FAMILY Soleidae Bonaparte, 1833 - true soles [=Soleini, Synapturiniae (Synapturinae), Brachirinae, Heteromycterina, Pardachirinae, Aseraggodinae, Aseraggodinae] Notes: Soleini Bonaparte 1833: Fasc. 4, puntata 22 [ref. 516] (subfamily) Solea Synapturniae [Synapturinae] Jordan & Starks, 1906:227 [ref. 2532] (subfamily) Synaptura [von Bonde 1922:21 [ref. 520] also used Synapturniae; stem corrected to Synaptur- by Jordan 1923a:170 [ref. 2421], confirmed by Chabanaud 1927:2 [ref. 782] and by Lindberg 1971:204 [ref. 27211]; senior objective synonym of Brachirinae Ogilby, 1916] Brachirinae Ogilby, 1916:136 [ref. 3297] (subfamily) Brachirus Swainson [junior objective synonym of Synapturinae Jordan & Starks, 1906, invalid, Article 61.3.2] Heteromycterina Chabanaud, 1930a:5, 20 [ref. 784] (section) Heteromycteris Pardachirinae Chabanaud, 1937:36 [ref. 793] (subfamily) Pardachirus Aseraggodinae Ochiai, 1959:154 [ref. 32996] (subfamily) Aseraggodus [unavailable publication] Aseraggodinae Ochiai, 1963:20 [ref. 7982] (subfamily) Aseraggodus GENUS Achiroides Bleeker, 1851 - true soles [=Achiroides Bleeker [P.], 1851:262, Eurypleura Kaup [J. J.], 1858:100] Notes: [ref. 325]. Masc. Plagusia melanorhynchus Bleeker, 1851. Type by monotypy. Apparently appeared first as Achiroïdes melanorhynchus Blkr. = Plagusia melanorhynchus Blkr." Species described earlier in same journal as P. melanorhynchus (also spelled melanorhijnchus). Diagnosis provided in Bleeker 1851:404 [ref. 6831] in same journal with second species leucorhynchos added. •Valid as Achiroides Bleeker, 1851 -- (Kottelat 1989:20 [ref. 13605], Roberts 1989:183 [ref. 6439], Munroe 2001:3880 [ref. 26314], Kottelat 2013:463 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Achiroides Bleeker, 1851. Soleidae. (Eurypleura) [ref. 2578]. Fem. Plagusia melanorhynchus Bleeker, 1851. Type by being a replacement name. Unneeded substitute for Achiroides Bleeker, 1851. •Objective synonym of Achiroides Bleeker, 1851 -- (Kottelat 2013:463 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Achiroides Bleeker, 1851. Soleidae. Species Achiroides leucorhynchos Bleeker, 1851 - leucorhynchos slole [=Achiroides leucorhynchos Bleeker [P.], 1851:411, Synaptura achira Duncher [G.], 1904:168] Notes: [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 1; ref. 6831] Surakarta, Java, Indonesia. Current status: Valid as Achiroides leucorhynchos Bleeker, 1851. Soleidae. Distribution: Southeastern Asia. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine. (achira) [Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen (Zoologischen) Museum in Hamburg v. 21; ref. 5560] Sukakarta, Java, Indonesia. Current status: Synonym of Achiroides leucorhynchos Bleeker, 1851. Soleidae. Habitat: freshwater. Species Achiroides melanorhynchus (Bleeker, 1850) - melanorhynchus sole [=Plagusia melanorhynchus Bleeker [P.], 1850:15] Notes: [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 1; ref. 16884] Bandjarmasin, Borneo, Indonesia. Current status: Valid as Achiroides melanorhynchus (Bleeker, 1850). Soleidae. Distribution: Southeastern Asia. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine. GENUS Aesopia Kaup, 1858 - true soles [=Aesopia Kaup [J. J.], 1858:97, Coryphaesopia Chabanaud [P.], 1930:17] Notes: [ref. 2578]. Fem. Aesopia cornuta Kaup, 1858. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Günther 1862:487 [ref. 1970]. •Valid as Aesopia Kaup, 1858 -- (Ochiai in Masuda et al. 1984:355 [ref. 6441], Heemstra & Gon 1986:869 [ref. 5665], Lindberg & Fedorov 1993:203 [ref. 21500], Li & Wang 1995:322 [ref. 16193], Munroe 2001:3880 [ref. 26314], Hoese & Bray 2006:1842 [ref. 29000]). Current status: Valid as Aesopia Kaup, 1858. Soleidae. (Coryphaesopia) [ref. 784]. Fem. Aesopia cornuta Kaup, 1858. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Aesopia Kaup, 1858 -- (Lindberg & Fedorov 1993:203 [ref. 21500], Li & Wang 1995:322 [ref. 16193]). Current status: Synonym of Aesopia Kaup, 1858. Soleidae. Species Aesopia cornuta Kaup, 1858 - unicorn sole [=Aesopia cornuta Kaup [J. J.], 1858:98, Coryphaesopia cornuta barnardi Chabanaud [P.], 1934:430] Notes: [Archiv für Naturgeschichte v. 24 (no. 1); ref. 2578] British Indies [India, Indian Ocean]. Current status: Valid as Aesopia cornuta Kaup, 1858. Soleidae. Distribution: Red Sea, Indo-West Pacific: South and East Africa east to Indonesia, north to southern Japan, south to northern Western Australia. Habitat: marine. (barnardi) [Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France v. 59; ref. 791] Off Amatikulu Hill, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, southwestern Indian Ocean, depth 26 fathoms. Current status: Synonym of Aesopia cornuta Kaup, 1858. Soleidae. Habitat: marine. GENUS Aseraggodes Kaup, 1858 - true soles [=Aseraggodes Kaup [J. J.], 1858:103, Beaufortella Chabanaud [P.], 1943:291, Coryphillus Chabanaud [P.], 1931:302, Parachirus Matsubara [K.] & Ochiai [A.], 1963:93] Notes: [ref. 2578]. Masc. Aseraggodes guttulatus Kaup, 1858. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Jordan & Evermann 1898:2694 [ref. 2445]. Misspelled Aserragodes in literature. •Valid as Aseraggodes Kaup, 1858 -- (Ochiai in Masuda et al. 1984:354 [ref. 6441], Randall & Meléndez C. 1987 [ref. 9173], Chapleau & Keast 1988:2799 [ref. 12625], Allen 1991:206 [ref. 21090], Lindberg & Fedorov 1993:188 [ref. 21500], Gomon et al. 1994:860 [ref. 22532], Li & Wang 1995:293 [ref. 16193], Munroe 2001:3880 [ref. 26314], Randall 2002:252 [ref. 26248], Randall & Bartsch 2005:125 [ref. 28374], Randall 2005:193 [ref. 28892], Randall & Gon 2006:165 [ref. 28662], Hoese & Bray 2006:1842 [ref. 29000], Randall & Senou 2007:303 [ref. 29156], Park et al. 2007:77 [ref. 29188], Randall & Bartsch 2007:105 [ref. 29373], Randall & Allen 2007:109 [ref. 29913], Randall & Desoutter-Meniger 2007:303 [ref. 29399], Gomon 2008:817 [ref. 30616], Randall et al 2013:1 [ref. 32941]). Current status: Valid as Aseraggodes Kaup, 1858. Soleidae. (Beaufortella) [ref. 799]. Fem. Achirus abnormis Weber & de Beaufort, 1929. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Aserragodes Kaup, 1858 -- (Lindberg & Fedorov 1993:192 [ref. 21500]). Current status: Synonym of Aseraggodes Kaup, 1858. Soleidae. (Coryphillus) [ref. 785]. Masc. Aseraggodes filiger Weber, 1913. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Coryphillus Chabanaud, 1931 -- (Munroe 2001:3880 [ref. 26314]). •Synonym of Aseraggodes Kaup, 1858, based on placement of type species -- (Randall 2002:252 [ref. 26248]). Current status: Synonym of Aseraggodes Kaup, 1858. Soleidae. (Parachirus) [ref. 2908]. Masc. Parachirus xenicus Matsubara & Ochiai, 1963. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Parachirus Matsubara & Ochiai, 1963 -- (Ochiai in Masuda et al. 1984:354 [ref. 6441], Heemstra & Gon 1986:871 [ref. 5665]). •Synonym of Aseraggodes Kaup, 1858 -- (Randall 2005:193 [ref. 28892], Randall & Gon 2006:166 [ref. 28662], Randall & Desoutter-Meniger 2007:303 [ref. 29399]). Current status: Synonym of Aseraggodes Kaup, 1858. Soleidae. Species Aseraggodes albidus Randall & Desoutter-Meniger, 2007 - albidus sole [=Aseraggodes albidus Randall [J. E.] & Desoutter-Meniger [M.], 2007:305, Fig. 1] Notes: [Cybium v. 31 (no. 3); ref. 29399] Lembeh Strait, off Kungkungan Bay, Sulawesi, Indonesia, depth 15 meters. Current status: Valid as Aseraggodes albidus Randall & Desoutter-Meniger, 2007. Soleidae. Distribution: Sulawesi (one specimen). Habitat: marine. Species Aseraggodes andersoni Randall & Bogorodsky, in Randall et al., 2013 - Anderson's sole [=Aseraggodes andersoni Randall [J. E.] & Bogorodsky [S. V.], in Randall, Bogorodsky & Mal, 2013:6, Fig. 1] Notes: [Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation v. 8; ref. 32941] North Malé Atoll, North Malé Island, east end of island off building of Marine Research Section, Ministry of Fisheries, outer surge zone of seaward reef, Republic of Maldives, depth 1-1.5 meters. Current status: Valid as Aseraggodes andersoni Randall & Bogorodsky, 2013. Soleidae. Distribution: Maldives. Habitat: marine. Species Aseraggodes auroculus Randall, 2005 - Randall's sole [=Aseraggodes auroculus Randall [J. E.], 2005:195, Fig. 2] Notes: [Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria v. 62 (no. 2); ref. 28892] Moorea, off northwestern coast, 17°31'00"S, 149°555'30"E, Society Islands, depth 18-24 meters. Current status: Valid as Aseraggodes auroculus Randall, 2005. Soleidae. Distribution: Society Islands. Habitat: marine. Species Aseraggodes bahamondei Randall & Melendez, 1987 - South Pacific sole [=Aseraggodes bahamondei Randall [J. E.] & Meléndez C. [R.], 1987:99, Figs. 1-4] Notes: [Occasional Papers of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History v. 27; ref. 9173] Off Mataveri O Tai near southern end of western coast, Easter Island, depth 20 feet. Current status: Valid as Aseraggodes bahamondei Randall & Meléndez C., 1987. Soleidae. Distribution: South Pacific: Lord Howe Island east to Desaventurados Islands (Chile). Habitat: marine. Species Aseraggodes beauforti Chabanaud, 1930 - Beaufort's sole [=Aseraggodes beauforti Chabanaud [P.], 1930:189] Notes: [Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden) v. 13 (no. 3-4); ref. 16264] Timor Sea, 10°27.9'S, 123°28.7'W, Siboga station 302, depth 216 meters. Current status: Valid as Aseraggodes beauforti Chabanaud, 1930. Soleidae. Distribution: Timor Sea. Habitat: marine. Species Aseraggodes borehami Randall, 1996 - Boreham's sole [=Aseraggodes borehami Randall [J. E.], 1996:429, Figs. 1-3] Notes: [Pacific Science v. 50 (no. 4); ref. 21993] In cave off channel entrance at northeast end of Kane'ohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, depth 29 meters. Current status: Valid as Aseraggodes borehami
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