UpdateEAB www.esperanto-gb.org ✩ Gisdateˆ A quarterly organ of the Esperanto Association of Britain Kvaronjara organo de Esperanto-Asocio de Britio ★ No. 47, October–December 2009 N-ro 47, oktobro–decembro 2009 ISSN 1741-4679 International communication without discrimination ★ Respect for all cultures Internacia komunikado sen diskriminacio ★ Respekto por cˆiuj kulturoj World Esperanto • New postcard campaign Association now has (see page 5) 70 national associations he 94th World Esperanto association also applied, but its • Free ticket TCongress, held in Bia¬ystok, formalities were not complete. Poland, at the end of July, had Affiliation of the Mongolian to the London almost 2,000 participants. Here association is significant as are just a few points decided at Mongolia hosts the 6th Asian Language the congress. A fuller report Esperanto Congress in Ulan Bator appears in UEA’s official next year, from 19 to 23 June. monthly Esperanto. Show worth Greater UN and Unesco activity Mongolia – and soon Angola There were congratulations for £10 with this UEA’s Executive Committee, the increased activity of UEA meeting during the congress, representatives at the United accepted the Mongolian associa- Nations HQ in New York and issue tion, Mongola Esperanto-Societo, as Unesco’s in Paris, in particular in (see page 6) its 70th affiliated national connection with UEA’s proposal organisation. This number has that Unesco declare an official been growing every year for the Decade of Languages. last few years. The Angolan Continued overleaf • News feed opportunity with Twitter (see page 7) • New writing and photo competition Emblem of the 6th Asian Esperanto Congress, with a panorama of Mongolia (see page 10) EAB-Ìisdate • 1 Enrolment one place, so that countries can The meeting emphasised the more easily learn from each REDAKTORA NOTO importance of increasing the other’s best practice. number of individual members of UEA, especially those in the UK 2011 in Copenhagen Zamenhof category Membro-Abonanto, who The next World Esperanto receive both the Yearbook and Congress takes place in Havana, the monthly Esperanto (please see from 17 to 24 July 2010. 150-jara page 8). This year’s congress also i bedaüras, ke ne aperas en decided the location of the çi tiu numero analizo pri Publicity best practice World Congress in 2011, which M Zamenhof kaj niaj rilatoj kun li, It was recommended that UEA will be Copenhagen. It narrowly kvankam tiun temon abunde collect information material beat the application from the pritraktis la ∆usa Universala from all national associations in Spanish Association for Madrid.J Kongreso en lia naski©urbo Bjalistoko. La senkulpigo estas, El la portreto ke tian neniu ensendis. de Ludoviko Tamen, al mi çiam ßajnas iom Zamenhof, kurioze, ke multaj esperantistoj olepentrita daüre nomas Zamenhof ‘kreinto’ de Felix de la lingvo, kvankam jam en Moscheles 1888 – en Dua libro de l’ inter- en 1907 nacia lingvo – li insistis, ke oni kaj montrata referencu al li kiel ‘iniciatinto’. en la oficejo Kaj, lige kun tio, notendas, ke de Esperanto- uzado de la vorto ‘kreinto’ forte Asocio de sugestas al ekstermovadano Britio, demandi, kiel unu sola homo Barlastono povas krefiksi tutan lingvon! Do, ni evitu nomi Zamenhof ‘kreinto’, krom en tre apartaj cirkonstancoj. Eble ni oma©u al li per lego de la ∆us aperinta verko de Aleksander Kor∆enkov Homarano: La vivo, verkoj kaj ideoj de d-ro L.L. Zamenhof (vidu p.12). Geoffrey Sutton • Material for the next issue of EAB Update should be with the editor no later than 23 November. • Materialo por la venonta numero de EAB-Gˆisdate atingu la redaktoron plej laste la 23an de novembro. EAB-Update / Gˆ isdate is a quarterly organ of the Esperanto Association ❏ EAB also publishes the review La Brita Esperantisto, wholly in Esperanto of Britain / estas kvaronjara organo de Esperanto-Asocio de Britio, / EAB eldonas ankau˘ la revuon La Brita Esperantisto, tute en Esperanto. Esperanto House / Esperanto-Domo, Station Road, Barlaston, Stoke- ✰ on-Trent ST12 9DE. ❏ Tel. 0845 230 1887 or +44 (0)1782 372141 EAB is a registered charity (No. 272676) and an affiliated national Fax / fakse: on request / lau˘pete association of the Universal Esperanto Association, which has official relations with the United Nations and Unesco / EAB estas legˆe registrita E-mail / rete: [email protected] bonfara asocio kaj aligˆinta landa asocio de Universala Esperanto-Asocio Websites / ttt-pagˆaroj: www.esperanto-gb.org (Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, NL-3015 Rotterdam, Nederlando. Tel. 00 31 10 www.esperantoeducation.com 436 1044; fax / fakse: 00 31 436 1751; e-mail / rete: [email protected]; www. ❏ Membership of EAB costs £25 a year (£20 concession); supporter or uea.org), kiu havas oficialajn rilatojn kun Unuigˆintaj Nacioj kaj Unesko. youth member £10 / Membrigˆi en EAB kostas £25 pundojn jare (£20 ✰ rabatite); subtenanto au˘ juna membro pagas £10 pundojn. ✰ ❏ EAB is also affiliated to the International League of Esperanto Teachers ❏ and the European Esperanto Union / EAB aligˆis ankau˘ al Internacia Ligo de Material for Update should be sent by e-mail, computer disk (rtf format, Esperantistaj Instruistoj (ILEI) kaj Eu˘ropa Esperanto-Unio (EEU). please) or hard copy direct to the editor / Materialon por Gˆ isdate oni sendu ✰ rete (formaton rtf, mi petas), diske au˘ papere rekte al la redaktoro: Geoffrey Sutton, 7 Clover Road, Aylsham, Norwich NR11 6JW; e-mail / rete: gsutton ❏ The views expressed in EAB Update are not necessarily those of the @computekmail.co.uk. Material may be in Esperanto, English, Welsh or Management Committee of EAB / La opinioj esprimitaj en EAB-Gˆ isdate ne Gaelic / Materialo rajtas esti en la lingvoj internacia, angla, kimra au˘ gaela. nepre estas tiuj de la Administra Komitato de EAB. 2 • EAB Update ADMINISTRA KOMITATO MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A weekend well spent ost members – and other researchers (on Esperanto and may, of course, be a statistical Mreaders of this column – language-learning) from across ‘blip’ – time will tell). Hilary know that once a year, usually in the worldwide Esperanto com- Chapman has gallantly taken on June, the Trustees (Management munity. Springboard funding the job that Eric Walker used to Committee) spend a weekend at will continue for five years do, chasing up ‘lapsed or lapsing Esperanto House, for an annual beyond 2011. members’; not only do we find ‘Planning Meeting’. It’s an out why people give up their invaluable opportunity to step Finances membership (for example, age back and consider, in a slightly EAB finances, in common with and/or eyesight), but sometimes more thorough fashion than is the world economy, have suf- manage to persuade people to possible in an afternoon in fered from the recent financial stay on. London, the major issues facing crisis. However, once again, Joyce the association, and prospects for Bunting (Hon. Treasurer) has Esperanto House the year ahead. This year, every- defied gravity, thanks to our The work of Esperanto House one was there, except David and higher-than-average proportion seems to be ticking over well, Jean Bisset, who were caught up of funds in cash and fixed- thanks to Viv, her new part-time in the drama of grandparent- interest investments, which have assistant Emma Hudson, Joyce, hood, and Geoffrey Greatrex, suffered much less than the stock Malcolm Jones, who co-ordinates who had an inescapable lecture markets. Now, since the turn of residential courses, and Jean commitment in Germany; we the year, we have been ‘drip- Bisset (2009 Congress). Book welcomed our new (and youth- feeding’ funds from there (where sales remain healthy, especially ful) Trustee, Clare Hunter, and interest rates are now rock- relative to membership numbers. we were joined for particular bottom) into carefully selected We are aware of a couple of agenda items by Angela Tellier equity-based investments; members of the association who (Education), Stephen Thompson already this has proved success- work in libraries in a profes- (Publicity) and Viv O’Dunne ful. sional capacity. We hope to draw (Office). Ever anxious to reduce costs, them into the work of the Butler Joyce – with advice from Clare, Library, although it would be Education herself an accountant – will undiplomatic to mention names Once again, Angela delivered an explore the possibility of reduc- – in case they say ‘No’! In the upbeat report on our education ing the cost of our annual meantime, Geoffrey King soldiers activities, especially Springboard, ‘independent examination of on, for the most part solo. which has attracted a great deal accounts’ (audit, more or less), of favourable attention through- while still meeting all the re- Publicity out the Esperanto world; Angela quirements of the Charity Stephen Thompson joined us for herself has been in demand as a Commission. a big discussion about publicity. speaker, abroad as well as in the For the past nine months, we UK. The main problem remains Membership stabilisation have retained a professional PR – as ever – recruiting pilot We were delighted to hear from firm (The Encore Organisation) schools, but the Springboard Viv O’Dunne (Office Manager) to work with Stephen on media team continue to pursue a variety that, after some years of slow but relations, the association’s image, of possibilities, several of which steady decline, membership and other aspects of publicity. look quite promising. The figures have actually stabilised Sadly, this has not been alto- (independent) project evaluation over the past year or so. (This gether a success. There do appear by Manchester University contin- ues and, two years in, is begin- ning to produce really interesting Apology and correction results. That research, along with The editor apologises for inadvertently inverting the columns work being done by Angela at ‘Abstain’ and ‘Against’ of the election results in the paper version Essex University, and the ongo- of the last issue of EAB Update.
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