Vol. 25, No. 52 December 27, 1982 A CHINESE WEEKLY OF NEWS AND VIEWS G Constitution of the People's Republic of China o More Roilwoys for the Modernizotion Drive o Beiiing Review Subiect lndex (Nos. 27-52,1982) draw examples for their own land lished departments of sociology but to know that country as it is. will pave the way to modernize TETTERS and consolidate political However, since you solicit read- the and ers' criticisms to improve your socio-economic work of your Acirievoble Goolr country. This field is beneficial work and win new readers, I feel to My regular reading your the third world countries' students of obliged to venture some of my own and magazine has acquainted me with opinions about Beijing Re0ieu. scholals. China's efforts and achievements. Prasain First, a magazine with both J. To build socialism in a country Kathmandu, Nepal with such an immense population, articles' and pictures more pho- a quarter tos than Beijing Reuieus- and more of humanity, is truly Clorifying Chinese a long-term, arduous task. articles tban China Pictorial, llke China Reconstructs is more suit- Government Policy You have recently announced able to West European- leaders. comprehensive plans. It is said There is a lot of rumour about that man can accomplish anything Second, an e;tensive column, Chinese Government policy. I he puts his mind to and this is containing, lor instance, informa- think it would help your foreign applicable to the Chinese people tion about package tours for in- readers if there could be published as your long, glorious history dividuals and groups, reports interviews with government lead- ciearly confirms. about tourism including articles ers on key issues to clarify the written by the travellels them- situation. Therefore, I think your goals selves and coverage of foreigners can be realized. rvho work in China. should I think that a section on trade and investment in China I am convinced be started. I knou, many of my that by seeking acquaintances u,ould would be welcomed by many truth from.facts the Chinese peo- be inter- ested in this. foreign leaders. ple will surely advance and win LA. Rayner great victories. Matthias Hirsch Xianggang (Hongkong) Nenmuster. FRG Mario Bernal R. Bogota, Colombia Tibet ond Donce Chinese Sociology The Iatest charm of your maga- An Additiorrol Column Congratulatiohs to you in pub- zine is the articles about Tibet: Iishing the article entirled "A "PoJicy Towards Dalai Lama" (is- I have been reading Beijing Re- sue No. 46) and the interview with uiew, China Pictorial, and China Chinese-Styie Sociology" (issue No. 43). I have been reading Bei- a Tibetan leader (issue No. 4?). Reconstructs since 19?S but have jing never written to any of you Reoieu: fol two yeals I lead Further. it is the first time an be- this article m cause I believe that as Chinese thoroughly, and I interesting and informative ar- very happy see an magazines, they should have to such article ticle has been published in 5rour their as I am a post-graduate own ways of expression and con- student of magazine (issue No. 46) about the tents so as to reflect Chinese sociology and cultural anthro- long history of dance in China. pology in our country. thinking and social customs. peo- Sheraz Manzoor Haider ple visit a strange country not to I hope that the newly estab- Sargodha, Pakistan EVENTS & TRENDS 4-6 the People Sidelights on Fifth Session- of Fifth No- BEIJING REVIEW Communist Youth Leogue Con- tionol People's Congress gress Opens Our Correspondent Zhi Ye- 30 Roilwoys: Todoy ond Tomor- Publi!hed every Mondoy by roW CULTURE & SCIENCE 33-34 BEIJING REVIEW Turkish President Visits PAGE 24 Boiwonzhuong Rood, Beijing Chino ARI 35 The People's Republic of Chino Commemoroting Two lndion SUBJECT INDEX (Nos. 27-s2l Doctors COVER; The newly constructed CONTENTS INTERNATIONAL 7-9 Zhuzhou-Guiyong Roilwoy. Photo by Long Qiyun Seo Low Convention Bottle Wong Shifong - Vol. 25, No, December 27,19O2 52 South Af rico Denounced for New Crime Wong Dodoo BElJllllG BEVIEW (USPS No. 058-1101 is TETTERS 2 - Who Wos Reolly Responsible published weekly lor US$ 1 3.50 per year by for the Beirut Mossocre? Beiiing Review, 24 Baiwanzhuang Road, NOTES FROM THE EDITORS Zhong Toi - Boijing, China. Second-class postago paid The Third World Needs No 8t San fr8ncisco, CA. Postmaster: Scnd ARTICLES & DOCUMENIS Leoder lnternotionol address changes ro China Books & Editor Mu Youlin Constitution of the People's Re- Periodicals, lnc., 2929 24th Street, San Sino-lndion Relotions lnter- public of Chino 10 fiancisco, CA 941 10. notionol Editqr Mu -Youlin Exercising Power on Beholf of a Notr.s lfront {hl. Iirlilors Jleeds them and to encourage learning the lhird ttorld ilo Leader from each other and supplying each other's needs on the basis Do you have any comment to the principles guiding its for- of equality. about the view that China oc- eign relations. position Because our relations with cupies a sfecial in the China has consistently sup- third world and is its leader? other third world countries ported other third world coun- have been guided by these poii- Why should the third world tries in their struggles against cies, we are respected and trust- need a leader? A11 the third imperialism, hegemonism and ed by their gorrernments and world countries are indepen- coionialism. It has also made peoples, for . rvhich we feel dent sovereign states. They great efforts to provide aid, honoured. have freed themselves from to strengthen economic co- International Editor foreign yokes after prolonged operation and exchanges with - Mu Yrrulin struggles and are now safe- guarding their independence, developing their national econo- $ino-lndian Relations my and building up their own Are you optimistic abo,ut nized principles guiding the re- countries. They do not need a prospects for improving Sino- lations between states. force above them ordering them Indian relations? ago com- about. A short time Beijing China and India are close memorated tr,vo Indian doctols All the third world countries, neighbours and do not threaten rvho made invaluable contribu- big or small, are political each other. Thete are no dis- tions to the Chinese people's equals. They can discuss and putes in bilateral relations, with war against Japanese aggres- solve their problems in the the exception of the border sion. (See p. 6.) The Chinese spirit of unity and mutual as- issue. The strengthening oI people will never folget these sistance; they should have no contacts and co-operation is internationalist Iighters. leader,/follower relations among beneficial to both countries. The border issue between them. On some worldwide There is no leason, therefore, China and India is a ploblem issues, they support and co- that relations between them left over from histoly and com- operate with each other. thus cannot be improved. plicated by many factors. This influencing internationaL rela- Both China and India beloi-tg problem should be settled as tions to move the direction in to the third '*,orid and are de- quickly as possible lor the cause democracy equality. of and veloping countries. Both are big of peace in Asia and the wolld These struggle include the countries with iarge popula- as a whole. The Chinese Goveln- maritime hegemony. against the tions and rich natural resources. ment has expressed its u''illing- struggle oil- to support the Their combined population is ness to make positive cflol ts to exporting countries the and 1,700 million, more than one- this end. Given the sinceritY struggle change irra- to the third of the wor'ld's total. With and willingness to work together international economi'c tional similar past experiences, the in the spirit of mutual under- Today, world states order. third two nations now face the simi- standing and mutu:ri accolrl- are playing an increasing role lar tasks of developing their modation. the issue can be and exerting growing influ- a economies and building up their solved without difficulty and a ence in world affairs. countries. comprehensive and leasonable Any country which attempts The peoples of China and settlement can be achieved. to pose as a leader and contr-ol India have a long-standing Even it an agreement cannol others wiII be spurned. friendship and their ciose co- be reached lor the time being. Although China is a big coun- operation in the 50s is remem- it should not atfect h'iendly try, it has never sought a spe- bered with warmth by both exchanges and co-opelative re- cial position in the third world. peoples. The Firre Principles lations in the economic. tech- It is not the leader of the third of Peacelul Coexistence in- nological and cultural fields. worid today. nor will it be to- itiated then by Premiel Zhou morrow, because this kind ot Enlai and Prime Ministel Nehru -- lnternat.iortuL Editor "leadership" does not conform harre become universally l'ecog- MtL Yottlirt December 27, 1982 cillNli\ iVENITS & 'tiIiNIDS in order to be useful in revo- tion. He said that untiring ef- PO LITICA L lution and construction. forts should be made to enhance the consciousness and fine qual- He noted that f ulfilment of ities of the young people and China's goal quadruple the Gommunist Youth League to actively serve them. Youth gross output value of industry League olganizations at various Congress 0pens and agriculture by the end of he said, should be worthy this century relies to a great levels, The 11th National Congress of the name of assistants and extent on the young of of the Chinese Communist PeoPIe reserve force of the Party.
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