f oman Co Monmoutii. Hi :•«••••>•.- ••-*::'•'.•• f f Forf«# Your Htlp Make Summit11 July 4th l July 4th a Success • GERALand Summit Record D SECTION SUMMIT, R J.t THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1948 60th Year, No. 3 HE TWO sacnojft $4 A YEAR • CENTS Cigarette Sales Chamber Adds 68 School Board to Reject Bids Increase as Tax New Members as Deadline Hears Campaign Closes CERTIFICATE OF RATING For High School Improvements pt,nnvwLse Summit smokers are Announcement that 68 new The Board of Education does not propose to accept up with cigarettes in member* had joined the Summit the pending bids on the high school project, action on which ~g quantities In aJi effort to Chamber of Commerce and that th plans for the publication of a THE SUMMIT HERALD «««t be taken by July 1. This was announced yesterday by 'pone paying * three-cent a an official of the board who said, "There vv/re only two bid- k st--.ite school aid tax whl-h business directory had been com- hat analyzed by the. Comtnuoity Research Bureau asd awarded a rating of ders for the general constniction contract which covers b,co.nfS effective July 1, local pleted, highlighted last week's :Kttting of the Chamber'* Board VUWiMUVWWVuuvuuvuvuvAnAi about two-thirds of the contract" He added: dealers reported yesterday. —————————____________ (.TV,,. iSt in' Retailers "aid that customers of Directors. The low bids .together with other expense* ... architect's fees, vW usually buy one carton at ft The 68 new" members, repreaent- 19 AAA B". buying anywhere from ir.g local and area business, pro- riu» Plans Completed purchase of land, equipment and t;m the amount to a ease fessional and industrial, establish- alterations-. .. would bring the total cost of the high school job whk,h contains fifty, cartons. ments, were the result of a recent However, it was.noted that the raeniberehipr campaign which dbagnattagltasGncof the Best Weekly Ncwspperi in America For Community to about $1,400,000. That Li sub- nujoritv of the large purchases >:sded last week. Total membership Bated on Local NWn, Loral Advertising, CSrculauon and Advertuiiiig Rats stantially more than the estimate made at the cut-rate atorcs jt§ toowr 288. Fourth of July made around the first of the year. which sell the cartons at coat, Harold Spitzer, chairman of the Further, should the- cost, of the John Sayre m Final plans for Summit's gala new Lincoln School, and of the merchants' committee, stated that Fourth of July celebration were Washington and Jefferson addi- * Qne , dealer 'explained that he listing! 1for the business directory completed*at & meeting held laat tions, be, projected on a similar hts several, customers who always would soon be closed and that the Thursday evening at the Field purchase cigarette* by'.the case Sayre Elected booklet would be distributed free basis, the total of the complete House. Members of the sponsoring school housing program might fo-- Christmas gifts. of charge to every household in the AMERICAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBUSHERS COUNCIL committee for the event were men," he said, "already Chairman of City city and in surrounding communi- reach $2,500,000. present. It WAS announced that , Still Higher Onto Setn have gotten their Christmas sup- ties. It was pointed out that con- half of the funds iScessary to ply.1' . • • cerns that have neglected to send carry out the all-day program had In a prepared statement, the Safety Council la their -new membership rating board ffpokeaman also said: According to the cigarette deal- been raised and that a special ef- applications should do so at once "It may well be that construc- •rb. the cellophane wrapped Patrolman John Sayre was elect- fort would be made to secure the, 1 so that they may be included in tion costs at any time in the near mokes will stay fresh for about ed chairman of the Sa-ety Coun- balance ao that the affair will not cil of the employees of Jhe City the directory. go into the "red." future will be still higher; also throe months. After that persons that should the high school job be of Summit at an organizational Edward C. Holmes, chairman of Admission lo Memorial Field, having cases on hand are ad- rebld, the number of bidders meeting held last Thursday. Peal the entertainment committee, re- where.all events will take place vised to keep the cardboard cases would not be any more and the low- Moore was e-Iected secretary. The ported that plant were being made Monday, July 5, will be by ticket covered with a damp doth. Summit Lions Gain bids not less than thoaenow under terms are for one year. for the annual outing which will Herald Judged One of Best only. Several weeka ago the com- St>e No Last Minute Bush consideration. However, it Is th« J. Henry Negus, assistant en- be held during the month of Aug- mittee aent every family in the Though the sales are increasing feeling of the board that It should gineer and a safety council mem- ust Following the custom of the city an announcement of the pro- steadily, the concensus of opinion Recognition at Weekly Papers in America not commit the taxpayer* at this ber, reported that 1? injuries were past, the affair will be held on a gram and a form to be filled giv- w«s that there- will be no last sible by the financial support of point to such an expenditure for sustained by employees since the Wednesday when members' stores The Summit Herald has been ing the number of admission tag* minute jams reminiscent of war- the'American Weekly Newspaper the high school on th» b<wi of tha beginning of the year. The major- are closed so that store owners State Convention adjudged one ©I the "Best Week- needed for the family. A minimum s tsme d;iys. Publishers Council, an organiza- pending bids and without more and their employees might attend. Summit Lions club and members ly Newspaper- ia America," ac- contribution of $1 was asked of ity of the Injuries, he tmM. oc- tion of leading weekly newspaper definite Information as to the cost While many, of the retailer- W. Rae Crane, executive secre- were recognized in various ways cording to information received each family regardless of the num- curred to hands, toe* end baete. publishers who are interested in of the other major project, the arc buying additional quantities tary, announced that stores would at the Multiple District IS of Lions this week from the Community ber of admuslon tags requested. Suggestions for the ellBiisation improving and advancing weekly proposed new Lincoln School. Ac- from their suppliers, the majority 27th annual convention Friday and Research Bureau which has just Persons who tmve not yet of accidents wilt be acted, upon. be closed all day Wednesday com- newspapers as , an advertising cordingly, the board does not pro- of. them are keeping an eyecocked Saturday at Atlantic City. completed an analysis of the week- *rnt in their contributions may Mr. Negus said, and a statement mencing July u and continuing to medium. pose to accept the pending bids on ; ilnat overloading. Among the 56 clubs In District ly newspapers of the state for Mill do so and admission tag. will be made as to whether the September L The technique employed In these the high school project, action on As one man put it, "I'll get ex- 16-A, Summit placed fifth in the American Weekly Newepaper will hn sent. Donation* may be safety suggestion* can be accom- Publishers Council. evaluation studies ha* been studied which must be taken by July 1. tra eases in if customers ask for plished. attendance contest for the last and approved by a Technical Ad- nuilletl or brought to A. K. late newspaper was given B "As previously announced, bi<J# thorn, hut I'm not going to ac- The Council's proposals will be year for having an average attend- visory Committee composed of ad- Hartley, treasurer, at th» Field Playgrounds Open rating of "AAA Plus," the high- for an addition to the Franklin cumulate a heavy stock and then recorded by the secretary and re- ance of 84.3 per cent at weekly vertising agency executives, lead- House. est rating given any weekly news- School have been accepted. Action be caught with a bunch of packs ferred to Common Council for luncheon mee-tlnga. ers In the field of journalistic, ed- Patterned after the highly suc- paper in the-United States, after on theae bida had to be taken not which I'll have to affix .stamps to action, be added. With Variety of Michael Formlcliella, one of tat cessful community celebration* myticlf." five Summit delegates at the con- a cure?"' g^'rital snalyski of later than June 8. As compared A executive committee of held for many year* In Millburn Other member* of the Safety vention, was selected as »traoifc t < ^ '»\ •*• n''»ngr with othar with the high «chnol «!ht«UonjJi»' In Trenton, It was announced, Council are: Toe Mayor.' member* \ Efstfi on Four frV.'t«rn ar.U Jt4yl#woud, Summits pro- Banned Activity . escort fco JTed Smith of Ventura, Weekly newspaper. Of the atate. Franklin' job was a much smaller • Ti.it liUikrs as well M dis- of Common Council, H. G. Fucfas, Tlte rating of the Individual gram will feature^ track and field venture arid a relatively large Cal., president of the Internation- The newspapers were rated by tributors will be responsible for Harry Kates, Charfes McTernan, Clear skies and a blwrfngaun fur- newspaper is based on the evalua- events for boy* and girls of all number of close bids wm obtained: al Association of Lions Club, driv- an approved formula which con- h:\ving the tax stamps on all Vincent Vltate, Fireman Charles nished the five Summit play- tion of four basic factor.'*: Volume aRcs with suitable prized being further, even should the construc- ing the latter to the Atlantic City siders four basic quality factors pjtks ."Old nftcr July 1.
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