
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01879-2 - The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran: Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism Patricia Crone Index More information Index The index is also a glossary. Bracketed numbers indictate pages where the subject is mentioned without being named. Aaron and Moses, al-Muhkhtaˉr and, 250 Ablaq, 87, 88 Abaˉlish, [353, 385] Abnaˉp (descendants of participants in the Abarshahr, 33 qAbbaˉsid revolution), 83, 116 al-qAbbaˉs (uncle of the Prophet, ancestor of Abraham, 90, 91,128, 221, 287, 288, 289, the qAbbaˉsids), 88 465, 469, 474 qAbbaˉsids (descendants of al-qAbbaˉs, Abraˉzkhudaˉ, 18 caliphal dynasty 750–1258), 5, 47, Abuˉ pl-qAbbaˉs, known as al-Saffaˉh (first ˙ 52, 55, 56, 58, 114, 489 qAbbaˉsid caliph), 44, 55, 119 deification of, 87ff. Abuˉ qAwn qAbd al-Malik b. Yazˉıd, 112, extreme devotees of, see Raˉwandiyya; 113, 142 Harbiyya; see also Haˉshimite Shˉıqism Abuˉ Bakr (fi rst caliph, d. 634 ), 43, 44, ˙ and imamate, 44, 85, 87, 89, 94, 110, 279, 85, 478 495, 496f. Abuˉ Daˉwuˉd, 105, 108, 109, 114, 115, loyalty to both Abuˉ Muslim and, 42 119, 123 mistrust Khuraˉsaˉnˉıs, 118f. Abuˉ Dulaf al-qIjlˉı, 41, 54, 55 revolution which enthroned, see Abuˉ Haˉshim (son of Muhammad b. ˙ Haˉshimiyya al-Hanafiyya [q.v.], held by some ˙ qAbd al-Jabbaˉrb.qAbd al-Rahmaˉn al-Azdˉı, to have inherited position of imam ˙ 106, 108–110, 111, 115, 119f., 123, from his father and to have passed it 127, 193f., 195, 196, 254 on by bequest to a non-qAlid), see qAbd al-Karˉım al-Jˉılˉı, 469f., 473, 483, 486 Testament of Abuˉ Haˉshim qAbd al-Qahhaˉr/Qaˉhir/Wahhaˉb, 79, 80 Abuˉ Haˉtim, son of Pˉılawayh (protegé of Abuˉ ˙ qAbdallaˉh (brother of Baˉbak), 48, 51 Muslim), 27 qAbdallaˉhb.qAlˉı (qAbbaˉsid prince), 119 Abuˉ Hulmaˉn, 468 qAbdallaˉhb.qAˉ mir b. Kurayz al-Qurashˉı, Abuˉ Hurayra (Raˉwandˉı leader), 89 6, 136 Abuˉ qImraˉn (Khurramˉı leader), 49, 51, 60, 62 qAbdallaˉhb.Harb/al-Haˉrith al-Kindˉı, Abuˉ qIˉsaˉ al-Isfahaˉnˉı (Jewish heresiarch), 36 ˙ ˙ ˙ 93–5, 224 Abuˉ Ishaˉq (Raˉwandˉı leader), 87 ˙ qAbdallaˉhb.Jaqfar al-Hamdaˉnˉı, 53 Abuˉ Khaˉlid (al-Jawaˉliqˉı), 495–7 qAbdallaˉhb.Muqaˉwiya, 92f.; see also Abuˉ pl-Khattaˉb (founder of the Khattaˉbiyya), ˙˙ ˙˙ Harbiyya/Haˉrithiyya 246, 251, 261, 447 ˙ ˙ qAbdallaˉhb.Taˉhir, adopted by Abuˉ Mansuˉr (founder of the ˙ ˙ al-Mapmuˉ n, 117 Mansuˉriyya), 261 ˙ qAbdallaˉh al-Raˉwandˉı, 86 Abuˉ Mansuˉr al-Isfahaˉnˉı (Sufi), 471 ˙ ˙ 543 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01879-2 - The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran: Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism Patricia Crone Index More information 544 Index Abuˉ Muqaˉdh Faryaˉbˉı, 158 with resurrection of the body, see Abuˉ pl-Muqˉın al-Nasafˉı, 448, 449 resurrection Abuˉ Muslim, 20f., 27, 32, 85, 92, 93, 33, Agatharchides, 394, 401, 435 110, 114, 144, 150, 159, 241, 274 Agathias, 353, 425, 442 descendants of 45, 79f., 183, 271, 329 Agathyrsi, 401 devotees of: Ishaˉq, 103–5; Jurjaˉnˉı rebels, Ahl-i Haqq, 179, 275, 322, 369, 414, 431, ˙ ˙ 79f.; in Marw and Herat, 43, 82; 437, 471, 473–9, 480, 489, 498 al-Muqannaq, 106, 108, 109, 112, Ahmad b. Khaˉbit/Haˉpit, 243, 466 ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ 127, 128–30, 135, 221; Muslimiyya, Ahmad Khaˉn, 269 ˙ 42–5, 183;Raˉwandiyya, 86f., 89f.; Ahriman (darkness, evil), 203,[220n], 322, Sunbaˉdh, 32–40 323f., 343, 351, 352, 362f., 380, doctrines about: better than angels, 43; did 382f. not die, 38, 42, 43, 80, 103, 183; as Old Testament God, 198, 460 divine spirit in, 43, 89f.,128f.,130, in Plutarch (Areimanios), 201f., 348 233; as imam, 38, 43, 44f., 130, 184, see also darkness 279, 475; nature of divinity of, 329; Ahura Mazda (Phl. Ohrmazd), 132, 146, as Pišyoˉ tan, 39, 104, 126; as prophet, 147, 174, 193, 203, 323, 324f., 330, 89f.; and reincarnation, 324; as white 334, 338, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, dove, 38, 335 355, 357, 362f., 364, 366, 373, 374, Abuˉ Muslimnaˉma, 475 376, 383, 441 Abuˉ pl-Najm (qImraˉn b. Ismaˉqˉıl) anthropormorphic conception of, 322f. al-Sijistaˉnˉı, 154 descends to earth at end of times, 322, Abuˉ Nuwaˉs, 11 341, 326f. Abuˉ Riyaˉh (arbitrator), 94 dies, 341 ˙ Abuˉ Saqˉıdb.Abˉı pl-Khayr, 467, 471 and embodiment of fravahrs, 368, 369 Abuˉ Zayd al-Balkhˉı on huluˉl, 339 enlarges and removes himself, 201f. ˙ Abwaˉp, 110 as father of Soˉšyans, 340 Achaemenids, 174, 304, 320, 327, 330f., 363 in relation to Ahriman, [194], 323, 323n. Acts of Thomas, see Thomas in Sogdia, 97f., 317, 319 Adam, 90, 91, 411, 465, 468, 474, 484, 486 worshipped indirectly, 193 Christ formed first in, 285, 286, 287, as Zeus Oromasdes, 351f. 288, 301 qAˉ pisha on qAlˉı and Prophet’s divinity, 224 as divine incarnation, 93, 128, 221, 223, al-Ajtham/Akhyam b. qAbd al-qAzˉız 224, 288, 290, 292, 467, 475 al-Marwarruˉdhˉı, 154 as image of God, 337, 340 Akbar (Mughal emperor), 491 as inaugurator of cycles, 209, 210, 211, Alamuˉ t, 465 235, 236, 245, 246, 346, 456, 478, Alchasaios, see Elchasai 479, 481 Alcibiades (Elchasaite preacher), 282–6 prophetic/imamic substance in loins of, Alevis, 437 212–14 Algeria, 173 spirit of, 87, 233 qAlˉı [b. Abˉı Taˉlib] (Muhammad’s cousin and ˙ ˙ Adbag, 97 son-in-law, married to his daughter Aˉ dhurfarnbag, 353 Faˉtima, father of al-Hasan and ˙ ˙ qAdˉı b. Musaˉfir, Shaykh, 179, 479f., 488 al-Husayn, fourth caliph in the ˙ adoptianism, 286, 291 Sunnˉı view, should have been the qAdud al-Dawla, 182 first according to Raˉfidˉı Shˉıqites ˙ ˙ Aeneas of Gaza, 348 [see rafd]), 89, 136, 211, 212, 239, ˙ Afghanistan, 11, 25, 96, 116, 150, 159, 465, 469 402f., 404 divine spirit passed to, 87, 88, 93, 223f. Afraˉsiyaˉb, 318, 387 fully deified, 184, 322, 329, 339 Afrˉıduˉn (Freˉdoˉ n), 387 imam after Muhammad, 43f., 279 ˙ Afshˉın, see Haydar b. Kaˉpuˉs new sects on, 474–6, 478, 480, 485 ˙ afterlife (Zoroastrian), 343–7 qAlˉı b. qAbdallaˉh b. al-qAbbaˉs(qAbbaˉsid as ascent to world of light, 343, 350–4 recipient of Abuˉ Haˉshim’s bequest), denial of, see heaven/paradise and hell 44, 94 as life on transfigured earth, 343, qAlˉı b. Buˉya, 182, 184 347–50 qAlˉı b. Hishaˉm, 63, 70 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01879-2 - The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran: Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism Patricia Crone Index More information Index 545 q Alˉı b. Mazdak, 41, 42, 446 Apamea, 282, 284 qAlˉı b. Murr al-Taˉpˉı, 53f. Aphrahat (Farhaˉd), 88, 285 ˙ Ali Ilahis, see Ahl-i Haqq Apocalypse of Adam, 294 ˙ qAlid Shˉıqism, see Shˉı qism apocalypses, 91 qAlids (descendants of qAlˉı), 109f., 114, 115, Apocryphon of John, 294 119f., 495 Apostle of Light (Manichaean emanation), God’s spirit in, 93, 223 296, 298, 300 as mubayyida, 122f. apostles ˙ ousted by Testament of Abuˉ Haˉshim, Jesus’, 250 44; see also Shˉıqism Mandaean, 293 alienation, 274–6 Manichaean, 230f., 334 amahraspands (Av. aməšaspəntas), 322n., see also messengers 330, 338, 345, 374, 387, 476n. Appian, 422 amaˉn (promise of security), 58f., 69, 72, Aq Qoyunlu, 491 141, 158 Arab, meanings of word, [19], 74f., 136, 176 al-Amˉın(qAbbaˉsid caliph), 53, 55 Arabia, 172f., 340, 394, 404, 421 qAmmaˉr b. Yazdaˉd, see Khidaˉsh Arabs, 1–13, 15, 17, 170ff. Amorium, 67 Arameans (Semitic-speaking people of the qAmr b. Muhammad al-qAmrakˉı, 80 Fertile Crescent, esp. Iraq), 10 ˙ Aˉ mul, 84 Ardaˉ Vˉıraˉf/Vˉıraˉz, 146, 355, 374 Anahita, 193, 363 Ardabˉıl, 46, 47, 61, 71, 320, 483, 490 Anatolia, 2, 276, 351, 360, 365, 380, 410, Ardashir I (Sasanian emperor), 66, 161, 299, 416, 472, 479, 490 322, 378, 379f., 381, 419 Zoroastrians in, see Maguseans Ardwˉısuˉr, 357 Aneˉraˉn (non-Iranians), 161, 380, 381, 383, Areimanios/Areimanius, see Ahriman 385 Arewordi, 188, 437 angels, 43, 202, 222, 227, 287, 281n., 287, qaˉrif (pl. qaˉrifuˉn, ‘one who knows’), 262f. 303, 461, 470, 474, 475, 476, 487 aristocracy, Iranian, 6, 13, 17,[18], 34, 64, becoming, 88, 91, 234, 236, 244f., 252, 162, 276, 378 346,[350], 455 Armenia, 25, 27, 55, 58, 63, 67, 68, 122, among forms of God, 225 188, 226, 280, 281, 331, 381, 433, inferior, as creators of the world, 443 437, 479 itinerant personnel as, 270 Arminius, 168 animals army eating of, 22f., 198, 254, 257–60, 303, Arab recruitment of non-Arabs for, 310f., 312f., 315, 315f., 364–7, 372, 12f., 15f. 471, 478 Baˉbak’s, 65f. hunting of, 257f., 316 enrolment of defeated opponents in, 57, killing of noxious, 255, 257, 312, 345, 71f., [93f.], 142, 158 363, 365, 367 Haˉshimite recruitment of non-Arabs for, reincarnation as, 235, 237, 238, 239f., 18f., 27 240, 241, 242f., 244, 245, 250, 252 reluctance to serve in, 275, 373 reincarnation of, 256, 258, 466 Roman and European recruitment of sacrifice/slaughter of: Islamic, 258, 478; natives for, 16 Jewish, 310f.; justifications of Arraˉn (Albania), 46, 49, 58, 61, 65, 483 (Zoroastrian), 243, 256, 260, 365f.; Artemidorus, 394 method of (Zoroastrian), 314f., 325, Asad b. qAbdallaˉh (al-Qasrˉı, Arab governor 366; Mithraic, 309, 499; Zoroastrian, of Khuraˉsaˉn), 82, 87, 122, 496 255, 363, 364, 377; see also butchers; Asahara, 255 carrion ascent to heaven and heavenly journeys, 91, animism, 272f., 306, 324, 466 133, 144–7, 265, 354–61, 373, 461 An-Lushan, 5, 100, 115 see also angels, becoming Anoˉsh Uthra, 293 asceticism, 216, 219, 220, 254, 266f., 306, antinomianism, 261–4, 268, 426, 437, 307, 310–12, 363, 462, 467 471f., 478 Asfaˉr (b. Shˉırawayh), 268, 269 Antioch, Antiochene, 303, 380, 381 al-Ashqath b. Yahyaˉ al-Taˉpˉı, 116, 120 ˙ ˙ Antiochus of Commagene, 351f., 360 ashbaˉh, 210–14; see also body substance ˙ © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01879-2 - The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran: Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism Patricia Crone Index More information 546 Index Ashot, 63, 67 Baˉdghˉıs, 4, 63, 141, 150, 151, 152, 153, assassination, 256, 257, 264 154, 155 assassins (Nizaˉrˉı Ismailis), 264 Badhdh, 49, 53, 62, 71, 183, 228, 270 Assyrians, 174, 200, 201, 327, 331f., 333, Badr al-Dˉın, followers of, 437 336, 368 baga, bay, bey, 98, 328f.
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