MASS TIMES St. Paul Church Saturday 4pm Vigil Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am & 12pm St. Paul Catholic Parish Sacred Heart Church A Franciscan Family of Faith Sunday 9:30am Weekday Mass at St. Paul Church St. Paul Church - 485 Alling St, Kensington CT 06037 Monday-Friday 7am & 5pm Sacred Heart Church - 48 Cottage St, East Berlin CT 06023 CONFESSION Saturdays 8:30am-9:30am and 3-4pm June 28, 2020 HOLY HOUR Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Tuesdays 4-5pm Baptisms: 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month Baptismal Instruction: 2nd Tuesdays, 7pm PARISH OFFICE Monday-Friday 8am-4pm #860 828-0331 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 467 Alling St, Kensington CT 06037 Website: https://stpaulkensington.org - St Paul Parish Kensington CT - saintpaulparish FRANCISCAN FRIARS & DEACON Fr. Joseph Benicewicz, OFM Conv. Pastor [email protected] Fr. Michael Englert, OFM Conv. Parochial Vicar & Guardian [email protected] Fr. Peter Tymko, OFM Conv. Parochial Vicar [email protected] Fr. Raymond Borkowski, OFM Conv. In Residence [email protected] Deacon Carmen Guzzardi [email protected] "Let the Church always be a place of MERCY and HOPE, Deacon Don Philip where EVERYONE is WELCOMED, LOVED and FORGIVEN." [email protected] -Pope Francis PASTOR’S COLUMN First Communicants - Congratulations to the 67 students in simply and without a congregation. One of the highlights of this year’s 1st Communion Class! There were five 1st Com- the Easter Vigil is the celebration of the Sacraments of Initia- munion Masses celebrated on June 13 & 20 to keep the tion for the newly baptized or those joining the Catholic numbers small for each Mass. Their names were in the bul- Church which like so many other things did not happen. So letin last week, but there are some pictures of the Masses on this past Wednesday, June 17th at the 5pm Mass, we page 5. We pray that their love of Jesus in the Eucharist will welcomed Sharon Yaksta into full Communion with the grow with each time they receive him, which we pray will be Roman Catholic Church. She also was Confirmed and re- weekly. Join me in thanking all of those who helped them ceived her 1st Holy Communion. She was sponsored by her prepare for this very special moment including our 3rd grade husband Stanley. Under the leadership of Fr. Raymond, and teacher in the school, Ms. Samantha Little, as well as our 3rd the very able assistance of Linda Guzzardi, Sharon explored grade catechists in our Religious Education Program: Irene the essentials of the Catholic faith and made her journey to Chlastawa, Teresa Fuschino, Lisa Iacobucci, Gail Kulinski becoming Catholic. I am so very grateful for Fr. Raymond and Lisa Moscaritolo. In any normal year there is so much and Linda and their dedication to the RCIA program and that is done by our DRE, Robin Veronesi, and her assistant, their accompaniment of Sharon on her journey of faith. Christina Norton, but I am sure we can only begin to under- stand all of the extra work that they had given the circum- Independence Day - The Parish Center will be closed on stances this year. They are both very dedicated and we are Friday, July 3rd for the Independence Day Holiday. very fortunate to have both of them in their very important roles. I certainly know that I am especially blessed to have Water Damage at Sacred Heart Rectory - On Friday, June them working in ministry in our parish. 19th it was discovered, during a routine check up on the property at Sacred Heart Church, that the supply pipe to the Congratulations to the Class of 2020! - It was a great toilet on the 2nd floor of the rectory was leaking. We are not pleasure to celebrate Mass for the Class of 2020 on Thurs- sure how long it was like this, but it was okay the Friday be- day, June 18th. This was two weeks later than originally fore when I was there checking on things. As you can see scheduled. Thankfully the Lord provided good weather since from the pictures extensive damage occurred though it could the Mass and graduation ceremony took place on the Parish have been much worse. The water seeped through to the Green. Given the COVID 19 restrictions that are in place, we first floor, especially the kitchen and two bathrooms on the were able to have 150 people in attendance outside instead first floor, and down to the basement. The second floor and of just 100 in the church. The 24 graduates and their families the stairs going to the second floor had thick carpeting which were grateful to be able to gather for one last time as a class absorbed a great amount of water. If it were not for the car- after having been separated for the most part from each oth- peting, the living room would have also had extensive dam- er over the last three months to thank God for blessings be- age, but had none since the carpeting absorbed the water stowed and to ask for graces needed as they move on from which otherwise would have cascaded down the steps. Most Saint Paul School. Decked out in their caps and gowns they of the walls and ceilings of the kitchen and two bathrooms were encouraged to keep themselves attached to Jesus who have been removed. All of the kitchen cabinets have been is the vine and they are the branches who receive life and removed and are being stored in the rectory. The wood floor are sustained by Him. Following the Mass, our principal, in the dining room is to be removed as well as the tile floor in Mrs. Fayne Molloy, and our 8th grade teacher, Mr. John the kitchen since water got beneath both of them. Of course Grant conducted the graduation ceremony. Andrew Kim and the carpeting has been removed as well as all of the insula- Samantha Sein were named as Co-Valedictorians this year, tion on the pipes in the basement. I am most grateful once and they each addressed their classmates and all who were again to Don Lombardo who arranged to have a Service- gathered. Seventeen of the 24 graduates (71%) are headed Master crew on the scene with in 90 minutes of my call to to a Catholic High School come August (Mercy, Northwest, him. As I write this, they still have about another day’s work St. Paul and Xavier). Seven students will continue their edu- to do. Our insurance will cover the damages. While of cation at Avon HS, Berlin HS, Choate Academy, East Lyme course this could happen even if someone was living in the HS, Goodwin Technical, and New Britain HS. We wish them rectory, the crew from ServiceMaster said we were the 8th every success and pray that the Lord’s blessings will accom- call they had that week alone for a leaking supply line to a pany them to their new schools. toilet, this incident brings to the forefront the question of should we begin looking into selling the rectory. Please see A Bit of the Easter Vigil - The premier liturgical night of the page 10 of this bulletin for photos of the damage to the rec- year is the Easter Vigil which of course this year was done tory. 2 MASS INTENTIONS Growing in Faith, Giving in Love - Since the last update Saturday, June 27, 2020 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time from the Archdiocese on the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, 4:00 Father's Day Novena an additional 78 parishioners made additional donations Sunday, June 28, 2020 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time and pledges totaling $10,925. As a result, as of June 19th, 7:30 Andrew Sikorowicz 18th Anniversary 531 parishioners had made donations and pledges to the by Carol Ciaffaglione AAA totaling $98,337. The average gift of those who have 9:00 Barbara Dixon 1st Anniversary by family 9:30 Father's Day Novena given is $185. In that our parish goal is $108,000 we are at 10:30 Parishioners of Saint Paul Parish 91% of reaching our goal. Last year our parish made 591 12:00 Mary Roderick 2nd Anniversary by family gifts that totaled $108,161. If your situation currently allows Monday, June 29, 2020 Saints Peter and Paul and you have not made a pledge or one time gift, please 7:00 Father's Day Novena prayerfully consider how you can help God’s poor by your 5:00 Abandoned Souls in Purgatory by Rachela Maltese support of AAA. Thank you to all who have donated Tuesday, June 30, 2020 First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church and remember all gifts, no matter the amount, are im- 7:00 Maria Lombardo by a friend portant and helpful! Barbara B. Brochetti by St. Paul Ladies’ Guild Guy Lombardi by Nancy Peasley Driska Final Thoughts - Please be sure to read the instructions 5:00 Jose Portal 15th anniversary by wife and children about reopening on the page inserted in this bulletin. I and Lucille Michaud by Taricani family all of the Friars are looking forward to seeing you!! Have a Wednesday, July 1, 2020 Saint Junipero Serra very Happy 4th! The 4th just will not be same 7:00 Robert J. Fitzsimmons by wife Anita and children without the crack of the bat, but it looks like 5:00 John J. Rich by daughter there will be a very abbreviated season. Thursday, July 2, 2020 Weekday Have a blessed week everyone and let us 7:00 David N. Loiselle, Sr.
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