vo[. xxx NO. 6 JUNE r98r R Austraha: ASt) 72 Neu Zealand: NZ $ 0.t14 UK:39 p US.A:S0.7ti o Rurql Youth o lhe EnqgY Prcilm Yeor-Old Grollo China's first high-l1ux nuclear reactor goes into operation. Here, the !:eactor core is being installed. Plrrtto hr Liu l.ltibin PUBLISHED MONTHTY IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH, AMBIC, GERMAN, PORTUGUESE AND CHINESE BY THE CHINA TYETFARE INSNTUTE (sOONG CHING LINg, CHAIRMANI vor. xxx No. 6 JUNE 1981 Articles of the Month CONTENTS Young Folks in the Country Villoge Youth Young People of a Rural Brigade E Eighty percent of Chino's young people live in the o The Youth Experimental Farm B countryside. A series describes their current mood o Into the World Market 1.1 os they work to chonge the foce of Chino. Poge 5 o More Marriages in Zhongshahai 13 Econonny/Science China's First High-Flux Reactor 5B The Making of a Young Science Writer 56 Saving Energy for More Production 34 The Xiamen Special Economic Zone 68 Stockbreeding The Horse of the Future-and the Past 16 Culture/Arts The Energy Problem National Exhibition by Young Artists 30 Xiao Youmei, Pioneer in Music Education 24 lndustriol production rcse 8.4/" in 1980 while output The Dazu Treasure-House of Carvings 50 of energy declilned slightly. Conservotion, energy Engraving on a Human Hair 43 etficiency, ond new lesources ore the onswer. The Art of Miniature 42 Poge 3l ln Guangzhou's Orchid Garden hz s Educotion The Youth A* Erhibition The Overseas Chinese University 18 Friendship How some of Grino's best yoring Memories of Chin.a 40 ortists tockle new themes ond new YMCA Seminar Tour from U.S. 44 styles ol erpression Poge 30 Talitha Gerlach's BSth Birthday 49 Medicine New Hope lor Nephritis Patients Ardhoeology Tombs of the Huns in Their Homeland 66 Notionolities Home on the Range 4 Sports ond Postimes World lce Hockey in Beiling 38 Treosures of Dqzu lnternational Bridge Tournament in Shanghai 37 Sports Briefs 36 A thousond - yeor 'old The Guangzhou Stamp Exhibition 60 treosure ttoue neor ln Our Society Sichuon A Diowning Girl Saved 28 ins 50,000 ; it's now Book Review open to the public. Gone Are the Days of Lawlessness 29 Poge 50 Cdlumns ond Speciols Our Postbag 2 Wit and Barbs Xiomen (Amoy) Speciol Economic,Zone Humor Legends and Historical Tales: "Speciol economic zones" lor loreign inresimenl in Pan Gu Makes the World bt coostol citiles ore o leoture of the new economic Language Corner: Lesson 6 plon. How do they work? Poge 68 The Stone Lions of Lugouqiao (Marco Polo Bridge) 70 Cover Pictures Front: Village girl. Liu Chen Back: Woman with chiikens, Dazu grottoes, Sichuan province (see article p. 50) Editoriol Officc: Wol Wen BulldlnE, Beijing (37), Chino, Coble: "CTIIRECON" Belling, Gmercl Dirtrlbutor: GUOJI SHUDIAN, P.O. Box 399, Beiling, Chino. Court and ArmY country in 1978 as a mernber of the Switzerland-China Friendship Associa- I am so glad to read the article on tion. From then on I have been a warm- the speeial court carried in Your hearted reader of Chino Reconstructs. February 1981 issue because I am The magazine has deePened and ex- working in a court. I hope You will panded my impressions of Chlna and I carry articles on your army. hope to visit it again. good' The one and a half hour film I shot Tighten Your Articles China Reconstrucls is But it would be bdtter if you changed it into during my stay in China received You should tighten your articles. a weekly magazine. A month is too favorable comments in a film lecture I You waste a lot of words. long to wait for the next issue. gave. I am glad to see that your maga- to see that statistical zine reports China's new developments I am happy NDU\ilIMANA FRANCOIS comparisons are often made, compar- frankly and doesn't avoid seif-criticism. Kibungo, Rtoonda ing one year to the year before. I have Your reports on China's religious activi- seen too many comparisons referring to ties are the clear Proofs oi this. the years before 1949. I don't care what W. BOESCHENSTEIN ldeas happened before 1949 as far as economic Articles with Monnedorl, Susitzerlond statistics are concerned. I only want to see what improvements are made I appreciate your articles very much from year to year. for their simplicity in style and variety of theme. I also like to read those Py'rnt Chinese Characters ERIC W. LIEN articles with the writers' personal ideas Son Francisco, Colifornia: U.S.A, and experiences because they can help I am studYing SinologY and East us understand the Chinese people's way Asian art history at college. I think of thinking and Iife. your articles are interesting, especially reports, which are always in Narcissus FRANCOISE MEDIAVILLA the news Colombes, France concrete terms (e.g., "Historic Trial" in My husband just recentiy started your February l98L issue). subscribing to China Reconstructs. I would be Pleased if You gave the of im- When the February issue came I was Can Ear Read Words? Chinese characters for the names taken by your article on the narcissus portant people, places, and organiza- in China. I read with great interest the article tions. can't read Chinese As a young girl growing uP 0n a "Parapsychoiogy, Is It Real?" that ap- At present I still dairy farm in the San Joaquin Valley peared in your JanuarY l98f issue. newspapers and periodicals due to my in California, my mother had these From it I learned that not onlY ears timited Chinese level, so I can hardly sweet-scented flowers growing in our but aiso other Parts of some Young find the Chinese names for Persons yard. When they started biooming I people, armpits and feet can read which haven't been collected in some like you always felt an excitement, an anticipa- words as well as recognize the color of ordinary reference books. I hope iion kno',rring that spring would soon ink" I am locking lorward to reading will consider and accept my suggestion. follow. an article on the ParaPsYchoiogY INGRID SCHUH ' So when I read that the Chinese Forum In Shanghai. Bornheim, West Germona decorate these fragrant flowers with FAUSTINO BARDALES LOPEZ and had a Spring Festival in late win- ter, it brought back many warm Limo, Peru memories of my childhood. It surprised Short Articles with Summaries me to know that my feelings were and propose that you should carry some shared by many PeoPIe in another Bridge of FriendshiP I Understanding short articles with bold-face summaries country. who don't have much Thank you for the memories and the for those readers read. Please use more pictures, education in that article. China Reconstruats really is a bridge time to of friendship and understanding be- if possible, because they communicate MRS. E. L. IRWIN JR. tween the peoples of China and other better than words, Tulare, Calilornio, U.S.A. countries. The articles' rich contents It would be good i{ You gave short help us learn Your countrY's sYstem, summaries to the articles "Recalling Your Spanish edition heips readers One of Our Founders", "Festival of and Dance" and "Giant To Guard Against TY understand the articles on diffe4Bnt Minority Song subjects through its simple, accurate Project on the Changjiang'i that ap- I have just read your March 1981 is- and humorous form of expression. The peaied in your February 1981 issue. are the sue and the article by Lu Zhenhua in- color pictures in your magazine HERWING BRANDSTETTER the families ever seen. forms me that tvl'o-thirds of most beautiful I have Groz, Austrio in the Beijing area have TV now. This Through your magazine 'I know the im- shows that China is gradually climbing portant people in every fieid and the out of poverty. cultural tradition of China that com- But as a friend of the Chinese Peo- plements and influences ours. I enjoy "Language Corner" Answers ple, I would Iike to tell You that You China's culture and religion very much. guard against it. Because it is Your magazine is good, both the must GUILLERMO GONZP.LEZ ZAYAS you gave like the tongue as described by Aesop: design and the contents. If Ponce, Puerto Rico in the gives expression to men's thoughts, answers to the "Exercises" it on the following is- and those are by turns the best things' "Language Corner" people who are and worst ones as weII. sue, it would help those You Don't Avoid Self-Criticism studying Chinese by themselves. PIERRE AND SIMONE THOMAS STOJCK BELLANGER I was fortunate to have a chance to Bobenheim-Rotheim, W e st GetmanY Paris, France make a three-week visit to Your 2 CTIINA RECONSTRUCTS Wit and Barbs (-mua Contradiction. Zhang Qinzhe He only picks what he wants. Zhang Zhengti Bear meets porcupine Wang Yu Ancietrts cotrfer (Too many over-age people in top jobs). @iu Chengd.e JUNE 198I f &^. w i ". Home on the Ran : HUANG YOUF'T] i" ., r*^i; Yurt mobile homes mastgr of the yurt occupying the on the Inner Mon- golian grassland. center, the men of the household on his left and the women on his Yur(s with ele- ctric lighting in a right. Large families may have settlement on two or more yurts. Hulun Buir glass- land. In the Mongolian language, the Lu Jinla yurt is called mongol ger, ar erge ger, "movable house".
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