- -- -----------------------;-------::r-----------~---------- ..' • CHECKLIST OF '.IRE MARINE FAUNA AND FLORA REPORTED FROM '!EE REnION OF ARANSAS PASS, TEX.AS '~ - !~Jniversity of I exas Libraries THE UNIYER.SIT - y OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN i t By i Lamarr B. Trott Research Scientist I Institute of Marine Science The University of Texas Port Aransas, Texas Spring,- 1960 1 .. • CHECKLIST OF THE MARINE FAUNA AND FLORA REPORTED FROR THE REnION OF ARANSAS PASS, TEXAS By Lamarr B. Trott Introduction This checklist is of preliminary form. with the hope that this will be a beginning for a more complete anno­ tated list of the fauna and flora of this region. In many cases, this list is quite obviously incom­ • plete, such as the algae, for which there are many spe­ cies found on the Port Aransas jetties which have not been reported in a formal publication. Further work on the taxonomy or the biota of this region will gradually fill the incomplete gaps, and the resulting list should then prove quite beneficial to field investigators in this area. The arrangement or this list is phylogenetic, with reference for each species indicated by the number of each reference • • ii • REFERENCES l. Gunter, G. 1950. Seasonal population changes of certain invertebrates of the Texas coast, 1nclud1~ the com­ mercial shrimp. Puhl. Inst. Mar. Sci. 1(2): 7-52. 2. Whitten, H. L., Hilda F. Rosene, and J. w. Hedgpeth 1950. The invertebrate fauna of Texas coast jetties; a preliminary survey. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. 1(2): 53-88. 3• Hartman, Olga 1951. '!he littoral marine annelids of the Gulf of Mexico. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. 2(1): 1-124. 4. Ladd, H. s. 1951. Brackish-water and m rine assem­ blages of the Texas coast, with special reference to mollusks. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. 2(1): 125-163. 5. Post, Rita J. 1951. Foram.inifera ot the South Texas coast. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. 2(1): 165-176. 6. Carlgren, o. and J. w. Hedgpeth 1952. Actinaria, Zoantharia, and Cerianthar1a from shallow water • in the Northwestel"l'l Gulf of Mexico. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. 2(2): 143-172. 7• Hildebrand, H.H. 1954• A study of the fauna of the brown shl'im.p (Penaeus aztecus Ives) grounds in the Western Gulf ot Mei!co. Pubi. Inst. Mar. Sci. 3: 233-366. 8. Breuer, J.P. 1957. An ecological survey of Baffin and Alazan bays, Texas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. 4: 134-155. 9. Simmons, E. G. 1957. Ecological survey of the upper Laguna Madre of Texas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. 4: 156-200. 10. Loesch, H. c. 1957. Studies of the ecology of two species of Donax on Mustang Island, Texas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. 4: 201-227. 11. Parker, R. H. 1959. Macro-invertebrate assemblages ot Central Texas coastal bays and Laguna Madre • • Bull. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. 43: 2100-2166. iii KINGDOM PLANTAE ~· Species Ret'erence Chlorophyta Acetabularia orenulata Lamarck 9 Cladophora sp. 8 Enteromorpha clathrata (Roth) 8 Chrysophyta Actinoptychus senarius Ehrenberg !@phora o'6tusa Gregory AmphiProra paludosa (William Smith) ~ Bic!dUI.phla Iongicurvis Greville B. sp. tt Chaetoceros sp. 9 Coceoneis sp. 4 Coscinodiscus deviua Schmidt c. exeentr!cus Etirenberg tt c. lineatus Ehrenberg 4 £• radlatus Ehrenberg 9 c. asteromphalus Ehrenberg 9 i5.tploneis bonbus Ehrenberg 4 • G;yosigma ha1¥fc'llll w. Smith 9 M~osira moni form.is (Muller) Agardh 9 M. recedens '§Cfuiiidt 4 M'. sillcata (Ehrenberg) Kiitzing 4, 9 iTfvieUla pennata Schmidt N tzCh!a constricta (Gregor,-) Grunow fr N. elosterlmn (Ehrenberg) w. Smith 9 ]. longissima (Brebisaon) Ralfs 9 N. seriata Cleve 9 Pleurosigrna angulatun w. Sm1 th 9 P. sp. 'Ihaphoneis emphiceroa Ehrenberg fr R. aurivella {Ehrenberg) Grunow 4 Rhizosolenia acumi.nata (H. Peragallo) Granville 9 R. alata Brightwell 9 lf. iliibricata Brightwell 9 R. setitera Brightwell 9 RhopSlodia gibberuJ.a o. Muller 4 Skeletonema sp. 9 Stephanop:yxis palmeriana (Greville) Grunow 9 Syn.edra superba Kutzing 9 'lhalassionema nitzschioides Grunow 9 !i9Iassioslr1 sp. 9 'lb.alasslothrix sp. 9 " - - 2 - Species Rei' erence ·• Tracheophyta DiplGthera wrightii (AScherson) Ascherson 9 Rupp a mai"ltimf Linnaeus 9 Syrinp;od1U11 fi~ito:rme K~tzing 9 • - 3 - KINGDOM ANIMALIA • PHYLUM PROTOZOA Species Reference Foraminifera Amplobaculites dilabatus CUsbman and Brormiman 5 A. · s alsus CUsbman and Bronniman 5 Bolivina striatula CUshman 6 I+ Biilimlnella elegantiasima (d1 0rbigny) 6 I~ clh!cides eoncentz=icus (CUsbman) 6 /f- Discorbls sp. 6 Elphldium advenum (Cushman) 5 E. artieulatum ~d'Orbigny) 5 /4- 'I. funteri Cole 5 14- '1.ncertum (Williamson) 5 'E. morenol Bermudez 51+ 1. poezan'l!!J, (d'Orbigny) 5 t4- 1. translucens N tland 5 GuttUifua spicaeformis (Roemer) 5 Massiiina annectens Schlumberger 5 M. Ierurlan1u(C{tor'bign:y) R'il 8iDilna sea (H. B. Brady) ~ 1+- Mliio:n:nella circularis (Bomsnann) 5 lonion f$n.c!locUl1.D. Cfiisbman 5 14- §jjlngue oeU11nf b!dentata d'Orbigny 5 ,.,,.... 9.• candeima d Orb!gny 5 19- S• costata d1 0rb1gny 5 ,,_ .Q.• sem!nuda (Linne) 5 14- _Q. su~oe:rana Cushman 5 J~ Jfotaia 'bicear11 (Linne) 6 I (f-i wroloeUiina mani:f'esta OUsbman and Todd 5 loeUiliia linneiana d'Orbigny !~ T. oblo~a (Montagu) g t 4- 11. tr!gOiiii'J. a (Lamarck) 5 14- !rochamm.!iia in:flata (Montagu) 5 Mastigophora Cera tium birundinella (Mfiller) 8 c. i'usus (Ehrenberg} Du J,:irdin 9 ~. tripos (0. F. Mt\ller) 9 Ciliata • Vorticella sp. 8 - 4 - PHYLUM PORIFERA • Species Reference Carmia sp. Frank Little Oiionf celats. Grant Frank Little Halie one. sp. 2 I+- Mioroc!ona sp. 2 !edanla ignis Puchaissing and Michelotti Frank Little PHYLt:M COELENTERATA Hydrozoa Cl~ia czl1ndrica Agassiz 2 Goli!onemus murbachii Mayer 9 Giiio'Eli r e ira9!IIs (Sara) 2 · · c eCii!nata (Fleming) 2 /.,.. ;;;,;.:=;.:.:;.=a o otoma (Linnaeus) 2 ·s 1 ~elagica Bose 2 O£P~ l!nneana Lesson 2 14- Se,ratliiaria intiata (Verslu:ys) 2 TubUlaria crocea (L. Agassiz) 2 Velelia velella 2 1'1- Zancles eostata Gegenbaur 2 Scn>hozoa Aurelia aurita Linnaeus 1, 2, 9 11- Oblrops81Dius guadrmnanus /}'!} ~sstrt.­ 'l !Cf Dae tylanetra gUinguecirrha (Desor) l, 2 lemopsis be.chei Agassiz 9 1i stomolophus meleagris Agassiz 1, 2, 9 /'f- Anthozoa AiJ>taaia pallida (Verrill) 6 14 Ilptasiomorpha !uciae (Verrill) 6 A• texaensis n. sp. 6 .Andwald.a isabellae n. sp. 6 An!!!oiila sax-gassensia Hargitt 6 /4- Mthgples:ikrebsl (DQchassaing and Michelotti) 2, 6 /4- .Aatr~ia astreiformis Me Edwards and Haime 2, 4, 11 'Bar1lli0Ianea annuiata (Lesueur) 6 Botr;ron tubercUlatus n. sp. 6 Bunodactis sp. 6 • B. texaensis n. sp. 6 Buriodos™ cavernata (Bose) 2, 6 4 4-- cat!iaeffi tr!eoior (LeSeur) 6, 7 I+ Cer!antheomo;:pha brasiliensis Carlgren 6 - - ----------------------------------~ - ,. - 5 - Species Reference Leptogor~ia setacea (Pallas) i, i1 tcr M1:-;as o ivacea (Lesueur) 6 • P!!:_thoa texaensis n. sp. 6 Paranthus rs,piformis (Lesueur) 6 / 'l- Heri!i!a mfil!ert '.Kafiiker 1, 11 14- !lrgula;ria iliirabil.is (Linnaeus) 7 / 4--- PHYLtH BRYOZOA 2 2 2, 11 I+ 2 ~ /4- 1, 2 PHYLUM PYCNOGONIDA Achel.ia sp • 2 • .AnopledaetylTtt petiolatus (Kr;.rer) 2 f 4 A. piafews odge) ' 2 /'1- ~thela ~ulosa Verrill 2 19' ~stiJ)un or!elliare Wilson 2 1+ PHYLtM ANNELIDA Pol.ychaeta .Amphinome rostrata (Pallas) 3 /?- ~iilcoia eHstata Stimpson 3 lf-- aneh!oy1ohls americana Hartman 3 Capitella eapltita (Fabricius) 3 Capite!iidea teres Treadwell 3 Ceratonereis tridentata (Webster) 3 11" O!rrati11ua Ke~e~hl n. sp. 3 Dei!ospira 11p 1'11 iin (Linnaeus) 3 B!opatr~ C'9Rrea (Bose) 3 r/ 4-- Eteoneeteropoda n. sp. 3 Etlparilatus di=hus (Verrill) 3 d11eera dibf~if ta Ehlers 3 • Haj)loseolop Oil o losus n. sp. 3 !!• fragl11s (Verrill) 3 Ii- - 6 - Reference • 3 ·3 r·: 3 I'+ 3 3 'f 4- 3 3 51+ 3 14- 3 14- 3, 9 3 14 3 3 3 ;;. 3 3 3 3 • ~ 1+ PHYLUM MOLLUSCA Amphineura Oha.etopleura a.piculata Say ll fsehrioclrl:ton pap!iiosus (Adamss) 2, 4, 11 1+ Scapbppoda Dentaliun texasianum. Philippi 4, 11 14- Cephalopoda Lollgo braa11iensia Blainville 2 L. Iealeii Lesueur 1, 7 If Lollguncula brevis ma1nv111e 1, 7, 11 /'4- OctViiJ:us jeubin! Robson 7 o. ga.ris Lem.arck 1, 7 Rossia tenera (Verrill) 7 • ) - - 7 - Species Reference • Pelecypods. ~ a.egual1s Sa:y 4, 11 Ae~ectlii irradians (Dall) 4,, 11 Ji :ii bgs111 anri (Lamarck) 11 A• eampec ensia Gmelin) 11 A. transversa (say) ll in~d8lum ~ (Conrad) 11 Mo ontia a nk 11 Ano::flocard a cune1mer1s Conrad 4, 8, 9, 11 An a simplex Or6Igny 2, 4, 11 Area csmpechiensis Gmel1n 7 A• ineongrua Say A. transversa Say tt"4, 7 ls tarte nana E. A. Sm1 th 11 Atrina sem!nuda (Lamarck) ll A• serrata Sowerby 7 A. sp. 4 Bankia gouldi Bartsch 2 Barnea costata (Linnaeus) 4, 7 Brachidontes·citr1nus (R8ding) 11 B. exustus (Linne) 11 B. reourvus (Raf'inesque) 11 If- Cardi ta tlori dana Conrad 4, u 1+ • Card!um murlcatum Linnaeus 4 c. ro'6ii8tiliii So!ander Cb.ione cancellfta Linnaeus tt, 7, ll 14· c. clench! PU! ey 7" 11 ~+- 11. Ms '.ttolmes 4 Cor a contracta Say 11 CorbUia sp. 4 t+ b. swiftana C. B. Adams 11 Orassinella lunu1ata (Conrad} 11 a. sp. 4 /4- Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) 1, 2,, 4,, 11 /4- Cuminsi:if tellinoides Rehder ~liiie la tenills Reeluz t, 11 1+ toii!ifra costata (Linne) ll nooar um robustum Solander 7, 11 (~ D!'pioaonta punctata (Say) ll D. semiaspera Ph!ilpp1 ·11 Dlploth:yra smi thi (Tryon) 11 Dona.x tumida Philippi 10 D. variabliis Philippt 10, 11 14-' Dosill!a discus Reeve 4, 11 / 4- Eohlnochama arcinella Linne 7 14'- • EiiS!s mlnoi Dall 4, 11 14- Eontia ponderosa (Say) 4, 11 Ervillia concentrica (Gould) 11 - 8 - Species Reference Hiatella arctica (Linne) 11 • Labiosa plicatella.
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