News at random Objekttyp: Group Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1953) Heft 1207 PDF erstellt am: 28.09.2021 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind. Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, www.library.ethz.ch http://www.e-periodica.ch Che Swiss Obseroer Founded in 1919 by Paul F. Boeiiringbr. The Official Organ of the Swiss Colony in Great Britain j4dwisory Council : r. de cintra (C/iairman) ; ü. f. boehringer, ls. chafuis, j. eusebio, Gottfried keller, r. j. kbller, r. ppbnningbr, a. stauffbr, g. e. sutkr. EDITED BY A. STAUFFBR WIT1I THE CO-OPERATION OF MEMBERS OF THE SWISS COLONY IN GREAT BRITAIN. Telephone: Clerkenwkll 2321/2. Published Twice Monthly at 23, Leonard Street, E.C.2. Telegrams: Freerinco, London. Vol. 38. No. 1207. FRIDAY, JUNE 26th, 1953. Pbice 11D. PREPAID SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Mr. Otto Wichser, at present one of the chief (Fortnightly issue.) engineers of the Swiss Federal Railways, has been UNITED KINGDOM j 6 issues, post free 6/- appointed General Manager. 12 issues, free 11/6 AND COLONIES -j post He horn 1910 and (24 issues, free 21/- was in in Herisau, is a citizen post of Linthal (Ct. Glarus). Mr. Wichser studied at the SWITZERLAND j 12 issues, post free Frs. 7.— 24 issues, post free Frs. 13.50 Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich. He (Swiss subscriptions may be paid into Postschccfe-Konto entered into the service of the Swiss Federal Railways Basic F 17J#,). in 1911, and in 1946 was in charge of the bridge service. In 1918, he was appointed one of the chief engineers of the Federal Railways. A registered envelope addressed to a Cantona/ Bank in Zurich, and handed in at a The Federal Council has appointed Post Office in has dis- Fet/erc/ to Lucerne, Monsieur Jean-Frédéric Wagnière appeared. It contained foreign notes to the value of the post of Swiss Minister to Yugo- 75.000.— frs. A reward of 5,000.— frs. for the succession M. Robert Kohli. slavia, in to recovery has been offered, [a.t.s.] Minister Wagnière was born in Berne in 1899, and • » * is a citizen of Fey, Rueyres (Vand) and Cologny The Mayor of San Francisco, Mr. Elmer Robinson, (Geneva). On obtaining his degree as a lawyer, he has paid an official visit to Zurich. On his arrival at was appointed Secretary of the International Com- Kloten he was received by the Mayor of Zurich, Dr. mission for the Tort of Danzig, and afterwards E. Landolt, Dr. Berchtold of " Swissair ", and Mr. occupied a post in a Banking concern at Geneva. Florian Niederer, Sub. Manager of the " Schweiz. He entered the Diplomatic Service in 1934, and Zentrale für Verkehrsförderung ". eight years later (1942) was promoted to the rank of After a Press Conference, the distinguished visitor Counsellor of Legation. From 1915-1948, he was was entertained to dinner by the municipal authorities Chargé d'Affaires in Denmark, and until recently at the " Muraltengut ". [a.t.s.] occupied the post of an Observer at the United Nations » # in New York. The late Fritz Schiesser, a teacher at the Rüti * * * and Schwändi schools (Ct. Glarus), has left an amount The Belgian Government has raised their Berne of 29,500.— frs. for various charitable institutions. Legation to the rank of Embassy. Minister Vicomte [a.t.s.] de Lantsheere has presented his credentials as » * » Ambassador to the President of the Swiss Confedera- Dr. Walter Früh, a citizen of Zurich and tion. Mogelsberg (St. Gall), and until recently States Prosecutor of the canton of Zurich, has been appointed The Federal Council has decided to create a new Police Commissioner for the canton of Zurich, in Legation in Afghanistan. The Swiss Minister to succession of Dr. J. Niei ergelt who has retired. Persia, Monsieur Escher has been accredited to Kabul, [a.t.s.] retaining his post in Persia. * * » The two Federal Chambers have elected Dr. René Perrin, a member of the Federal Supreme Court, in CITY SWISS CLUB succession to Dr. Logoz who has recently resigned. The new Federal judge was born in 1910, and studied law at the University of Neuchâtel; after Will Members please note that no having practised for some time as a lawyer, he was, Meetings are to be held during July and during the last war with B1GA (Bundesamt für Industrie, Gewerbe und Arbeit). Since 1916, Dr. August. Perrin occupied the post of Secretary at the Federal Supreme Court. They will be advised in due course * * The Federal Council has appointed Mr. Hans of the resumption of our activities in Peter Keller to the post of Director of the Federal September next. Wheat Administration, in succession to Mr. Werner Laesser, who has vacated the post on reaching retiring THE COMMITTEE. age. 6940 THE SWISS OBSERVER June 26th, 1953. The canton of Berne joined the Swiss Confedera- The following deaths are reported from Switzer- tion 600 years ago, in 1353. The official commémora- and : tion celebration took place in the University Buildings Francesco Antognini, lawyer, in Bellinzona, at on Thursday, June 11th. The next day church bells the age of 90. The deceased was for many years a pealed throughout the canton and bonfires were lit. member of the rural council of Bellinzona, of the On Saturday, June 13th, guests of the cantonal Grand Council of the canton of Ticino, and President authorities and representatives gathered for a of the " Unione popolare cattolica. Ticinese In historical procession. The same evening an official 1919, he was elected a Member of Parliament. and public performance of the Festival play " Hie (National Council). Bern, Hie Eidgenossenschaft " (Long live Bern, long Paul Demme, landscape and portrait painter, in live the Confederation) took place at the Festival Hall. Paris, aged 87. He was for many years a teacher at On Sunday devine service was held in the town's the " Gewerbeschule " in Solotliurn. churches, coupled with an official centenary ceremony Colonel Albert Schmid, in Zurich, at the age of at the Minster. The same day a historical procession 90. The deceased was from 1887-1937 a member of the with 3,000 participants winded its way through the Federal Corps of Instructors. He was at one time densely packed street. On Friday, 19th the schools commander of the 14th Infantry Brigade, and during celebrated this event. The pupils marched in procès- the first world war was at the head of the 24th sion, in the evening with lantern and torches. On " Landwehr " Brigade. the 20th and 21st a grand firework display was held André Montandon, Publisher of the " Courier du and another procession started from the station to Val de Travers " in Fleurier, aged 50. [a.t.s.] the bear A large number of exhibitions have * * pit. The anniversaries have been been arranged in the museums of Berne and other following reported in the Swiss Press : towns in the canton, [a.t.s.] Emil Grünefelder (80) of St. Gall. * * * By profession a lawyer, practising at Flums; he was a Member of The Board of the Berne-Lötschberg-Simplon Rail- Parliament (National Council) from 1905-1943. For way has appointed, National-Councillor Robert eleven years (1909-1920) he sat in the Grand Council Bratschi (Berne) as its Manager in succession to of the canton of St. Gall, and from 1921-1942 National Councillor Robert Grimm, who is retiring Grünefelder was a member of the Government of the from his post at the end of this year, [a.t.s.] canton of St. Gall. He held the post of "Landmmann" # * * three times. Dr. Albert Wiesner has been elected Manager of Colonel Franz Spycher (80) of Fribourg, a notary, the Municipal Theatre in Basle, he was born in 1889, and for many years a member of the Grand Council and and studied at the University of Basle afterwards of the canton of Fribourg. He was, for 4 years appeared for many years, as an actor, at German President of the " Sense " District Court in Tavers. theatres. In 1940, he returned to Switzerland where Dr. h. c. Robert Thomann (80) of Miinchwilen he held the post as " Regisseur " at various theatres. (Ct. Thurgau) an authority for " TuHnlienbrrrHV—He ~ In 1947, he was appointed Manager at the Municipal was for some time Professor at the Technical Theatre in Lucerne, [a.t.s.] University of Stuttgart, and afterwards at the "Ecole * * * d'Ingénieurs " at Lausanne, and the Technical Mr. O. Cullmann, Professor of Theology at the University of Graz. Dr. Thomann is the author of University of Basle has been honoured with the degree a number of works on the subject of water turbines. of doctor ftowom oewsa. of the University of Lund. Johann Vonmoos (80) of Ramosch (Engadine) (Sweden), [a.t.s.] who was for 12 years a member of the Grand Council * * of the The canton of Grisons has recently celebrated the canton of Grisons, and from 1913-1919, a member of the cantonal he 150th anniversary of its entry into the Swiss Con- Government, sat in occasion various festivities were Parliament (National Council) from 1919-1943.
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