Eighth6HULHV9ROXXXV1R. 2 TuesdayFebruary 2388 Phalguna 4, 1909 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 (QJOLVK9HUVLRQ Tenth6HVVLRQ Eighth/RN6DEKD 9ROXXXV CRQWDLQV1RWR10 /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5V CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Volume XXXv, Tenth Session, 198811909 (Saka) No.2, Tuesday, February 23. 1988IPhaJguna 4, 1909 (Saka) COLUMNS <~troduction of Ministers 1-3 . Oral Answers to Questions: ~9 ·Starred Questions Nos.: 1 to 6 and 8 Written Answers to Questions 39-440 Starred Questions Nos. : 7 and 9 to 20 39-56 Unstarred Questions Nos. : 1 to 9. 11 to 77, 79 to 166, 168 to 178.180 to 207, 209 to 217 and 219 to 230 Papers Laid on the. Table 440-454 Announcement by Speaker 454--457 Assent to Bills 457-462 Resignation by Member 482 Committee on Public Undertakings- 463-464 Thirty .. Fifth Report-presented Railway Convention Committee- 464 Tenth-Report-presented Matters Under Rute 3n- 464-471 (i) Need to review the Drugs Price Control Order, 1987- 464-465 Shri Raj Kumar Rai (ii) Need for the Union Government to bear the cosfof 465-488 Master Plan prepared by the Government "f Ofissa to 'c· 'The Sign t marked above the nama,of a MernlMtr Indicates that the question W8IIICIUally eked on the floor 01 the House by that Member. (Ii) COLUMNS save Chifka fake from siltation- Shrimati Jayanti Patnaik (iii) Need to provide more funds to the Government of 466--467 Maharashtra for drinking water schemes- Shrimati Usha Choudhari (iv) Need to increase the quota for reservation at certain stations 467-468 in Orissa on trains going towards Calcutta, Bombay and Oelhi- Dr. Krupasindhu Bhai (v) Need to take quick remedial measures to avoid recurrence 468-469 of devastating floods in North Bihar- Dr. G.S. Rajhans (vi) Need to bring cotton under the comprehensive crop insurance 469-470 scheme- Shri V. Sobhanadreeswara Rao (vii) Need to taka over Mavoor Rayons industry in Calicut district 470 of Kerala- Shri Thampan Thomas (viii) Need for early setting up of T. V. relay centres in hilly regions 470-471 of Uttar Pradesh- Shri Harish Rawat Statutory Resolution As: Approval of Proclamation in Relation to the State 471-547 of Tamil Nadu - Shri Buta Singh 471-473 531-547 Shri E. Ayyapu Reddy 473-476 Shri P.ft Kumaramangalam 476--481 Shri Th~pan Thomas 481--487 (iii) COLUMNS Shri Sharad Dighe 487-494 Shri P. Kolandaivelu 494-503 Shri C. K. Kuppuswamy 503-507 Shri N.V.N. Somu 507-513 Shri R. Jeevarathinam 513-519 Shri Suresh Kurup 519-520 Shri N. Sundararaj 520-526 Dr. V. Rajeshwaran 526-529 Parsi Marriage and Divorce (Amendment) Bill- 547-557 Motion to consider- Shri H. R. Bhardwaj 547-550 Shrimati N.P. Jhansi Lakshmi 550-552 Shri V.S. Krishna Iyer 552-553 CI aus'es 2 to 20 and 1 555-557 Motion to pass, as amended- Shri H.R. Bhardwaj 557-558 Repealing and Amending Bill- 557-567 Motion to consider, as passed by Rajya Sabha Shri H.R. Bhardwaj 557-558 Shri Ajit Kumar Saha 558-559 Shri V.S. Krishna Iyer 559-561 Shri H.A. Dora 561-562 Clauses 3 to 4 ard ~ ~v) COLUMNS Motion to pass, as amended- Shri H.R. Bhardwaj 562-565 Authorised Translations (Central Laws) Amendment BiII- 567-578 Motion to consiqer- Shri Chintamani Panigrahi 567-568 Shri G. Bhoopathy 568-569 Dr. Sudhir Roy 569-570 Shri Virdhi Chander Jain 570-573 Shri V.S. Krishna Iyer 573-574 Prof. Saifuddin Soz 575-578 Business Advisory Committee- 579--580 Forty~Eighth Report-presented LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA [English] INTRODUCTION OF MINISTERS Tuesday, February 23, 19881 Phs/guna 4, 1909 (Saka) MR. SPEAKER: The Hon. Prime Minis.. ter. THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI RAJIV The Lok SabJ?a milt at Elev9n of th9 Clock GANDHI): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I have pleasure in introducing to you and through you to the [MR. SPEAKER In the Chair] House my colleagues, the new Ministers. MINISTERS Of CABINET RANK Shri Mati Lal Vora The Minister of Health and Family Welfare and Minister of Civil Aviation. Shri Bindeshwari Dubey The Minister of Law and Justice Shri Dinesh Singh The Minister of Water Resources MINISTER OF STATE Shri c·. K.Jaffar Sharief The Minister of State in the Department of Coal in the Ministry of Energy Shri Hari Krishna Shastri The Minister of State in the Department of Agricultural Research and Education i,n the Ministry of Agriculture Shri LP.Shah; The Minister of State in the Departments of Education and Culture in the Ministry of Human Resource Development PEPUTY MINISTERS Shri D.l Baitha The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies Shrl Mahabir Pr.aiJ 'The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Railw. s Oral AnSW91S FEBRUARY 23, 1988 0,.1 Answers 4 ' Shri P.. Namgyal The Deputy Ministor in the Ministry of Surface Transport. Shri Radha Kishan Malaviya The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Labour Shri Rafique Alam The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Petro- leum and Natural Gas Shrimati Sumati Oraon The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Welfare The following Ministers have been elevated in rank: Shri Ram Niwas Mirdha Shri Sukh Ram Shri Z.R. Ansari Shri Biren Singh Engti Shri Giridhar Gomango ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTiONS TRY (SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM):(a) to (c). A statement is given below. [English] STATEMENT Industrial Licences to Top Ten Large Industrial Houses Statistics on industrial licences issued are maintained in respect of the undertak- ·1. SHRt RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: ings registered under the MRTP Act. A total Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased of 229 industrial licences were granted dur- to state: ing the calendar years 1986 and 1987 to various MRTP undertakings. Similar statis- (a) the number of industrial licences tics in respect of industrial Houses have, Issued to top ten large Industrial Houses however, not been maintained on a regular during the last two years; basis. Of the 229 industrial licences referred to above, 72 licences were granted to under- (b) the details of the projects for which takings belonging to the top ten industrial thesa licences have been issued; and Houses ranked according to their assets in 1986. (c) the names of large Industrial Houses which were granted industrial li- Details, such as name & address of the cences for steel during the last two years? undertaking. location, item(s) of manufac- ture involved and capacity etc., in respect of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE all industrial licences issued ar. published DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVEL- regularly by the Ir-dian Inves~nt Centre in OPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUS .. their ·Monthly Nawslettar'. CapiM of this 5 Oral AnswelS . ' PHALGUNA4, 1909 (SAKA) Oral AnsWSlS 6 publication being sent to the Parliament are 1 2 Library regularly. Thapar 18 . (c), One industrial licence was granted during 1986 to Mis Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Mafatlal 3 for effecting substantial expansion in their existing unit at Jamshedpur, Bihar, for the. Modi 2 manufacture of Saleable Steel for.m 17.4 lakh tonnes to 21 lakh tonnes. larsen and Toubro 9 [Translation] M.A. Chidambaram 2 SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: Mr. 8ajaj 3 Speaker, Sir, from the perusal of the state- ment it appe~rs that my, question has not (Hindi) been answered correctly. In my question, I have asked the number of industrial licences SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: Mr. issued to top large ten Industrial houses Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister has stated during the last two years. The hon. Minister the number but did not mention the items to has not answered to this part of my question be manufactured for which the licences have and has asked me to go through the details been issued. Our public sector has got suf.. in the library. What is the reason that the hon. ficient potential. I fail to understand that even Minister does not know about it? I want the after the instructions form the Prima Minister answer of this question in this House. to strengthen the public sector, licences have been issued to private sector which at Further I want to know the number of times indulge in under-production, ovar- licences issued during 1986-87 to Birlas, production and scarcily to sell the goods in Oalmias, Tatas, Goenka Brothers, Thapar blackwmarket. This adversely affects the and ITC for manufacture of different items? public sector ... [English] MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Ram Bhagat Paswan, listen to one thing. leaders of all SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM: Sir, during the parties and groups have declined that a 1986-87, the total licences given were about supplementary question will be given two 1090. Out of these 1090, 229 were given to minutes. I will not allow you beyond that. It MRTP companies. We have given 72 li- will be applicable to all. cences to the top ten MRTP houses. They are as follows: SHRt RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: Mr. Speaker, Sir, it is very important. I would like 1 2 to say that for the licence issued to Birlas recently for setting up an Steet Plant at a cost Birtas 14 of Rs.700 ercre. as per rules, the Chairman of the Stael Authority of India should have Tatas 11 been consulted. Raliance 3 Secondly. when F.e.1. and tF.F. are engaged in fertiliser production. then why J.K.Singhania 9 licence for fenlOse, production has been 7 Ora/ Ans"rs FEBRUARY 23, 1988 Oral Answers 8 ,la,sued to Birlas.lndian Oil, Bombay High are already running in profit. Evan the Birlas [English] have been given a share in it.
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