NHPRC RECOMMENDS 62 GRANTS TOTALING UP TO $3,306,323 THE NATIONAL HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS AND RECORDS COMMISSION The Commission passed the following additional resolutions at its recommended that the Archivist of the United States make grants meeting: totaling $3,306,323 for 62 projects at its meeting on May 14 and 15, Resolved, that the NHPRC at its May 2002 meeting maintain a 50-50 held in the U.S. Senate Rules Committee Hearing Room of the Russell split of Fiscal Year 2002 appropriated funds between records and pub- Senate Office Building, lications projects.AIll funds returned to the Commission (by completed In convening the meeting on May 14, NHPRC Chairman John W projects) during FiscalYear 2002 shall be used to reduce an across-the- Carlin thanked Senator Christopher Dodd, the U.S. Senate's repre- board cut of funding of ongoing publications projects to approximate- sentative to the NHPRC, for arranging for the meeting to be held in ly 12.5 percent. All funds returned after the Commission meeting and the Rules Committee Hearing Room and also for making it possible before the end of the fiscal year shall be provided to specific publica- for a reception and dinner to be held that evening to honor NHPRC tions projects that are deemed closest to completion and that would Distinguished Servn ice Awardec Dr John Brademas in the U.S. Capitol. benefit from additional funds. The Chairman expressed his appreciation for the long and distin- Resolved, that the NHPRC authorizes the Commission staff to work guished service given to the Commission by Marvin E "Bud" Moss, with the Association for Documentary Editing or another applicant to this being his last Commission meeting. He announced that he was prepare a proposal for a working meeting or meetings to assess the cur- appointing Dr Mary Maples Dunn to the place on the Commission's rent state of documentary editing in the electronic environment, and to Executive Committee vacated by Mr Moss. Mr. Carlin also expressed provide the Commission and its staff with valuable information that can his appreciation for the service of Ann Clifford Newhall as the be used to improve the effectiveness of its publications program and to Commission's Executive Director; Ms. Newball has announced her inform the revision of the Commission's strategic plan. resignation from that position, effective in June. The Commission Resoltved, that the NHPRC instructs the Commission staff to employ passed resolutions thanking both Mr. Moss and Ms. Newhall for their the most recent OMB standard budget forms in the application process service. and to elicit through its normal procedures as .(c,ntIlmu'(l,m pag.e /0J The Commission also approved the release of third-year ftunding The VNHPRCs Mal' meeting tias held in the llS. Senate Rules Comntittee for the Center for Jewish History, New York, NY; endorsed one doctiu- Hearizng Room of the Russell Senate Office Building.Shou'n (left to righbt) are mentary publication proposal it was unable to futnd; and established outtgoing Executive Committee chairMartin E "Bud"Moss, Ccharles T Cullel, Christopher Dodd, John W Carlin, Ann C Neuwhall priorities for funding eight additional records access projects should Nicholas C Burckel, incoming Executi,e Committee chair Mlargaret P Grafeld, and Brent D. fuinds become available. Glass. Photograph 1DvRoscoe George, NARA THE MIDWEST Annotation is the quarterly newsletter of the National The June 2002 issue of Annotation focuses on projects the NHPRC has funded in the Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), Midwest. Our featured articles are a Federal agency within the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, DC. Recipients are en- "John Tanner's Narrative and the Anishinaabeg in a Time of Change," by John T. Ficrst couraged to republish, with appropriate credit, any materi- Midwest," als appearing in Annotation. Inquiries about receiving "Securing Our Legacy: Understanding Japanese American Resettlement in the Annotation, submitting material for it, or anything else by Deborah Mieko Burns and Karen Kanemoto related to it may be directed to the Editor, Annotation, "Agriculture and Rural Life: Documenting Change in Minnesota and North Dakota," NHPRC, National Archives and Records Administration, by James E. Fogerty 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 111, Washington, DC 20408-0001; 202-501-5610 (voice); 202-501-5601 (fax); The Bruce Goff Archive in the Department of Architecture, The Art Institute of [email protected] (e-mail); www.nara.gov/nara/nhprc/ Chicago," by Annemarie van Roessel, in collaboration with Christa Aube (World Wide Web). 'Preserving Missoutri's Past:The Missouri Historical Records Grant Program," by Kevin Material accepted for publication will be edited to con- W Edwards form to style and space limitations of Annotation, but authors will be consulted should substantive questions "Jane Addams and the Jane Addams Papers Project," by Mary Lynn Bryan arise. The editor is final arbiter in matters regarding length and grammar. Published material does not necessarily rep- resent the views of the Commission or of the National Archives and Records Administration; indeed, some mate- D rial may challenge policies and practices of those institu- tions. TIE C01MISSI()N'S MEETING'S IFOLLO 1111ilFISCAL YEARI 01 1OC)111BERI TO SEPTENiMELR30. NHPRC MEMBERS - John W. Carlin, Archivist of the (CONSEQUI,\ENr', 1111 IIRST IFFT'ING ()F THE FISCAL YEAR I, rN NO\TFNBEREANI) T11F "SFCONI) IS IN NMAY. United States, Chairperson; Roy D. Blunt, representing the June 1 (for the November meeting) U.S. House of Representatives; Nicholas C. Burckel and Proposals adldressing the follo\ring top priorities: Marvin F "Bud" Moss, representing the President of *The NHPRC will provide the American public wsith wsidespread access to the the United States; Charles T. Cullen, representing the papers of the foiundlers of our democratic republic andcl its institutions by Association for Documentary Editing; Mary Maples Dunn, ensuring the timnely completion of eight projects now in progress to publish the papers of George W'ashington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Ilhomnas representing the American Historical Association; Fynnette Jefferson, lamnes NMadclison, and papers that dclocument the Ratification of the Eaton, representing the Society of American Archivists; ConstituLtion, the First Federal Congress. and the early SuIpreme Court *The NHPRC \sill promote broad public participation in historical docuLimenta Barbara J. Fields, representing the Organization of tion by collaborating wsith State Historical Records Advisory Boards to plan American Historians; Brent D. Glass, representing the and carry ouLt jointly fuinded programs to strengthen the nation's archival in- frastructure and expand the range of records that are protected and accessible American Association for State and Local History; Alfred *The NHPRC. swill enable thie nation's archisists. records managers, and docu- Goldberg, representing the Department of Defense; mentary editors to overcome the obstacles and take adxantage of the opportunities posed bV electronic technologies by continuing to prov ide Margaret P Grafeld, representing the Department of State; leadership in funding research and development on appraising, preserving. DavidH. Souter, representing the U.S. Supreme Court; dissetNinaiting and pro idcling access to important documLenta.ry sources in Winston Tabb. representing the Librarian of Congress; and electronic form Roy C. Turnbaugh, representing the National Association of OCTOBER 1 (for the May meeting) Government Archives and Records Administrators. PIroposals not addressing the abos e priorities. but focusing on an actis itv authlor- ized in the NHPIRC statute as follows: NHPRC STAFF - Ann C. Newhall, Executive Director; -collecting, describing, presersing, compiling, and publishing (including micro- filming and other formins of reprodIuction) of docunmentary sources significant Roger A. Bruns, Deputy Executive Director; Richard A. to the history of the L nited States Cameron, Director for State Programs; Timothy D.W. *conducting instituites, training and educational courses, and fello)wships related to the activities of the Commission Connelly, Director for Publications; Mark Conrad, * disseminating infiErmation about documentary sources thro ugh guides, directories, Director for Technology Initiatives; Nancy Taylor Copp, and other tecihnical publications *or more specifically, dcocumentary editing ind pLiblishing; arclis.val preservation Management and Program Analyst; Mary A. Giunta, and processing of records foir access; developing or updating dlescriptise sys Director for Communications and Outreach; J. Dane terms; creati)n ancl development of archival and records management progr.ams; dexelopment of stanclards, tools, and techniclues to adva.nce the ssork of and Editor, Annotation; Michael Hartgrove, Historian archivists, records managers and documentary editors: and promotion of the T. Meier, Program Officer; Laurette O'Connor, Grant use of records by teachers, students, and the public Program Assistant; Daniel A. Stokes, Program Officer. APPLICATION GUIDELINES AND FORMS MAY BE REQUESTED FROM NHPRC, NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION, 700 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE NW, ROOM 111, WASHINGTON, DC 20408-0001, 202-501-5610 (VOICE), 202-501-5601 (FAX), ISSN 0160-8460 [email protected] (E-MAIL), OR BY ACCESSILNGOUR WEB SITE AT wwuw.nara.gov/ nara/nhprc/ Annroronn V- 302 June 2002 * er nearly 4 years as Executive Director of the NHPRC,
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