Issue 1 PAW ! oct 1 9 9 6 Hi Quality Version Available on AMIGALAND.COM 'an comI ain mah Oct 1996 A p pA ssign - quickly sort out new assigns M acW B • transforms your Workbench P opper - fix program menus on screen ftafftmafi • great new trathcan VMM - the best virtual memory manage 977095996308410 PindC U l - search for those files A -Stert - great looking start bar MMMMPWWM Now comj RAB... Rapid Frame with bo’J and V ing on your Amiga The revolutionary S-VHS ProGrab™ 24RT Plus with Teletext is not only the bei to get crisp colour video images into your Amiga, from either live broadcai taped recordings, it also costs less than any of its rivals. This real time I SECAM/NTSC* 24-Bit colour frame grabber/digitiser has slashed the pid image grabbing on the Amiga and, at the same time, has received rave i for its ease of use and exce lent quality results. ProGrab™ has earned hi from just about every Amiga magazine and Video magazines too! A n d ... w ith ProGrab™ you needn't be an expert in A m ig a V ideo Technol^ a simple 3 stage operation ensures the right results - Real Time, after S T A G E 1 ... Select any video source with S-VHS or composite output This could be your camcorder. TV with SCACT J satellite receiver, domestic VCR/ptiyer or standard TV signal oasvng through your VCR/player... the choice ii] S T A G E 2 ... With ProGrab's software, select an i n wish to capture using the on screen® Gr.ih inwges with your carry orde1 window and Grab (because the hctdn including S-VHS grabs frames in real time, there's non a freeze frame facility on the sourCa Once grabbed, simpty download a n ff full image on your Amiga screen. Prc(| includes a Teletext viewing and captf facilrty from either TV or satellite sourifl ProGrab _ or. Take a tign.il from a Support! *1 recent Airug.it and is alto fully AGA Chipset [V With SCARI Output STAGE 3... f compatible You can renter vnaget m any Workbench tcreen Use the grabbed' image with yot/ Gm mode mcAnioo including HAMB mode |Amig.i RAM permrttngj word processor DTP or graphics p * i w l ■ FroGrab" Saver and loath images m Iffm B M IFF/ILBM24. JPEG. B W ProGrab really does rrate PCX and TARGAMe (om ati ProGrab saw* animations at or. Use the signal from it that simple! Anlmi i m and a m w nam w *h lourtd irpqum PCMCIA interface and teparatr icund sampler) at Amm5 ♦ 8SVX filet your satellite receiver Hi Quality Version Available on AMIGALAND.COMArvnge of image protetiing effectt. palette computing routine* AGA only) anfl ddhenng methods are alto new to ProGrab Vernon 2.S.X Pttotogeruci fuiry tupportt ProGrab or. Grab TV or wleo with a cuttom loader to enable grabt directly from wttlwt pictures from your ProCRAEL the prognm • taving YOU time4 VCRS video output including S VHS SVHS 2 ProGrab" Software hat built in mjno and colour animation facillhei ou.vkxamg _____ The number of framet It dependant upon your Anugai RAM camcoi H ProGrab" For just £1 2 9 .9 5 ... Rrlcatc 2.5.x software now mdudei... PraGr.sb is supplied s\«h everything you II need + fYoGob* S«ro .n the Best Video Hartf.a*; • SUPPORT FQf? VIRTUAl Mf MORY ■ ProGrab" 24RT Plus Digitiser ■ Latest ProGrab Vernon 2.5.x Software Artgn Ihn n nprc ofy i>«»nq because me oof Abowi the fagbett resotusont • Even with low memory Amigat • Mains Power Supply Unit • Parallel Port Connecting Cable tneAmg* incpper leadn yM Hud Cnve Syttcttt wtnaut the r « d fcr an W\tj • User Manual • Input sockets for Composite and SVHS irq u m g /jr 'Mb Hue CTve Sfkveu :\ x Satisfied ustomersl • AOOmOPAL TELETEXT FACIUTIES PCMCIA Interface for A1200 and A600 - Only £ 3 4 .9 5 With either Termtrial or Satellite TV signal! fYaCxxC" A '1^ S K « x 9SS STAR Buy • d r-.fTxtu he V w j. ProGrabS optional PCMCIA interface mcmes the isteu version software and extends wffonrunre mip Ana t«nli io the ortyvM ccuxn +* nvyoy r-prsusf • LARGEP PREVIEW WINDOW *rc ‘H/Yy SKcrrrirtxa yau jn- .• ‘Mr^uphe qjT Double Resolution and 4 times the area available for scncuv’profcssiorYi uscts^otttrinrj the folbwwj benefits Cr<nc /Mm u a a r>c (SjQ'iC ZW hus nr a Attvtl1* x with previtut ProGrab software. • F.tsteh Bpwrio.x#ng Times {ucho FIVE times quicker) • INTFRHATIONAI SUPPORT • Improved .irwrvitcr speeds ot up to Plfps |monoj and 3 Vps |f okx*) hixn.ty fcrr93A*> Gold Rating dam n Now works with conpostte PAL SECAM and NTSC • Sound tamping .snj ammjtcn capobMtrs |scparafe sound vvnpv-r required| Straight from the box! ■proGidS 24RT PUs r, ct,Ur T<- tty-,f toff, t • iw r x j of .nrvitions drctt to your lAm gjl twro dnvr w*je Iw money no ctner djt'.d o*l»J W nxhU JO (♦standard PtoGrabhrtwwe a fiN/SECMMNTSC compMtte • Frrertq of ycut Amni P.sr.tliri Port for use by a porter or other parafcf pmiVT.si drvrte rterttcc mode options rrc .n.ructr vwm pai. & SECAM crt, ■Qftrs ir mar Vaucs m^s an/ ctnp '«U«Sl NTSC Only nxsMt are Maiitte to spec«tl crfler which ihtr tuppad ire m trtttr mcdr U y rteate us Ay 14 a t a t i, CU Arxgx u*C {VoCfM>* A _ ProGrab™ supports aiy Amiga with Kickstart 2.04 or later & a minimum of 15Mb. fret RAM JibI tfecblw Ceqrrt*'. m f/dnw/Ut # T l T on e tigit txidgtf arc Vny nxrd to Cc* + A vdeo scw>.c rattr smI be resjjh-.: to match you own equprtrt set ip AM fcr Octals ^f'Ftnrrary n«^c!nToixf'C Expansions Get your hands on NEW ProGrab Plus Post or FAX Mr/Mrs/MlWMn: Initiaks): youf requirements (Qjandty rrade Prices Awrfat>ie) on the order fcxm provicfcd OK. if you'd iampfy like funrvr Acidros: infomwcn please contaa County (Country): Postcode: Daytime Phone Evening Phone: Pn-Grab Plus ' * £129.95 I Oi fn e a s Cuslotters... PCMCIA Interface 9 4H 95 i Please call fo r puces, tiippinx elc. •CORDON HARW00DE36|^ V 2.5.x S/W (User I pgrade) f SA.95 i Card holder’s signature: COMPUTER! Packaging and Imurrd D elhm i 5:00 TOTAL 1 Gordon llanvocd Computers Limited. New Street, Alfreton. Derbx'shire DE55 TBP. Card No FAX: 01 773 831040 or... □ □□□ □□□□ □□□□ □ Kxpl0 Da.c □ □ □ □ TELEPHONE (Switch Only) □ □ (Switch Only) 01 773 836781 I enclose a Cheque Bank Draft/Postal O rder for £ made payable to GORDON HARWOOD COMPITERS IJMITTD THE WORLDS's FASTEST and., now the BEST VALUE too! beexpakoed TO A t only the best FU LL 68060 five broadcast! us real tim e P> shed the price eived rave rev ® earned honi AMIGA 6S&40ERC and 68060 ACCELERATORS MB Sue yoi can dime hct»«cn the NKUIMOERC CyheNnmi II oe 6c M n X g lazines too? uin pcwerful MOW vervtm Wh» y(«a f1 a Cyhentorm II6KW deo Technoloc | Aaeleraw wyojr A3CW. AXrtlT. A WO or A-KIXJT too an. fir K I eurrgft.rctdff.igrtfiic**tilttjfine2flsef»arcnjust2fmm*. j rce, after tir C«nprt Sar wih a oaunc I0.M mm on a itanianl A4000 *0W2S! •9 juntas h«h Cyheratni 11* arc fully plug an) gfay anJ AWO «vn can chone the cffine of i SCSI-1 mxMci A3000 men ahidy bin SCSI boO mo t o Amgi Itirduvri • Up to l2HMb ol vunlaad SIMM* can be tnstalW ani you can even trailer the 72f\n SIMMS fran yvur Amiga AW) eught on» ynar«« CyhenJcrm • Oftviul SCSI-2 moduli available • If y«r budget currently unh coven the cost of a Cyhenktm IIMDXCRC. y«t can aluays tpyrade leer In 6c fdi MOW processor for cun power 3 Cybcruonn 0 VMRr bHCHOERC • 0Mb - HxpintUMc u> 128Mb Cytcntorm O SoMHz WIW - PMb - Fipamtihk- in IJSMh S M t P CytcTMorm D SCSI-LModuk MPf.G Header Companutue MIPS pvrfmunce figures measured minx Sythtjo Each hr.xml had Ihe apprefmue SIMM fitted' ntpilml to actume accelerator) non with Cyhc-storm, iKit»A I Mb 1240t/erc 2040e rc ^ A1200T* TURBO ACCELERATOR A1500/2000 TURBO ACCELERATOR WT.ttC&B and MMU/FPU for ‘ TOWER SYSTEMS and MMU/FPU • 40MHz 68 040 Hi Quality Version Available on AMIGALAND.COM40MHz 6 8 0 4 0 - 0Mb Std, Exp. to 128/256Mb 0Mb Standard, Expandable to 128Mb w m With 60 Hxmecood SM I fitted 3QM1PS with 60 Htnosecond SAW fitted Blizzard 1240T/ERC Turbo Accelerator Memory Board Blizzard 2040ERC Turbo Accelerator Memory Board A super LOW COST A1300 Turbo Accelerator Board, ideal for housing ce my *To»cr System The Bltuan) WUERC » a srper nes» LOW COST bead vducb offers A2000 A1200 TURBO ACCELERATOR AI Whim hard i nokiio! iflXOMk hifti p »n iUBunyxim and hot onssicc require u» nen lie oppunusiiy» upgmk Ut *e tame nnforounce u cwr Bliz/jnJ j S B l and MMU • 50MHz 6 8 0 3 0 in active aiding cap - «t thertftit do tm reewnaend fitting lo sordini AI200\ vwhmt the 1240T-ERC beard I'sen »tll then be aNcto enjoy full AWXkW) ptnw c a m c o n 0Mb Standard, Exp. to 128/256Mb ipprcpnaft soificacutrs etc,I. The ‘ERC Ptoesors used on these beads se recycled ani » wcB as take xhwtape of the twill in SCSI-2 imerfxt.
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