DOCUMENT RESUME ED 061 221 TE 002 864 AUTHOR Shearer, Ned A., Ed. TITLE Bibliographic Annual in Speech Communica ion,1970. Volume T. PUB DATE 70 NOTE 349p.; An Annual Volume Devoted to Maintaining a Record of Graduate Work in Speech Communication, Providing Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations, and Making Available Specialized Bibliographies AVAILABLE FROMSpeech Communication Association, statler Hilton Hotel, New York, New York 10001 ($5.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 He Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Abstracts; *Annotated Bibliographies; Annual Reports; *Doctoral Theses; *Graduate Study; *Oral Communication; *Speech ABSTRACT This volume, a publication of the Speech Communication Association, is divided into six principal sections: (1) Doctoral Dissertations in Speech Communication: Work in Progress, (2) Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations in the Field of Speech Communication, 1969,(3) Graduate Theses and Dissertation Titles: An Index of Graduate Research in Speech Communication, 1969, (4) A Bibliography of American Elocution,(5) A Selective Bibliography of the Sermons of Fenelon, and (6) A Bibliography of Rhetoric and Public Address for the Year 1969. The purpose of this annual publicationis to maintain a record of graduate work in speech communication. (C() S DEPARTMENT 0 HEALTH. EDUCATION IL WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION i DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLYAS RECEIVED FROM THE SON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS TED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION ITION OR POLICY PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS CCIPY RIGHTED MATERIAL BY MICROFICHE ONLY HAS eEEN GRANTED BY TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE U S OFFICE OF EDUCATIONFURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PER- MISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER twa ...mar*.mmew .m.v.w..rmmmevxM , BIBLIOGRAPHIC ANNUAL IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION 1970 AN ANNUAL VOLUME DEVOTED TO MAINTAINING A RECORD OF GRADUATE WORK IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION, PROVIDING ABSTRACTS OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, AND MAKING AVAILABLE SPECIALIZED BIBLIOGRAPHIES NED A. SHEARER, Editor A Publication of the SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION EDITOR S PREFACE This Annual brings to a realization the desire of The Speech Communica- tion Association to provide bibliographical materials in a single volume. The reader, by perusing the Table of Contents, will observe that those biblio- graphical features previously published in the August issue of Speech Mono- graphs are contained herein. These include dissertations in progress, a record of graduate work completed at the master's and doctoral levels, abstracts of doctoral dissertations, and the annual bibliography of rhetoric and public address. In addition, this Annual was conceived as an outlet for contributed spe- cialized bibliographies. Two such bibliographies appear in this volume. Readers are encouraged to submit such bibliographies to the editor for consideration. Manuscripts should be typed in accordance with consistent scholarly practices and all portions, including bibliographical citations, should be double-spaced for editing purposes. At least two copies of the manuscript should be sent. In order to assist the reader in finding specific citations of graduate work completed, a key-word title index appears on pp. 149-240. This index cites both master's and doctoral work and also indicates whether an abstract of a doctoral dissertation appears in this volume. Because of the extensive indexing of gradu- ate work, doctoral dissertations are not cited in the annual bibliography of rhetoric and public address as has been the custom in the past. In the future, this key-word index may be expanded to include the items cited in the annual bibliography of rhetoric and public address, but for this volume the usual system of broad categories has been retained. The editor would like to affirm the presence of a publication boom in the area of speech communication as well as in contiguous disciplines. This fact is supported by the annual bibliography of rhetoric and public address which has nearly doubled in size over the previous installment. Yet, this bibliography is still not as comprehensive as it could be. Therefore, the editor will welcome the assistance of any in the field who would like to participate in bibliographical work. The only requisites are that you be patient, precise, and persevering! Finally, all errors may be laid on the desk of the editor. In spite of such irritations, he trusts that the reader will derive some benefit from these efforts. BIBLIOGRAPHIC ANNUAL IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION Published by THE SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION VOLUME I 1970 ANNUAL Table of Conte Doctoral Dissertations in Speech Communication: Work in Progress J. JEFFERY AUER_ and ENID S. WALDHART Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations in the Field of Speech Communication, 1969.. .. 14 MAX N LSON Forensics . .. .. ..... 14 Instructional Development 15 Interpersonal and Small Group Interaction ... 19 Interpretation 23 Mass Communica ion . ... .. ....... 26 Public Address 33 Rhetorical and Communication Theory... ... .. 50 Speech Sciences 62 Theatre 85 Graduate Theses and Dissertation Titles: An Index of Graduate Research in Speech Communication, 1969. 104 MAX NELSON Section I 104 Table I.Institutional Sources of Degrees Granted and Accumulated 'Totals 105-108 Section II.Titles 109 Section III. Index to Titles and Abst acts ..... 149 A Bibliography of American Elocuticin 241 DONALD P. HARGIS A Selective Bibliography of the Sermons of Fenelon 2 PAUL D. BRANDES A Bibliography of Rhetoric and Public Address for the Year 1969 273 NED A. SHEARER, PAUL 1-L BOASE, ROBERT BROOKS, and FREDERICK W. HABERMAN BIBLIOGRAHIC ANNUAL IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION VOLUME 1 1970 ANNUAL DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION: WORK IN PROGRESS, 1970 J. JEFFERY AUER and ENID S. WALDHART, Editors Indiana University HIRTY graduate departments of INSTRUCTIONAL DEVELOPMENT 11SpeechCommunicationreported Communication styles and effective tutoring. 338 new doctoral dissertations in prog- Gustavo Alexander, Michigan State U., 1971. ress in 1970. Titles previously published The design, construction, and validation of in annual issues of Speech Monographs a test of creativity for high school speech stu- are not relisted here. dents. Margaret Powers, U. of Michigan, 1970. The major headings correspond to the Dimensions of student and faculty expectation nine divisions of the Speech Communica- and satisfaction in the basic college course in speech. Douglas Pedersen, Pennsylvania State tion Association: Forensics, Instructional U., 1970. Development, Interpersonal and Small The effects of the first year of debating on Group Interaction, Interpretation, Mass critical thinking. Gary P. Gross, U. of Utah. 1971. Communication, Public Address, Rhe- The efficacy of carry-over: A study of speech toricaland CommunicationTheory,class students five years after dismissal. Betty Speech Sciences, and Theatre. Some dis- J. Lenz, State U. of New York at Buffalo, 1971. serations are indexed under more than An experimental study of the effects of in- struction on ability to evaluate selected com- one major heading or sub-category to munication behaviors in a television simulation facilitate cross-referencing. All disserta-of managerial interviews. John Pacilio, Jr., Pur- tions are indexed alphabetically by the due U., 1971. first principal word in the title, except The impact of including information about that proper names of subjects are used Negro culture in speech classes upon the atti- in indexing the sub-categoriesActors," tudes of high school speech students. Jerry Phil- -Playwrights," "Speakers,- and "Theo- lips Butler, Southern Ilinois U., 1970. Interactionofstudentcharacteristicsand rists." Following each title is the name learning experiences. Barbara Streibel, Pennsyl- of the investigator, the institution of de- vania State U., 1971. gree candidacy, and the proposed year of An investigation of "literary" perceptions de- completion. rived from filmic and prose fiction by high school students of low and high reading ability. FORENSICS Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B., Pennsylvania State The effects of the first year of debating on U., 1971. critical thinking_ Gary P. Cross, U. of Utah, An investigation of persuasive strategies for 1991. affectingracialattitudesinadult education 2 BIBLIOGRAPHIC ANNUAL IN SPE.-H COMMUNICATION programs. Larry Richardson, Washington State Liens of a formal organization. Donald MacDon- U., 1971. ald, Michigan State U., 1970. ITV: A systems appro ch. Bradley M. Awe. A correlational analysis of communication per- U. of Utah, 1971. c!ptions of managerial and data-processing per- Learningproblemsamongchildrenwith sonnel in twenty-seven urban banks. William E. endoehronologicaldisturbances.Suzanne M. Spaulding, Purdue U., 1971. Perlman, Northwestern U.. 1970. A descriptive study of interaction and com- On camera on Sesame Street: A study of the munication in a cross-cultural experiment. Ken- personalities, backgrounds, professional experi- neth Young, Southern Illinois U., 1971. ences, and role perceptions of the four regular The effects of interpersonal decentering and program hosts: Matt Robinson, Loretta Long, similarity of experience on the communication Bob McGrath,andWillLee.SisterMary of meaning. Joanne Yamauchi, Northwestern U., Camille D'Arienzo, R.S.M., U. of Michigan, 1971. 1970. A proceduretotestunderstanding gained The effects of modeling and self-confrontation from instructionaltelevisionprograms.John on subsequent
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