If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. ~- --- ~~-------------------........\ "--------------------~------------------- --------~ (-J -, National Criminal Justice Reference Service DEPA~TMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Servic~\ Centers for Dis~,ase ----------~~-----------------------------~------------------- ., -""""------,,....---------,-.::....----------~~~ Memorandum nClrs Date Augus~ 16, 1982 (j From Assistant to Director for Field Activities Office of Center Director This microfiche was produced from documents received for inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Since)'~CJRS cannot exercise Subject Rape Preven~ion and Services Bibliography control over the physical condition of the--documents submitted, the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution chart on this frame may be used to evaluate the docum~nt quality. To . Project Officers, Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grants To assist you in your efforts towards rape prevention and related services, provided for in the Preventive Health and Health Services !l,g 2 5 ru,g I~~ 11111 . Block Grants to States, we have prepared this technical resource. 1.0 .~ .1 I!,lg W 11M Please note "that unless ot'iierwise indicat~d, the Centers for Disease ~ ~ II: J:: .~ ., "" " Control is not the source for obtaining the individual items listed in' ...~L::.'" 111111. ; this resource. The source of each item is provided with the abstract or 'on page v of the resource. 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 We hope this item will be helpful to you. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST ¢HART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A ,. ,\ ,. I 'S Regiona,l Offices • -1 " Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with the standards set forth in 41 CFR 101-11. 504. , ~ .. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the author(s) and do not represent the official position or policies of the U. S. Department of Justice. OJ o National Institute of Justice ". o United States Department of Justice -, Washington. D: C. 20531 -" '" ,<J ' , " ~\ .0 ~. I; .J 1 I'), ,. .1, RAPE PREVENTION AND SERVICES TO RAPE VICTIMS 1982 CONTENTS , INTRODUCTION iii HOW TO USE THE BIBLIOGRAPHY v OVERVIEW OF PREVENTION 1 , ° PREVENTION STRATEGIES 8 }} U.S. Department of Justice COMMUNITY PREVENTION National Institute of Justice APPROACHES .' 15 This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the .;- I' o person or organization originating It. Points of view or opinions stated Lf;GISLATION 18 In this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies 01 the National Institute of VICTIM SERVICES 19 '0 Justice. COMMUNITY INTERVENTION Permission to reproduce this ~ed material has been granted by APPROACHES 46 Public Domain/U.S. Department of Health and Human Services DETERMINING FACTORS 66 OFFENDER TREATMENT 68 to the N~lional Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). NATIONAL PROGRAMS, CLEARING- ~- ,. Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis- HOUSES~ AND DATA BASES sion 01 the ~ owner. 68 BIBLIOGRAPHIC RESOURCES 70 AUTHOR INDEX 73 " SUBJECT INDEX 79 '. ,<;, Q' '.",.,-. o (J .. - " ' __ e"_'"""."~'_'< INTRODUCTION "One of the program authorities within the Preventive Health and Health Se'rvices Block Grant is for rape prevention and services to rape victims. In almost ,all States, the official State health agency is responsible for administering these grants; ,yet, experience in dealing with this health problem varies from State to State. To assist State health agencies, the Centers for Disease Control, specifically its Offit:e of the Director and its Center for Health Promotion and Education, have collaborated to identify relevant literature, pro­ grams, and services that relay information which might be of technical assistance to these agencies and help­ ful as initial resources. C' (, The abstracts included were obtained by a review of Federally operated computerized data bases as well as some private sector data bases. Abstracts located from the Federal sources, principally the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) and the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), were included without change, whereas items located in private data bases wen': obtained, reviewed, and abstracted; Information is provided indicating where the full report may be obtained as well as whom to contact for additional data on programs. We hope this resource will be helpful. This re,l)ort was preper'ed by Herner and Company under Contract No. 200-81~0632 for the'Center for Hea I th PrOmotion and Educat Ion, Cen,ters for QlseaseControl, Public Health ServIce, U.S. Department of Heeltl) end Human SerVices. C('m­ tents should 'not be construed as ,The official po I I c:y of the Center for Hea I th Promot I O!'I an d Educatloncr any agency ·of the Federa.! Government. ,0 ill "': " ... ,,";~.~ '~/', . , ..".-,-",~,.,.~""",;",~:""-~~~:",-,-,---,-,--,-~-_-,-.."~":":",-'-,:~-,,,:,,-,-,-~,-,,,:,,,,-.:_.:.. __ ,.,:"""'_,.0,: __,--+ "., .:_,~_ ',c_ ,,:;, !' f) ~ .• "~. '_''''<_''_*'___ ''',-4'~ ,,:, ~ •..• ~:": ...!~~4_~ __ ".,~;... ,_,:,,-':",~:.':", ., ~_. '._~_ .,~" ..,_ •• ~..:." __ ,'.. HOW TO USE THE BIBLIOGRAPHY Rape Prevention and Services to Rape Victims contains two types of records: abstracts of published literature and program descriptions. These records are arranged.in chap,ters according to their major subject area. Within each chapter, citations and abstracts of documents appear first, followed by descriptions of programs. Document citations are arranged in alphabetical order by the primary author's name, and pro­ gram descriptions are arranged in alphabetical order by the title of the program. A sequential, three-digit aC;cession number has been assigned to each item. Program accession numbers are followed by a UP" to indicate that the item is a program. Each document is uniformly identified and described by the elements labeled in the sample below: Document Accession Number Document Title~' I - 003 Personal or ' - . '" . Sex Dlfferencesm University Students' Attitudes Toward Corporae~ t " A th ,," ______ Rape. " , u ors Barnett, N. J. and Feild, H. S.- 'tat' I'" ____ Journal of College Student Personnel 18{2}:93-96, March Journa I CI lon......--- 1977 ' or Publication : Source ,This .stud~ investigated the nature of sex difference:; among Abst t~ university students' attitudes toward rape. Results showed rac males were quite different from females in their attitudes and tended to support lTJany myths regarding rape. Implica­ tions of the results cO,ncerning the nature and prevention of Abstract. Source* rape on cdllege campuses are discussed. (ERIC) .' The distributor from" which a document is available to the public may be given as the last element in the, citation. The most commonly cited distributors and their acronyms are listed below. Price information may be obtained from the supplier at the address given by specifying the order or stock number of thedocu­ ment and the form, hard copy or microfiche, desired. If the document is available from a distributor other than those listed, the address of the alternate distributor is provided. Available from GPO: Document is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gowrrnment Printing '\ Office, Washington, DC 20402, in hard copy. \ Q " Available from ERIC: '-\:.':::) Document is available from the Educational Re,!iQurces Information Center Docu­ ," ment Reproduction Service (EDRS), P.O. Box 190, Arlingtpn VA 22210, in hard copy or microfiche. " , I', Available from NCJ RS: Document may be obtained frqm the NCfRS MicrO,;fiche Program, Box" 6QPO, Rockville, MD20850, in mi~rofiche. Include a self-addressed mailing label. -- Available from NTIS:' Document may be purchased frolll th,~ National Technical Information Service, U.S~ Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161,in hard coPY or micro- fi~~ .' ' "'The abstract sourclt is provided if the abstract was taken without change from either the ERIC or NCJRS data, base.. ' ,~ "a ",' ", ., " ' (\ c'- ~precedinOg page blank ..... v -----~~~. <-------- -------~ OJ'; , .< 4,. _ a .' ."~' ,., ~-~.-, ..... "...;-.<'- •• -,,-.~. ~ ... f) ,.,._.•. ~':"":':"-~~----"'~~- -,\ Each program description is uniformly identified and described by the elements labeled in the sample below: OVERVIEW OF PREVENTION tim services and treatment. Appendices present a list of written materials and films on rape and a brief discussion Program Accession on the issue of whether or not to resist rape. (ERIC) Number Program Title • OOi I Crime Prevention • . ~ 205P Atlanta, (Ga.), Metropolitan Atlanta Crime Commission, 003 progpra~or rmclpa ~Irel -ctor____ ~Central_ Maine Medical Center Rape Crisis. 275 p., 1977. Sex Differences in University Students' Attitudes To­ C ta t Maurer, J. ward Rape. on c ~Central Maine Medical Center, Lewiston, ME 04240 This manual was designed to assist local police and com­ Barnett, N. J. and Feild, H. S. t . (207) 795-0111 Journal of College Student Personnei18(2):93-96, March Ad mmls erllig _. munity groups in developing, implementing, and evaluat­ Organization d Contmumg. ing cooperative crime prevention programs. The 1977. methodology a police departm~nt or citizens group and Address #services offered by Central Maine Medical Center Rape 5hould use in identifying the extent and nature of their T I h N b Crisis in Lewiston, Maine, include a 24-hour hotline, the crime and victim problems is discussed. Also included is This study investigated the nature of sex
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