a u u o RAK 6 RAK 6 RAK o u u a a u u o RAK Report from the Rhenish Archive for Artists’ Legacies Issue 6 Bonn 2018 5 Editorial European Heritage – Artistic Heritage as a Cultural Asset 14 Welcome: Rein Wolfs Director of the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany) 18 Greeting: Jürgen Wilhelm Chairman of the Landschaftsversammlung Rheinland (Rhineland Regional Assembly), Germany 20 Opening lecture: Aleida Assmann University of Konstanz, Germany On the Materiality and Methodology of Legacy Archives for Artists 30 Daniel Schütz, Rheinisches Archiv für Künstlernachlässe (Rhenish Archive for Artists’ Legacies), Bonn, Germany 38 Marie-Luise Heske, Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst und Design (Foundation for Concrete Art and Design), Ingolstadt, Germany 42 Amy Marshall Furness, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada European and international networks 50 Tiziana Caianiello, ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, Germany 56 Edith Krebs, European-art.net, Zürich, Switzerland 58 Volker Kaukoreit, KOOP-LITERA international, Vienna, Austria 64 Thomas Gaehtgens, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, USA European Perspectives for Artist’s Legacies 74 Desdemona Ventroni, Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy 80 Monika Mayer, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere (Austrian Belvedere Gallery), Vienna, Austria 84 Michael Schmid, Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA), Zürich, Switzerland 92 Adrian Glew, Tate, London, United Kingdom 96 Frank van de Schoor, Curator, Nimwegen, Netherlands 100 Jeanette Zwingenberger, Art Critic and Curator, Paris, France 108 Didier Schulmann, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France Prospects 112 Frank Michael Zeidler, Deutscher Künstlerbund (German Artist’s Association) 120 Gora Jain, Bundesverband Künstlernachlässe (German Association of Artistic Heritage) 124 Inventory list 130 Imprint European Heritage, Discussion panel. Photo: Tania Beilfuß Editorial Tracing, preserving and improving the ac- Bildender Künstler (German Association of cessibility of artistic heritage such as the Visual Artists) addressed this topic in the legacies of art historians and art collectors same vein in 2012 and 2015 respectively, is naturally one of the key tasks of the Rhein- the time had come to look to Europe and isches Archiv für Künstlernachlässe (Rhenish beyond. Hereafter it was necessary for Ger- Archive for Artists’ Legacies). However, from many, with its federal structure divided into the very beginning, the focus has also been states, to be on the lookout for methods, on creating awareness for the relevance of which scrutinise our own way of operating written legacies for research, in addition to and provide it with new and enriching mo- advising legacy holders, who are confronted mentum. with the problems associated with handling legacies comprised of works of art. Under the heading, European Heritage The RAK has specially hosted symposia relat- – Künstlernachlässe als Kulturgut (Artistic ing to this topic from a didactic perspective Legacies as a Cultural Asset), in 2016 the in towns and museums across North Rhine- RAK hosted an international symposium in Westphalia. Between 2009 and 2013 the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bun- we have managed to host five symposia in desrepublik Deutschland, (Art and Exhibition total, each focusing on selected topics. Af- Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany, ter the Deutscher Künstlerbund (Association Bundeskunsthalle for short), in which speak- of German Artists) and the Bundesverband ers from selected institutions such as inde- pendent researchers and curators opined A further block of lectures addressed existing on the subject of artistic heritage. The two- European and international networks, among day symposium was the first attempt at a which are the institution KOOP-LITERA inter- stocktaking of European institutions that are national, housed at the Austrian National involved in maintaining the legacies of visu- Library, and the Düsseldorf-based ZERO al artists and making them accessible and foundation. It was with great excitement that useable. An essential accompanying effect the symposium’s participants listened to Dr of the event was the continued networking Thomas Gaehtgens, who reported on the of institutions in the form of a collaboration international activities of the Getty Research across borders, which took into account the Institute in Los Angeles. Although the collect- increasingly global way of operating in the ing aims of the Getty Research Institute are fields of artistic creation and research. essentially no different to those of German archives, what is impressive is the intensity After a very warm welcome by the Director with which it purchases legacies worldwide of the Bundeskunsthalle, Rein Wolf, in which so that these can be made available for re- he spoke of his own experiences on the top- search purposes. The significant apprecia- ic as exhibition curator, the Chairman of the tion for research-relevant documents in the Landschaftsversammlung Rheinland (Region- USA has resulted in a bidding war between al Assembly of Rhineland), Dr Jürgen Wil- the old world and the new, with the former helm addressed the packed out auditorium often being left behind. with a few words of greeting. The Regional Council is among the most important institu- The second day of the event was held under tions that focus heavily on the promotion art the title: European Perspectives for Artistic and culture. And happily, the RAK is also a Legacies. The audience listened to experts European Heritage, auditorium and information stands of German heritage archives Photos: Gora Jain promoting partner. talk about their archival work with artistic heritage and the situation in their respective The introductory lecture was given by Dr countries. This allowed for ample discussion Aleida Assmann, whose voice as a literary of the significance of the work done with ar- and cultural studies scholar at the University tistic heritage in various countries and the will- of Konstanz reaches far beyond Germany’s ingness of the public sector to provide finan- borders thanks to her engagement with the cial support for this work. Adrian Glew gave subject of cultural memory. Only recently, a talk on the activities of the art archive of the were she and her husband, Egyptologist Jan Tate Gallery in London, whereby – unusually Assmann, jointly awarded the Peace Prize by German standards – thanks to the connec- of the German Book Trade, which belongs tion to the museum, the archivists of the Tate to the most significant of cultural awards in Archive are able to work closely with their Germany. colleagues from the curatorial department. On the first day of the symposiumGerman After the lunch break, which offered the in- art archives presented their various methodo- dividual attendees of the event the oppor- logical approaches to dealing with the topic tunity to talk to one another, there followed of legacy. They were followed by the Head an hour long panel discussion on the subject Archivist of the Art Gallery of Toronto, Dr of artist’s legacies on a spectrum between Amy Marshall Furness. She reported about value as a cultural resource and value de- Canadian practice, which contrary to Ger- rived from their market relevance. The talk man archives, does not view artistic lega- was broadcast on the radio on WDR 3 the cies in isolation, but rather as professional- following day. Dr Thomas Gaehtgens, Di- ised subdomains of art museums. rector of the Archive of the Getty Research Institute, Prof Henrik R Hanstein, Head of the Academy of Arts), Berlin; the Deutsche Kunst- Lempertz Auction House in Cologne, Heinz archiv, (German Art Archive), Nuremburg; the Holtmann, Gallerist in Cologne, Bernd Neu- Forum für Künstlernachlässe e.V. (Forum for Ar- endorf, State Secretary for the Ministry of tistic Heritage), Hamburg; the Verein Private Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport Künstlernachlässe Brandenburg (Brandenburg for North Rhine-Westphalia (MFKJKS), Dr Association of Private Artist’s Legacies); the Britta Kaiser-Schuster, Head of the Berlin De- Initiative Künstlernachlässe Mannheim (The partment of the Kulturstiftung der Länder (Cul- Mannheim Initiative for Artistic Heritage); the tural Foundation of the German States) and Stiftung für konkrete Kunst und Design Ingol- Dr Gerhard Pfennig, Member of the Board stadt (Ingolstadt Foundation for for Concrete of the Stiftung Kunstfonds (Art Fund Founda- Art and Design) and the ZERO foundation, tion) in Bonn all spoke with moderation pro- Düsseldorf. A communal stand for the Berufs- vided by Dr Michael Köhler. verband bildender Künstler (Professional As- sociation of Visual Artists – BKK), Deutscher The symposium was intended to finish with a Künstlerbund (German Artist’s Association) look toward the future. The Chairman of the and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kunst- und Deutscher Künstlerbund, Frank Michael Zei- Museumsbibliotheken (Committee of Art and dler, spoke about the future with regard to Museum Libraries) completed the presence of affected artists, in which he referred self-criti- the German heritage archives. This commit- cally to the responsibility of legacy creators tee assembled on the day before the event to not leave the beneficiaries of their estate for their anniversary in the Bundeskunsthalle. Top: Amy Marshall Furness, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto unprepared for the task of looking after their Bottom: Frank van de Schoor, Curator of Modern Art, legacy and thus overburdening
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