AUA UPDATE SERIES INDEX VOLUMES 1–38 ACID-BASE EQUILIBRIUM: Anatomy of the Penis and Male Perineum Part II. Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Abnormalities in Angermeier KW and Devine CJ, Vol. XIII, Lesson 3, Urological Practice. Tanrikut C and McDougal WS, Vol. 1994 25, Lesson 19, 2006 Anatomy, Physiology and Diseases of the Epididymis. Tracy C and Steers W, Vol. 26, Lesson 12, 2007 ADRENAL GLAND DISEASE: Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology of Bladder The Adrenal: Diagnosis and Medical Management. Stewart Urothelium. Birder LA, Vol. 24, Lesson 25, 2005 BH, Vol. II, Lesson 14, 1983 Anatomy of the Testis: A Clinically Relevant Review. Adrenal Incidentalomas. Mandeville J and Moinzadeh A, Tadros N, Hecht S, Ostrowski KA and Hedges JC, Vol. Vol. 29, Lesson 4, 2010 34, Lesson 9, 2015 The Adrenal: Surgical Therapy. Stewart BH, Vol. II, Lesson Applied Anatomy of the Groin Part I. Redman JE, Vol. 15, 1983 VIII, Lesson 9, 1989 Anatomy and Physiology of the Adrenal. Bravo EL and Applied Anatomy of the Groin Part II. Redman JE, Vol. Stewart BH, Vol. II, Lesson 13, 1983 VIII, Lesson 10, 1989 Assessment and Management of an Adrenal Mass in Evaluation and Management of Posterior Vaginal Wall Urological Practice. Kutikov A, Mehrazin R and Uzzo Prolapse. Sherman ND and Amundsen CL, Vol. 25, RG, Vol. 33, Lesson 19, 2014 Lesson 31, 2006 Contemporary Surgical Approaches to the Adrenal Gland. Neuroanatomy of the Retroperitoneum and the Pelvis: Du K and Bishoff JT, Vol. 35, Lesson 32, 2016 Operative Implications Part I. Strasser H, Stenzel A, Diagnosis and Management of Adrenogenital Syndrome Hobisch A, Bartsch G and Poisel S, Vol. XX, Lesson 15, Caused by Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Kroovand 2001 RL, Vol. IV, Lesson 36, 1985 Practical Pelvic Anatomy Pertinent to Radical Retropubic Diagnosis and Management of Pheochromocytoma. Prostatectomy. Myers RP, Vol. XIII, Lesson 4, 1994 Daneshvar M and Bratslavsky G, Vol. 38, Lesson 1, 2019 Surgical Renal Anatomy. Kim IY and Clayman RV, Vol. 25, Diagnosis of Surgical Adrenal Disorders. Vaughan ED, Vol. Lesson 40, 2006 XVI, Lesson 39, 1997 Laparoscopic Versus Open Adrenal Surgery. Gill IS and ANDROGENS: Novick AC, Vol. XVIII, Lesson 33, 1999 Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer. Malignant Adrenal Tumors. Novakovic K, Ersahin C, Pinthus JH, Hajek D and Trachtenberg J, Vol. 25, Lesson Picken M and Campbell SC, Vol. 23, Lesson 30, 2004 15, 2006 Prenatal Diagnosis of Urological Diseases. Herndon CDA Androgen Replacement Therapy: Fact or Folly. Gettman and Cain MP, Vol. 28, Lesson 3, 2009 M, Barrett DM and Nehra A, Vol. XVIII, Lesson 2, 1999 Surgically Treatable Adrenal Disorders Part I. Donohue JP, An Assessment of New Techniques and New Applications Vol. IX, Lesson 19, 1990 of Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer. Nguyen PL, Surgically Treatable Adrenal Disorders Part II. Donohue D’Amico AV and Hoffman KE, Vol. 29, Lesson 31, 2010 JP, Vol. IX, Lesson 20, 1990 Managing Side Effects of Androgen Deprivation Therapy. Holzbeierlein JM and Thrasher JB, Vol. 24, Lesson 32, ALGORITHMS: 2005 Nocturia in Adults. Weiss JP, Lee CL and Blaivas JG, Vol. Long-term Complications of Androgen Deprivation 27, Lesson 10, 2008 Therapy for Prostate Cancer and How to Manage Them. Nahar B, Barboza MP, Prakash NS, Venkatramani V and Predictive Models for Prostate Cancer. Sengupta S and Punnen S, Vol. 36, Lesson 32, 2017 Blute ML, Vol. 25, Lesson 35, 2006 The Role of Androgen Receptor Signaling in Metastatic Prediction Models of Renal Cell Carcinoma. Lane BR, Prostate Cancer. Carver BS, Vol. 32, Lesson 29, 2013 Kattan MW and Novick AC, Vol. 25, Lesson 7, 2006 Testosterone Replacement in the Patient With Prostate Cancer. Ramasamy R and Schlegel PN, Vol. 29, Lesson ANATOMY: 32, 2010 Anatomy and Innervation of the Male Urethra, the Testosterone Therapy. Khera M, Vol. 32, Lesson 35, 2013 Rhabdosphincter, and the Corpora Cavernosa Part II. Treatment of Metastatic Prostate Cancer: How Urologists Strasser H, Stenzel A, Hobisch A, Bartsch G and Poisel Should Sequence Available Agents. Mostaghel EA and S, Vol. XX, Lesson 16, 2001 Lin DW, Vol. 31, Lesson 4, 2012 Anatomy of the Penis and Male Perineum Part I. Devine Vaginal Prolapse. Part I: Anatomy and Musculofascial CJ and Angermeier KW, Vol. XIII, Lesson 2, 1994 Support of the Pelvis and Transvaginal Grade IV 407 Cystocele Repair. Grey Maher M, Mourtzinos A, Yu Intersex Part II. Joseph DB, Vol. XXII, Lesson 6, 2003 H-Y and Raz S, Vol. 25, Lesson 29, 2006 Long-Term Effects of Pediatric Urological Diseases. Lim DJ and Walker RD, Vol. XV, Lesson 23, 1996 ANOMALIES: Long-Term Management of Myelodysplasia From Adult Myelodysplasia. McGuire EJ and Denil J, Vol. X, Adolescence into Adulthood. Ginsberg DA, Vol. 28, Lesson 38, 1991 Lesson 10, 2009 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Management of Stones in Anomalous Kidneys. Elliott VL, Gurkowski LJ and Grantham JJ, Vol. XI, Lesson 30, Clements T, Gettle L and Raman JD, Vol. 29, Lesson 22, 1992 2010 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Herron Megaureter in Children. Elder JS, Vol. VII, Lesson 24, 1988 KG and Grantham JJ, Vol. VII, Lesson 32, 1988 Megaureter in Children. Lockhart JL and Politano VA, Vol. The Bent Penis. Vorstman B and Devine CJ, Vol. IV, Lesson II, Lesson 33, 1983 16, 1995 Micropenis. Gonzales ET, Vol. II, Lesson 39, 1983 Bladder Exstrophy. Duckett JW and Caldamone AA, Vol. Micropenis: Current Concepts and Controversies. Husmann III, Lesson 13, 1984 DA, Levy JB, Cain MP, Teitjen DN and Uramoto GY, Bladder Exstrophy: Reconstructive Alternatives. Arap S Vol. XVII, Lesson 10, 1998 and Giron A, Vol. X, Lesson 25, 1991 The Molecular Basis of Intersex Conditions. Kolon TF and Congenital Anomalies into Adulthood Part I. Woodhouse Lamb DJ, Vol. XX, Lesson 14, 2001 CRJ, Vol. V, Lesson 27, 1986 The Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney. Peters CA and Badwan Congenital Anomalies into Adulthood Part II. Woodhouse K, Vol. 30, Lesson 13, 2011 CRJ, Vol. V, Lesson 28, 1986 The Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney. Peters CA and Mandell Congenital Penile Curvature. McCammon KA and Jordan J, Vol. VIII, Lesson 7, 1989 GH, Vol. 23, Lesson 10, 2004 Myelomeningocele in Young Adults. Woodhouse CRJ, Vol. Current Management of Ureteroceles. Coplen DE, Vol. XXII, Lesson 8, 2003 XVII, Lesson 30, 1998 Occult Spinal Dysraphism (the Tethered Cord) and the Current Surgery for Epispadias. Hollowell JG, Woodhouse Urologist. Husmann DA, Vol. XIV, Lesson 10, 1995 CRJ and Ransley PG, Vol. XIV, Lesson 11, 1995 Pelvic Lipomatosis. Roy O and Steers WD, Vol. 27, Lesson Diagnosis and Management of Hydronephrosis In Utero. 11, 2008 Kramer SA, Vol. V, Lesson 23, 1986 Posterior Urethral Valve Obstruction. Hulbert WC and Diagnosis and Management of the Nonpalpable Duckett JW, Vol. XI, Lesson 29, 1992 Undescended Testicle. Walker RD, Vol. XI, Lesson 20, Prenatal Diagnosis of Urological Diseases. Herndon CDA 1992 and Cain MP, Vol. 28, Lesson 3, 2009 Ectopic Kidneys and Renal Fusion Anomalies. Gleason PE Prenatal Management of Hydronephrosis. Coplen DE, Vol. and Kramer SA, Vol. XIV, Lesson 33, 1995 XIX, Lesson 17, 2000 Ectopic Kidneys and Renal Fusion Anomalies. Snow BW, The Prune Belly Syndrome. Rich MA and Duckett JW, Vol. Vol. VI, Lesson 6, 1987 XI, Lesson 17, 1992 The Ectopic Ureter. Shapiro E, Vol. IX, Lesson 31, 1990 Renal Vein and Vena Caval Anomalies: Embryology and Epispadias. Winslow BH and Devine CJ, Vol. III, Lesson 14, Clinical Implications. Mathews R, Fishman EK and 1984 Marshall FF, Vol. 23, Lesson 36, 2004 Evaluation and Treatment of the Abdominal Mass in Sexual Identity: Shifting Paradigms for the Management of Infancy and Childhood. Tank ES, Vol. III, Lesson 3, 1984 Ambiguous Genitalia. Zderic SA, Vol. XXI, Lesson 21, Evidence Based Approach to Combining Androgen 2002 Suppression and Radiation Therapy for Men With Surgery on the Horseshoe Kidney. Frederick LR, Moss J Locally Advanced or Clinically Localized Prostate and Schwartz BF, Vol. 32, Lesson 17, 2013 Cancer. D’Amico AV, Vol. 24, Lesson 22, 2005 Unusual Congenital Anomalies of the Lower Urinary Tract. Familial and Genetic Urologic Disorders in Childhood. Redman JE, Vol. II, Lesson 37, 1983 Walker RD, Vol. VI, Lesson 30, 1987 An Update on the Current Management of Bladder Impact of Prenatal Ultrasonography on Detection, Exstrophy. Ben Chaim J and Gearhart JP, Vol. XVI, Evaluation, Management and Outcome of Lesson 19, 1997 Genitourinary Anomalies. Ellsworth P and Sitnikova L, Update on Ureteroceles in Children. Caldamone AA and Vol. 24, Lesson 28, 2005 Duckett JW, Vol. III, Lesson 36, 1984 Intersex Disorders Part I. Diamond DA, Vol. IX, Lesson 9, Urachal Anomalies and Urachal Carcinoma. Weiss RE and 1990 Fair WR, Vol. XVII, Lesson 38, 1998 Intersex Disorders Part II. Diamond DA, Vol. IX, Lesson The Urachus: A Review and Update. Laboccetta LT and 10, 1990 Picard JC, Vol. 31, Lesson 9, 2012 Intersex Part I. Joseph DB, Vol. XXII, Lesson 5, 2003 Urethral Valves and the Potential for Healing in Very 408 Young Patients. Close CE, Vol. XIX, Lesson 14, 2000 Peptide Growth Factors in Urology. Steiner MS, Vol. XIV, Urologic Evaluation of the Myelodysplastic Child. Poppas Lesson 24, 1995 DP and Bauer SB, Vol. XVI, Lesson 36, 1997 Use of Antibiotics for Prevention and Treatment of Urologic Implications of Imperforate Anus. Brock WA and Infections in Pediatric Urology. Hollowell JG and Pena A, Vol. X, Lesson 27, 1991 Cunnion K, Vol. 28, Lesson 4, 2009 Urologic Management of the Myelodysplastic. Bellinger MF, Vol. V, Lesson 39, 1986 BIOMARKERS: Urologic Manifestations of von Hippel-Lindau Disease. Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer Detection. Ajib K and Klein EA and Novick AC, Vol. IX, Lesson 33, 1990 Kulkarni GS, Vol. 38, Lesson 11, 2019 von Hippel-Lindau Disease: Clinical and Molecular Considerations for the Urologist. Uzzo RG and Novick BLADDER: AC, Vol.
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