Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40693-3 - Chemical Ecology of Vertebrates Dietland Müller-Schwarze Index More information index Aardvark (Orycteropus afer) 153 Air currents 6 Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) 23, 31, 153, 154, Alarm 159 odors 191 Acacia responses, fish 192 fever tree (Acacia xanthophloea) 312 substance 192 umbrella thorn (A. tortilis) 312 “alarm signals, damage-released” 192 whistling thorn (A. drepanolobium) 333 Albatross Acanthochromis polyacanthus (see Damselfish) black-browed (Diomedea melanophris) 74, 352 Accipenser baeri (see Sturgeon, Siberian) black-footed (D. nigripes) 114, 350 Accipenser gueldenstaedtii (see Sturgeon, Russian) grey-headed (D. chrysostoma) 352 Accipenser stellatus (see Sturgeon, stellate) wandering (D. exulans) 352 Acetate esters 26 Alcelaphus cokii (see Hartebeest, Coke’s) Acetone 372 Alces alces (see Moose) 6-Acetonylisoxanthopterin 194 Aldehydes in coyote lures 411 Acetophenone 190 Alder, green (Alnus crispa) 299, 300, 309 Achillea ligustica (see Yarrow, Ligurian) induced defense 332 Achillea millefolium (see Yarrow) Alert odors 191 Acidification of water, effects 392 Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) 278, 286, 307 Acomastylis [Geum] rossii (see Aven, alpine) Algae (Shewanella sp.) 247 Acomys cahirinus (see Mouse, spiny) Alkaloids, Acomys russatus (see Mouse, golden spiny) bioaccumulation 253 Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (see Warbler, sedge) birds 50 Actinomycetes 66 poison dart frogs 49, 252 “Active signalers” 172 properties, occurrence 280 Active space 9, 33, 57 Alligator, American (Alligator mississipiensis) 349 Adaptations (herbivory) Allocholic acid 66, 172 defensive 315 Allomarking 148 offensive 315 Almond, bitter (Prunus amygdalus) 291 Adrenocortical effects, mice 220 Alnus crispa (see Alder, green) Aepyceros melampus (see Impala) Alouatta belzebul (see Monkey, red-handed Aeschna juncea (see Dragonfly) howler) Aeschna umbrosa (see Dragonfly) Alouatta palliata (see Monkey, howler) Aethia cristatella (see Auklet, crested) Alpaca (Lama pacos) 140 Agaricus sp. (see Mushroom) Amanita muscaria (see Mushroom, fly agaric) Agelaius phoeniceus (see Blackbird, red-winged) Amanita phalloides (see Mushroom, death cap) Agnatha 171 Amazona amazonica (see Macaw, orange-winged) Agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) 389 Ambystoma spp. (see Salamander) Agrimonia sp. (see Agrimony) Amines, biogenic 255 Agrimony (Agrimonia sp.) 266 Amino acids Agropyron smithii (see Grass, western wheat) as feeding deterrents 21 Ailuropoda melanoleuca (see Panda, giant) barbel nerve response 339 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40693-3 - Chemical Ecology of Vertebrates Dietland Müller-Schwarze Index More information index 531 non-protein 283 Anoplopoma fimbria (see Sablefish) predator odors, fish 358 Anser anser (see Goose, greylag) prey odors 339 Ant (Neivamyrmex sp.) 375 salmon fry feeding cues 342 Antarctica 60 γ -Aminobutyric acid 245 Antechinus, brown (Antechinus stuartii) 103 2-amino-4 , 5 -methoxyacetophenone 397 Antechinus stuartii (see Antechinus, brown) Aminopropionitrile 283 Antifeedants Ammonia 414 birds 394 Amniotic fluid 138 conspecific odors 407 dog 139 mammals 401 rat 139, 237 plant compounds 404 sheep 139, 409 selenium 406 species specificity 237 Antilocapra americana (see Pronghorn) Amphibians 38, 49, 68, 98, 133, 145, 201 Antilope cervicapra (see Blackbuck) behavior development 228 Antipredator ploy 196 defense 250, 259 Antipredator responses 18 kin recognition 129 snakes 229 odor thresholds 114 without predators 377 pre-mating isolation mechanisms 198 Ants as diet 253 prey odors 342 Anurans 68 priming pheromones 207 Apigenin 284 sex pheromones 176 Apis dorsata (see Honey bee) territorial pheromones 152 Aplodontia rufa (see Mountain beaver) VNO 96 Aplysinopsin 384 Amphibolurus ornatus (see Lizard) Apocrine secretion binding proteins 26 Amphikuemin 384 Apodemus sylvaticus (see Mouse, wood) Amphiprion ocellaris (see Fish, anemone) Apolipoprotein D (apoD) 26 Amphiprion perideraion (see Fish, anemone) Aposematic coloration 252 Amphisbaenan (Blanus cinereus) 348 Aposematism, olfactory 317 Amygdalin 281, 291 Apteryx sp. (see Kiwi) Amyl acetate 408 Aquatic environment 15 Anadenanthera peregrina (see Yopo tree) Arabidopsis thaliana 282 Anas platyrhynchos (see Mallard) Arbacia punctulata (see Sea urchin) Anchovy Arborvitae, false (Hiba) (Thujopsis dolabrata) 275 inshore (nehu) (Stolephorus purpureus) 339, Area odors 13 341 Area repellents 397 northern (Engraulis mordax) 339, 341 Arenicola marina (see Lugworm) Androgenized fetuses 235 Arginine as attractant 374 Androgens in plants 288 Army worm (Spodophora exempta) 282 Andropogon gerardii (see Grass, big bluestem) Aromatic plants in birds’ nests 265, 378 4,16-androstadien-3-one 22, 27, 119 Arothron hispidus (see Fish, puffer, Andropogon sp. (see Salsify) white-spotted) 5α-androst-16-en-3α-ol 48, 54, 55, 119, 187, Artemia sp. (see Shrimp, brine) 211, 389, 406 Artemisia spp. (see Sagebrush) 5α-androst-16-en-3-one 27, 48, 54, 55, 118, Arthole 310 119, 187, 211 Artibeus literatus (see Bats) 16-androstenes Asarum caudatum (see Ginger, wild) boar 32, 119 Asclepias spp. (see Milkweed) pig fetuses 236 Aspen, quaking (Populus tremuloides) 299, 300, Androstenol 48, 410 304 Androstenone 48, 410 induced defense 332 Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), priming 205 Aspilia (Aspilia mossambicensis) 381 Angelicoidenol 311 Asterropteryx semipunctatus (see Goby, starry fin) Anguilla anguilla (see Eel) Astralagus bisulcatus (see Vetch, milkvetch, Anolis carolinensis (see Anole) 2-grooved) © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40693-3 - Chemical Ecology of Vertebrates Dietland Müller-Schwarze Index More information 532 index Astronotus ocellatus (see Cichlids, tiger oscar) Molossidae 56 Atavistic antipredator responses 378 Phyllostomus discolor 5, 118 Atelerix pruneri (see Hedgehog, African pygmy) pipistrelle (P.pipistrellus) 128 Aven, alpine (Acomastylis [Geum] rossii) 319, pollination 389 382 Pteropodidae 56 Aversion short-tailed fruit bat (Carollia perspicillata) 5, conditioned 317, 405 118, 390 primary 316 tomb 57 transmission, rats 414 tube-nosed Aversive conditioning Harpiocephalus spp. 84 of coyotes 412 Murina spp. 84 of predators 412, 413 vampire (Desmothus rotundus) 118, 371 prenatal 233 Vespertilionidae 84 by volatile terpenes 307 wing pouches 57 Auklet, crested (Aethia cristatella) 182, 262 Bear Automimicry 395 black (Ursus americanus) 324, 407 Axilla, human 54, 225, 226 aversive conditioning 414 Ayahuasca (yage)´ (Banisteriopsis caapi) 290, 292 brown, incl. grizzly (Ursus arctos) 256, 375, Azadirachta indica (see Neem tree) 386, 388, 407 Azetidine 2-carbolic acid 283 polar (Thalarctos maritimus) 356, 375 Beaver 157 Bacillus spp. 53, 54 anal gland 167 B. subtilis 53 castoreum 158, 201 Backswimmers (Notonecta sp.) 363 castor sacs 158 Bacteria Eurasian (Castor fiber) 127 Brevibacterium 373 scent marking 159, 214 coryneform 53, 54 scent mound 157 diphtheroids 54 feeding on pines 309 Bacteroides 53 oil sacs 158 B. fragilis 53 scent mound 165, 201 Badger, North American (Castor canadensis) 9, 17, 31, European (Meles meles) 27, 134, 135, 37, 48, 50, 53, 57 366 area repellent 400 latrine sites 167, 168 complex scents 168 honey (Mellivora capensis) 159 feeding and food caches 312 Bait enhancers 406 food soaking 320 Bait shyness 406 kin recognition 129 Bamboo, cyanogenic (Cephalostachyum ef. predator odor responses 367 uiguieri) 282 “pseudobushes” 313 Banisteriopsis caapi (see Ayahuasca) scent marking 160, 165, 166 Barbarea vulgaris 307 scent mound 122, 157, 165, 201 Barometric pressure and olfaction 6 seasonal marking patterns 169 Barro Colorado Island 349 viscosity, anal gland secretion 167 Bass Beetle large-mouth (Micropterus salmonides) 255, bark, as prey 7 341, 360 Caliosobruchus chinensis 303 spotted (Micropterus punctulatus) 359 diving (Dytiscus verticalis) 251 striped (Morone saxatilis) 130 dytiscid 21 Batrachotoxins 252 flea (Phyllotreta nemorum) 282 Bats 5, 389 predatory (Rhizophagus grandis), preying 7 Artibeus literatus 118 Benzaldehyde 149, 281 Artibeus spp. 390 Benzoic acid 149 Egyptian fruit (Rousettus aegyptiacus) 388, Benzoquinones 268 390 Benzyl cyanide 28 Mexican (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) 140 Bettongia spp. (see Kangaroo) © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40693-3 - Chemical Ecology of Vertebrates Dietland Müller-Schwarze Index More information index 533 Betula spp. (see Birch) Blood 48 Bifidobacterium 53 Blood flukes (Trematoda) 373 Bile schistosome (Schistosoma mansoni) 373 acids 66, 237 Boar (Sus scrofa) 32 salts 66 pheromone 116 Biotransformation of xenobiotics 322, 328 scent marking 148 acidemia 331 Bobcat (Felis rufus) 402 conjugation 330 Bobwhite, northern (See Quail, bobwhite) degradation speed 331 Body bridging, rattlesnakes 364 microorganisms’ role 332 Body odors 48, 49 oxidation 329 Body region odors 48 sodium loss 331 Boiga irregularis (see Snake, brown tree) Birch (Betula spp.) 330 Boletus piperatus (see Mushroom, peppery Alaska paper (B. neoalaskana) 337 bolete) Arctic white (B. tortuosa) 301 Bombykol 117 canoe (paper B. papyrifera) 337 Bonasa umbellus (see Grouse, ruffed) downy (B. pubescens) 310, 333, 334 Borneol 275 European white (B. pendula) 285, 301, 310, Bornyl acetate 307 333, 334 Boundary layers 15 paper (B. resinifera) 299, 300 Bouteloua curtipendula (see Grass, sideoats induced defense 332 grama) phenolics 285 Bouteloua gracilis (see Grass, blue
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