passages New Accents in Swiss Music Promotion Swiss-Indian Comics p. 8 | Ten Years in Cape Town p. 40 The British Council p. 46 tHe cUltUral MagaZine oF Pro HelVetia, no. 47/2008 Carnival figure in Urnäsch (2006) Photo: Lukas Wassmann 2 editorial Transitions The music industry is undergoing radical change. Album sales are dwindling, the major labels are in crisis, retailers are closing their doors. At the same time the internet is booming: digitalization has created un- precedented new channels of distribution for music. Perhaps most sur- prisingly, live music events are flourishing as never before. For pop music in particular, the crisis is also an opportunity. The de- cline of global music corporations has made room for innovative inde- pendents. Online communities like MySpace and YouTube offer new strat- egies for self-promotion and for reaching potential fans around the world. The Swiss pop and jazz scene has also benefited from these developments, growing and multiplying in all directions. Even folk music – which has not enjoyed a lot of cultural support – is experiencing a renaissance and making effective use of the new technologies. The hootenanny has now gone online. Such wide-ranging transitions also pose new challenges for cultural policy. The transformation of the music industry and the resulting shifts in cultural support are the subject of this issue of Passages – while the magazine has undergone its own transformation. In its Dossier section Passages continues to focus on noteworthy topics in cultural policy and to profile art and culture from Switzerland. In addition, the magazine now includes some new features: coverage of Pro Helvetia’s projects, extensive cultural reports, portraits of our part- ners, sharp commentary by outside observers, and visits to Pro Helvetia’s liaison offices around the world. This issue also marks a change in the Passages editorial office. Our longtime senior editor Andreas Langenbacher is moving on to a new post in Pro Helvetia’s Literature and Society department. With his fine intui- tion for new and interesting topics, he was responsible for the rich sub- stance of Passages. We thank him for his achievements, and welcome sea- soned editor Janine Messerli to the masthead. From now on she will supply the multi-faceted look at the world that makes Passages so unique. Pius Knüsel Director, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia 3 contents 12–39 DossieR New Accents in Swiss Music Promotion 2 GalleRY 40 Local Time A Showcase for Artists Cape Town: The Challenges This issue features four of Cultural Cross-Fertilization works by photographer Matthew Krouse Lukas Wassmann (pages 2/5/44/47) Cairo: Can Dance Be Nourish- ed by Camel-Knee Soup? 3 EDITORIAL In keeping with the theme of this issue, Salome Schneebeli Transitions Andri Pol presents a selection of his Pius Knüsel photographs on the subject of music, 43 Coming UP taken throughout Switzerland. ReadeRS’ FORum 6 PRO HelVetia Newsflash Passages Online Folk Culture for the Future / 14 “We Need to Focus More on ImpRessum Summertime: Festival Time / Reaching Audiences” Switzerland Meets China / Thomas Meyer interviews 45 PARtneR PRofile TRADUKI – Literary Thomas Gartmann The British Council Encounters with South “When things break down, East Europe 18 There’s Nothing More Serious cultural relationships Than Entertainment can keep the channels of 8 REPORTAGE John Wolf Brennan communication open.” Cities Individual and Shared Lilo Weber Susanne Schanda (Text) 21 Sounds from the Digital Jungle Julian Salinas (Photos) Judith Wyder 46 Viewpoint Publishing Without Editing 25 Swiss Folk Music at the Isabelle Rüf Crossroads Franz-Xaver Nager 30 Artists’ Grants for Pop Music: A Contradiction in Terms? Markus Ganz 35 Supporting Emerging Talent Pierre-Jean Crittin interviews Marc Ridet and Christian Steulet Andri Pol (b. 1961 in Berne) lives in Weggis Lukas Wassmann (b. 1980) is based in Zurich and Basel. The self-taught photographer and Berlin, where he studied photography after regularly publishes his work in magazines such first training as a carpenter. One-man shows as Time, Geo and Neon. His most recent photo in Basel, Zurich and Paris. book is Grüezi (with texts by David Signer), He has self-published Straight Forward (2002), DJ at a Christmas party in Tokyo. in English and German editions, Kontrast Watermillions (2004) and Holzkopf (2006). Photo: Andri Pol Verlag, Zurich. www.andripol.com www.lukaswassmann.com 4 From the series hang in there (2007) Photo: Lukas Wassmann 5 PRO HELVETIA NEWsFLASH Summertime: Festival Time Folk Culture for the Future The Alpine chant has arrived downtown of the future. Chosen Evening scenes at Zurich’s from 133 submis - Theaterspektakel sions, the 10 winning projects whet the When the days grow longer and appetite for new cul- the evenings warmer, festivals bloom tural worlds and all over Switzerland, showcasing live Ethnokitsch or a revival of tradi- close the gap between contemporary performances of all kinds. These five tion? Yodelling, folk dancing, folk art and folk culture. They will be festivals offer audiences a broad spec- music and old customs are experienc- presented at the “Echoes” closing trum of new works to discover in ing a renaissance and entering into festival from 19 – 21 September 2008 theatre, music and dance. In Fribourg contemporary artistic practice. The in St. Gallen. The festival marks the the Belluard Bollwerk International winning projects from Pro Helvetia’s conclusion of the two-year transdisci- celebrates its 25th anniversary and “Echoes – Folk Culture for Tomorrow” plinary programme, which included includes walking tours featuring glimp- programme are prime examples art projects, public debates and con- ses into unexplored corners of the city. of a larger trend. ferences. The discussion is far from over, The transdisciplinary and cosmopolitan however: Where is folk culture headed? La Bâtie held in Geneva and neigh- “Loba, zuä Loba, i Gottes Name What kind of cultural support does it bouring France boasts over 50 perform- Loba!” – Chanting to praise the Lord need? And what does the new flowering ances of dance, theatre and music. and bless the cattle is a centuries-old of traditional folk music mean for A large variety of theatre productions tradition practiced by herdsmen in music sponsorship? See Franz-Xaver will be on view at the Festival des arts the Alps, who would call down from the Nager’s article on p. 25 and join the vivants in Nyon, and Zurich’s Theater- mountaintops each evening and be debate online: spektakel features highlights from heard across the valleys. Echoes of those www.blog-volkskultur.ch. Africa, Asia and Latin America. The calls have now reached today’s urban www.pro-helvetia.ch/echos/ Zurich Festspiele kick off the festival centres, as the Loba Town project www.lobatown.ch season in late June. For information shows: rappers, performers, poets and programmes online: and herdspeople have transposed the www.batie.ch traditional Alpine litanies into the www.belluard.ch www.festival-far.ch context of contemporary city life, blow- www.theaterspektakel.ch ing modern melodies into 15 over- www.zuercher-festspiele.ch sized wooden horns. Loba Town is one of 10 winning projects from the “Echoes – Folk Cuture for Tomorrow” competition, initiated by Pro Helvetia to encourage the mingling of tradition and innovation and pave the way for the folk culture 6 Photos:Alpine chant: Andri Pol; Theaterspektakel: Hans X.Hagen; Installation: Yves Netzhammer Switzerland Meets China technology by established and up - coming of artists from over 30 coun- tries. Synthetic Times includes art works, performances, workshops and China’s arts and symposia, and documents the search for culture scene is experi- new artistic responses to a society encing rapid growth. increasingly dominated by technology. Artists show great inter- The exhibition will also facilitate con- est in new and experi- tacts between artists from both coun- mental forms, while tries and from Chinese universities. audiences are eager to Pro Helvetia supports 4 Swiss pro- discover Western art. ductions: Mission Eternity-Etoy, Yves This October Pro Helve- Netzhammer, Knowbotic Research and tia will launch a two- Jeffrey Huang Design Lab. year pilot programme www.prohelvetia.ch/china0810 for cultural exchange www.mediartchina.org with China. With “China 2008–2010” the Arts Council is seeking to develop stable partner- ships for long-term cooperation, especially in the thriving informal sector. Installation by the Swiss A pre-event will be held in June artist Yves Netzhammer 2008 in Beijing, with the opening of the exhibition Synthetic Times – Media Art China 2008 at the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC). It features 50 installations in the areas of art and TRADUKI – Literary Encoun- work, but by TRADUKI, a multilateral programme: it is a project with European ters with South translation programme launched this political relevance, encouraging dialo- spring. gue between South East Europe and the East Europe TRADUKI means “to translate” in German-speaking countries. Esperanto. Selected works of contem- TRADUKI is a joint initiative of porary fiction, non-fiction, children’s Pro Helvetia, the German Federal and youth literature are to be translated Foreign Office, the Austrian Ministry into the languages of the participating for European and International Affairs, Albania, Austria, Bosnia and countries with the support of TRADUKI. KulturKontakt Austria, the Goethe Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, In addition, work grants and readings Institut and the S. Fischer Foundation. Germany, Kosovo, Macedonia, aim to promote cultural exchange and Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, encounters between authors, translators Switzerland. These countries have and publishers in South East Europe. not been linked by a new railway net- TRADUKI is more than just a translation 7 rePortage ago and I will be leaving from here again,” he says laconically. He steps back and aims his camera at the statue of Alfred Escher, the people on the square, a streetcar pass- ing by and the railway station in the back- Cities Individual ground.
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