Photo Source: Katie Manning / Unsplash 164 North South Rail Link Feasibility Reassessment Final Report January 2019 | Preferred Alignment and Construction Technology 9. Appendices Appendices | January 2019 North South Rail Link Feasibility Reassessment Final Report 165 Photo Source: Michael Hicks / Flickr 166 North South Rail Link Feasibility Reassessment Final Report January 2019 | Appendices A. Citations 1 Eighth in the US in 2017, Inrix Global Conges- 8 MassDOT, The Offcial Website of The Mas- 16 Central Transportation Planning Staff, Boston tion Rankings, http://inrix.com/press-releases/ sachusetts Department of Transportation - Rail Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, los-angeles-tops-inrix-global-congestion- & Transit Division, http://www.massdot.state. Memorandum: MBTA Commuter Rail Passenger ranking/; 10th in the US in 2017, TomTom Traffc ma.us/Transit/ Count Results, Dec. 21, 2012. Index, https://www.tomtom.com/en_gb/traffcin- 9 MassDOT, Tracker 2017: MassDOT’s Annual 17 Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organiza- dex/list?citySize=LARGE&continent=ALL&coun Performance Report, http://www.massdot.state. tion, Long-Range Transportation Plan – Needs try=ALL ma.us/Portals/0/docs/infoCenter/performance- Assessment, www.ctps.org/lrtp_needs 2 Ridership Trends presentation, MassDOT Offce management/Tracker2017.pdf 18 According to Reconnecting America, a national of Performance Management and Innovation, 10 MBTA, The New MBTA, http://old.mbta.com/ nonproft that integrates transportation and February 27, 2017, http://old.mbta.com/upload- about_the_mbta/history/?id=970 community development, “Transit-oriented edfles/About_the_T/Board_Meetings/M.%20 development… is a type of development that %20Ridership%20Trends%20Final%20022717. 11 https://www.mbtafocus40.com/ includes a mixture of housing, offce, retail and/ pdf or other amenities integrated into a walkable 12 MassDOT, MBTA State of the Service: Com- neighborhood and located within a half-mile of 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Data muter Rail, https://d3044s2alrsxog.cloudfront. quality public transportation.” http://reconnect- USA portal, https://datausa.io/profle/geo/bos- net/uploadedfles/About_the_T/Board_Meetings/ ingamerica.org/what-we-do/what-is-tod/ ton-cambridge-quincy-ma-nh-metro-area/ StateofCommuterRailSystem.pdf 19 The Metropolitan Area Planning Council data 4 Central Transportation Planning Staff, Bos- 13 MBTA, Ridership and Service Statistics (Blue also contain information on future projects, cat- ton Region Metropolitan Planning Organiza- Book), 14th edition, July 2014, https://d3044s- egorized as either planned or projected. These tion, Charting Progress to 2040: Long-Range 2alrsxog.cloudfront.net/uploadedfles/docu- projects are generally expected to be construct- Transportation Plan of the Boston Region ments/2014%20BLUEBOOK%2014th%20Edi- ed prior to 2035, with a maximum completion Metropolitan Planning Organization, July 2015, tion(1).pdf http://www.ctps.org/data/pdf/plans/lrtp/chart- date of 2042. ing/2040_LRTP_Full_fnal.pdf 14 MassDOT, Tracker 2017, https://www.massdot. 20 Metro-North Railroad, West of Hudson Regional state.ma.us/Portals/0/docs/infoCenter/perfor- Transit Access Study Alternatives Analysis 5 http://www.massbuilds.com/ mancemanagement/Tracker2017.pdf Phase I Screening Report, Appendix D: Capital 6 MBTA, The Regional System and the MBTA, 15 MassDOT, MBTA State of the Service: Com- Cost and O&M Costs, Methodology and Esti- http://old.mbta.com/about_the_mbta/ muter Rail, https://d3044s2alrsxog.cloudfront. mates, May 2012. history/?id=968 net/uploadedfles/About_the_T/Board_Meetings/ 21 Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organiza- StateofCommuterRailSystem.pdf 7 MBTA, Leadership, tion, Long-Range Transportation Plan – Needs https://www.mbta.com/leadership Assessment, www.ctps.org/lrtp_needs Appendices | January 2019 North South Rail Link Feasibility Reassessment Final Report 167 22 Dan Hodge and Benjamin Forman, ‘The Promise 27 Mass.gov, Global Warming Solutions Act Back- and Potential of Transformative Transit-Oriented ground, https://www.mass.gov/service-details/ Development in Gateway Cities’, April 24, global-warming-solutions-act-background 2018, https://2gaiae1lifzt2tsfgr2vil6c-wpengine. netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/ 28 Mass.gov, Massachusetts greenhouse gas TTOD-Report.pdf emission trends, https://www.mass.gov/service- details/ma-ghg-emission-trends 23 Handy, Susan, Increasing Highway Capacity Unlikely to Relieve Traffc Congestion, National Center for Sustainable Transportation, UC Davis, October 2015. 24 United States Environmental Protection Agency, Learn About Environmental Justice, https:// www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/learn-about- environmental-justice 25 MBTA, Title VI Notice of Nondiscrimination Rights and Protections to Benefciaries, https:// www.mbta.com/policies/title-vi 26 A T-test is a statistical procedure that deter- mines whether the mean of a population signif- cantly differs from a specifc value (the “hypoth- esized mean”) or from the mean of another population; the T-test is then used to determine whether the difference is statistically signifcant. In this test, the T-test used the following criteria for determining signifcance: If p<0.05, the differ- ence between an EJ community and a Non-EJ community is signifcant or likely to occur; If p>=0.05, the difference between an EJ commu- nity and a Non-EJ community is insignifcant or unlikely to occur. 168 North South Rail Link Feasibility Reassessment Final Report January 2019 | Appendices B. Full List of Upstream Improvements “Critical” interventions must be in place for a particular service plan to be implemented. “Recommended” interventions reduce performance risks for a particular service plan and its associated level of service. Critical / Line Service Alternative Intervention Required Intervention Solution Intervention Reason Recommended The assumed track layout indicates locations where there is a single sided platform and it is understood South Station Expansion that passengers can board/alight from trains on & All-Day Peak either line. While it may be feasible to do so with Review of platform Service (No NSRL), Provision of lower levels of services this approach may require workings at locations NSRL Regular Service additional platform reviewing with increases to the level of service. This All Lines Recommended where single platform face (2-Track), NSRL All-Day faces and related is because an increased level of service may result is provided on double track Peak Service (2-Track), facilities. in trains passing at locations whereby passengers sections. NSRL All-Day Peak are required to cross the track to board/alight trains. Service (4-Track) For the purposes of the scheduling no constraint on platform/boarding side is assumed, with trains operating on both lines (right-hand-side running) The service plans require 18-20tph trains in each direction through the tunnel core, it would not be feasible to cross opposing direction trains Removal of conficts NSRL Regular Service Grade separation multiple times at this level service with an at-grade between trains entering (2-Track), NSRL All-Day between northbound junction. This option potentially requires all four the north & south tunnel All Lines Peak Service (2-Track), Critical and southbound tracks running out towards Back Bay splitting portals and trains exiting NSRL All-Day Peak services at each between Worcester Line and Providence Lines the north & south tunnel Service (4-Track) tunnel portal. (due short headways between services). However portals to each route. further schedule development may resolve some headway issues, but performance impact likely to be signifcant. Appendices | January 2019 North South Rail Link Feasibility Reassessment Final Report 169 Critical / Line Service Alternative Intervention Required Intervention Solution Intervention Reason Recommended South Station Expansion If turnaround times/junction margins cannot Additional terminal platform Provision of an Fitchburg Line & All-Day Peak Service Critical be reduced at Wachusett, then provision of an capacity additional platform (No NSRL) additional terminal platform is required. A review of signaling Capability to The schedule has been optimized around utilizing capability within the North support parallel the minimum number of platforms at North Station. Station throat, specifcally crossing moves in It is assumed the capability of 5-minute platform South Station Expansion looking at the ability to the station throat to re-occupation is possible at North Station with a Fitchburg Line & All-Day Peak Service Recommended perform parallel crossings support 5-minute parallel crossing in the station throat. The ability to (No NSRL) with same platform re- same platform re- do so requires reviewing. Should it not be possible occupations. Requires at occupation margins to do so then a review of the platform workings will least 5-minute headways at North Station. be required. The service plan requires 4 tph to start and terminate at Fitchburg. This is not possible from a Provision of 1 single platform and therefore requires a minimum of NSRL Regular Service Additional terminal platform Fitchburg Line Critical additional terminal 2 platforms (with a turnaround time/junction margin (2-Track) capacity platform of less than 30 minutes). Note if the total turnaround time and junction margin can be reduced to 15 minutes then 1 platform could support 4 tph. The service plan requires 4 tph to start and terminate at Fitchburg,
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