CALL BLOCKER GOING ON-LINE WITH YOUR PC SCA ADAPTER POPti 10,1A ElectrowNilics' GOING ON-LINE With Your PC Explore the exciting world of computer bulletin boards, commercial information providers, the Internet, and more Build A Call Blacker Keep unwanted calls away w:th this easy-to-build telephone accessory Build An SCA Adapter Hear the hidden signals on the FM band Lego Dacta Control Lab ,441 Our favorite toy moves #BXBDCCH !AR -RT SORT xx rR2,1. into the 1990's #60506OHN57-.7P006# F7.71395 PO? 11111,11Huldiliii,111m1,1111111,1111dhul1i GERSNBACK_ kO&ERT tqf,'IdN RESP PRODUCT REVIEWS: 103 . 997 GRAND Panasonic 300 Multiplayer, Technics Mini Stereo I $3.50 U.S. (URCRA :536_25-13 System, The Electronics Workbench, and more $3.95 CAN. www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com Countersu rveï nance seen on has so much The professional discussions Never before home reveals how information on the art the TV screen in your professional disable wiretaps, midget and eliminating to detect and of detecting CALL -frequency transmitters, and other snooping devices -and radio electronic NOW! bugs, plus when to use disinformation to how to defend against experienced the unwanted listener, and the placed confuse information thieves -been technique of voice scrambling telephone in one VHS video. If you are a communications. In fact, do you know in Fortune 500 CEO, an executive how to look for a bug, where to look for a any hi -tech industry, or a novice bug, and what to do when you find it? seeking entry into an honorable, Bugs of a very small size are easy to rewarding field of work in build and they can be placed quickly in a countersurveillance, you must matter of seconds, in any object or room. view this video presentation again Today you may have used a telephone and again. handset that was bugged. It probably contained three bugs. One was a phony bug to fool you into believing you found a Wake up! You may be the victim of and secured the telephone. The sec- stolen words -precious ideas that would bug ond bug placates the investigator when have made you very wealthy! Yes, profes- the real thing! And the third bug even rank amateurs, may be lis- 1- 516 -293 -3751 he finds sionals, the professional, who tening to your most private con- is found only by YOUR to search just in case there were versations. HAVE continued more bugs. Wake up! If you are not the victim, VISA or MC CARD The professional is not without his then you are surrounded by countless vic- AVAILABLE tools. Special equipment has been de- tims who need your help if you know how and private signed so that the professional can sweep to discover telephone taps, locate bugs, or what was to be an embassy re- a room so that he can detect voice -acti- "sweep" a room clean. residence into the most sophisticated had ever vated (VOX) and remote- activated bugs. There is a thriving professional service cording studio the world to be torn Some of this equipment can be operated steeped in high -tech techniques that you known. The building had remove all the bugs. by novices, others require a trained coun- can become a part of! But first, you must down in order to tersurveillance professional. know and understand Countersurveilance The professionals viewed on your tele- Technology. Your very first insight into Stolen Information vision screen reveal information on the this highly rewarding field is made possi- The open taps from where the informa- FAX's, com- latest technological advances like laser- ble by a video VHS presentation that you tion pours out may be from beam snoopers that are installed hun- cannot view on broadcast television, sat- puter communications, telephone calls, and dreds of feet away from the room they ellite, or cable. It presents an informative and everyday business meetings on. The professionals disclose that program prepared by professionals in the lunchtime encounters. Businessmen need snoop in- computers yield information too easily. field who know their industry, its tech- counselling on how to eliminate this This advertisement was not written by niques, kinks and loopholes. Men who formation drain. Basic telephone use cou- a countersurveillance professional, but by can tell you more in 45 minutes in a pled with the user's understanding that whose only experience came straightforward, exclusive talk than was someone may be listening or recording a beginner reduces from viewing the video tape in the pri- ever attempted before. vital data and information greatly the opportunity for others to purloin vacy of his home. After you review the understand its con- Foiling Information Thieves meaningful information. video carefully and taken the first important Discover the targets professional tents, you have r step in either acquiring professional help snoopers seek out! The prey are stock CLAGGK INC. PE surveillance problems, or you firms, manufacturers, P.O. Box 4099 Farmingdale, NY 11735 with your brokers, arbitrage as a coun- any competitive may very well consider a career high -tech companies, Techniques the Please rush my copy of the CountcrsunveilIance tersurveillance professional. industry, or even small businnesses in Video VHS Cassette for a total cost of 553.95 cacti (which community. The valuable informa- includes 54.00 postage and handling). same The Dollars You Save tion they filch may be marketing strat- No. of Cassettes ordered To obtain the information contained in egies, customer lists, product formulas, Amount of payment 5 Sales tax (N.Y.S. only) the video VHS cassette, you would attend manufacturing techniques, even adver- Total enclosed a professional seminar costing $350 -750 tising plans. Information thieves eaves- VISA Bill my MasterCard and possibly pay hundreds of dollars more drop on court decisions, bidding Card No. if you had to travel to a distant city to information, financial data. The list is Expire Date / attend. Now, for only $49.95 (plus unlimited in the mind of man-es - Signature $4.00 P &H) you can view Countersur- pecially if he is a thief Name Addrss veillance Techniques at home and take know that the Russians secretly ,tate Ldl' You City often. To obtain your microphones in the refresher views installed countless \ I I" All payments in U.S.A. funds. Canadians add 54.00 per copy, complete the coupon or call. concrete work of the American Embassy cassette. No foreign orders. building in Moscow. They converted L J www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com JUNE 1994, VOLUME 11, NO. 6 R Popular etron THE MAGAZINE FOR THE ELECTRONICS ACTIVIST' CONSTRUCTION ARTICLES BUILD THE CALL BLOCKER Terry J. Weeder 31 Spare yourself from unwanted telephone calls with this easy -to -build circuit BUILD AN SCA ADAPTER Don McCormick 44 Hear the hidden signals on the FM band HOW TO SPLIT A POWER SUPPLY Michael A. Covington 47 Turn any single -sided supply into a dual supply with this power-supply splitter FEATURE ARTICLES GOING ON-LINE WITH YOUR PC Karl T Thurber 37 There's an exciting "cyberworld" of information and fun waiting for you on -line LEGO FOR THE 1990'S Marc Spiwak 64 Electronics and computers bring our favorite toy into the 1990s BUYING USED TEST EQUIPMENT Gerard C.A. Fonte 67 Get a top-notch test bench without going broke PRODUCT REVIEWS GIZMO 49 Panasonic 3D0 interactive multiplayer, Samsung home FAX machine, Bogen Friday electronic receptionist, and more HANDS -ON REPORT 18 Interactive Image Technologies Electronic Workbench PRODUCT TEST REPORT Len Feldman 21 Technics mini -component system COLUMNS MULTIMEDIA WATCH Marc Spiwak 4 Research on CD -ROM THINK TANK John Yacono 24 Muscle wire and automotive circuits ANTIQUE RADIO Marc Ellis 71 Putting together the NBS crystal set COMPUTER BITS Jeff Holtzman 74 It sure is SCSI CIRCUIT CIRCUS Charles D. Rakes 76 Fluid detectors DX LISTENING Don Jensen 82 South American SW broadcasters HAM RADIO Joseph J. Carr 84 Wire antennas SCANNER SCENE Marc Saxon 86 A look at mobile extenders DEPARTMENTS EDITORIAL Carl Laron 2 LETTERS 3 ELECTRONICS LIBRARY 8 NEW PRODUCTS 16 ELECTRONICS MARKET PLACE 79 POPULAR ELECTRONICS MARKET CENTER 95 ADVERTISER'S INDEX 138 FREE INFORMATION CARD 139 Popular Electronics (ISSN 1042-170X) Published monthly by Gernsback Publications, Inc., 50043 Bi- County Boulevard. Farmingdale, NY 11735. Second -Class postage paid at Farmingdale, NY and at additional mailing offices. One-year, twelve issues, subscription rate U.S. and possessions $21.95. Canada $28.84 (includes G.S.T Canadian Goods and Services Tax Registration No. R125166280), all other countries $29.45. Subscription orders payab e in U.S. funds only, International Postal Money Order, or check drawn on a U.S bank. U.S. single copy price $3.50. < 1994 by Gernsback Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Hands-on Electronics and Gizmo trademarks are registered in U.S. and Canada by Gernsback Publications, Inc. Popular Electronics trademark is registered in U.S. and Canada by Electronics Technology Today, Inc. and Is licensed to Gernsback Publications. Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Postmaster Please send address changes to Popular Electronics, Subscription Dept., P.O. Box 338, Mount Morris. IL 61054 -9932. A stamped self -addressed envelope must accompany all submitted manuscripts and/or artwork or photographs if their return is desired should they be rejected. We disclaim any responsibility for the loss or damage of manuscripts and/or artwork or photographs while in our possession or otherwise. As a service to readers, Popular Electronics publishes available plans or information relating to newsworthy products, techniques, and scientific and technological developments. Because of possible variances in the quality and condition of materials and workmanship used by readers, Popular Electronics disclaims any responsibility for the safe and proper functioning of reader -built projects based upon or from plans or information published in this magazine.
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