70th Congress, I tit Session - Senate Document No. 70 NEAR EAST RELIEF REPORT OF THE NEAR EAST RELIEF FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1927 MARCH 14, 1928.-Ordered to be printed, with illustrations UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON' 1928 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL MARCH 13, 1928. Phe PEPS1DENT OF THE SENATE ACED THE SPEAKER OF ThE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES. Sins: In accordance with the act of incorporation of Near East Relief, approved by the President August 6, 1919, we submit here- with report for the year ending December 31, 1927, in the form of: 1. Report of the executive committee to the board of trustees for the calendar year 1927, as presented at the annual meeting of the board of trustees January 4, 1928. 2. Report of the treasurer for the calendar year 1927. 3. Report of the general secretary for 1927 as submitted at the annual meeting of the board of trustees January 4, 1928. 4. Officers and members of the board of trustees, executive and ot0 cI. committees. 5. List of the National Infolden Rtule C('nommittee. 6. List, of national cooperating alnd ldlvisory committees. 7. List of State chairmen, treasurers, antd offices. Oil behalf of the executive committee, Respectfully suibnmitted. C1IJARL1S V. VICKREY, General Secretary. -II ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE UNITED STATES The following persons, named by Congress in the act of iincorpo- ration or later duly elected, are members and officers of the board of trustees, executive and other committees: MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES James L. Barton, Boston, Mass. Williain B. Millar, New York, N. Y. Arthur E. Bestor, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Philip North Moore,' St. Louis, Charles E. Beury, PhiladelpHia Pa Mo. Arthur J. Brown, New York, N. Y. Henry Morgenthau New York, N. Y. Edwin M. Bulkley Englewood, N. J. Frank Morrison, W'ashington, D. C. Otis W. Caldwell, KNW York, N. Y. John: R. Mott, Montclair, N. J. James Cannon, jr., Washington, D. C. Frank Mason North, Madison, N. J. Edward Capps, Princeton, N. J. Dr. Valeria H. Parker, New York. Carl C. Carstens, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Edgerton Parsons, New York. William I. Chamberlain, New York, Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker, Austin, N. Y. Tex. Henry Sloane Coffln,. New York N. Y. George A. Plimpton, New York N Y. Robert J. Cuddihy New York, N. Y. Frank L. Polk, New York, N. i. Josephus Daniels, ftaleigh, N. C. Franklin D. Roosevelt, New York. Charles G. Dawes, Evanston, Ill. Elihu Root, New York, N.-Y. Cleveland E. Dodge, Riverdale, N. Y. Oliver J'. Sands, Richmond, Va. Allen W. Dulles, New York, N. Y. William Jay Schieffelin, New York. William C. Emhardt, Mount Airy, Pa. George T. Scott, New York, N. Y. John H. Finley, New York, N. Y. Albert Shaw, New York, N. Y. Janes G. Harbord, New York N. Y. Robert E. Speer, Englewood, N. .J. Harold A. Hatch, New York, A4. Y. James M. Speers, New York N. Y. William I. Haven, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Leroy Springs,2 Lancaster, S. C. Patrick J. Hayes, New York, N. Y. Anson Phelps Stokes, W ington, Howard Heinz, Pittsburgh, Pa. D. C. Myron T. Herrick, Cleveland, Ohio. William Howard Taft, New Haven, Hamilton Holt, Winter Park, Fla. Conn. Frank W. Jackson, Montclair, N. J. Charles V. Vickrey, New York, N. Y. M. Karagheusian, New York, N. Y. Stanley White, New York, N. Y. Frederick Lynch, New York, N. Y. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Palo Alto Calif. Charles S. M aefarland, Mountain Talcott Williams,3 New York Nq Y Lakes N. J. Stephen S. WYise, New York, }. Y. Vance d. McCormick, Harrisl)urg, Pa. Leonard Wood,' Manila, P. I. John H. T. Main, Grinuell, Iowa. Miss Mary E. Woolley, Southi Hadley, William T. Manning, New York, N. Y. Mass. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES James L. Barton, Chairman John H. Finley, vice chairman. E. C. Miller assistant treasurer. Cleveland E. Dodge, treasurer. Hurdman A Cranstoun, public ac- Frank L. Polk, general counsel. countants, auditors. Charles V. Vickrey, general secretary. MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Edwin M. Bulkley, Chairman James L. Barton. William B. Millar. Cleveland E. Dodge. H Morgenthau. John H. Finley. Georgerenry A. Plimpton. James G. Harbord. Albert Shaw. Harold A. Hatch. Charles V. Vickrey. I Resigned Jan. 4, 1928. I Died Jan. 24, 1928. ' Resigned Apr. 27,1927. 'D ied Aug. 8, 1927. V VI NEAR EAST RELIEF The following committees are appointed under authority of Article V of the by-laws by the executive committee: PINANCZ COMMITTEE Edwin M. Bulkley, Chairman I Cleveland E. Dodge. George A. Plimpton. Harold A. Hatch. I Clarles V. Vickrey. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Frank W. Jackson, Chairman Talcott Williains.t I Charles S. MAefarland. COMMITTEE ON PERSONNEL William 1. Chamberlain, Chairman Talcott Williams.' I William B. Millar. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Tralcott Williams.' Charles V. Vickrey. Albert Shaw. Frederick Lynch. Hamilton Holt. INDUJSTRIAL COMMITTEE Henry Morgenthait. Cleveland E. Dodge. James M. Speers. M. Karagheusian. Harold A. Hatch. I Died Jan. 24, 1928. NEAR EAST RELIEF REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES (January 1 to December 31, 1927) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND MINUTES During the year covered by this report, January 1 to December 31, 1927, reglilar monthly meetings of the executive committee have been: held except during the summer months. The minutes of these meetings have been sent regularly to all members of the board of trustees, together with accompanying financial statements, cable- grains, and reports, from the fields of operations. The official copies of these minutes are formally submitted to the board of trustees as a part of this report. CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Two vacancies have occurrecl during the year in the imlemnbership of the board of trlustees, one through the death of Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood and one l)y-the resignation of Mrs. Leroy Springs. General Wood was not only a deeply interested and faithful member of the board of trustees but, also the active chairman of our cooperating committee in the Philippines. At the meeting of the executive committees onl February 11, Mr. Allen WV. Dulles was elected as trustee and Maj. Gen. James G. Ilarbord was elected to membership OIn the executive committee to fill vacancies left by the nominating committee at the annual meeting in January. OVERSEAS ADMINISTRATION The committee has received regularly at each meeting monthly reports from the managing directors and area councils in all of our overseas areas. These reports have been summarized and submitted month by month to members of the boar(l of trustees in connection with the minutes and reports of the monthly executive committee meetings. We have also had the usual audited financial reports of overseas operations from Russell & Co., chartered accountants, who conduct a continuous audit of our overseas accounts. FINANCES The report of the treasurer will reflect in greater detail the financial transactions of the year, but the chairman of the executive committee may pause on the subject long enough to Ilote with appreciation the continued gratifying response of the public. 2 NNEAR EMAT RELIEF AUDITORS REPORTS In addition to the overseas audits referred to :.;bove by Russell & Co., chartered accountants, with offices in Athens, Alexandria, Cairo, and Constantinople, our domestic accounts have been con- tinuously audited, with regular semiannual reports by Hurdman & Cranstoun, public accountants. SURVEY COMMITTEE Probably the most significant, development of the year so far as general policies of the organization are concerned has been the con- tinued work of the survey committee. This survey has been made by a group of nationally and internationally recognized experts in education-al and social welfare work, no one of whom is a staff officer of Near East Relief. They have now been engaged for more than two years in making a thorough study of conditions and needs in the Near East and will soon make their final report. While the report is not yet completed and ready for publication, the Near East Relief has een assured of the survey committee's approval of our work as now conducted and of our policy as reflected in the special financial cam- paign for our present commitments. Recognizing the impracticability of continuing indefinitely a large campaign organization for a decreasing budget, the executive com- mittee has, subject to the ratification of the trustees, authorized a special financial campaign, beginning February 1, 1928, for $6,000,000, with which to meet the present commitments of Near East Relief. This asking is based upon a carefully prepared and detailed budget representing two years of study on the part of our overseas directors and various committees. When this sum of money is raised, pro- vision will have been made for the present orphanage, child welfare, and other commitments of Near East Relief. COOPERATION OF ADVISORY COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES Near East Relief has been highly favored in securing and main- taining through a series of years the remarkably loyal cooperation of a wide range of national organizations, religious and secular. In recent years the universal challenge and unifying power of the golden rule appeal has been responsible for increasing tho number and effectiveness of these national cooperating organizations and committees. Without their voluntary and at times sacrificial aid, our Treasury would have had serious difficulty in withstanding the heavy strain of these past years. Government officials, from the President in the White House to mayors and aldermen of distant cities, have been more than generous in their cooperation and leadership. Governors of many States have taken a leading part in the appeals of our State committees. Radio broadcasting stations, national advertising organizations, and motion-picture distributors as well as the general press have contributed beyond measure to the nation-wide interest in the orphan children of the Near East.
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