COUNTY COMMISSION Tuesday, September 4, 2012 6:45 PM Ellis County Courthouse Order of Business I. Opening A. Call to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Clerk Calls the Roll D. Approval of Agenda II. Approval of Prior Minutes III. Consent Agenda A. Approval of Employee Status Changes as presented B. Approval of Refunding Warrants as presented C. Approval of Tax Roll Adjustments as presented D. Approval of Escape Tax Orders as presented E. Approval of Accounts Payable and Payroll as presented IV. Regular Agenda A. 2012 Budget Amendment Hearing Enclosure 1. 2012 Budget Amendment Consideration of Approval 2. Transfers in Budget Amendment Consideration of Transfers B. Care Council Funding Recommendations Enclosure Consideration of Recommendations C. Public Works Enclosure 1. Pneumatic Roller Consideration of Purchase Proposal 2. BG Consultants – Engineering Agreement Enclosure Consideration of contracting with BG Consultants 3. Road Safety Project 26C-0370-01 – Construction Engineer Selection Enclosure Consideration of Statements of Qualification 4. Pubic Works CIP for 2012 Enclosure Discussion of Identified Needs 5. Dakota Wells Idea Report 6. Road Improvement Bond Issue Consideration of advertising for a bond consultant D. Sheriff 1. Springhill Radio Tower Lease – Amateur Radio Equipment Enclosure Consideration of Lease E. Emergency Medical Services 1. Letter of Compliance Enclosure Discussion F. County Administrator th 1. 55 Street Radio Tower Project Enclosure Follow-up Report 2. Adjusters International Enclosure Consideration of Proposal G. Commissioner Reports V. Adjournment Ellis County, Kansas Meeting Memo To: County Commission From: Greg Sund CC: Order of Business Recipients Date: 8/31/2012 Re: September 4, 2012 Order of Business V. Consent Agenda No Comments VI. Regular Agenda A. 2012 Budget Amendment – As explained over the last few months, when the 2012 Budget was adopted last year, we entered numbers for transfer from the former Special Revenue Tax Levy Funds based on the estimate of how much money would be left in those funds using the State Budget Spreadsheet. As with any prediction, it is nearly impossible to accurately predict actual year‐end numbers. As anticipated, in several cases, the cash remaining in those funds at year‐end 2011 exceeded the residual transfer amount in the budget. A few months ago, the Commission agreed that an amendment to the budget was appropriate to adjust the transfer amounts to empty out the phased out funds rather than having the residual amounts carry‐over into 2013. This amendment addresses the difference in residual funds. According to State Law, in order to approve a budget amendment, the Commission must go through the same process it does for adoption of the original budget. One item of note in the proposed amendment is the final residual amount in the Road & Bridge Fund is lower than anticipated because in August a bill was paid to Glassman for the Public Works Building exhaust system. That project was only recently completed contrary to the anticipated completion of November last year. For this reason, a public hearing was published for this meeting to encourage input on the proposed amendment. The final cost of that project was $14,250. In addition, Public Works paid a carry‐overe bill from th fuel metering upgrade in the amount of $2,384.14. I reduced the proposed transfer from Road & Bridge to the General Fund and the Transfer to the Equipment Replacement Reserve accordingly. If the Commission 1 wants to adopt the amendment as proposed following the hearing, here is a suggested motion: Suggested Motion: To adopt an amendment to the 2012 Budget as published on Monday, August 20, 2012. In addition, in order to complete the process, it the amendment is approved, I ask the Commission to consider approving the recommended transfers. That way this issue can be put to rest and there will be sufficient money in the Equipment Replacement Reserve Fund to cover anticipated 2012 purchases. The one transfer listed below that is also in the 2012 Budget is the $75,000 for Emergency Management. The reason for that transfer is to help cover the cost of replacing the emergency sirens throughout the rural areas of the County. However we learned this is not necessary for them to function with a narrow‐banded signal. Now the question is whether the County is simply interested in upgrading the sirens due to their age and condition. The management staff is in the process of developing a new emergency siren policy for presentation to the Commission in the near future. We had some good discussion on this subject the other day, but we still need to do considerable work before it is ready for presentation. One of the challenges we face today is people often do not heed the sirens by immediately moving to a safe area. In addition, because these are outside warning devices, they are not as effective today because houses and buildings tend to be tighter today and windows are not open because of air conditioning. This makes sirens more difficult to hear. Finally, we are discussing whether the County should be responsible for replacing sirens or whether the people in the area served should pay for them. Suggested Motion: To approve transfer of residual cash in the following funds to the General Fund: Appraisal; Health; Economic Development; Ambulance; Road & Bridge; Special Bridge; and Fair Rent and to approve the following transfers from the General Fund to the Equipment Replacement Reserve: Appraisal $140,268; Health $17,107; EMS $809,950; Road & Bridge $1,198,649; Communications Center $40,000; Sheriff $54,000; Emergency Management $75,000; Fair $53,503. B. Care Council Funding Recommendations – Each year, the Care Council, which is organized through the United Way of Ellis County includes in its allocation discussions, the allocation of County Special Alcohol revenues to eligible organizations. The enclosure from the Care Council recommends distributing the County Special Alcohol Fund revenues 50%/50% between Dream, Inc. and Smoky Hill Foundation for Chemical Dependency, Inc. The total budget this year is $8,500. Suggested Motion: To accept the recommendation from the Care Council to distribute the County’s Special Alcohol Fund revenues 50%/50% up to the total Page 2 budget of $8,500 between Dream, Inc. and Smoky Hill Foundation for Chemical Dependency, Inc. C. Public Works 1. Pneumatic Roller – A memo from Mr. Graf is in the packet showing comparable prices of pneumatic rollers and other information to help with the decision on purchase of a second pneumatic roller. Suggested Motion: To purchase the pneumatic roller leased for Road & Bridge for the summer of 2012 for the amount of $61,094.14, which is the list price of $67,500 less an allowance for the amount paid on the lease. 2. BG Consultants ‐ Engineering Contract – Because funding for this program is dependent on the $600,000 placed in the 2013 Budget, I held off presenting it to the Commission for consideration until after the budget was finalized. Suggested Motion: To approve and authorize signatures on the proposed agreement from BG Consultants for design and construction engineering services on proposed road and bridge projects funded with the annual budgeted sum of $600,000 established in the 2013 County Budget. 3. Road Safety Project 26C‐0370‐01 – Construction Engineer Selection Process – As Mr. Graf reported recently, KDOT is requiring a qualification‐ based selection process for determining which engineering firm we will use for construction engineering services on this road safety project. Enclosed are statements of qualification from three firms and one letter indicating no interest in this project. In case the Commission wants to make a selection decision based on the Statements of Qualification, I am including a suggested motion to select one of the firms. Suggested Motion: To select _____________________ as the engineering firm to perform construction engineering services for Road Safety Project 26C‐0370‐01. 4. Public Works CIP for 2012 – As Mr. Graf describes in his memo enclosed, he wants to discuss the major capital purchases he has planned for 2012 to ensure the Commission is aware of priorities and agrees with them. 5. Dakota Well Idea – This is an update report. No action is requested. When the subject of Road & Bridge need for water to work roads Page 3 throughout the County came up during the last County Commission meeting, an idea of drilling one or more Dakota formation wells was raised. Since that time, we have had a discussion regarding possibly sharing the cost of drilling and maintaining a well with the Ellis Golf Course and have talked about other possible locations. Due to the need, it is probably prudent to consider more than one well as it doesn’t make sense to travel back and forth throughout the County from one location. Mr. Graf also spoke to State officials about the possibility of doing this. Based on one of those conversations, he believes it may be prudent to test the water on the roads first as it apparently has not performed well in some locations. We talked about seeking water tests from the city of Hays as they have a few Dakota formation wells. This information would likely be helpful in our analysis. 6. Road Improvement Bond Issue – With approval of the 2013 Budget, we now have a means of making payments on a bond issue. In order to take advantage of interest rates, this is a good time to advertise for services of a bond consultant for this issue and pursue a bond issue before rates start to go up. Suggested Motion: To approve advertising for a bond consulting firm to work with the County on a bond issue to fund one or more anticipated road improvement projects.
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