512000 516000 520000 524000 528000 532000 536000 9°12'0"E 9°16'0"E 9°20'0"E 9°24'0"E Glide Num b er: N/A Activa tion ID: EMS N-048 P roduct N.: 03BUDDUS O, v1, En glish Budduso - Italy Flood Risk Assessment Land Use and Land Cover Map - Overview P roduction da te: 02/02/2018 Tempio Tempio PausTaenmiTaepmioTepimopTieompio Telti Olbia Tempio Bortigiadas Pausania Calangianus PaPuasuasnPaiaanuiasania PausaniaPaSuasnania Tempio Teodoro Italy San Perfugas Pausania Teodoro 0 0 Rome 0 0 Erula Berchidda Monti Olbia 0 0 4 4 0 0 San 5 5 4 4 S a rdin ia Teodoro Tula Padru Oschiri Budoni Alà dei Sardi Torpè Posada Ozieri 3000 Pattada Buddusò Lodè Nughedu Onani Siniscola N " di San 0 N ' Osidda " 0 Nicolò 0 ' 4 Bitti ° 0 Bonorva Bultei 0 4 ° Lula 4 Nule Onifai 0 Anela Irgoli 4 Bono 2000 Orune Orosei Bottidda Benetutti Galtelli Loculi Cartographic Information Budduso 1:40.000 Full color A1, low resolution (100dpi) 0 0,5 1 2 3 4 K m 0 0 0 0 Grid: W GS 84 / UTM zon e 32N m a p coordin a te system 0 0 0 Ala dei Sardi 0 Tick m a rks: W GS 84 geogra phica l coordin a te system 0 0 5 5 4 4 748,07 Legend Populated places Hydrography Physiography V illa ge R iver S pot heights S trea m Ca n a l Land Use - Land Cover 1110, Con tin uous urb a n fa b ric 2310, P a stures 2410, An n ua l crops 1120, Discon tin uous urb a n fa b ric a ssocia ted with perm a n en t crops 1211, Com m ercia l P ub lic a n d P riva te S ervices 2420, Com plex cultiva tion pa ttern s 2430, La n d prin cipa lly occupied b y a griculture 1212, In dustry a n d Utilities with sign ifica n t a rea s of n a tura l vegeta tion 963,62 1221, Ma in roa ds a n d a ssocia ted la n d 2440, Agro-forestry a rea s 712,07 1230, P orts 3110, Broa d-lea ved forest 1240, Airports 3120, Con iferous forest 1310, Min era l extra ction sites 3210, Na tura l gra ssla n d 1320, Dum p sites 3220, Bushes a n d S hrub s 1330, Con struction sites 3230, S clerophyllous vegeta tion 680,12 1421, S ports a n d leisure fa cilities 3240, Tra n sition a l woodla n d/shrub 1422, Archeologica l sites 3310, Bea ches dun es a n d sa n d pla n es 708,08 1423, Cem eteries 3330, S pa rsely vegeta ted a rea s 0 0 0 0 0 0 2110, Non -irriga ted a ra b le la n d 4210, S a lt m a rshes 6 6 9 9 4 4 2120, P erm a n en tly irriga ted la n d 5110, W a ter courses 4 4 2210, V in eya rds 5121, Na tura l wa ter b odies 673,47 2220, Fruit trees a n d b erry pla n ta tion s 5122, Artificia l wa ter b odies 2230, Olive groves 5230, S ea a n d ocea n N " N 0 ' " 6 0 ' 3 6 ° 3 0 ° 4 0 4 Map Information The purpose of the requested m a ppin g is to gen era te com prehen sive kn owledge through perform in g post-disa ster situa tion a n a lysis con cern in g flood even ts tha t occurred, within Ja n ua ry 18 to Ja n ua ry 22, 2017, within two m a in S a rdin ia ’s rivers flow (Tirso a n d Cedrin o) a n d specifica lly a ddresses four (4) sub AO Is in S a rdin ia (IT). The results refer to risk a ssessm en t products; vuln era b ility, da m a ge a n d risk m a ppin g. Towa rds a dequa te disa ster recovery a ctivities, efficien t support a n d in form ed decision m a kin g of the in volved sta keholders, a retrospective flood m a ppin g (spa tia l exten t of the floods), lin ked with the floodin g even t, wa s rea lized within the Orosei sub Area 984,8 a ccom pa n ied b y risk a n d da m a ge (sector wise) a ssessm en ts. For the rem a in in g sub a rea s, 892,66 n ea r to Buddusò, Olien a a n d Otta n a a gglom era tion s, risk a n d vuln era b ility a ssessm en t wa s 0 0 a pplied. 0 0 0 0 K ey user of the geospa tia l in form a tion a n d the rela ted m a p series is the Na tion a l Civil 2 Budduso 2 9 9 P rotection , P residen za del Con siglio dei Min istri, the n a tion a l b ody in Ita ly tha t dea ls with 4 4 4 4 the prediction , preven tion a n d m a n a gem en t of exception a l even ts. 969,77 Data Sources Inset maps based on: The im a ges cover the selected Area of In terest, a n d con sist of: P LEIADES © CNES (2017), distrib uted b y Airb us DS ., a cquired on 13.09.2017 a n d 27.07.2017, GS D 0.5 m , ~ 0% cloud covera ge, provided un der CO P ER NICUS b y the Europea n Un ion a n d ES A, a ll rights reserved. Vector layers: Tra n sporta tion , hydrogra phy & Buildin gs Footprin ts © O pen S treetMa p Con trib utors da ta , duly upda ted/ digitized/ refin ed, on the b a sis of the sa tellite da ta photoin terpreta tion | Ca rta dell' Uso del S uolo 2008 © S a rdegn a Geoporta le (La n d Use Da ta Ba se a t 25k sca le)| BDGT10K 2006 © S a rdegn a Geoporta le (Geo-topogra phic Da ta Ba se a t 10k sca le)|DEM S AR 10m © S a rdegn a Geoporta le) | Cen sus 2011 © IS TAT (Cen sus da ta a t cen sus b lock level). The da ta provided is sub ject to the term s outlin ed in the a rra n gem en ts con cern in g a ccess to a uthorita tive geospa tia l referen ce da ta for Copern icus em ergen cy m a n a gem en t service. Dissemination/Publication The products (m a ps) a re a va ila b le through the EMS Copern icus P orta l a t the followin g UR L: http://em ergen cy.eu/m a ppin g/list-of/com pon en ts/048. Delivery form a ts a re GeoP DF, GeoJP EG a n d vectors (ES R I GDB form a t). No restriction s on the pub lica tion of the m a ppin g a pply. Framework 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 The products ela b ora ted in the fra m ework of the curren t R isk a n d R ecovery m a ppin g 8 8 4 4 a ctiva tion a re rea lised to the b est of our a b ility. All geogra phic in form a tion ha s lim ita tion s 4 4 due to sca le, resolution , da te a n d in terpreta tion of the origin a l da ta sources. The products a re com plia n t with the Copern icus EMS R isk a n d R ecovery P roduct P ortfolio specifica tion s. N " Map Production N 0 ' " 2 0 ' 3 2 ° The m a p shows the La n d Use/ Cover of the specific a rea . The legen d is b a sed upon 3 0 ° 4 COR INE level 4 ca tegoriza tion within the b uilt-up a rea s a n d level 3 within the rem a in in g 0 4 a rea s. The estim a ted geom etric a ccura cy of the im a ges is 5 m a n d com plies with the JR C requirem en ts referrin g to the m a ppin g sca le a n d is fully supported b y the n a tive position a l a ccura cy of the b a ckgroun d sa tellite im a gery. The estim a ted them a tic a ccura cy of this product is 85% or b etter, b a sed on in tern a l va lida tion procedures a n d visua l in terpreta tion of recogn iza b le item s on very high resolution optica l im a gery. Contact The m a p wa s produced (un der the S ervice Con tra ct n r. 259811 of the Europea n Com m ission ) on 02/02/2018 b y GEOAP IK ONIS IS (EL) – NOA (EL) – CIMA (IT) – TR E ALTAMIR A (ES ).
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