STATE INTELLIGENCE SERVICE No. 2 PUBLIC REPORT 2019 www.shish.gov.al 1 STATE INTELLIGENCE SERVICE annual report 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Presentation of Public Report 2019 by Director of SHISH 4 Security Situation in the Republic of Albania 4 Organized Crime 6 Economic Crimes 7 Corruption 8 Cyber Threats 9 Energy Security 10 Political and Security Situation in the Region 10 General Insight 12 Terrorism 13 Terrorist Threat in our Country and in the Region 14 Radicalization Towards Violent Extremism 16 Modus Operandi of Terrorist Organizations 17 Illegal Migration 18 A Failed Attempt 20 Activities of Foreign Non-Friendly Intelligence Services 20 What Are Hybrid Activities? 22 Intelligence Product 24 Developments IT&T and Digitalization 25 Fake News and the Threat to National Security 28 Questions and Answers on Fake News 30 Budget and Financial Management of SHISH 31 Human Resources 33 Cooperation Inside and Outside the Country 35 SHISH in Social and Humanitarian Initiatives 37 List of Abbreviations PUBLIC REPORT 2019 2 Presentation of Public Report 2019 Dear readers, In the fulfillment of our legal duties, re- n my capacity as Director of SHISH, quests and priorities by high state institu- I have the pleasure to present to you tions, during 2019, SHISH has reached the Ithe Second Public Report of the Al- objectives in the counter-intelligence and banian State Intelligence Service (hereinaf- intelligence domains, deepening even more ter referred to as SHISH), which is focused the cooperation with central and local ins- on the priorities, challenges, achievements titutions. of 2019, and objectives for the future. The activities of non-friendly services Last year, based on best practices, the and violent extremism, terrorist threats, State Intelligence Service of Albania pub- political and security situation in the re- lished the First Annual Report, presented gion and beyond, organized crime, eco- the legal duties of the Service, management nomic crimes and corruption, continue to and control, inter-institutional and interna- be main threats to national security. In this tional cooperation, as well as the intelligence frame, SHISH has prepared and shared product for high state institutions and law analytic and operational intelligence prod- enforcement agencies, in function of the uct in the central and local level, inside and country’s National Security. I have the plea- outside the country, with law enforcement sure to share with you the fact that, the pub- agencies and partner services, providing a lication of the First Report was welcomed valued contribution in the prevention and by the public opinion, specialists of this disruption of illegal activities. domain, state institutions and international The changing environment of securi- partners, confirming the fact that openness ty, classic, cyber, hybrid and transnational and the extention of transparency, is the threats, extension of illegal activities be- step in the right direction. Our contribu- yond the state borders, requires coopera- tion in strengthening national security goes tion in the regional and international level. through public trust for our Service. In order to face these phenomena, our During 2019, our Service has faced sev- Service has continued and deepened the eral challenges in order that operational and cooperation with partner intelligence ser- analytical structures function well in coun- vices and agencies, with whom we share tering illegal activities. Advancement in the the same values and also the same threats. system of digitalization, improvement of SHISH plays an active role in facilitating technological capacities, recruitment and and deepening the regional cooperation, training of new employees, continuous contributes in the frame of NATO and has training of current employees, increase of moved forward the cooperation with intel- capacities and management of human re- ligence services of EU countries. sources, improvement of the legal frame, The contribution of SHISH has received deepening of cooperation with institutions the highest appreciation by state institu- of national security and law enforcement tions and policy makers, by law enforce- agencies, cooperation with the new justice ment agencies, partner services and secu- structures and partner services, were our rity and intelligence structures of NATO. priorities. During 2019, we are focused in increas- 3 STATE INTELLIGENCE SERVICE by Director of SHISH ing capacities and management of human resources. Employment of new staff is based in fulfilling the le- gal criteria, the regulations of SHISH and based on the individual qualities of the candidates, selecting suitable individuals, motivated to serve with dedication in the war against the criminal activities, for the security of the citizens and national security. I want to use this opportunity, to make a call and encourage young, edu- cated and motivated individuals ready to face challenges and to sacrifice, to apply to join SHISH. The Service guarantees a professional and trans- parent selection process, giving equal chances to all candidates who will be qualified to pass such procedures. Achievements and results during 2019, compose a very good track to di- rect us in the future. During 2020, SHISH will Albania will be a safer and a more pros- continue its work with devotion and profes- perous country. In this occasion, I want to sionalism to monitor, inform on time and pre- ensure again the state authorities and the vent terrorist acts against individuals, groups public opinion that, SHISH will continue to and different entities, criminal activities, cyber be engaged and dedicated in fulfilling with threats, organized crime, corruption, hostile professionalism and dedication its duties, secret services, which pose a threat to nation- in accordance with the Constitution, legis- al, regional and collective security. Increase in lation and the respect of the fundamental capacities of human resources, technological human rights freedoms. modernization, trainings by competent spe- In the end, I want to express my appre- cialists and logistical support to fulfill these ciation and gratitude to all employees of objectives, are some of the current and future the Service. They are the ones working with challenges of the Service. dedication, responsibility and profession- I want to conclude this brief presenta- alism, to strengthen the civil and national tion, expressing my gratitude for the high security, to safeguard the freedom values, state institutions, law enforcement agencies the constitutional and democratic order in and partner services, for the continuous our country. support given to our agency in successfully accomplishing our mission. Thanks to this Helidon Bendo support and cooperation, the Republic of Director of State Intelligence Service PUBLIC REPORT 2019 4 SC E URITY SITUATION IN THE REPUBLIC of ALBANIA ORGANIZED CRIME rganized crime in Albania, which individuals or groups of organized with regional and internation- crime have acted on behalf or supported Oal connections, has adopted its terrorist organizations. modus operandi in response to the strik- The common feature of all groups and ing force of the law enforcement agen- networks of organized crime remains cies. The most preferred forms of the money laundering or corruption, with Albanian organized crime groups remain aim to strengthen the link between ille- drug trafficking, other illegal trafficking, gal and legal structures. One of the most economic-financial crimes, smuggling dominant forms of organized crime re- and other cross border illegal activities. mains the traffic of narcotics, especially Until now, there have been no cases, in hard drugs. 5 STATE INTELLIGENCE SERVICE This activity is encouraged and facilitated by: The position of Albanian criminal elements in the countries of origin of drug production and in the key points of distribution and smuggling, part of a chain for control of all the processes, from the origin to destination Increasing demand by hard drugs trafficking networks, including Al- banians, located in big centers of Western European countries and in the countries of origin Demand by criminal groups for cannabis sativa cultivated in Albania Flexibility and high adaptability, “correctness” in relations with groups and individuals which provide/supply drugs Financial income generated by criminal activity in years Monetary values and the wealth gained The cultivation of cannabis in the by criminal activities over the years (facili- country, in comparison with recent years, tated by the corruption in the justice sys- has been reduced due to strong measures tem, lack or a low level of punishment), are against the phenomena, deepened coopera- being used by these groups to extend the tion among law enforcement agencies and drug trafficking activities outside the coun- central and local Task Forces. During this try, mainly for hard drugs trafficking. Crim- period, a change of the modus operandi inals who have escaped conviction have has been encountered, which resulted in established themselves in foreign countries the cultivation of small areas. We notice a and from there, they have established links change in the cultivation process in closed with criminals inside our country. Besides areas of the country and in the neighboring European countries, they are active even and European countries. Meanwhile, the in the countries of origin of heroin and cannabis traffic has continued, and coop- cocaine, where they cooperate with local eration
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