"Life Begins at 6:40," To Baseball Season Opens On Open Promptly at 8:30 Thursday Against W. & M. PM, April 24th NUMBER 24 VOLUME XXIX LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1936 Solution Of "Case Of Parked Cars" March Honor Roll Made By "Detcetive Kelley's99 Efforts Gen. Lejeune Talks (By VILO PHANCE) ly the long arm of the law caught Includes 87 Cadets Calling all cars. Calling all cars. up with the evildoers. On War And Peace Calling all cadets. Calls all subs It was on a dark and stormy and professors. Also calling any- night that Kelly was coihing down Paper by Superintendent Is First Classmen Place Great- body else. Come to our aid in the Letcher avenue. This was a new Read to Second Class Poli- Secone Class C. E's. to war against crime. Every once in beat to him and he was on his est Number of Men On tical Science Sections Monthly Honor List Make Geologly Trip a while we bring you to this news- first tour of inspection. As he cast of true accounts of the in- entered the post a sixth sense told trepidness of our L-Men (Lexing- him that all was not well. It was Favors League of Nations April 6.—The Second Class Many States Represented ton men) in their battles against hard to see as the moon was be- Civil Engineers will make an the monsters of the underworld. hind the trees and the stars gave all-day Geology field trip on Says United States Should Virginia Boys Lead; N. C., These tales are taken from the practically no light. But a crime Thursday, April 9th, under the Have Strong Navy police records of the Lexington was being committed. He could Pennsylvania Next direction of Colonel Edward police force. feel it in his very bones. What Steidtmann, professor of Geo- Friday, April 3—At the request April 1, 1936—The following ca- could it be? There were three of Colonel Hunley, General John logy. This trip is one of the The story to be unfolded to you parked cars in sight. Kelly in- dets comprise the Honor List for Archer Lejeune gave a talk to the annual pilgrimages made by has gone down in history as "The spected that of Colonel Marr, of the month of March, 1936, being combined Second Class Political the young geologists for the pur- Case of Parked Cars." Never in Captain Dayhuff and Colonel proficient on each topic of in Science Sections todays on the gen- pose of inspecting and examin- the annals of crime have we ever Bates in the order named but still struction, having an average of ing the many geologic forma- come across a more horrifying ex- no clue. The owners of these eral theme of war, the history of 9:00 or more on all academic sub tions which abound in this sec- hibition of lawlessness. But—nev- automobiles were in some vague the causes and results of former jects, and conduct records not im tion of the country. Beginning er have we ever seen such an ex- way connected with the Institute wars and the attitude of the vari- paired by excessive demerits: at Whistle Creek, just west of hibition of bravery and devotion and therefore naturally above re- ous nations of the world about the First Class Lexington, they will make their to duty as was shown by our L-Men proach. possibility of war in the future. Adams, J. B. Virginia way southward to the foot of (that is, hardly ever). His mod- Something mysterious about the The same talk was given by Bair, M. B Pennsylvania the Blue Ridge at Buena Vista esty prompted him to ask us to General Lejeune at the meeting of Banks, C. L. .., New Jersey and return to the city by the whole thing. Never before did Booker, A. P. Delaware old road. This trip will be made refrain from using his name so Kelly hit a case without a clue. It of the Fortnightly club of Lexing- Bott, J. A Virginia in trucks hired for the occasion. hereafter we shall call him Kelly. couldn't be a crime. The hair on ton last week, and was met with Burleigh, C. L Massachusetts Every night for two years, more the back of Kelly's neck bristled. the highest aproval by all mem^ Culpepper, J. H. Jr Virginia than that in fact, it was at least He could solve the most intricate bers of the Club in attendance. A deButts, J. D North Carolina twenty months, a terrible crime crimes of the underworld but here speech along similar lines given Dodson, R. S. Jr Virginia VMI Engineers was being committed on Letcher he was baffled. As all good sleuths four years ago, and the present Gentry, R. W. H Virginia Avenue. Right under our very do, he hid behind some bushes and Color Scheme | crucial condition of affairs in Hills, W. R. Jr Connecticut noses the desperadoes were get- looked over the suspected district. Europe led the General to make Home, R. C. Jr. Florida Attend V. P. I. Then all of a sudden, quick like a j another talk about the same sub~ Keyes, L. E Virginia ting away with it.. The scene of For Easters' ject. List, J. A Virginia Meetings Sat. the crime was that part of Letcher rabbit, an idea slowly came to McConnell, J. H. T Virginia avenue where the trees shut out him. He crept out of the bushes Is Announced | "Men have always been fighting Marshall, M. B. Jr Virginia the moonlight. Brrrr, in the flicker- and sneaked up to the parked cars. | animals," stated General Lejeune, Massie, H. S. Jr Virginia VMI-VPI-U. of Va. Chapters ing shadows one could imagine Yes, he was right, but now to I "and except for those who are, for Maxwell, E. G. S Virginia prove it. From out of his pocket Jade Green, Yellow Convene at Blacksburg In many a spook. Just how these Ana reijgious reasons or otherwise, non Osborne, N. M. IV Virginia men got away with their crimes no he pulled out a tape and proceed- White to be Decoration for resisters, it is the natural course Penzold, A. F. Jr Virginia Two Day Session one can say, but we all know that ed to measure carefully the dis- Easter Hops of human nature to fight for one's Powell, B. H. Jr Texas continued On Pnee 8) Rison, W. T Virginia Blacksburg, April 4th—The Sat- crime does not pay and eventual- rights. To bring about world peace April 5—With the air filled with is a slow and difficult task, and Royce, C. W. Alabama urday session of the two-day joint the fragrance of Spring, all cannot be accomplished without Sapp, J. H Virginia meeting of the student chapters Second Class Show Col Anderson Talks Segarra, R. A. Porto Rico thoughts are turned towards the the wholehearted cooperation of of the American Society of Civil Staples, J. C Virginia Progressing Nicely To Third Classmen coming Easter dances on April 24 all nations, Second Class Engineers here today was attend- and 25th. The decorative scheme j General Lejeune then gave brief Cabell, J. B Georgia ed by fifty or more members of chosen for the dances will match the First and Second Classes of Cast and Chorus Work Hard Dynamic Engineering Is Sub- summaries of the histories of sev- Covington, W. S Virginia jade green, yellow and white, ex- eral nations and empires of the Dewey, S. R. North Carolina the VMI Civil Engineering De- On Production ject of Lecture ceptionally appropriate for the WQrld which have played Dressier, L. H. Jr Virginia partment. The two-day meeting impor- spring season. development of Ferrey, J. P Canada was the second annual convention April 5—The directors of the April 1—Colonel Anderson gave tant parts in the The faultless music of Jan Gar- id. It is his opinion that Franz, C. F Illinois of the Virginia student groups Second Class show, "Life Begins a very interesting talk tonight to the wor Hastings, D. C Virginia at 6:40," tore several acts apart the members of the Third Class ber, "Idol of the Airlanes" will tht. people of the Roman Empire, Jetton, J. W. Jr. Tennessee which originated at VMI last year. float over the spacious dance floor quered nearly all of last week, and substituted one en- History sections. He picked for after they con LeMasurier, J. Jr Virginia The Civil Men from VMI were of Ninety-Four Hall while hand- rld, lived more tirely new skit. Growing dissen- his subject "Dynamic Engineering' the known WO McEveety, J. J New York headed by Colonel R. A. Marr, Jr., some cadets and their beautiful peacefully than their ancestors or Starting with a brief resume of McLeod, H. Alabama and Major J. H. C. Mann. sion among the ranks of the play- partners waltz to popular favorites, descendants. Germany, always a McNeal, F. H Georgia ers led to the changes, it was re- the history of Engineering, Colonel 1 Professor Frank Sette, member Jan Garber needs no introduction virile and militant nation, is slow- Mueller, R. G. Jr Texas ported. Anderson brought his subject up of the VPI staff served as chair- to VMI men and their friends. He jy overcoming the restrictions Pasco, H. M. North Carolina to date with some modern appli- Phillips, G. A Virginia man of the meeting and introduc- C. B. Goolrick, director of the and his band have long been on p]aced upon her at the end of the Pickett, W.
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