UC Classics Library New Acquisitions April 2019 1. Authors and authorities in ancient philosophy / edited by Jenny Bryan, Robert Wardy, James Warren. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 2018. Cambridge classical studies. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B171 .A98 2018. 2. Au miroir des bienheureux : les émotions positives et leurs représentations en Grèce archaïque / Clément Bertau-Courbières. Pessac : Ausonius, 2017. Scripta antiqua ; 105. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B187.H3 B47 2017. 3. Mortal and divine in early Greek epistemology : a study of Hesiod, Xenophanes, and Parmenides / Shaul Tor, King's College London. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2017. Cambridge classical studies. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B200.K45 T67 2017. 4. La jeune fille et la sphère : études sur Empédocle / Marwan Rashed. Paris : Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, [2018]. Philosophies (Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne). LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B218.Z7 R37 2018. 5. Parménide, au-delà de l'existence / nouvelle traduction et commentaires, Jean Bouchart d'Orval. Paris : Almora, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B235.P23 N3814 2018. 6. Critica dell'apparente e critica apparente : Simplicio interprete di Parmenide nel Commentario al De caelo di Aristotele : saggio introduttivo, raccolta dei testi, traduzione e commentario / Ivan Adriano Licciardi. Sankt Augustin : Academia-Verlag, 2017. Symbolon (Catania, Italy) ; volume 44. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B235.P24 L53 2017. 7. Il dialogo socratico : fra tradizione storica e pratica filosofica per la cura di sé / Linda M. Napolitano Valditara. Milano : Mimesis, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B318.D53 N37 2018. 8. Plato's Timaeus and the Latin tradition / Christina Hoenig. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2018. Cambridge classical studies. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B387 .H64 2018. 9. Ascent to the good : the reading order of Plato's dialogues from Symposium to Republic / William H.F. Altman. Lanham : Lexington Books, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B395 .A549 2018. 10. Interpreting Plato Socratically : Socrates and justice / J. Angelo Corlett. Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B395 .C67 2018. 11. Love, friendship, beauty, and the good : Plato, Aristotle, and the later tradition / Kevin Corrigan. Eugene, Oregon : Cascade Books, [2018]. Veritas (Eugene, Oregon) ; 26. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B395 .C674 2018. 12. The embodied soul in Plato's later thought / Chad Jorgenson, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018. Cambridge classical studies. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B398.S7 J67 2018. 13. Aristotle and his commentators : studies in memory of Paraskevi Kotzia / edited by Pantelis Golitsis and Katerina Ierodiakonou. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2019]. Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca et Byzantina. Quellen und Studien ; Bd. 7. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B485 .A625 2019. 14. Aspetti dell'aristotelismo / a cura di Cristina Rossitto. Lecce : Milella, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B485 .A87 2018. 15. Melissus and Eleatic monism / Benjamin Harriman. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2019. Cambridge classical studies. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B485 .H37 2019. 16. Teoria e prassi in Aristotele / Claudia Baracchi - Enrico Berti - Arianna Fermani - Silvia Gastaldi - Luca Grecchi - Silvia Gullino - Alberto Jori - Giulio A. Lucchetta - Lucia Palpacelli - Luigi Ruggiu - Mario Vegetti - Carmelo Vigna - Marcello Zanatta ; a cura di Luca Grecchi. Pistoia : Petite plaisance, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B485 .T457 2018. 17. I filosofi nel mondo greco e romano / Giovanni Pellegrino. Salerno : Edisud Salerno, 2017. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B505 .P45 2017. 18. Hellenistic philosophy / John Sellars. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B505 .S45 2018. 19. The roots of Platonism : the origins and chief features of a philosophical tradition / John Dillon, Trinity College, Dublin. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2019. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B517 .D555 2019. 20. Alexander Arabus : studi sulla tradizione araba dell'aristotelismo greco / Silvia Fazzo ; prefazione di Marwan Rashed. Pistoia : Petite plaisance, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B535.A64 F372 2018. 21. Antiochus and peripatetic ethics / Georgia Tsouni. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2019. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B535.A774 T76 2019. 22. Apulée : roman et philosophie / Géraldine Puccini. Paris : PUPS (Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne), [2017]. Rome et ses renaissances. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B536.A34 P83 2017. 23. Infinito confine : Plotino e il pensiero dell'Uno / Giuseppe Armogida ; prefazione di Giacomo Marramao. Milano : Mimesis, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B693.Z7 A62 2018. 24. Plotin : l'odyssée de l'âme / Pierre-Marie Morel. Paris : Armand Colin, [2016]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. B693.Z7 M673 2016. 25. Distributed cognition in classical antiquity / edited by Miranda Anderson, Douglas Cairns and Mark Sprevak. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2019]. Edinburgh history of distributed cognition. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BF311 .D58 2019. 26. Les larmes de Rome : le pouvoir de pleurer dans l'Antiquité / Sarah Rey. Paris : Anamosa, [2017]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BF575.C88 R49 2017. 27. Dieu de l'orage dans l'Antiquité méditerranéenne : actes du colloque international organisé à Louvain-la-Neuve les 5 et 6 juin 2015 par le Centre d'Histoire des Religions Cardinal Julien Ries / textes réunis et édités par René Lebrun et Étienne Van Quickelberghe. Turnhout : Brepols, 2017. Homo religiosus. Série II ; 17. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL687 .D54 2017. 28. L'amour chez les dieux de l'Olympe / Gilbert Andrieu. Paris : L'Harmattan, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL785 .A53 2018. 29. Le polythéisme grec comme objet d'histoire / Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, chaire "Religion, histoire et société dans le monde grec antique". [Paris] : Collège de France : Fayard, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL785 .P55 2018. 30. Estudios sobre el vocabulario religioso griego / Esteban Calderón Dorda, Sabino Perea Yébenes (editores). Madrid : Signifer Libros, 2016. Colección Signifer ; no 49. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL790 .E78 2016. 31. Religion grecque, religions antiques : [leçon inaugurale de la chaire d'études comparées des religions antiques, Collège de france, 5 décembre 1975] / Jean-Pierre Vernant. Paris : F. Maspero, ©1976. Textes à l'appui ; Histoire classique. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL790 .V45 1976. 32. Superheroínas griegas : legendarias, apasionadas, auténticas / Alicia Esteban Santos. Valencia : Tilde, 2018. Cultura clásica (Valencia, Spain); 16. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL795.H47 E88 2018. 33. Votive body parts in Greek and Roman religion / Jessica Hughes, the Open University. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2017. Cambridge classical studies. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL795.V6 H84 2017. 34. Guide to the study of ancient magic / edited by David Frankfurter. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2019. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL805 .E7 v.189. 35. Uncovering Anna Perenna : a focused study of Roman myth and culture / edited by Gwynaeth McIntyre and Sarah McCallum. London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. Bloomsbury classical studies monographs. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL805 .U536 2019. 36. The altars of Republican Rome and Latium : sacrifice and the materiality of Roman religion / Claudia Moser, University of California. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2019. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL808 .M69 2019. 37. Kore, la ragazza ineffabile : un mito tra passato e presente / a cura di Roberto Deidier ; saggi di: Daniele Alaimo [and fifteen others]. Roma : Donzelli editore, [2018]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL820.P7 K67 2018. 38. Venus cult in Roman Dacia / Adriana Antal. Cluj-Napoca : Mega Publishing House, 2016. Bibliotheca Musei Napocensis ; 49. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BL820.V5 A37 2016. 39. Les recommandations aux pretres dans les temples ptolemaiques et romains: esquisse d'un heritage culturel et religieux / Nicolas Leroux. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018. Studien zur spätägyptischen Religion ; Bd. 21. LOCATION = CLASS Oversize. BL2450.P69 L47 2018. 40. Las palabras del paisaje y el paisaje en las palabras de la Edad Media : estudios de lexicografía latina medieval hispana / edición Estrella Pérez Rodríguez. Turnhout : Brepols, 2018. Corpus Christianorum. Lingua patrum ; 11. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .C4557 v.11. 41. Die Taten des Petrus und der zwölf Apostel : (NHC VI,1) / Katharina Stifel; neu herausgegeben, übersetzt und erklärt. Berlin : De Gruyter, [2019]. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR60 .T46 Bd.182. 42. Die Briefe des Ignatios von Antiochia : Motive, Strategien, Kontexte / herausgegeben von Thomas Johann Bauer und Peter von Möllendorff. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2018]. Millennium-Studien ; Bd. 72. 1862-1139. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR65.I3 B68 2018. 43. The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (787) / translated with an introduction and notes by Richard Price. Liverpool, England : Liverpool University Press, 2018. Translated texts for historians ; v. 68. LOCATION = CLASS Stacks. BR240 .C68 2018 v.1. 44. The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (787) / translated with an introduction and notes by Richard Price. Liverpool, England : Liverpool University Press, 2018. Translated texts for
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