Studiesin the genusAcacia (Mimosaceae)-8 A revisionof the Uninerves-Triangulares,in part (the tetramerousspecies) By B. R. Maslin Abstract A taxonon,ic revision of parl of Acacia Series Urr'fte/yeris presented. Includedare those species with 4-merousflowers and triangular-shapedphyllodes. The seventeenspecies comprising this group are endemicto south-westWestern Australia. Eight new speciesand one new variety are descrlbe A. delphina sp. !9y., ,4./i/tolea sp. nov. (syn. A. decipiensaluct.), A. phaeocalyxsp. no\., A, phlebopetalasp. nov., A. phlebopetalavar. pube:cens var. nov., A. pycnocephala sp. nov., ,4. tobinae sp. noy., A. Mmitrullata sp. nov. and A. Lliginosasp. lroy. A new name, A, chtl'stcephala,is gilen to the taxon A. biflora var. airca E, Pritzel. Three names previously in common use have been relegatedto syn- onymy'.A. cuneataBenth.and A. decipiens(C. Koen.) R.Bt. are no.\'/A. tunca,a (Burm.f.) Hort. ex Hoffmannseggwhile,4. l'errlcosaW. V. Fitzg. is A. i crossam Hook. Keys io speciesand varietiesare provided,all taxa are illustratedand their distributionmapped. Introduction The presentrevision is basedon Bentham's 1864and 1875treatments of "UnineNes-Triangulares" the (see below) but treats only those specieswith 4-merousflowers. Thus only Western Australian ta\a are considered. The speciesincluded by Bentham but excluded here are A. acqnthocladaF. Muell., A. bidentata Benth., l. dilatata Benth. a\d. A. gunnii Benth. (syn A. yomeri- .formis A. Cunn. ex Benth.). Three speciesand two varieties described since 1875 are included here, viz. A. inops Maidet et Blakely, A. mooreena W. Y. Fitzg., A. yernicosaW. Y. Fitzg. (: A. inuassata Hook.), l. bifiora var. aurea E. Pritzel (: A. chrysocephsldnom. et stat. nov.) and A. horridula rar. hastul- stoides E. Prttzel ( A. uliginosasp. no\.). ln addition. eighr new specie' and one new variety are described. The terminologyused to describeplant communitiesis that presentedby Aplin (1976). This is a slightly modified versionof the systemproposed by Specht(1970). All illustrations appearing in this work have been drawn from pressed herbanum specrmens. Only a selectionof specimensis cited under each taxon. A list of the numbered specimensseen is given at the end of this paper. Some of the un- numbered specimensseen are cited in the text. Historical perspective Benthan (1841) described lhe Triangularcs as one of the eleven major subdivisions of his SeriesPiyl/odineae and incltded specieswith both uninerved and plurinerved phyllodes. Meisner (1844 and 1848).Bentham (1855) and Mueller (1859) later describednew taxa which were referred to the Trians;lare;. In 1864 Bentham reconsidered his earlier classification of Acaciq. 1n this work he raised the SeriesPhyllodineae to the rank of Division and at the same time divided the species previously included in the Triangulares among the 266 L9Z 'DSoutS!lt't pLvtoJolln.!l!Luas 'DlDLldaJouzId k, V V'oppr,tJotl t, zr^ sercadspelalel ,{lssolcJnoJ ur:ncco sepol1,{qd elEllnrlrules (surSreu I?rxeq" pue Jerxep"eql qtoq uo polSu€eje ,{eqtl"ql ldocxe etu"s oqt er" sepolJr(rldel?ltnrl) ^luo urSrtur eql uo pe13ur 'sseq letxepe 'e]surrunre putt oqt e^oqe scu"lsrp elrlos t? olpplru aq1 ,4\oleqlsepEoJq eJBqcrq^\ sepollfqd o1 perlddr sr al"llnllruros ruJs] oql 'uorlrppe uI (tf6l) '1, l, proJp€l{ ur ue,tr8 srurel oql pasn e^eq I olqrssod ererlrl6 sedeqs eseql eqtJJSopol {3olouru:a1 psqsrTq"lseSursn ut osuE ueUo serllllcurp'IJloorru^sP 'pecnpold srql Jo esneJeg lrrleurru,{se ,{te^ eje q.tg,r elllos ol? sod€r{s 'seprs Jo 8ur{re,r ,{1epru $rql oqt Jo elnls^Jnc pue ql8ue1e^rt?ler eql ur secue -reJIp ol enp lnq JBIn8ueulsr odrqs crseqoqJ sdrlolSqnsol1'. .^arDf8uo!.tJ -sa,t.lautuneql epr^rpol pesnsJalJe.r"{c eqlJo euo sr eclrqsepo11,{q4 l€drJuud 'V ( 1 arn8tg ur peleJlsnJlrer? ,{\oleq ue,rr8 surrel eq1 Jo IuBt\) :sapo llqJ 'lue8und ssol.lo orolu eq u?J sos"qluetsrs;ed eql aDulqorv pue Dlolddoqalqd tr uI lue8und ere ,{3111e.rerl,$ sua8ta,ttp y uetJo pu? xllwoaoqd y roj ldecxe sesEqpeue{crrll pu€ eBurul"l slrou€os e,\€rl selndllseseqJ seqcue.rq3uno,( aql uo sepoll,{qdtsoLu ss"q oql lp lueseJdsr 'ou!4dpp Jo selndrlsgo -rrrd z ,, solurleulosp\rB Da.totjq J roj tdecxg :safd!$ t 'sepo11,4qdsnorqrlS e,r.uq,{11ensn sarceds eqt 'D.to4[!q Jo :lsereqJ Jrlcco op slenpr^rpursno;q213 auos V ]oJ leurJou oJu sopoll,{qd,tureq q8noqllv sepoll,{qd,{rr"q ^lluelsrsuocqtr,{\ uox"t .(luo orll st su saqnd Je^ DpD(lo(plL!(l oDo)l/ fJrcr] ol snoJq€I8 uo.rJ ,t.r"A Jo freq s^B,ulereqlle e.re"xel reqto orll ur soqJuslq eqJ- xilDoaDqd ur punoJ osle 's€qcuerq f fll€tuJoLr€r? ,{eql q8noqllu snorqelS ,{lluolsrsuoJs1z\ Da,lottll V {lug (688 d '9161 urlse1,1),{lsnor^erd pessnrsrp oeaq s?q ereq pesn ,{3o1o -ulurJot runlueunpur eqJ "x"t et"rlueJelllp ol ,{lln3sseccns,fte,r pe,{olduraeq uEcSuue^or Jo ed,{1eq1 rou srr?qJo ecuesqEJo oJuasordeq} roqlreN sepol 1,(qd snorqelS pup soqJu"rq ,{req e,teq sercedseql Jo lsolN :unltuawnpLq Z 'tq8req ur ru g 7 Surqcre;'dno.r8 cql sreqLueu lssll"l oql ete Dw)untt pLtEoanlltl Dt)D)/ uotle]r?a^ Jo V 'sdou|v pelurcoss"eql ur polSu?luo,rol3 serurteuos Jo esorJtuuqt tsnqol erou Sureq q8noqqe 'qcrq,tr soqJuttq :lJalo qll,r sqnJrls uE Dsout8tln y pu? 'DlolnJso\ 'sercads Dloqd oLtJId V z porll? ee:qg uor1e1a8o,rpall?rcosse eql uI se^losureq)el?uelue puu re^o olqluBIJSqrrq,\\ serlJuElq luroJrlg '{Ee,r seq rdrr1.l o\cocy suoqdacxo euros olu eroql'Ja^oA\oH lq8roq ur tu seurleuos lo ru 'lcere 'pr8u 'llBtus I 9.0 €.0 sqnrqsltruue:ed ere ser.edseql Jo lsolN :tlqDH I {3o1oqd.ro111 'DpwV uorsr^er u? lxoluoc 3ql ut euop lseq e-reselnperotd qrng '{u?r lo Ilero^o Jo Jo uort"uSrsepeqt puE ed^lopol € Jo uorlJoloseqt lr"lue plno,r stql se dnor? srql 01 oor€u r e,\rAol eurl lueserder11 1u elerrdordduursr 11 ' l"u.uoJ ,,san1nEuou1-sattanul),,, e['t sr fldults dno.r8 srql ol r3JeJI )Jlo,u lueseld eq1 lnoqnnorqJ aDaulpoll^4dset]es ew utu)t^\ tD,traulan seuesqnseql suorsr^.rp 'sanfBLtot.tJ Jo -qns xrs Jo euo Sureq stqt eql ur (S/g l) ur"rltreg ,{q poJ€ld osoqt Suoruu ere e.leq elu ,{q pejeprsuoJ sarcodseqa pour":}urettl se'\\ salolnauDtu 'sor.res po,lrouunld erll ruo4 pe^rorrruneqt SurIrlds Jo luelul€orl tggl erll lnq " se ^luo popJ"noJ u?a aDaulpolltrld erll ur sv suorl€cgrpour suros q:lt,r 'uort€rursselc ztSl tnq ZtSl slq ot pego,tar(E191) weqlueg'opDry Jo lueLu1Ber1 IsuU srq ul .. se^.rourullpue se^reuunld Jql Jo fluo sJuJsqnse s? urJrll JeprsuocpuE'sorceds pe,rreu-euo erll !uo{ po^Jeo-,(utureql e}eredesol '( lelnl€u erolu sJeedd" ,rou 1r lnq 11 g g seues e uorsr,f.rp-qns? ^ll"nlcB) sor.res Jo 'a€teruJv lJultsrp s sr s3J"lnBuEuJ erll peqsrlqElse,{lsnor^ord p"q J eq} Jo os€f, eqt ur sV,, :pe1z1s(6tr9 d'yggl) ruerllueg sa,uaw.tlldpue rrilar?rn seues A. horridula type s a bm A. truncata- type A. bif lora - type g Figure l. Principrl phyllode types of the Uninerves-Triangulares. A A. hoffi.lula-type (phyllode semitrultrte). B-A. billorc-type(phyllode obliquely obdeltate). C-A. tntncata- type (phyllode obtriangular). abm-abaxial margin; adm-adaxial distal margin; apm- adaxialproximal margin; g gland; m apicalmucro; p pulvinus;pn principalnerve; sn secondarynerve. The phyllodes have a principal nerve that extends from the pulvinus (which is normally rather obscure) to the normally pungent apical mucro. Often a less obvious secondary nerve extends towards the gland from near the base of the pdncipal nerve. A gland occurs at the apex of an angle on the adaxial margin of the phyllode. That portion of the adaxial margin between the gland and the pulvinus is termed the adaxial proximal margin while the portion between tho gland and the apical mucro is termed the adaxial distal margin. The abaxial margin is the side below the principal nerve between the pulvinus and the mucro. 5. Inflorescences: Inflorescence charactem are very useful in distinguishing species within the Uninert,es-Triqngulares. The most impoftant character is the number of flowers per head, but other useful characters include peduncle length, bud shape and petal nervature. The majority of species have simple (i.e. not compound) inflorescences which are normally solitary at the nodes along the upper branches. Only the two closely related taxa, A. littorea and A. truncata, have racemose in- florescences. Here the raceme axis is very reduced. 692 'sdnoJ8 lnoJ ur peur€luocen safip&uo!,tJ-sauauunaW Sursr-rdLuors:rc:ds ua:tu:nrs aLlI .a ernBrJur (;lerrieuu_Lei8erppjruiserii eJEsdrLlsuorlpliJ JgrJedsJ:lul ,{qsarpnts 3ur;paor petrurl 'qd Jles,{Lu pueleutnD Aq-sJlpnls -uJllod ru_o4pJ^rJep ecuepl/\e Surlroddns qlr,r\ ,{SoJorldJo[u e^rlereoujoJuo AJI?dlJuudpeqsrtq"lse eJ? sorlruuE sorcods .dnoJ8cttrlouoxel IBJnlEu" 1ou flurcgec or" eJeqpeugep se sioln8uutj-saatauun e\II saraF8uBlrl-saraulun oql ulqlpi sdlqsuouBlau ueqlrap"orq ,tllqarts Suroq eape relno rqt prurlrql ^',".0""" Jil"Ul,",i^ltffi sp00soql uae,rleq popeJluoo (,{loJeqJo) lou or€ tegl sur8nru qlh{ puB Jnoloc 'el€Irls-uou 'sp::s IcBIq^of u,{\o-rq rq} re^o pesrEr^ltqSrls ^luo .pe^rnJ YI '3uo1qo 'l€U ,{ytq8rls ,{l.rorreu ere treq sauun8tl:q1 sdnorh alz.rung .y pue Drcbftq^'V polElal ,{[osolc eql srrJrds asoq] srpnlrur dnor8qns puocos 'onoJd Jo er{J -olnpr.t.toqD|JD)V eqt ur JnJJo llE ed,{t :un8el srqt 3urssos.odserrads aql uortdf,JxJ euo qllr\[ sur8nru peuelcnl]-uou qlr^\ pue \xlloJoaDqd Z) 'JlEuls .rnoloJ.ur u,$oJq-peJ ,(lesg ,{11eu1pn1r8uo1.spees eql uee^\leqpelc"Jl 'spuJ -uoJ (AFJEq Jo) tou gloq le peJedq ,aloJol .pe^lnc ere qcrq,Lrserun8el olrtcuqsrp-,fual e,\er{dno€qns lsJUorllJo sJequou eql .(^\oteq eos)selnql:11e IectSolor{droru uorte-roprsuoc uE uro:j p-qsljqefe sdrio:B iioqr
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