A P 640 GE A O. T STD N QUASCAPES AID A P PRST .S.POS U PERMIT DOYLESTOWN, UNLIMITED, INC. Native WHOLESALE r NUR SER Y Y C A T ALO G “The most complete source . for native herbaceous NC , I wetland aquatic & carnivorous plants.” NLIMITED Phone: 215-766-8151 U 18947 Fax: 215-766-8986 A P 364 Box Vol. 16 QUASCAPES .O. A P Pipersville, www . a q u a s capesunlimit ed. com Aquascapes Unlimited, Inc. Contract Growing To ensure the availability of large quantities of wetland or P.O. Box 364 • Pipersville, PA 18947 ornamental species, Aquascapes Unlimited will accept Phone: 215-766-8151 • Fax: 215-766-8986 orders for plant materials to be grown to ANSI standards or email: [email protected] any other specifications and delivered up to a year or more website: www.aquascapesunlimited.com in the future. For more information on contract growing please contact our nursery manager or website. Aquascapes Unlimited, a grower and supplier of herbaceous wetland perennial aquatic plants and fish, provides a wholesale source for local ecotype Claims Plant materials received in unsatisfactory condition native wetland plants for restoration projects. or poor quality must be reported within 2 days of receipt. Liability is limited to replacement or credit. Our company has been specializing in lake, pond and wetland management for estate, institutional, governmental and commercial Terms establishments for over 3 decades with hundreds of • Minimum order - $200 – wholesale only satisfied clients. • All prices F.O.B. Pipersville, PA • Prices may be subject to change without notice. Aquascapes Unlimited offers consultation • Unless you have established credit, all sales services explaining what, where, how, and when to must be paid in full at time of delivery. plant aquatic material. • No sales will be made to accounts past due. • A service charge of 2% (24% per anum) will The majority of our plants are seed sown winter automatically be placed on all past due accounts. hardy perennials grown in containers to provide easy • Plants ordered and not picked up at scheduled shipping, storage and installation. date will be subject to restocking charge. Our established plants in plugs provide superior quality to bare root plants at competitive prices. Delivery Price within 25 miles The price list reflects plants in appropriately Minimum Sales amount Price sized containers unless otherwise specified. Large $200 $1.00 per mile plant specimens are available for some species listed. We are actively working towards being peat free Price outside 25 miles when applicable. Minimum Sales Amount Price $500 $1.00 per mile Sincerely, Price outside 50 miles Randolph Heffner Minimum Sales Amount Price President $1000 $1.00 per mile www . a q u a s capesunlimit ed. com www . a q u a s capesunlimit ed. com Native Wetland & Aquatic Plants for: - Restoration RETAIL READY NATIVE WETLAND PLANTS - Storm Water Management ® BUG OUT Native herbaceous wetland plants provide the backbone of any - ErosioCARNIVORESn Control IN CAPTIVITY successful wetland restoration project. Most grow rapidly via vegetative methods and seed readily. Planting a diverse group of - RaBugin G aOutrden®s is a new marketing concept by Aquascapes species with similar hydrological adaptability most often produces - Unlimited,Ponds/Lake sInc./Stre designedams to promote, educate and profound results in the 1st growing season. preserve carnivorous plants and their environment. The Please find below the currently available seed sown, nursery grown - uniqueBasins recyclable/ Swales packaging and informative literature containerized natives. These plants are available for immediate resale makes the hottest new plants in horticulture affordable, or installation into wet meadows, riparian corridors or other ecologically - eBixcoiti-rnegm aendi aeastioyn. sensitive areas where biodiversity is essential. Aquascapes Unlimited's association and partnership KEY TO SYMBOLS Online Plantwith Sea rnon-profitch Databas econservation for Installer sorganizations, Designers, Ed helpsucato rtos & Engineers OBL : Obligate Wetland Species: Occur almost always (estimated preserve and protect the natural communities where probability >99%) under natural conditions in wetlands. FACW : Facultative Wetland Species: Usually occur in wetlands (estimated these rare North American beauties thrive. probability 67% - 99%), but occasionally found in non-wetlands. * Mini green house packaging FAC : Facultative Species: Equally likely to occur in wetlands or Contract Growing - plant materials grown to specifications. non-wetlands (estimated probability 34% - 66%). * Ship anywhere in the U.S. FACU : Faculltative Upland Species: Usually occur in non-wetlands but * Free marketing materials & POP support occasionally found in wetlands (estimated probability 1% - 33%. Email, fax, or call for a quote and availability. UPL : Obligate Upland Species: Almost always occur (estimated probability>99%) under natural conditions in non-wetlands. No Indicator: Lack of information to determine indicator status. We Contract Grow NI : (A positive sign [+] indicates more of a frequency to be found in Simple Plug Spacing Chart – On Center wetlands and a negative sign [-] indicates less of a frequency to be found in wetlands). Total sq. ft. of bed 12” 18” 24” 36” 50 50 22 13 6 100 100 44 25 11 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME INDICATOR #1 4” PLUG 250 250 110 63 28 Acorus americanus Sweet Flag OBL 5.00 2.50 .75 Alisma plantago aquatica Water Plantain OBL 5.00 2.50 .80 500 500 220 125 55 Andropogon gerardii Big Blue Stem FACW+ 4.50 2.35 .75 1,000 1,000 440 250 110 Andropogon glomeratus Bushy Beard OBL 4.50 2.35 .75 5,000 5,000 2,200 1,250 550 Andropogon virginicus Broomsedge FACU 4.50 2.35 .75 Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed OBL 5.00 2.35 .80 10,000 10,000 4,400 2,500 1,100 Symphotrichum novae-angliae New England Aster FACW- 5.00 2.35 .75 Multiplier (1) (.44) (.25) (.11) Symphotrichum no vi-belgii New York Aster FACW+ 5.00 2.35 .75 Symphotrichum puniceus Purple Stemmed Aster OBL 5.00 2.35 .80 Plant Materials Grown To Specifications Calamagrostis canadensis Canada Bluejoint FACW+ 5.00 2.25 .75 Free Online Plant Search Database Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold OBL 5.00 3.00 1.25 Carex aquatilis Water Sedge OBL 5.00 2.35 .80 Serving Installers, Designers, Educators & Engineers Carex comosa Bristly Sedge OBL 5.00 2.35 .75 Website: Carex crinita Fringed Sedge OBL 5.00 2.35 .75 Email,Aq fax,uas corap calles U nforlim itae dquote Inc. and availability www.aquascapesunCalirmexi thyedst.rcico inma Porcupine Sed ge OBL 5.00 2.35 .75 P.O. Box 364 • Pipersville, PA 18947 Carex intumescens Bladder Sedge FACW+ 5.00 2.35 .80 Phone: 215-766-8151 • Fax: 215-766-8986 Social Media: Carex lacustris Lake Bank Sedge OBL 5.00 2.35 .85 INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE Carex lupulina Hop Sedge FACW+ 5.00 2.35 .80 email: www.facebook.com/wetlandperennials info@aquaPartscapesun ltime/Fullimited.com time Carex lurida Lurid Sedge OBL 5.00 2.35 .75 Carex muskingumensis Musk Sedge OBL 5.00 2.35 .75 www . a q u a s capesunlimit ed. com www . a q u a s capesunlimit ed. com 8 1 Native Wetland Plants UNC HYBRIDS BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME INDICATOR #1 4” PLUG BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SMALL MED. LARGE XL Carex scoparia Pointed Broom Sedge FACW 5.00 2.35 .75 Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid ‘Dixie Lace’ 1.95 4.95 9.95 16.95 Carex stricta Tussock Sedge OBL 5.00 2.35 .75 Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid ‘Doodle Bug’ - - 9.95 16.95 Carex vulpinoidea Fox Sedge OBL 5.00 2.35 .70 Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid ‘June Bug’ 1.95 4.95 9.95 16.95 Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid ‘Lady Bug’ - 4.95 9.95 16.95 Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush OBL 6.00 3.00 .95 Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid ‘Love Bug’ - 4.95 9.95 16.95 Chasmanthium latifolium Northern Seaoats FACU 4.50 2.35 .75 Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid ‘Mardi Gras’ 2.95 4.95 9.95 16.95 Chelone glabra White Turtle Head OBL 5.00 2.65 .80 Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid ‘Red Bug’ 1.95 4.95 9.95 16.95 Cinna arundinacea Wood Reedgrass FACW+ 5.00 2.35 .75 Cyperus esculentus Nut Sedge FACW 5.00 2.35 .75 OTHER CARNIVORES Decodon verticillata Water Willow OBL 5.50 2.65 .80 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SMALL MED. Dulichium arundinaceum Dwarf Bamboo OBL 5.00 2.35 .85 Dionea muscipula Venus Fly Trap 1.95 6.50 Eleocharis acicularis Least Spikerush OBL 5.00 2.35 .80 Drosera binata Fork Leaf Sundew 2.95 6.95 Eleocharis obtusa Spike Rush OBL 5.00 2.35 .75 Drosera capensis Cape Sundew 1.25 6.50 Eleocharis parvula Dwarf Spike R ush OBL 5.00 2.50 .75 Drosera liformis Thread Leaf Sundew 1.25 6.50 Eleocharis palustris Creeping Spike Rush OBL 5.00 2.35 .75 Drosera liformis var. Tracyi Giant Thread Leaf Sundew 2.95 12.00 Eleocharis quadrangulata Four Square Rush OBL 5.50 3.00 .95 Drosera intermedia Spatulate Leaf Sundew 1.25 6.50 Elymus hystrix Bottle Brush Grass NI 4.50 2.35 .80 Drosera rotundifolia Round Leaf Sundew 1.25 6.50 Elymus riparius River Bank Wild Rye FACW- 4.50 2.35 .80 Elymus virginicus Virginia Wild Rye FACW- 4.50 2.25 .80 CARNIVOROUS COMPANIONS Equisetum uviatile Water Horsetail OBL 6.00 3.00 .95 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NA ME SMALL MED. Equisetum hyemale Horsetail FACW 5.50 3.00 .95 Calopogon tuberousa alba Grass Pink Orchid (white) - 15.00 Equisetum scorpoides Dwarf Horsetail FAC 5.50 3.00 .85 Calopogon tuberousa Grass Pink Orchid - 12.50 Eryngium aquaticum Marsh Rattlesnake- master OBL 5.50 3.00 .90 Gentiana autumnalis Pine Barrens Gentian - 12.50 Eutrochium stulosum Joe Pie Weed FACW 5.00 2.35 .75 Lachnocaulon minus Small’s Bog Button 1.25 3.50 Lophiola americana Golden-Crest - 12.50 Eupatorium perfoliatum Boneset FACW 5.00 2.35 .75 Lysmachia terrestris Swamp Candles 1.25 3.50 Glyceria canadensis Canada Manna Grass OBL 5.00 2.35 .75 Narthecium americanum Bog asphodel - 12.50 Glyceria striata Fowl Mannagrass OBL 5.00 2.35 .75 Polygala lutea Orange Milkwort 1.50 4.50 Helianthus angustifolius Swamp Sunower FACW 5.00 2.75 .85 Sabatia kennedyana Marsh Pink 1.50 4.50 Heliopsis helianthoides Ox-Eye Sunower NI 5.00 2.75 .80 Spiranthes odorata Ladies Tress Orchid 1.25 3.50 Heteranthera limnosa Upright Mud Plantain OBL 5.00 2.65 BR Triadenum virginicum Marsh St.
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