留学生管理手册 International Student Handbook Xihua University 2019 年 7 月制 July 2019 西华大学 留学生管理手册 目录 A.校长致辞 / President’s Welcome Message.......................................................................................................2 B.留学生管理规定 / Regulations For International Students................................................................................3 总则/General principles................................................................................................................................... 3 西华大学留学生缴费相关规定 Regulations on Payment for International Students, XHU..............................................................................4 报到流程 / Registration Process...................................................................................................................6 西华大学留学生住宿管理规定 Regulation on Dormitory and Accommodation for International Students, XHU..........................................8 西华大学留学生签证相关管理规定 Regulation on Visa Related Affairs for International Students, XHU.......................................................... 10 C.出发前的重要准备 / Prepare to Travel.......................................................................................................... 13 D.从机场到学校/ From Airport to University...................................................................................................... 14 E.付费及保险 / Payment and Insurance.............................................................................................................16 F.签证事宜 / Visa Affairs...................................................................................................................................16 G.生活相关 / Life in XHU and Chengdu........................................................................................................... 18 西华大学 留学生管理手册 A. 书记致辞 / Education Chancellor’s Welcome Message 西华大学是四川省属重点综合性大学,办学始于 1960 年,由原四川工业学院和原成都师范高等专科 学校于 2003 年 4 月 16 日合并组建。2008 年 9 月四 川经济管理学院并入西华大学。 学校位于中国历史文化名城成都,现有校本部、 彭州校区、成都市人南校区三个校区。校本部毗邻国 家高新技术开发区西区,西依望丛帝乡、扬雄故里, 岷江水自都江堰而下从学校蜿蜒流过,校园环境优雅 大气。 立足于这座精彩的城市,西华大学在若干年中培 养了数千名来自世界各国的留学生。今天我们将以一 贯的热情以及高水平的教学和服务欢迎每一位留学 生,让你们在这里的学习和生活充满美好回忆。 让我们相约在西华大学! 西华大学党委书记 边慧敏 Xihua University is a provincial key comprehensive university in Sichuan, whose history can be traced back to 1960. Xihua was established from a merger of the former Sichuan Institute of Science and Technology and the former Chengdu Normal College on April 16, 2003, and then, the university is expanded by another merger with Sichuan Economic Management Institute in September, 2008. Situated in Chengdu, a famous historical and cultural city, Xihua consists of three campuses -main campus, Pengzhou campus and Rennan campus. The environment of the main campus is beautiful and impressive as it stands close to the National Hi-tech Zone (West), west to the hometown of the legendary Emperor Wang and Emperor Cong as well as the ancient philosopher, Yang Xiong. What is more, a branch of Minjiang River, coming from Dujiangyan, is winding through the campus charmingly. Standing on this great city, we are proud to have seen thousands of international students graduated from XHU. Today we are welcoming every international student with our hospitality as well as high-standard teaching and service as always, making sure your stay here will be full of wonderful memories. Let’s meet in XHU! Prof. Bian Huimin, Education Chancellor Xihua University 西华大学 留学生管理手册 B. 留学生管理规定 / Regulations For International Students 总则/General principles 一、 本文件中的一些缩略语:/ Some abbreviations in this document: 1. OICE,XHU: 指西华大学,国际合作与交流处, 主要负责西华大学国际学生的录取 以及签证、居留许可申请、延期等相关事宜;/ OICE, XHU: refers to Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, which is in charge of Admission and Visa (Residency Permit) affairs of international students. SIE, XHU:指西华大学,国际教育学院,主要负责西华大学留学生教育教学,住宿 及日常管理。;/ SIE, XHU: refers to School of International Education, Xihua University, which is in charge of the accommodation, curriculum design and daily management of international students. 2. 学生:指来华学习的留学生;/ Student(s): refers to international student(s) studying in China (XHU). 3. 签证:(除非特殊说明时)指中华人民共和国签证、停留许可及居留许可;/ Visa: (unless particularly indicated) refers to visa and/or staying permit and/or residence permit in China. 二、 本文件中包含若干个涉及留学生在西华大学学习和生活方面的规定。留学生须仔细 阅读,并将任何不确定的信息及时提出。一旦申请就读我校,则视为完全理解并接受本文 件。/ This document contains several regulations related to international students’ life and studies in XHU. All the students should read this document carefully and be sure to enquire about any uncertain information. Student’s application to study in our university will be regarded that he/she has fully understood and accepted all of the regulations. 三、 本文件所有文本均包含中英文两种语言,但英文信息仅供参考。如果中英文信息不 一致,以中文为准。/ All texts in this document are in Chinese and English. The English part is for reference only. If there’s any English information different from the Chinese version, please refer to the Chinese version. 四、 本文件及所有规定于 2018 年 9 月 1 日开始实施。西华大学拥有最终解释权和修改 权。/ This document and all its regulations take effect on September 1, 2018. XHU holds the final authority of explanation over said regulations, and reserves the rights to amend them. 西华大学 留学生管理手册 西华大学留学生缴费相关规定 Regulations on Payment for International Students, XHU 费用表(报名费、学费、教材费、住宿费等)/ Fee List (application fee, tuition, textbooks, room fee, etc.) 学历项目/ DEGREE PROGRAMS 本科(汉语授课文科)/ Bachelor’s (Liberal 16,000 每年/ each academic year Arts programs conducted in Chinese) 本科(汉语授课理工科、艺术)/bachelor’s ( Science and Engineering, Arts Programs 18,000 每年/ each academic year conducted in Chinese) 硕士(汉语授课)/ Master’s (conducted in 20,000 每年/ each academic year Chinese) 汉语项目/ CHINESE LANGUAGE PROGRAM 每学期/ One semester 7,500 每学年/ One year 15,000 报名费/ Application fee 400 教材费/ Textbooks 按实际金额收取/ Actual price 住宿/ ACCOMMODATION Student Dormitory 3,000 per semester (6 months) Deposit 1,000 (refundable when check out) Utility Bill Charged based on actual consumption 保险/ INSURANCE 300 每学期/ semester * 保险费(必须购买)/ Insurance (compulsory) (详见注释/ Refer to information below) * 春秋学期保险期分别为 3 月 1 日至 9 月 1 日、9 月 1 日至 3 月 1 日。不足一学期按一学期收 取。/ Period of Insurance Coverage: March 1 to September 1 for Spring Semester, September 1 to March 1 for Fall Semester. Minimum charge is RMB 300. * 以上金额单位均为人民币,并可能进行变更。/ All fees listed above are in RMB and are subject to change. *对宿舍的及其设施的损坏学生需按照市场价格 进行赔偿。情况严重者,学校有权上报公安局。/ Should there be any damage to the student dormitory caused by student (s), he/she/ they need (s) to pay for the damaged item(s) based on the market price. For severe cases, XHU reserves the rights to report to the police department. 一、留学生入学报到缴纳费用及日常生活均由国际教育学院负责。有任何问题,请向国际教育学院咨询。 西华大学 2018 年秋季留学生入学报到时间为 9 月 3 日至 9 月 7 日,9 月 10 日开始上课。/The SIE is in charge of the tuition payment and daily life management of international students in Xihua University. Please approach to SIE should you have any inquiry.The registration date for international students is from September 3rd - 7th, and the class starts on September 10th. 二、所有新注册的学生,无论公费、自费或其它经费形式,均应在该学期到校注册之日(适用于新生) 或国际教育学院开学典礼日起 5 个工作日内,在国际教育学院完成所有应缴费用的缴纳或审核;逾期 15 个工作日以上的,视为放弃学习、自动退学,如已缴纳部分费用的,已缴纳部分费用不予退还。/ All 西华大学 留学生管理手册 the freshman students, either self-funded or on a scholarship, must pay all necessary fees (or complete the Funding-Confirmation Procedure) at the SIE, within 5 working days from his/her registration day or SIE’s Orientation Day (for current students) at XHU. A student will be regarded as aborting & quitting study if he/she still has due fees after 15 working days, and partly-paid fees (if any) will not be refunded. 延期学生需在其学生签证/居留许可过期前 45 天提出延期申请,同时需要完成支付下学期的学费以及住 宿费,不然学校有权拒绝为该生办理居留许可延期。任何学生因为自己未按时完成学费或是住宿费的支 付,以及晚于 45 天提出延期申请,而造成签证/居留许可延期办理的滞后需由学生自行承担相关责任。/ For students who request to extend their study and residency permit, they need to pay for their tuition and accommodation for the next semester/ year (based on the student’s request) before they submit the extension request. The extension request should be arose by the student himself/ herself at the OICE at least 45 days before the expiry date of his/her student visa/residency permit. A student should be responsible for any delay or unsuccessful fulfillment of the student’s residency permit extension caused by the student’s delayed payment or late request. 三、学费可按学期或学年缴纳。/ Tuition is charged on a semester’s or a yearly basis. 四、住宿费按每次至少六个月缴纳,寒暑假期的住宿费按实际住宿时间缴纳。已缴纳的住宿费不退费。 / Student dormitory fee is charged by at least 6-month for each time, and all the paid dormitory fee is non-refundable./ 学生除缴纳住宿费外,还应及时缴纳电费等相关费用。/ Besides the room fee, students should pay all other related fees such as the electricity bill on time. 五、每学期开学两周内(从该学期第一天上课开始计算)申请办理退学者(包括任何原因导致无法继续 学习的),退还该学期全部学费,学院另扣除 600 元人民币的办理退学手续费。开学两周后申请办理 退学者,当期学费一律不予退还。/ Any student who applies for dropout from XHU within 2 weeks of the beginning of each semester (calculated from the first day of the semester) will get a full refund of tuition, while a dropout fee of RMB 600 will be charged. Tuition will not be refunded after 2 weeks of a semester beginning. 六、如果学生从收费标准较高的宿舍换到收费标准较低的宿舍,所缴纳的住宿费将不予退还。反之,则 需按照学期为单位补齐当期差额。 / If a student changes rooms from a higher-priced dormitory to a lower-priced dormitory, a partial refund of the room fee will not be given. On the contrary, he/she will need to pay the difference on a semester’s basis. 七、学生有义务在购买教材时检查所选教材的准确性、完好性。所有教材一经售出,无论何种原因均不 予 退 换 。 / Students are obliged to confirm that the textbooks he/she purchased are correct and in good condition. All textbooks are non-returnable and cannot be exchanged once sold. 八、无论学生是否已购买其它保险,均需购买西华大学指定的留学生保险。
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