^ MORRIS VENDEN/8 WISLt .©*©,© E. RANDALLBINNS/11 •SAMUEEE BACCHIOCCHI/15 ^e—LEONIE COFFIN/18 Letters/2 ® Editorials/22 e Health and Religion/24 « Computer Corner/28 © Shop Talk/31 ® Biblio File/32 Letters Likes new format for people, down through the ages, to Regarding the issue of moving away from I like your new format, beginning with understand that something could be friends, I'd like to add that constant the January, 1986, issue.—Rabbi J. S. made out of that which is invisible, but moving also makes it more difficult to Schapiro, Long Island, New York. that day is now long gone. We have remain close to the extended family. Our learned that energy is invisible. God family became almost an island unto Received your "new" MINISTRY yester made all things out of energy eternally itself, separated from other branches by day. The new table-of-contents front existent in Him. Something cannot thousands of miles. I very much missed page is catchy and handy, and I do like come out of nothing.—Henry C. John- growing up with cousins (as my peers the layout. sen, Indianapolis, Indiana. did) and getting to know aunts, uncles, There are some things I miss now: like But from what did He make the energy? Ex and grandparents. However, on the the "sermon-in-a-picture" front covers nihilo creation is generally understood to other hand, such moving habits also that spoke powerfully, whether or not mean that God was not dependent on fostered a closer relationship within the the magazine was ever opened; like the anything outside of Himself. Eds. nuclear family than I regularly see in cleric typestyle capitals that started each other families. article; and especially the fine-quality These articles were extremely inter I agree with many of the other paper, printing, and high-resolution esting, and while I do not understand the sentiments expressed and would say that photos. mystery of a universe made visible the bottom line is that it was exciting As always, the article content is because it is under observation, yet I was and a privilege to grow up that way.— superb. As with God's Word, no matter fascinated by the idea, and the whole Loga Michelle Odom, Newark, New what the wrappings, I expect to find mystery of Creation. Please print more of Jersey. edification, and do.—H. Haskell Wil such articles. liams, Lakeland, Florida. And while I am writing, I want to Fair, fat, and 40 thank you for sending MINISTRY to me. I I enjoyed your comments, although it deeply appreciate it.—Reverend Science and creation seems to me that 40 is a bit early to be Thomas F. King, Wichita, Kansas. May I first of all express my apprecia referring to the aging process! tion for MINISTRY, which has come to me You may be interested in the enclosed for a long time. Sent meditation item I wrote on reaching the age of 90. I Way back in my history, as far back as I was so impressed by William Love may be thinking about aging in another I can remember, I have been told that less' article on Christian meditation ten years—though, who knows, the next God made everything out of nothing, (January issue) that I sent copies to our phase may begin most anytime. I haven't and for a great number of years I have six grown children. the slightest fear of death, though I don't been almost irritated enough to respond Also, before I finished the magazine, I look forward to the pain of dying.—Roy S. Smyres, Ithaca, New York. to this ipse dixit, but until today I have found one bit of often-repeated chau refrained from doing so. What finally vinism, about Sarah laughing at God's brought me to act is this statement from promise, in your editorial "Martha and More on abortion an otherwise splendid article, "How the Beast," which was otherwise excel I have just read Kevin Paulson's letter Science Discovered Creation" (January, lent. The fact is, Abraham also laughed in the January, 1986, issue of MINISTRY. 1986), to wit, "Conservative Bible at the promise (Gen. 17:17).—Helen To argue for abortion because the Bible students have, of course, believed in Wessel, La Mesa, California. doesn't specifically condemn it (his idea) such an ex nihilo creation all along ..." But not after he had spent an afternoon would be like arguing against the moral (italics mine). God did not bring about conversing with the Lord, which was the law, or the Trinity, or against the use of all things out of nihilo. He informs us that point of the illustration. Eds. the word sacrament, or against using the "the worlds were framed by the word of word omniscient or omnipresent to God, so that things which are seen were Children reply describe God simply because we don't not made of things which do appear." As a "PK," I enjoyed reading Betty find those specific words in the Bible. In John 1:14 it is written that "the Gibb's article "Children of the Parson The fact is that in several places the Word was made flesh"—the Word is also age" (January, 1986). Scriptures refer to unborn persons as invisible. The article touched on many of the though they were something of consider- To be sure, it must have been difficult issues associated with this lifestyle. (Continued on page 30) If you're receiving MINISTRY bimonthly without having paid for a subscription, it's not a mistake. Since 1928, MINISTRY has been published for Seventh-day Adventist ministers, but we believe the time has come for clergy everywhere to experience a resurgence of faith in the authority of Scripture and in the great truths that reveal the gospel of our salvation by grace, through faith alone in Jesus Christ. We want to share with you our aspirations and faith in a way that we trust will provide inspiration and help to you too. We hope you will accept this journal as our outstretched hand to you. Look over our shoulders, take what you want and find helpful, and discard what you cannot use. Bimonthly gift subscriptions are available to all licensed and/or ordained clergy; requests should be on church letterhead. MINISTRY/MAY/1986 EDITOR. First Glance J. Robert Spangler EXECUTIVE EDITOR. J. David Newman ASSISTANT EDITORS: David C. Jarnes Kenneth R. Wade EDITORIAL ASSOCIATE AND When the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, "What must I do FIELD REPRESENTATIVE: to be saved?" he raised the most important question in the world, Rex D. Edwards next to which all others pale into insignificance. Our first three CONTRIBUTING EDITORS. articles are all related to the great theme of righteousness by faith. Robert H. Brown P. Gerard Damsteegt Carlyle B. Haynes relates his experience of preaching the gospel for Raoul Dederen fifteen years as an unconverted man. He tells what changed him and Lawrence T. Geraty Roland R. Hegstad then describes the meaning of righteousness by faith. Morris Marie Spangler Venden's takeoff on Martin Luther presents 95 new theses on Leo R. Van Dolson righteousness by faith. We solicit your comments on this, the most CONSULTING EDITORS: important subject in Scripture. E. Randall Binns treats us to an C. E. Bradford Stoy Proctor overview of the Mosaic sanctuary, whose raison d'etre was to show Richard Lesher the way of salvation. Kenneth J. Mittlieder N. C. Wilson "The Call to Motherhood" will be just in time to give you ideas for SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS: your Mother's Day sermon. And while you're on the subject of Floyd Bresee mothers, you will want to read a mother's story of how she and her Carlos Aeschlimann family live on one modest salary. See "Living on One Wage." EDITORIAL SECRETARIES Ella Rydzewski Our health article presents evidence that might displease some Mary Louise McDowell and twinge the conscience of others. Dr. Bosley presents the latest ART DIRECTOR: research that shows the harmful effect of even moderate amounts of Byron Steele alcohol. DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Mark O'Connor The editorials share common themes. One deals with whether G. W. Busch there is a place in the church for a loyal opposition, while the other MARKETING: examines Christians' propensity for spending more time fighting Tom Kapusta each other than their common enemy. ADVERTISING SALES: Jeff Blumenberg We really enjoy hearing from our readers; we read every letter and SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: try to respond to all of them. Those that disagree with us are often Larry Burtnett helpful, sometimes causing us to re-think, re-shape, and re-form. So INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENTS: please keep the letters flowing. Africa-Indian Ocean, John W. Fowler Eastern Africa, Harry A. Cartwright Euro-Africa, Johannes Mager Far East, James H. Zachary Inter-America, Salim Japas North America, William C. Scales, Jr. VVwW-dA©v Trans-Europe, Mark Finley South America, Amasias Justiniano South Pacific, A.D.C. Currie Southern Asia, Saudagar Chand MINISTRY, the international journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Ministe rial Association © 1986, is published bimonthly by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and printed by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740, U.S.A. Subscriptions: US$19.95 a year in U.S., US$22.95 a year elsewhere. Single copy: US$2.00. Member Asso ciated Church Press. Send address changes to MINISTRY, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagers town, Maryland 21740. Editorial Office: 6840 Eastern Avenue NW., Washington, D.C.
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