kefar Hasidim) or 28 mils per single journey. Yoqne'am—Kiryat 'Amal and return by Haifa—Kefar Hasidim — the same route or alternative route Yoq• 28 mils per single journey. ne'am or Hartieh (Kefar Hasidim) and Haifa—•Hartieh — Kiryat Haroshet — Meshek Yagur—Ne• 35 mils per single journey. sher—Nazareth Road—Old Power Sta• Haifa—Kiryat Haroshet — tion — Wadi Rushmia Road — Herzl 42 mils per single journey. Street—Hehalutz Street—Bialik Street— Nesher—Junction of Haifa— Herzl Street—Wadi Rushmia Road—Old Nazareth—Acre Road — Power Station—Nazareth Road—Meshek 14 mils per single journey. Yagur. Junction of Haifa—Nazareth —Acre Road to Hadar Ha• carmel — 14 mils per single journey. Haifa—Kiryat 'Amal — 42 mils per single journey. Haifa—Sede Ya'aqov or Alo- nim — 40 mils per single journey. 9 Haifa (Main Police Station)—Neuhard- b 28 mils per single journey. toff—Tira. 11 Haifa (Allenby Square)—Shafa 'Amr. 4 56 mils per single journey. 13 Hadera—Heftsi Bah. 2 Hadera—Heftsi Bah — 16 mils per single journey. 28 mils per return journey. 380 THE PALESTINE GAZZETTE NO. 1262—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 22nd April, 1943 j No. Maximum Fare chargeable Description of Route ply per Passenger to Route Number authorised of Omnibuses of Maximum 14 Haifa—(via Kingsway—Station Road— 44 Haifa—Kiryat Haim—Kiryat Nazareth Road)—Kiryat Haim—Kiryat Bialik—Kiryat Motzkin — Bialik—Kiryat Motzkin—Sabina—Hano- 28 mils per single journey. teah Settlement—Shave Zion—Nahariya- 245 mils for 10 journeys. Mazouba—Hanita—Eilon. Haifa—Kiryat Haim, including Kiryat Haifa—Kefar 'Atta—Hano- Haim Beach. teah— Haifa—Kiryat Motzkin—Kiryat Haim 28 mils per single journey. Beach. Haifa—'Ir Gannim—Kiryat Binyamin— Haifa—Nahariya — Kiryat Frostig—Kefar 'Atta—Ramat Yo- 84 mils per single journey. hanan—Kibutz Chamir or alternative 140 mils per return journey. route. Kiryat Haim—Acre Crossing—Nazareth Haifa—Mazouba or Hanita— Road—Old Power Station—Wadi Rush- 130 mils per single journey. mia Road — Herzl Street — Hehalutz Haifa—Eilon — Street—Bialik Street—Ibn Sina Street— 150 mils per single journey. Baerwald Street—Bourj—Herzl Street— Wadi Rushmia Road—Old Power Sta• tion—Nazareth Road—Acre Crossing— Kiryat Haim, including Kiryat Haim Beach. 15 'Ein hash Shofet—Yoqne'am—Haifa. 1 'Ein hash Shofet—Haifa — 70 mils per single journey. 'Ein hash Shofet—Yoqne'am— 28 mils per single journey. 16 Haifa—Nahalal. 1 70 mils per single journey. 18 Karkur—Hadera Railway Station and 4 70 mils per single journey. Settlement. 105 mils per return journey. 19 Haifa—Damun—'Isfiya—Daliyat el Kar- 2 Haifa—Daliyat el Karmil — mil. 98 mils per single journey. Haifa—'Isfiya — 84 mils per single journey. Haifa—Damun — 70 mils per single journey. 20 Hadar Hacarmel — Rushmia Bridge — 8 11 mils per single journey. Eastern Approach Road to its crossing with Neve Shaanan Road; thence to Na• zareth Street—MacGovan (I.C.I.) Road— Station Road—Main Railway Station or New Power House and return. 21 Haifa—Hosha village via Shafa 'Amr. 1 42 mils per single journey. 22nd April, 1943 THE PALESTINE GAZZETTE NO. 1262—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 381 No. Maximum Fare, chargeable Description of Route ply per Passenger to Route Number authorised of Omnibuses of Maximum 22 Haifa—rbillin village. 1 56 mils per single journey. 23 Mishmar ha 'Emeq—Haifa. 1 28 mils per single journey. 24 'Ar'ara—El Lajjun—Haifa. 2 'Ar'ara—El Lajjun — 42 mils per single journey. El Lajjun—Haifa — 40 mils per single journey. 25 Haifa—Jaba'—'Ein Ghazal—Ijzim. 1 70 mils per single journey. 26 Haifa—Umm ez Zinat—Sabbarin. j 1 56 mils per single journey. 27 Haifa—Beit Lahm—Waldheim. 2 56 mils per single journey. 28 Usha—Kefar 'Atta—'Ir Gannim—Kings- 2 42 mils per single journey. way or Hadar Hacarmel. 29 Umm el Fahrn—Haifa. 1 70 mils per single journey. " 4. Paragraph (a) of Schedule V to the principal Rules shall be Amendment of amended by the deletion of the figure 8 appearing in the column headed paragraph (a) of "Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger" in Routes J.5, J.6 and J.7 Schedule V to and the substitution of the figure 7 therefor. principal Eules. 5. Paragraph (c) of Schedule V to the principal Rules shall be re• Amendment of voked and the following substituted therefor : — paragraph (c) of Schedule V to principal Eules. s» S S ft •o •2 Maximum Fare chargeable Description of Route Set *r O per Passenger H O S (0) LYDDA DISTRICT 86 (a) MAIN ROUTE. INTER DISTRICT ROUTES. Tel Aviv—Ras el 'Ain via Pe• Tel Aviv (Terminal Point, Central Omni• tah Tiqva — bus Station)—Montefiore—Sarona—Naha- 50 mils per single journey. lat Yits-haq—Shekhunat Borokhov— She- (b) EXTENSION: khunat Sheinkin—Tel Binyamin—Ramat Tel Aviv—Montefiore — Gan—Nahalat Gannim—Benei Beraq— 10 mils per single journey.
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