·Dhananjayarao Gadgil LibrBl}' 1111111 lUll lUll 1I11 lUll 11111 UIIIIU GIPE-PUNE-002875 STATESJIEN SERIES. PRINCE ~IETTERNICH. ~ (.All Ri;;T.ls ltesffI't1erl.) , ) PRINCE METTERNICH. STATESMEN SERIES. LIFE OF PRINCE METTERNICH BY COLONEL G. B. MALLESON, c.s.i. SECOND EDITION, WITH PORTRAIT• • • LONDON: W. H. ALLEN· & cn, J"IMfTED, 13, WATERLOO PLACW. PALL MALL, S.W. THE STATESMEN SERIES. Crown 8uo, Cloth Gilt, ls. eaoh. With Portrait. VOLS. I.-VII., READY. GLADSTONE. By H. W. Lucy. BISMARCK. By CUARLn LoWE, M.A. MARQUESS WELLESLEY. By Col. G. B. MALLESON, C.S.I. VISCOUNT PALMERSTON. By LLOYD C. SANDERS. MARQUIS OF DALHOUSIE. By Captain L. J. TBOTrEB. LORD DERBY. By T. E. KRBBEL. BEACONSFIELD. By T. E. KEBBEL. NEXT VOLS. METTERNICH. By Colonel MALLE SON, C.S.I. PRINCE CONSORT. By CUABLOTrE M. YONGE •• • PREFATORY NOTE. • I IN writing this Sketch of' the statesman whose ca,eer ClCCupies so great a space in the history of Europe for fifty years I have consulted, amongst others, the following works: (1) "The Autobiography of Prince Metternich" ; (2) Binder's "Fiirst Clement von Metterriich und s~in Z~ital~r.. 1836"; (3) "Neuer Plutarch," vol. v.; (4) Thiers' "Histoire du Consulat et de rEmpire"; (5) Capefigue's "Diplomates Contemporains"; (6) Ger­ vinus's Geschichte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts"; (7) Maurice's "Revolutions of 1848-49"; (8) Alder­ stein's "Chronologisches Tagebuch der· Magyarischen' Ilevolution"; (9) "Napoleon and his Detractors." . G. B. 11. CONTENTS. - P..... CHAl'TEB L lWrLy TIw:!rnm. 1713-1806 1 CHAl'TEB H. TIm Emwsr '1'0 pAIIJ& 1806-1809 15 CIIAl'TEB m ~ 'DIll WAB (w 1809 '1'0 'DIll ~ ..,. 1I0S1l0W. 1809-1812 ,. CHAl'TEB IV. :r- 'DIll WJ5TIIB Qp 1812 '1'0 'DIll A.mosrroII .. PI.mlrtms. 1812-1813 80 ClIAl'TER v. Pm. 'DIll AIummcB OP I'I.msWrm '1'0 'DIll ~AL .. Ho. • 1M: CH.APTxa n PIIOx 'DIll B£'ftDJI OP a. .AmallmmI ID' PI.Jmnms '1'0 'DIll FALL OP liAl'OLBolr. A.uGwr. 1813, 'J.'O HABCB, l81i· • 120 CIIAPrEB VII. TIm CImE JIDOBII 'DIll HmmBIID DA,JIt-AJID AftBL llA-, 1814, 'J.'O NpYBIIBBB, ISla. ~.• .a '9. U9 viii CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER VIll. TBE CONTINENTAL SYSTEM 01' METTERmcu; ITS RISB .A.'ID PROGRESS. 1815-1830" '. 142 CHAF1'ER IX. THE D'ECLINB AlID FALL 01' METTERmCIJ's SYSTEM DT EuBoPB. 1830-1848 171 CHAPTER x.. CoNCLUSION-CHABA()T.Im. 1848--1859 • • 191 hroEX • • • • 198 INDEX. A. Altenburg, iu Hungary, the Frecch and Austrian foreign ministers .AL~ANDE~ Czar of Russia, is meet at, to negotiate peace, 52 ; desirous,' in 1805, to induce negotiations at, 54-56; strange Prussia to join him against incident which terminated the Napoleon, 11; visits Potsdam, negotiations at, 57~2. 12; signs a treaty with Prussia, Aspem, tJide Essling. 12; insists upon fighting at Austerlitz, Mettemich is married Austerlitz, 13; regards Napoleon at. 7; the Emperor Alexander in­ as a Corsicau adventurer, 16; sists upon fighting at, 13; the signs the peace Clf TilsH. 23; battle of, is followed by the Peace interview of, with Napoleon, at of Pressburg, 15; was fought Erl'urt. 31, 32; vainly attempts against the ad vice of the Emperor to preserve peace between France Francis, 16, 17. and' Austria, 43,44; quits . St. Anstria, Ferdinand, Emperor of, Petersburg for Wilna to meet the the concessions made by, dis­ preparations of Napoleon,. 76; please Mettemich, 176; intellect receives Mettemich' at Opocno, and training of, note to 176. 105; gains confidenoa in. him, Austria, Francis Joseph, Emperor 106; and signs the treaty of of, nature of intercourse of, with Reichenbach, 107, 108; strives Metternich, 191-193. to have Moreau made com­ Austria, Francis, Emperor of, suc­ mander-in-chief of the allied ceeds his brother Leopold, 5; forces, 120; yields to Metter­ notices Metternich and tells him nieh's inlluence, 124;' arranges, to hold himself in readiness for in Metternich's absence and his orders, 8; sends Metternich against his views,' for the re, to Dresden as minister, 9; and mova! of Napoleon to a sovereign afterwards to Berlin, 10; confers position at Elba, 126; requires upon him the cross of St. Stephen, the whole of Poland as his share 14; was opposed to fighting at of the pluuder, 129, 1~0; regards Austerlitz, 16, 17; encourages Metternich as a permanent Metternioh to accept the embassy obstacle to his' designs, 130, 131 ; to Paris, 17; requests Metter­ feelings of, regarding Castlereagh nich to examine and report on and TaUeyraud, 131; confesses the advisability of peace or war his sins to Metternich and is with France, 34; preparations absolved, 154; divergence of the for war, made by, 42; authorises • policy of, and that of Metternioh,' seizure of the bearer of French regarding Greece, 162, 164; death despatohes and thus precipitates of, at Taganrog, ]64. war, 44, 4!1: is joined by Metter- INDEX. 199' nich before :Wagram, 49; wit.- I the king of, 91, 93;: incident re­ De&!eS the two days' battle of garding the army of, ROte to 93; Wagram, 49; refuses, then con­ generous treatment of, by Austria, Mnts, to send Prinoe John of ,131-134; king of, writes to Liechtenstein ae negotiator to Metternioh that he declines to Napoleon, 57, 58; ratifies peace, perjure himself; 151; follows ~2; appoints Metternieh foreign Metternich's poUey of repression, minister and ehaneellor, 63 ; asks 162; awakens, 185. lIetternich to speak to Marie Bautzen, Napoleon wins the battle Louise on the subject of a of, 97, 105; mistake of Neyat, marriage with Napoleon, 64; is o 105; effeet on Metternich of the informed by Metternieh of hattle of, 106. Napoleon's intention to wage war Baylen, effect of the catastrophe of, with RIlSllia, 71; accompanied by on Metternich and on Napoleon, his Empress, meets Napoleon at 23,2,1,. Dresden, 76 ; is merely the Berlin, the state of parties at, in monthpieoe of Metternieh, 98, 1804-5, deseribed, 10, 11. 99; elfee! of the letter of, on Bliieher, characteristic remark of, Napoleon,. 103; proceeds, with as he notieed the glories of St. 1tfetternioh, to Gitsehin, to be Cloud, 140. 0 near to Alexander and N apoleou, Bubna, Count, appointed Austrian 106; auti-Napoleonic dealings of, military commissary with Napo­ 118, 119; engages in war against leo~ 53; is sent to the Emperor Napoleon, 120; is swayed by Francis to propose the ,despatch Metternieh against Napoleon, ofPrinee John of Liechtenstein to 126: spares Bavaria to indemnify Napoleon, 57; again, 58; is sent Austria in Italy, 132 : is regarded to Paris to negotiate with by Metternich ae if .. made for Napoleon, 82: is sent to treat him," 154; meets the Czar, with Napoleon at Dresden,l.03: attended by Metternieh, 160-163; happy inspiration of, 103; re­ dies, 176. turns to Vienna. with proposals for an armistiee, 104. B. BADEII' follows Austria's poUey of o. repression, 162; awakening of, 185. CAllBAOEBils, the Arch-Cha.neellor, BarelII)' de Tolly urges a retreat advises Napoleon to Iroot direot behind the Oder after Bautzen, with Russia, 82. 104. Ca.nning, Mr., poliey of, not a.gree­ Bassano, Duke of, the confidential a.ble to Metternich, 160,166, 167; minister of Napoleon in 1813, hopes entertained by Metternich ad vises Napoleon to choose on the dea.th of, 169. Austria as a mediator, 83; ad­ ea..lsbad, Conferenee of, 149, 150. dresses" a fatal letter" to Aus­ Ca.stlerea.gh, Lord, declares toot the tria, 83, 85; arranges a meeting la.nguage of Na.poleon proved of Metternich with Napoleon at toot he would a.ceepi 'no reason­ Dresden, 106, 109; is present at able terms, 87 ; interview of, with the seeond interview between Mettsrnieh, a.nd opinion of the, Napoleon and Mettemich at la.tter of, 127; Alexa.nder finds Dresden, 117. him "cold and pedantic," 133; Bavaria, MetkrnicJieintrigues with suggests the deportatiou of 200 INDEX. Napoleon to St. Helena or St. to succeed Count Stadion at th& Lucia, 135; regrets of Mrttemich St. Petersbur~ embassy, but i& on hearing of the suicide of, 159. - objected to by Napoleon, 15. Caulaincourt, Count, is ambas­ Colloredo, Count, is replaced by sador of France at St. Peters­ Count Stadion at the Austrian burg, 34; advises Napoleon to foreign office after the peace rf treat direct with RUBBia, 83. Pressburg, 15. Champagny, Count, record -made Confalouieri, Count Federigo, Met­ at the time by, of the scene temich's treatment of, 158. between Napoleon and Metter­ Constan1ine, prediction by MetteI-­ nich in 1808, differs materiall y niOO regarding the succession of. from the record made at a later to the throne of Russia, 164, 165. period by the latter, 24-29; is very reticent in his commuuications to Mettemich, 39; proves to Met­ D. terniOO tbat France has not been deceived by Austria, 43, 44; sends DEAlt, FRANCIS, begins to take 8t Mettemich his passports, 45; lead in the Hungarian constitu­ conversation of, with MetterniOO, tional party, 176; at Vicnna, 46, 47; is appointed to Dresden, Metternich is appointed negotiate with MeUernich after Minister at, 9; his description of the combat of Zuaim, 52; negoti­ the Conrt of, 9; Congress of ations and pout'parlen of, with Emperors and Kings ..t, 76; MetterniOO, 55-57; abrupt ending remarkable conversation of to the negotiations of, 58-63- Napoleon with Metternich at. Charles X. succeeds his broijJ.er 77; Napoleon at, 105; historical Louis on the throne of France, interview between Napoleon and 163; mistaken views of Metter­ - MetterniOO at, 109-116; battle nich regarding the liberalism of, of, won by Napoleon, 122, 123; and of the Dauphin. 163, 164; great results of, neutralised by expulsion of, from France, 170.
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