CHRIST, THE SPIRITAND THE CHURCH IN MODERN ORTHODOXTHEOLOGY: A COMPARISONOF GEORGES FLOROVSKY,VLADIMIR LOSSKY, NIKOS Nrssions AND JOHNZIZIOULAS Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bïbliagraphic SeMces seMcas bÎbliographiques The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence dowhg the exclusive pefmettant à la National Libfary of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sell reproduire, prêter, districbuer ou copies of this thesis m microfom, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/nlm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. AaSTRACT "Ch* the Spirit and the Chu& in Modern Orthodox Theology: A Cornpuison of Georges Florovsky, Viadimu Lossky, Nikos NDsiotU and John Zizioulu" by Jerry Z Slorn Doaor of Philosophy in Tbeology, Facdty of Theology, University of St. Michad's CoUege (1998) This dissertation compares the ecclesiologies of Georges Florovsky (1 893-1 979, Vladimir Lossky (1903-1958), Nios Nissotis (19241986) and John Zizioulas (193 1- ) in temx of their trinitarian theologies, as wd as their synthesis between christ01ogy and pneumatoIogy. There are two paralle1 dimensions to this study. The fkst is what 1 have dedthe "trinitarian synthesis," and the second is the "ecc1esioIogicaisynthesis." The "trinitarian synthesis" reférs to the symbiosis beîween pneumatology and christology. It asks whether or not there exists some theoIo@caiemphases toward christology or pneumatology. The topic thus concems the question of a "simultaneity" or of a "priority" of either christology or pneumatology, as weiI as the "content"of these theologies. Rimarily addressed is the theology of the economic Trinity, hence its role in the economy of salvation, but the questions are nevertheless grounded and influenced by each theologian's respective theologies of the immanent (theulogical) Trinity. Because of the signifïcance for contemporary eauneniSm, 1also note the degree to which each theolo&t.ndeveloped the theological concept of communion (RoinQiia)or used it in his theology. Of related interest is whether or not each theologianls theo1ogy permined him to speak of Christ as a üi "corporatepason," as the one doseide encornpasses being both the *onemas well as the "many." The "ecclesioIopicai synthesis," the second dimension of this study, examines how each theologian's "trinitariansynthesisn uhimately impacted theway in which they constnicted and explaineci thek theologies of the Church (ecclesiology). In 0th wordq I apply th& christologies and pneumatologies to ecclesiology, and the result is what 1 have cded the "ecciesiologicalsynthesis." To illustrate the implications of these SimiIarities and diffaences in the "ecclesiological synthesis," 1 mention their notions of time and eschatology, wide also refeRiLlg to their undastanding of Baptism and the Eucharist, ministry, and the marlcr of the Church. 1 also indiate the degree to which each theologian spoke of the "presenceRof Christ and the Spirit in the economy of Mon,and how this is relaîed to the notion of the church as an "eveat." 1 was boni into this world at an institution aamed der St. Michaei, and now an institution bearing the name of the same patron will send me into the worid in a miaistry ofteaching. I mention this point baruise, interestingiy, there are also other Michael's to whom 1 owe a great deal of thanks. The first of these is Michael A Fahey, S.J. (Marquette University), my dïector, mentor and fiend. Many thanks are due hùn for his overseeiag of my studies, especidy this work and for his kind support throughout the The other is Michael Attridge, a fellow doctoral candidate, and a good fiiend whom 1was gm& to have as a theological intdocutor. In addition to these two people, there are also others who have read various stages of my work and responded with many rich insights and suggestions. In this respect 1 sincerely thank the other two members of my doctoral supeMsory cornmittee, namely, Paul J. Fedwick (St. Michael's CoUege) and Iain Nicol (Knox College), as weil as Jean-Marie R Tiard, 0-P.(Collège Dominicain), and Gilles Mongeau, S.J. (Regis Coilege). Throughout my years of studies, 1have relied as weli on the generous support and prayers of my fdy:my parents. grandparents, brother and sister, in-laws. and extended fdy.Many thanks to them too, 1 am likewise very gratetiil for the many graces bestowed upon me by the Spint of our Lord. Among these was the sending to me ofwhat I can best descriie as a personal martyr and saint-a martyr in that she sacrificeci much for me, and a saint because her faith and love taught me many things that textbooks wuld aot. With deepest gratitude, 1 Ius dedicate tbïs study to my wife Natalia. A note on tram14tiom: in general, all reférmces are to a work's originaI ianguage of composition. Unla othecwise indicated, where an English translation is used, the original work is citeci, foiiowed by the source of the tramidon in square brackets. John Ziziouias. Being as Communion: Shrdies i~Personhdd the ChUrch. Crestwood, N'Y: St. ThiÜnïfs, 1985. Georges Flor~vsky~Ine Collectred Worh of Georges Florovsky. 14 vois. Belmont: Nordland; Vaduz: Büchemertrieb~t,l97ZI989. Vladimir Losslry. Ine Imge and Likness of God Ed. John Erickson and Thomas E. Bird Crestwood, NY:St. VIadimiis, 1985. [=ml- Vladimir Lossky. A l'image et à la ressemblance de Dieu. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1967. [see IL]. Messager de la I'izmrchcd dir Pm-arche nme en Europe Occidèntal- [origidy published as Messager cle tÉglise russe en Europe Occi&ntaQ. Vladimir Lossky. The MysticaZ Theology of the Eastern Church. Crestwooa NY: St Wadimjr's, 199 1. [=W. OrT Vladimir Lossky. Orthothx Theology: An Intrortuction. Tram Ian & Ihita Kesarcodi-Watson Crestwood, N'Y:St. Vladimir's, 1978. 7M Vladimir Lossky. Erun' sur la théologie mystique de lSg2ise d'ûrient. Paris: Aubier-Montagne, 1944. [=m. .. Abstract .................................................. Il Dedication ................................................iv Acknowledgements ......................................... v Abbreviations .............................................. vi Chapter 1 Introduction O Settingthe Stage ................................................ 1 Brief Biographies ........................................... 2 Thesis ................................................... II SignifïcanceoftheStudy .................................... 13 PlanoftheStudy .......................................... 16 Chapter 2 Georges FloroMky O Ecclesiology as a Chapter of Christology ............................. 18 Definhg Ecclesiology and Triaitarian Theology ................... 19 The People of God and the Body of Christ ....................... 20 Preference and Precedence of the Images ........................ 23 Ecc1esiology as a Chapter of Christology-The Corporate Christ ....... 26 The Problern of a Synthesis ................................... 32 The Eucharist and Thne ..................................... 38 Apostolicity .............................................. 41 Catholicity and the Local Church .............................. 42 Unity and Mini* ......................................... 44 Schism and Disunity ........................................ 46 Hohess and Eschatology .................................... 50 Conclusion ............................................... 52 Chapter 3 Vladimir Lossky O Naturey Person and Reciprocity .................................... 54 GodinTrinity ............................................. 56 Soteriology and Uncreated Energies ............................ 59 Christian Anthropology-?Nature1' and "Perron" ................... 62 The Ewnomy of the Son and Soteriology ........................ 63 TheEconomyoftheSpirit ................................... 66 The Two Economies and the Church ........................... 72 Fullness, Unity and Catholicity ................................ 74 Baptism and the Eucbarist ................................... 79 Ecclesiolo@cal-Christological Heresies .......................... 83 Apostolicity & Mimstry in the Synthesis ......................... 85 Two Aspects of the Church .................................. 87 TheEscitaton ............................................. 90 Conclusion ............................................... 92 Chapter 4 Nikos Nissiotis .he~matologicai Christulogy and the Epicletic Church ................... 96 The Immanent Trinity and Codon.......................... 98 Aathrop010gy and Ine& .................................. 100 PneumatologicaI Cbrist010gy ................................ IO2 The Foundmg of the Church ................................. 108 The Epicletic Nahue of the Church ............................ 111 Two Decisive Moments in the Ecunomy ........................ 115 Catholicity .............................................. 116 Ap~stolicity&Mimstry .................................... 118 Worship. Holiness & The .................................. 123 TheEuchanst ............................................ 126 Conclusion .............................................. 128 Chapter 5 John Zizioulas
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