Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1995 Daily Egyptian 1995 9-1-1995 The Daily Egyptian, September 01, 1995 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1995 Volume 81, Issue 10 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1995 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1995 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Inside: USG establishes task force to examine USSA's importance to SIUC - page 3 9 Daily Egyptian F,r~tt Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Vol. 81, No. 10, 24 pages Clin,ton's visit official! White House confirms: He's coming Sept. 11 By David R. Kasak Belleville. said 'This i.~ obviously a "Obviously this is a great opportunity Loan Program, will accompany Gus Bode and Donita Polly great boost for SIU and a very appro­ that will put SIU in the national and Clinton during his visit. D,,ilv Eg,1it,an Reporters priate location for a speech on student international spotlight.'' Sanders said SrlJC Financial Aid Director Pam aid and higher cducatinn:· "It will show what a great Britton said there is a great deal of A flcr nearly a week of speculation. Jack Dyer. executive director of Univcrsitv SIUC is. a.< well a., what it concern right now about the cuts to a White House official confirmed Universitv Relations, r.aid he i, does for Southern lllinoi;.'" he ,aid. the Direct Student Loan Program. Thursday that President Bill Clinton thrilk-<l about the visit and focls thi~ David Carle. a ~poke,man for Se:1. Britton said Clinton believes fodcr­ "ill ,isit the SJUC campus Sept. 11. will be an opportunity for SJLIC to Paul Simon. D-111. said the timing of al student aid is an investment in White House Spokeswoman L:mra gain national attention. Clinton·~ visit is important because America"s future. The SrlJC student Schwartz said Clinton will visit the 'Tm delighted ... he said. '"The Congress is debating the student aid population is a good example for the .:ampus to discuss cuts in fcdernl President travels with a press core. issue rnm· and will come to a decision president to observe. she said . financial aid programs such as the and ht.-cause of this. people who have ,,oon. because we arc financially needy and Democrat-sponsored Direct Student never heard of SIUC will find out 'Toe Direct Student Loan Program extremely dependent on fcdcr.il finan­ Loan program. about us." is the big reason Clinton is coming to cial aid. ~; l The announcement has caused a SIUC President John Guvon wa~ SIUC:' Carle said. "General cuts in Clinton·s visit comes 47 vears tn llurrv of enthusiasm from SIUC offi­ out of town and una\'ailable for com­ student aid will be decided b\' the month after the la.st prc.s"idential Gus says: I know why dal!: and local politicians. ment. as was SIU Chancellor Ted Congress in December." • visit. when Pr.:sident Harry S. Truman Clinton's coming lo In a statement released to the press. Sanders. But Sanders released a state­ Carle said Simon. who wrote the visited the campus in September 1948 Carbondale. We have four Congressman Jerry CosteHo. D- ment through Ji!lyer. saying legislation creating the Direct Student during a cross-country campaign trip. McDonalds. City and University defend actions taken By Wendy J. Allyn S1111. tht· ,II)' doe, not e\J'<:ct the Da,h- Egrpti.rn Reporter pmblern t,l disap~ar. D,,he11: ,,ud thcv arr: aware that if undt:rai:e ,1.. Officiab and de1i1, arc pernutted Intn 1h: har,. 11 '.-P~rt}':goers student, al!ree 0 i, likelv thev will he ,er.cu akn- 19~_:,t_o: /_~. • there is' no hol. - (dealr.wHh•"r way to stop "We didn't expect In ehnunare It '.~artiondaie. underage (underage drinking). We're n111 drinking co"in­ naive enou!!h to think that ... ht· ,aid. p lete Iy. but 'There are ~,tale liquor licenses that ~!~~~~~ both city gov­ do a ~r job of restricting them­ ernment and selves. the University administration have The council ha., already pa.<sed a taken strong steps toward control­ city plan which will mise the har­ . ling the problem. entry age to 21 in July 1996. Most noticeable this year was an Doherty said people nec:d tn increase in the bar-entry age, leav­ understand 1he history of the ing students under 20 to walk the Halloween tradition in Carbondale street, in search of alternative enter­ and the role it has played in the tainme•,, city·s decisions regarding alcohol. Although some SIUC students ··Many people are probably may miss the bars. Carbondale city penalized by the actions of a few. officials and University administra­ which goes back to Hallowt-en.'' he tors defend actions they have taken said. "It's a strong tradition ... in response to underage drinking. Carbondale's Hallowt-en party is Carbondale City Manager Jeff nationally known as a near-not Doheny said he want, to emphasize where thousands of weekend revel­ that the city's effons to curb the ers block Illinois avenue for hour-. problem. including raising the bar Fridav and Saturdav evening_ entry age and restricting keg sales. Police· arrest doi.cns eich night fZlr arc in compliance with state law. underage consumption of alcohol. "In Carbondale. we arc basicallv In response to the Halloween condoning underage drinking with party. the city and university an entry age under 21 :• Doherty formed the mayoral/presidential said. "We adopted the keg regula­ Kw.y L MAU;... The Daily E8)1ltian task force on Halloween. tions to help in the overall effort to An undecided freslmum finds an altemative method of drinking beer while /raving ftm nt a Carbondale party enhance the law." see PARTY, page 11 last weekmd. See Focus 011 page 8 for more stories nbo11t party weekmds. COBA dean 'under an illusion': Index Op/ED ...... paµe 8 · Classifieds ... page 18 Early decisions not promising Comics ..... page 21 By Signe Skinion Jepartment of marke1ing. said lhe changes in the Scoreboard ... pg. 23 Daily Egyptian Reporter department need to be 1aken in perspeclive. ··rm not aware of any radical changes. Yes. there Weather ha., hecn a radical change in people," Bruner said. "I Major changes in the College of Business and think that it's mon: a time for new folks to take a new Administration have caused some to speculate on focus:· Salukis crush 20th Today: Cloudy newly arri\'ed Dean Thoma., L. Keon·s effecti\'eness However. former department of management chair, ranked SEMO Indians in and to reexamine the decisions he has made. Arlyn J. Melcher. said he does not share Bruner's feel­ this year's season opener Keon replaa.-d all four department chairs soon after ings. 30-27. "'tA:!. High .. 89 taking on his new position but has said his goal was not "Dean Keon is making a judgment that his leadership ~ Low ... 60 a major college shake-up. page 24 Gordon C. Bruner. II, former acting chairman of the see COBA, page 7 1} NEWS Daily Egyptinn _ FridaLSep)ember 1, 1995 SMOKERS AND NON-SMOKERS 1'.Cf!m 4nc, _N_ew_sw_r_a_P-s___ _ Be Paid For u World 1. Research Participation .. ~cfteffenea cfutreH, Qwner CHIEF MINISTER ASSASSINAilD IN CAR BOMBING - 2. Quit Smo1?ng Research (}faircufs Ss,00 NEW DELHI, India-In India's highest-level polilical ru;sassination Call SIUC Smoking Research Program between 10 am & 5 pm S. <M"arion in four years, Bcant Singh, chief minister of Punjab, was killed 205 ;;•~ Thursday when a powerful bomb exploded as he climbed into his 453-3561 453-3527 Car&ondare, qr 62901 limousine. Twelve olbcrs died in the bla<;t, for which a Sikh scparalist 457-5 2 group claimed responsibility. The explosion ocrurrcd after Singh, 73, left his second-floor office in the civil SCCTCtariat in Chandigarh, the city that serves as Punjab• s administrative capital. As the chief minister got KtttJiPS ~~ :,1, ..... RUSH into his car at about 5:07 p.m~ it blew up. ,,,,79 NATO ATTACK PROVES IACK OF RUSSIAN POWER - 811 S. Illinois Ave ·._, MOSCOW-The NATO attack against the Bosnian Serbs bas spot• lighted once again Rus.~ia's isolalion and its lack of military. cconom• ,e: 3¢ Self-Service SIGMA ic and political leverage to influence the Balkans war, Russian I polilicians and foreign policy analysL~ said Thursday. On the eve of the Copies air and arlillery bombardment of the Serb posilions, Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachcv predicted puhlicly tbal NATO would not attack When yo,1 !.:!1•;:-1 !. ":·· .,., nL,, ,,C'.'.' Fastback the Serbs. Thursday, a Foreign Ministry spokesman acknowledged that Binding Sysre1ri. (8 , · '. ,nl1-lir:,1tr;,d time only) NU Russia. alt.hough a member of lhe five-nation Ncontact group" on Bosnia. was nol informed about the attack beforehand. POLITICAL DEBATE IN ISRAEL TURNS VOLATILE - JERUSALEM-A.~ Paleslinian self-rule in lbc West Bank draws near. ! .. \st f!/4e Israel's intcmal polilical debate is growing so venomous tbar. =urity ,, "-vv). -Jiairstyfist..<· -~"L' details have been beefed up for this nalion •s leaders and even opposilion spok=cn say they fear right-wing extremists might resort to political ~~~~~~r~t~. 457-2612 violence. In recent weeks, Jewish sculcrs and their supporters have moved 702 E: WAI.NUT their protests off barren West Bank hilltops and ooto the nation's high• • Pnt.. and Curl •~ta•rra ways. They have clashed with police and thc:re have been injuries oo both • f.afr•I Stvl•• sides.
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