FALL 2016/SPRING 2017 5652 Sand Rd., Bellingham, WA 98226 | TEL 800-416-8640 | FAX 888-506-1236 | EMAIL [email protected] | WEB http://fourthcornernurseries.com NATIVE PLANTS OF NORTH AMERICA | WHOLESALE PRICE LIST dug at dormancy and frozen for extended stor- What’s New at Fourth Corner Nurseries age. Camassia (Camas), Dodecatheon (Shooting Star), Echinacea (Cone Flower), and Symphyot- Here at Fourth Corner Nurseries we are al- Pricing: richum [Aster] species had high viability under ways looking for new challenges. We want to We have removed the sizes and pricing of our these conditions, as well as Sisyrinchium ida- give you, our customers, a broad selection of trees, shrubs, and conifers from the catalog. hoense (Western Blue-eyed Grass). These and healthy plants that work well for your projects. For up-to-date availability and pricing for bare other high-demand species will be available This year we are growing new plant species, root trees and shrubs, and container plants, go through the winter, with species-appropriate adjusting the digging schedule for perennials to our website: http://fourthcornernurseries. storage techniques: freezing, refrigeration, or and utilizing new storage methods, and growing com. We will also email monthly updates. digging to order. some species in tubes, trays, and small pots. Plant Availability: Our catalog is full of information, and we want You may notice some changes in the months to ensure that our customers are able to access when certain bare root plants are available. that information. The availability is based on the optimum time • Page 2 has the Common Name Index, to dig each species with the best replant- divided by category of plant: Trees & Shrubs, ing success. We are only digging perennials Conifers, etc. to make it easier to find the type when they go dormant in fall, and before they of plant you need. emerge in spring, with larger volume species • Page 3 shows the Wetland Indicator Status available through the winter. Grasses, sedges, chart, Contact Information for staff at FCN, and rushes are available April through Novem- entries about Plant Availability, Ecoregions, ber, with a few exceptions. Before April many Custom Propagation Services, Plant Nomencla- of them have not emerged from the ground, ture, and additional information to assist you making digging and replanting success more when purchasing plants from us. difficult. • Page 4 starts our plant listings. The plants are listed by category, then alphabetically Storage of perennials and bulbs: by scientific name, Genus species (Common The majority of our perennials and bulbs will Name). be available during their ideal harvest windows: • Eating Native—Recipes From The Field is on fall and early spring for perennials and late Page 11. summer and fall for bulbs. Our 2015-16 freezing trials resulted in a subset of species that can be I see the use of native plants in habitat restora- Camassia leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii (Suksdorf's Great Camas) tion and home gardens continue to grow and evolve everywhere I visit. On recent Interna- tional Plant Propagators Society trips to the U.S. Gulf Coast and New Zealand, the use of native plant material from carefully-tracked seed collections was in great demand. We be- lieve this trend will continue, and even though we now have decades of experience honing our craft we also realize that the restoration methods and plants used today will very likely Greetings, continue to change in the years ahead. We ap- On behalf of all of us here at Fourth Corner preciate the practical experience and advice Nurseries I’d like to take this opportunity to we receive and always try to put it to good use. Camassia leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii (Suksdorf's Great Camas) thank you for your support and friendship. This Our sincere wish is to continue to provide you Typical large-sized bulbs on the left, and small-sized bulbs past spring was the busiest bare-root ship- on the right with the highest quality plants possible and to ping season in our history. It’s also been a very (continued on page 10) be a resource for native plant information and productive and interesting year for us with innovation. Once again, we thank you and hope the introduction of a number of new perenni- you have a prosperous and productive year INSIDE THIS ISSUE: als and the purchase of an additional 10 acres, ahead. which now gives us just under 90 acres of field What's New at Fourth Corner Nurseries......................1 and forest. Our propagation staff continues to Greetings from Todd Jones ......................................1 Warm regards, experiment with new plant offerings and prod- Common Name Index...............................................2 ucts, including an expanded selection of cell- Contact Information................................................3 grown aquatic and broadleaf plants. Todd Jones, General Manager, Fourth Corner Nurseries Wetland Indicator Status..........................................3 Reference Information.............................................3 Trees & Shrubs........................................................4 Conifers................................................................. 8 Live Stakes.............................................................8 PRSRT STD Purchase Order Form...............................................9 U.S. Postage "Eating Native –Recipes from the Field".....................11 PAID Herbaceous Perennials............................................12 Lynden, WA Grasses, Rushes, Sedges..........................................17 PERMIT NO 20 Aquatics................................................................19 Bulbs....................................................................20 Common Name Index TREES & SHRUBS HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS GRASSES, SEDGES, RUSHES Alder 4 Alumroot 14 Arrowgrass 19 Ash 5 Anemone 12 Brome 17 Aspen 6 Arnica 12 Bulrush 17, 18, 19 Birch 4 Aster 15, 16 Cattail 19 Blackberry 6 Avens 13 Fescue 18 Buckbrush 4 Balsamroot 12 Horsetail 18 Buttonbush 4 Beach Pea 14 Mannagrass 18 Cascara 5 Beardtongue 15 Meadow Barley 18 Ceanothus 4 Beebalm 14 Oatgrass 17 Cherry 6 Bergamot 14 Oniongrass 18 Chokeberry 4 Biscuitroot 14 Rush 18 Choke Cherry 6 Blanket Flower 13 Saltgrass 17 Cinquefoil 5 Blazing Star 14 Sedge 17 Coffeeberry 5 Bleeding Heart 13 Spikerush 17 Cottonwood 5 Bluebells 14 Sweetgrass 18 Crabapple 5 Blue-eyed Grass 16 Threesquare 18 Cranberry 7 Boykinia 13 Tufted Hairgrass 17 Currant 6 Brookfoam 13 Wildrye 18 Dogwood 4, 5 Buttercup 15 Wool Grass 19 Elderberry 7 Checkerbloom 15 Gooseberry 6 Checkermallow 15 Hackberry 4 Cinquefoil 15 Hawthorn 5 Coltsfoot 15 Hazelnut 5 Columbine 12 Honeysuckle 5 Compassplant 16 Huckleberry 7 Cone Flower 13, 15 LIVE STAKES Indian Plum 5 Cow Parsnip 14 Maple 4 Devil's Club 14 Mock Orange 5 Echinacea 13 Live stakes are made to order, and are available for Mountain Balm 4 Eryngo 13 the following species. Please specify your desired Mountain Mahogany 4 Field Mint 14 length when placing your order. The caliper will New Jersey Tea 4 Fireweed 13 vary from 1/4" – 1"; we do not grade by caliper size. Ninebark 5 Fleabane 13 Live stakes have the highest success rate in our Oak 6 Fringecup 16 area when planted between October and March. Ocean Spray 5 Ginger 12 Oregon Box 5 Goatsbeard 12 Black Cottonwood 5 Oregon Grape 5 Goldenrod 15 Hooker Willow 6 Plum 6 Goose Tongue 15 Pacific Willow 7 Raspberry 6 Grasswidow 14 Red Twig Dogwood 5 Redbud 4 Grayfeather 14 Sitka Willow 7 Rose 6 Gumweed 13 Salal 5 Hedge-nettle 16 Salmonberry 6 Inside-out Flower 16 Sandcherry 6 Iris 14 Serviceberry 4 Ironweed 16 Snowberry 7 Joe Pye Weed 13 Soapberry 7 Lupine 14 Soapweed 7 Meadow-rue 16 Spice Bush 4 Milkweed 12 Spirea 7 Monkeyflower 14 Sumac 6 Mosquito Bills 13 AQUATICS Sweet Gale 5 Mugwort 12 Sweetshrub 4 Mule-ears 16 Thimbleberry 6 Onion 12, 20 Arrowhead 19 Twinberry 5 Oregon Sunshine 13 Buckbean 19 Viburnum 7 Oxeye 13 Bur-reed 19 Willow 6, 7 Pearly Everlasting 12 Cinquefoil 19 Witchhazel 5 Penstemon 15 Marshlock 19 Yucca 7 Piggyback-Plant 16 Pond-lily 19 Plantain 15 Skunk Cabbage 19 Prairie Smoke 13 Speedwell 19 Pussytoes 12 Veronica 19 Ragweed 12 Wapato 19 Rosemallow 14 Water Plantain 19 Sea Thrift 12 Sedum 15 Self Heal 15 Shooting Star 13 BULBS Silverweed 12 Snakeroot 12 CONIFERS Sneezeweed 13 Brodiaea 20 Sorrel 15 Camas 20 Spring Gold 14 Checker Lily 20 Cedar 8 Stonecrop 15 Fool’s Onion 20 Douglas Fir 8 Strawberry 13 Fritillary 20 Fir 8 Tickseed 13 Lily 20 Hemlock 8 Verbena 12 Onion 12, 20 Juniper 8 Violet 16 Ookow 20 Pine 8 Waterleaf 14 Rushlily 20 Redwood 8 Water Parsley 14 Triteleia 20 Spruce 8 Waterparsnip 15 Yampah 20 Woolly Sunflower 13 Wormwood 12 Yarrow 12 Youth on Age 16 2 for Your information Contact Information Grading Terms and Conditions We take care to grade and ship high-quality, healthy Prices in this list are for stock on hand; availability BARE-ROOT NATIVE PLANT SALES AND SHIPPING plants, true to name and count. Height grades are and price may change. Volume discounts are built Angie O'Hare, [email protected] measured from the soil line. Transplants are mostly into this pricing structure. Prices do not include Georgia Mitchell, [email protected] but not always branched and have more developed shipping. Non-credit customers or customers placing Shelley Weisberg, [email protected] Phone: (360) 592-2250 root systems than seedlings. If you require spe- contract growing orders must submit a 25% deposit. Fax: (888) 506-1236 cial grading regarding branching or root systems, The balance is due in full before shipping for all Address: 5652 Sand Road, Bellingham, WA 98226 or quantities other than our standard bundle size, non-credit customers. We accept Visa and Master please ask and we will do our best to meet your Card. A 25% restocking charge will be billed on can- CONTRACT GROWING & SEED needs for a small additional charge. celed or returned orders. Dylan Levy-Boyd, [email protected] Phone: (360) 592-2250 Fax: (888) 506-1236 Plant Availability Minimum order: Total order $100.00 minimum. Each species listing is accompanied by a graphic Plants are sold in multiples of 50.
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