THE *<EW YORK HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER J), 1921. + »+V 3 J Miss Anne Burr Miss Mona Crozer PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. [ 4 ' HENRY D. FLOOD, LONG DIED. KKW YORK. ErnanV Has a Notable Revival With IN CONGRESS, IS DEAD Acl.-et^. Ida v I; Irclaud. Jam..a D. Atklnso; H&roVi 1!. Alaithevr*. iJherr.v Is a Debutante Married Here to >. Outgoing passengers for Europe to- Hills, William It. Merikle, liilas V. Virginia Representative Was 1'rt.rireriiot, K. I . Meyer, Ca rrie H. morrow will include Mrs. Elistaa Dyer, ais Campled!. James B. Murphy, Sophronla K. Mr. Grenvllle Temple Emmet, Mr. and Ponselle Elvira at Metropolitan Serving Eleventh Term. t'atliri, Nine T. It< P.*. Minnie , on Her Neal Mrs. William Payne Thompson and Mrs. Clark. William ,s> hf-nrk. G l\. W Birthday Wainwright Frederick CranniT. Mary I.. Simons Mary C. Havemeyer. Washington, Dec. S..Congressional Crist. luiia I' Smith, Mary A. Ruffo. business was suspended to-day out of In-ven, GjsrarN "Utpheti. Kdna E Mrs. Charles E. Tracy has closed her Indisposed. Replaced by respect to Representative Henry D. f ipple. Ar.nl® \ Thompson (Bliss) ,F B. Luncheon Given by Mrs. W. H. the Uuoe, Jatries \Vak*-maii, A. H country place In Highland Falls, N. Y., Danise. and Martinelli Has Flood of Virginia, chairman of Fa k. Frances Wilson. Patrick a. "Burr at the Plaza Serves and, after passing a week with her Democratic Congressional Commit tee, Ferry. Clark I;. Wil W. t . Mrs. Thomas G. Cook In Tuxedo yfr whose ileath, caused by ht art trouble, Gardner, Ctuirles II. Wing. Mary A. sister. Title Role. Caroline A. Park, Is a guest of her sister. Miss Grace occurred shortly before noon. Hiti.t), Double Purpose. The Bigelow at 21 Oramercy Park. Her House immediately after going In Mcniorlani. daughter. Miss Anne H. Tracy, sailed for / into session adjourned until to-morrow Europe with Miss Anne Morgan, but will Hy W. J. HENDERSON. after adopting resolutions of regret, Naughton. Jennie M. Mcftorley. Alary Mrs. Willam H. Burr gave a luncheon return the middle of Verdi's l.afer the Senate adjourned, until January. "Ernani" was sung at the « // yesterday at the Plaza which served a out of respect to the dead MondayACKEFIT..Kuddenlv. a; her home, 89."> W:, Metropolitan Opera House last evening l J as av., Vonkers. N. Y-, on Thursday.rhurton was T. Dana of 14 who hairman of the R<o>resentative,House Oecerrber Ida France' wife" double purpose* It to introduce Mr. and Mrs. David after a period of silence since Affairs 191" S. Baldwin, East street have come from enduring Foreign Committee in of Nelson L. Ackert. Notice of funeral Iter daughter. Miss Anne Burr, and also Sixty-flftli 1903. The the resolution that a nereausr. to her Lenox,. to the Ambassador, where opera was produced at the declaring introduced oelebrata daughter's birthday. Maaa., state of war existed the B. A'.,it on. The 1' ar*. Metropolitan on 28 of that between United ATKINSON..Harold Jn the centre of the table, which was t.lso Mx. and Mrs. Le Roy King. January year States and the Imperial Governments of ueral Church (Campbell HuiloliiR). Broad decorated with pink flowers, was placeu ajid had its final performance on Febru- Germany ami Austria-Hungary. ay, tiflth St., Friday, 11 A. M. w a birthday cake with candles, and !t Am rh:tirmjin nf t)\r> /.rv Tr».-_ HILLS..Suddenly. on December (1, Mrs. Paoit Fitz Simons, Mrs. McDnugall ary 21. The - s," 1(121.. contained the provcrbltl luck singers engaged in the William It. Bills, husband of Agne-. plecee, Hawkes and Mrs. Raymond T. Baiter series of rltorles, Mr. Flood was author of the Bills and father of Arthur. Funeral from thimble, coin and ring. in the representations were Mme. Ills Miss Burr's joined friends at luncheon Serr.brlch resolution admitting New Mexico and late residence, 122 Kast had st., Fri father. Mr. William Hotel yesterday. Ambassador as Elvira, Mr. de Marchl as ArlJtonn. to Statehood. day. December 9, 1921. Requiem mass Burr, was for many years a Hubert Ernani, Mr. Scottl as Don Carlo* and at 11 A. M. at St. Ignatius Loyola Church. at Columbia, but he has retiredprofessor Mr. Flood had been in ill health for With st. and Park av., city. Interment and has been living with his family Mrs. Ten Eyck Wendell pave a Edouard de Ileszke as Don Ray Gomes several weeks. As chairman of the State Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. Tarrytown. N. T Democratic . in New Canaan. Conn. His wife is >eeterday at the Colony Ciub and di Silva. Mr. Mancinelli was the Committee he took an active CRUOGEUHOF. Edward Everett. alter a luncheon part, in the recent Gubernatorial short lllnues, at his home, 1129 Lexington of Suffragan Herbert sister last night gave a dinner there. av. Funeral at Bishop conductor. In Virginia, hut since the electioncampaign services St. James's Shipman. The Church. Madison av. and 71st st., Friday. ; The guests opera has, however, been heard had been unable to attend sessions of December 9, at 11 A- K. Interment private. Included Misses /Susan Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Holiins. Jr., of lie Beatrice Bayne, Jean Douglas.Gibney. Crickholly. their courrtry place in East in this city since that time, owing to Congress, died In his Washington CAMPBELL.At Suffern, N. V., December 8 Margaret MacMlllln. Martha Syk.'s, the home. 1921. James B. Campbell, beloved husband Isllp, are at the Hotel Lorraine. Industry of the tireless Mr. of I-etltla Letson Campbell. Notice of Mary Noyes, Alice Bowker. Mary Alloc Serving his eleventh term in Con gress, funeral Jane merstcln, who produced It at the Ham: Mr. Flood represented the Tenth Vir- hereafter. Barney, Currier. Margery CATLIN . Nino T., con of 'harlee A. and Adele Thompson, Hayes Blake,Andrews. Mrs. Craig Riddle gave a luncheon hattan Opera House on December 11, sinia district. His home was in M. T. at Pierre's. her guests Manj lha Catlln, November 8, at Shanghai. Gwendolyn Coombe. Clarlsse de Khani, yesterday Among »«»i. xfin singers were Mme, kuss as where burial will be Appomattox,after China, in his 29th year. Anita Blaine Damroach. Harriet Paige were Mrs. Brady Harriman, Mrs. funeral services here Monday. Speaker Elvira, Mr. Bassi as Mr. CLARK..On December 8. William Stevenson Greene, Rosalie Paul Barclay, Ann Noel Rawlins and Mrs. EugeneHerbertS. Ernani, Uilleit is expected to announce Clark. In the 42d year of his age. beloved Cornelia Helen Lowe as Don Carton and Mr. ArimondiAncona the selection of a to-morrowof eon of Mary L. t'lark ana the late Thomas Phelps, Strong, Reynai. committee Clark. .Rice, Kute Darlington. Eliabeth as Don Ruy. A second and last eighteen Representatives to represent Notice, of funeral later. Elinor C. Stewart, Wllma Kohler. the House at the funeral. CRANMER..At May wood. N. J.. Docemb'. Sturgls. Mr. Lloyd Warren gave a small dinner ance took place on December 28.perform! 8. widow of A II1BS,II 111-.: "III. 1921, Mary I-ouisa, Joseph at tor Lord j CranmT. in her Funeral set Louise Wednesday night Sherry's Mr. Gatti-Casazza is a believer in the 7.1th yar. J>Mia Baldwin. Trippe, Thekla and Lady Gran&rd. The other guests vices at her late residence, 37 Lenox av Wigand, Margaret Thompson, Candace included the Marchioness of Crewe, Miss early Verdi and his belief was greatly LOST AND FOUND. Maywood, on Saturday, December 10. a: Woodruff, Sylvia Goddard, Betty Cornelius 2:30 o'clock. Interment Cedar Lawn Cecilia Banks, Margaret Cushman, I_ ..... Violet M. de Trafford, Mrs. strengthened by the popular favor ATTTOMODII,R STOLEN. Cemetery. Vanderbllt, Mr. E. de Peyster Livingston stowed upon his revival of "Da Forzabej SPECIAL, CRIST..At on lsabelle Craig. Barbara Schnlewtnd. del Chandler REWARD. Stamford. Conr... Wednesday, Betty Merchant, Grace and Mr. Francis W. Crownlnshield. Destino." Whether a similar meas- Dispatch 11*21 Car No. 100337. December 7. 1921. Julia Parker, wife of Mary Whitmore, ure of approval will be dealt out to N. J. license 103338. special nickel disc the late Stephen R. Jrtrt. Funeral Alilstrom. Janavinoo Kerens. 1/ouise wheels; two extra side lightu: spot 011 will be held at the residence of serviceslier ' "Erneni" light Bensel. Roberta Rhodes, Lysbeth Mr. Ogden Mills will give a dinner for remains to be determined by left; new side glass lenses; Initials "J. J. L." daughter. Mra C. II. Baldwin, Hhlppan the calculations of Earl Dewts and between <1o>rs "to en December 8 Margaret Bavetiport and HelenMiller,. I i his son-in-law and daughter. Lord and his from tith Point, Stamford. Conn., on Friday aids. By way of it as-, end 13th .t. Communicate with E. n. 1 ;30 o'clock. Automobile wjl! afternoonme" t I.a Fetra. Qranard, at 2 East Sixty-ninth explanation may 7". Fulton , Lady that these, are the b<said HOPWOOD. St.. New York. Tele- trahi leaving ('.rand Central 12:03. Inter-* Mrs. Kdward Everett Hall and her street, December 12. gentlemen who phone Beekman 8987. nicnt Woodlawn. Miss sit at the receipt of custom In the box laughter. Goraldine Hall, gave a office. LOST.Decernbti 7, in McCreery's store. blue DEWB8..tiuntav N. D< r.ioer 8, 1921. luncheon 1n their at r velvet bag containing wrist watch and service) at 111) late Funeral apartment 636 Fifth ' Mr. and Mrs. Oliver G. Jennings have Once residence, 39 W - "-" a -.a! avenue yesterday for Miss Catherine V. » < "i upon time "Ernani" was policy; liable to owner only; alsoinruraiice119th st., Friday, D">' ember 9, at 8 P.
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