Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17992-9 — Chinese Diasporas Steven B. Miles Index More Information Index Africa, 208–209 cabecillas, 99, 114 Alipay, 204, 236 California, 103 almanacs, 1, 127 Cambodia, 205 American Women’s Voluntary Canada, 105, 139, 194 Services, 186 Cantonese, 22, 67, 76, 103, ancestral nation, 251 105 Ang, Ien, 258 Cao Shuji, 27, 61, 174 anti-Chinese legislation, 138, 177, 182, Cape Chinese Exclusion Act, 138 193 CCTV, 250 anti-Chinese violence, 138, 189 chambers of commerce, 155–156, 158 astronaut families, 245 Chan, Shelly, 12 Australia, 103, 105, 128, 139, 191, 194, Chang Pin-tsun, 33 238, 241 Chang Wen-chin, 69 Aw Boon Haw, 213 Chaoxianzu, 235 Ayutthaya, 32, 42, 65 Chee Kung Tong. See Zhigongtang Chen Ching-ho, 34 Baba, 84 Chen Da, 162–166 bachelor society, 124 Chen Lanbin, 142 Bandung conference, 174 Chen Qianshan, 143 Bangka, 66, 67 Chenghai County, 82, 141 Bangkok, 162, 235, 253 Chia, Lucille, 32 Bao Jiemin, 255 Chicago, 177 Baoan County, 157 Chin (Hong), Mabel, 183–187 Baohuanghui, 150 China proper, 2 bare sticks, 53, 62, 86 China Radio International, 254 Batavia, 32, 82 Chinatowns, 186, 205, 211, 216, Batavian Fury, 32 252 Beijing, 200, 201–203, 219 Chinese American Citizens Alliance, Bendigo, 105 180, 187 Bhamo, 100 Chinese century, 54 birth tourism, 246–247 Chinese Communist Party, 171 Blue Funnel Line, 193 Chinese community centers, 217 Borneo, 67, 81 Chinese Empire Reform Association. See Box Hill, 217, 234 Baohuanghui Britain, 192, 217, 230 Chinese Immigration Act, 139 brotherhoods, 77–79, 86, 119 Chinese Students Alliance, 185 Brubaker, Rogers, 11, 12 ChineseInLa, 243 Budapest, 207 Cholon, 77 Bukit Mertajam, 132, 183 Chu, Julie, 7, 210 Burlingame Treaty, 137 Chu, Richard, 130 Burma, 69–71, 97, 100, 116, 172, churches, 101, 181, 215–217 209 civil war, Chinese, 171 261 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17992-9 — Chinese Diasporas Steven B. Miles Index More Information 262 Index clan associations, 115 Gottschang, Thomas, 13 Cold War, 188 guanggun. See bare sticks commercial warfare, 136 Guangxi, 40, 83, 90, 196 concubines, 27, 50, 83, 85, 164 Guest, Kenneth, 215 Confucius Institutes, 212 Guihua. See Hohhot consulates, 143, 160 guiqiao, 190 coolies, 111–113 Guo County, 73 Costa Rica, 253, 256 Guo Qitao, 46 courtesans, 50 Guomindang, 158–159, 171–172, 175 credit-ticket system, 114 Gutian County, 101 Cuba, 90, 106, 107, 130, 138, 140, 142, 192 Haicheng, 29–30 Cuba Commission, 142 Haicheng County, 148 Cultural Revolution, 173, 189 Hakkas, 66, 67, 81, 100, 107, 116, 122, 212 Hangzhou, 48, 228, 240 daigou, 236 Hanoi, 76 Dashengkui, 73 Harare, 235 Datuk Kong, 133 Hatien, 37 Dawu, 41 Havana, 119, 154 Dengzhou, 55 Hawaii, 150 dialects, 71 He Ruzhang, 143 diasporas, 10–13, 250, 255, 257, head taxes, 139 258 headmen, 114 diasporic trajectories, 2 Heshun, 70 trade, 2, 23–26, 97–99 Ho Chi Minh City, 77, 211 Dongguan County, 102, 122 Hohhot, 60, 63, 73 Dutch East India Company. See VOC Hoi An, 31, 34, 37 Hokkien, 22, 29–36, 46, 61, 74, 98, 211 emigration companies, 240–241 Honduras, 256 Enping County, 210 Hong Kong, 110, 118, 172, 192, 212 ethnic studies, 9 Hong, Y. C., 183–187 ethnoburbs, 233–235, 238 Honig, Emily, 94 Europe, 108, 213 Houston, 217 Exclusion Act, 138, 193 Hsieh, Frederick, 234, 237 Huang County, 56–59 Fan Xiaofeng, 94 huaqiao, 149, 174, 175, 251, 257, See Fiji, 158 overseas Chinese floating population, 197, 199–201, huaren, 251 218, 237 huayi, 198, 255 Four Counties, 103, 108, 116, Hu-Dehart, Evelyn, 259 210 hui. See brotherhoods France, 108, 153 Huian County, 126 Fujian Native-place Association, 212 huiguan,39–40, 73–77, 115–117, 132, 154, Fung, Kenneth, 187 211–215 Fung, Thomas, 238 Huizhou, 26–29, 46, 48, 75 Fuqing County, 204, 205, 208 hukou, 174, 200 Fuzhou, 101, 205–206, 215 Hungary, 207 gambier, 68 immigration laws, 199 gangzhu,79 Immigration Restriction Act, 139 gazetteers, 33 imperialism, 109, 144 genealogies, 33, 34, 126 Inch’ŏ n, 98 Ghana, 209 indentured labor, 106–107, 111–113, 142 gold rushes, 103 Indochina, 141 gold-mountain firms, 117 Indonesia, 189, 258 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17992-9 — Chinese Diasporas Steven B. Miles Index More Information Index 263 industrialization, 92, 93–96, 99 London, 108, 123, 253 intermarriage, 47–48, 83–85, 128, 140, Longxi County, 20, 33–35, 52, 98 164 Los Angeles, 183–188, 234 investment, 220, 253 Louie, Andrea, 254 Ipoh, 178 Ma Yueguan, 48 jade, 172, 209 Ma Yuelu, 48–49 Jamaica, 107, 122, 157, 168–169, 192 Mac Cuu, 37 Japan, 31, 143, 152, 230, 256 Macao, 90, 112 Java, 32 Macheng County, 24 Jiande, 119 Mafengwo, 242 Jiangxi, 24, 40, 69, 74 Malabon, 87–89 Jimei, 149, 252 Malacca, 40, 43 Jinjiang County, 47, 61, 98 Malay Peninsula, 99, 131 jinshan zhuang. See gold-mountain firms Malayan Communist Party, 188 Jiujiang, 107, 119, 165 Malayan Emergency, 188 Johor Bahru, 161 Malaysia, 97, 217, 241 jus sanguinis, 144, 157, 174 Manchuria, 55–59, 63, 95–96, 144 Manila, 30–31, 42, 47, 65, 87, 130, Kang Youwei, 150 143, 156 kapitan,43 Mao Zedong, 171 ketou, 114 Marriage Law, 175 Khobdo, 61 Martelli Law, 203 Khoo Kongsi, 148 McKeown, Adam, 7, 10, 93, 96 Kiakhta, 60, 63 Megaward Property Group, 238 Kokang, 69, 172 Mekong delta, 68 kongsi,80–81, 116 Melbourne, 116, 124, 217, 235 Korea, 98 mestizos, 84, 87–88 Koxinga. See Zheng Chenggong Mexico, 30, 107, 123, 130, 139, 140, 159, Kuala Lumpur, 189 165, 211 Kuala Terengganu, 74 migrant brides, 247 Kuching, 101 migration, 8 Kuhn, Philip, 7, 46 and the state, 21, 62–64, 173, 178, 197, 222, 228–229 Laizhou, 55 chain, 15 Lanfang kongsi, 81, 84 cultures of, 15 Lary, Diana, 13 family, 56, 225 laundrymen, 176–178 female, 94, 102–103, 123, 201, 207, 225, law firms, 243 244–248 letters, 82, 117, 127 labor, 99–100 Li Minghuan, 204 male, 23, 45–46, 56, 162, 245 Li Naixi, 120, 128 mass migration, 92 Li Tanren, 168 pull factors, 13–14 Li, Wei, 233 push factors, 13–14, 90, 96 Li, Yi, 100 return, 190–191 Liang Qichao, 147, 150, 157 secondary, 191–192 Liang Yahong, 112 settlers, 45 Liaoning, 190, 206, 207, 225, skilled, 231, 232–233 231 sojourners, 45 Limehouse, 108, 122, 130 urbanization, 93–95 Lin Daoqian, 37 Mingxi County, 205, 219 lineages, 38–39 Minqing County, 101 Liverpool, 120, 193 Mongolia, 61, 144, 173 Lo Fong Pak, 81, 84, 146, Monterey Park, 234, 237, 243 147 museums, 160, 252 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17992-9 — Chinese Diasporas Steven B. Miles Index More Information 264 Index Nagasaki, 31, 40, 42, 47, 90, 98, Portland, 184 117 Prato, 203–204, 220, 222, 224 Nan’an County, 98 Pridi Banomyong, 141 Nanhai County, 41, 83, 103, 136 prosperous age, 53 Nanyang, 178 prostitution, 124, 207, 209 nationalism, 137, 140, 159, 180, pulperías, 107 254 Puning County, 131 native-place associations. See huiguan Putian County, 196 Nayto, Don Francisco, 87 Netherlands, 191, 258 qiaokan, 148 new Chinatowns, 233, 234 qiaopiju, 117 new migrants, 197, 256 Qing empire, 53, 142 New York, 205, 215, 216, 224, 256 office-selling, 142 New Zealand, 105, 129 policy on emigration, 144 newspapers, 118, 147, 237 Qingtian County, 108, 109 Ng, Cheun, 193 Qiu Tiande, 120 Ngee Heng, 79, 119 Quanzhou, 29, 126, 211 Ningyang Huiguan, 120, 181–182 Nonini, Donald, 183 race, 146, 258 Northeast China, 206 railways, 105 Rangoon, 100, 120, 128, 182, 189, 212 Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs, 251, real estate agencies, 237–240 253 refugees, 36, 173, 191 Olympics, 254 remittances, 82, 117, 175, 204, 223 One Belt, One Road, 240, 251 Republic of China, 144, 157, 158, 182 Ontario, 213 resource rushes, 54 opium, 80, 99, 127, 172 restaurants, 192 Opium War, 91, 110 revenue farms, 80 Ou Tianji, 146, 148 Riau, 66, 68 overseas Chinese, 6–8 rice, 68, 99 Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission, Richmond, 234, 238, 246 175, 221 Rong Anmin, 181–182 Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, 221 roots programs, 253–254 Overseas Chinese State Farms, 190 rubber, 99 overseas compatriots, 251 overseas study locators, 240 Sabah, 155 Saigon, 69 Panama, 140, 192 salt trade, 26–27, 48 Panama City, 107 Sam Yap. See Three Counties parachute kids, 245 San Francisco, 105, 116, 146, 156, Parián, 42 185 Paris, 109, 203, 207, 225, 235 San Gabriel Valley, 234 Patani, 37 San José, 253 Pearl River delta, 22, 102 Sanjiang, 40, 90, 179 Penang, 65, 115, 119, 120, 136, 143, Sanshui County, 102 148, 156 Sarawak, 101–102, 183 People’s Republic of China, 175, 182, 190, sari-sari,98 213, 229 schools, 149, 156–157, 159, 166, Peranakan, 48, 84 178, 189 Peru, 106, 112, 140, 142 Scott Act, 138 Philippines, 30, 47, 87–89, 98, 138, 210 secret societies, 120, See brotherhoods Pieke, Frank, 7 See Yap. See Four Counties piglets, 111 Seoul, 235, 241, 242 politicization, 137, 150, 215 sex ratios, 122, 123, 184, 248 polygyny, 164 Shandong, 55–59, 95–96, 98, 109 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17992-9 — Chinese Diasporas Steven B. Miles Index More Information Index 265 Shanghai, 93–94, 121, 124 Teoh, Karen, 166 Shanxi, 26, 59–61, 73, 125 Thailand, 140, 172, 209, 255 Shengze, 75–76 Three Counties, 103, 146 Shenzhen, 199, 224 Tiandihui.
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