1 目录 Contents 2 目录 临翔区概况 0 Overview of Linxiang District 4 政策环境 16 Policy Environment 临沧亚微会展中心展馆运营招商 20 Lincang Asian Micro Film Convention and Exhibition Center 临沧陶瓷文化产业园 24 Lincang Ceramics Culture Industry Park 临翔区“药谷”建设项目 26 Linxiang District "Pharmaceutical Valley" Project 临翔优质农特产品精深加工建设项目 30 Linxiang High-quality Agricultural ProductsIntensive Processing Project 临翔区林木深加工建设项目 32 Linxiang District Intensive Wood Processing Project 3 临翔区概况 Overview of Linxiang District 感谢您下载包图网平台上提供的PPT作品,为了您和包图网 以及原创作者的利益,请勿复制、传播、销售,否则将承担 法律责任!包图网将对作品进行维权,按照传播下载次数进 行十倍的索取赔偿ibaotu.com 4 临翔区位于云南省西南部,是临沧市委、市政府所在地,2004年撤县设区,地处怒江和澜沧 江分水岭上,距省会昆明598公里。辖7乡、1镇、2个街道,89个村、13个社区,总人口33万人, 其中农业人口23.9万人。国土面积2652平方公里,山区面积占97%,有林地283万亩,耕地36.3 万亩,人均占有耕地1.08亩。建成高原特色产业基地238万亩,其中:核桃96万亩、茶叶23万亩、 坚果25万亩、烤烟7.4万亩、油菜7.2万亩、生物药业6.2万亩、咖啡4.3万亩、甘蔗3.2万亩、其他 产业65.7万亩。 Linxiang District, located in the southwest of Yunnan province, is the seat of the Lincang municipal committee and government. It was originally a county and became a district in 2004. It sits on the watershed of the Nujiang River and the Lancang River and is 598 kilometers from the provincial capital Kunming. The district has jurisdiction over 1 town, 2 sub-districts, 7 townships,13communities, and 89 villages. It has a population of 330,000, including an agricultural population of 239,000. It covers 2,652 square kilometers,97 percent of which are mountainous areas. The district has 2.83 million mu of forest land and 363,000 mu of arable land, and its per-capita arable land area is 1.08 mu. The district has established plateau-featured production bases of 2.38 million mu, including 9 6 0,0 0 0 mu of walnuts,230,000 mu of tea,250,000 mu of nuts,74,000 mu of flue-cured tobacco ,72,000 mu of oilseed rape,62,000 mu of medicinal herbs,43,000 mu of coffee, 32,000 mu of sugarcanes, and 657,000 mu of other industries. 5 临沧市临翔区交通枢纽 Lincang city linxiang district transportation hub 临沧市位于中国西南边境、云南省西南部,与缅甸接 县、镇康、双江三类通用机场或直升机起降点前期工 壤,国土面积 2.4 万平方公里,辖 7 县 1 区,总人口 作有序推进。“十三五”期间将建成临沧 - 清水河铁 约 260 万人。 路、临沧 - 普洱铁路;启动玉溪 - 临沧高速铁路前期 目前,临沧陆路距昆明 580 公里,全程高速 + 高等 工作;启动临沧-芒市铁路、镇康南伞-孟定清水河- 级公路 7 小时到达;已建成 2 个 4C 级民用运输机场, 沧源永和口岸铁路、云县 - 保山铁路、清水河出境通 目前开通昆明-临沧、昆明-临沧-西双版纳-昆明、 道前期研究工作,临沧在对缅开发开放区位和通往印 昆明 - 西双版纳 - 临沧 - 昆明、沧源 - 昆明、沧源 - 度洋陆上捷径的优势将日益凸显。 成都、沧源 - 大理 - 成都等航线,其中: 临沧机场距市区 22.5 公里,至昆明飞 行时间约 40 分钟,每日 4-6 个航班; 沧源机场距临沧市 187 公里、距沧源县 城 36 公里,每日 3-5 个航班,至昆明 飞行时间约 50 分钟。 明年玉溪 - 临沧高速公路、大理 - 临沧 铁路将相继开通,昆明至临沧 4 小时可 达,大临铁路 2021 年扩能提速开行动 车 3 小时可达,全市构建完成“218” 高速公路网后(2 条高速公路进临沧、 1 条高速公路达边境、8 个县(区)通 高速公路),将形成以临沧工业园区(高 新区)为核心的 1 小时城际圈和 2 小时 经济圈。现已开工建设凤庆通用机场和 永德通用机场,孟定民用支线机场和云 6 Lincang City, 36 kilometers from Cangyuan County, and about 50-minute flight from Kunming, with 3 to 5 flights per day. Next year, Yuxi — Lincang expressway and Dali—Lincang railway will be opened, cutting the time on journey from Kunming to Lincang to 4 hours. The time is expected to be further cut to 3 hours in 2021 upon bullet train adoption, capacity expansion and speed upgrade of Dali—Lincang railway. After completion of construction of the "218" expressway network (2 expressways leading to Lincang, 1 expressway to the border, and 8 counties (districts) facilitated by expressways) in the city, a 1-hour “intercity circle” and 2 - hour “ economic circle”will be formed centered on Lincang Industrial Park Lincang city is located at the southwest of Yunnan (High-Tech Zone). At present, Fengqing General Province and southwest border of China, bordering Airport And Yongde General Airport are under Myanmar. The city has jurisdiction over 7 counties and construction;the preliminary work of Mengding Civil 1 district, covering an area of 24,000 square kilometers, Feeder Airport,Yunxian, Zhenkang and Shuangjiang with a total population of about 2.6 million.At present, General Airports or helicopter landing points are carried Lincang is 580 kilometers from Kunmingalong a 7- out in an orderly manner in preliminary work. During hour land route of expressway and high-grade highway. the “13th five-year plan” period, Lincang— In the city, two 4C -grade civil airports have been Qingshuihe railway and Lincang—Puer railway will be built, with many new flight routes opened including built, preliminary work for Yuxi-Lincang high-speed routes of Kunming—Lincang, Kunming—Lincang— railway will be launched,Preliminary research work Xishuangbanna—Kunming, Kunming—Xishuangbanna— on Lincang — Mangshi railway, Zhenkang (Nansan)— Lincang—Kunming, Cangyuan—Kunming, Cangyuan— Mengding (Qingshuihe)—Cangyuan (Yonghe Port) Chengdu, and Cangyuan—Dali—Chengdu. Lincang Railway, Yunxian—Baoshan Railway and Qingshuihe Exit Airport is 22.5 kilometers away from downtown and Channel will be launched.Once the projects are about 40-minute flight from Kunming, with 4 to 6 flights completed, Lincang’s advantages in the development per day. Cangyuan Airport is 187 kilometers away from zone opening to Myanmar as a shortcut to the Indian Ocean will be more prominent. 7 临翔区是我国西南生态安全屏障的重要组成部分, 临翔冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季如春,气候宜人, 至今还保留着完整的原始植物群落自然景观,是 年平均气温17.2℃,是“恒春之城、首爽之地”, 一个绿色“大氧吧”,是最佳的“健康生活目的 先后被评为“中国恒春之都”“国家可持续发展 地”。森林覆盖率达74.1%,城市建成区绿化覆 实验区”“全国低碳国土试验区”“中国人文生 盖率达45%,是“国家级森林城市”“中国十佳 态旅游基地”“中国避暑避寒旅游城市”“中国 绿色城市”“省级园林城市”。 生态魅力区”等荣誉称号。 The district is an important part of the ecological Linxiang District has mild and pleasant weather barrier in southwestern China. Today, it still retains throughout the year, with an annual average a complete natural landscape of primitive plant temperature of 17.2C. Its laudatory names communities, so it is justifiably referred to as a include a "city of eternal spring",a "place ofcool green oxygen bar and a haven for healthy living. and freshness",a "national pilot zone for With a forest coverage rate of 74.1percent and an sustainable development",a "national pilot urban green coverage rate of 45percent, the zonefor low-carbon development",a "Chinese district has been recognized as a"national forest cultural eco-tourism base",a "Chinese summer city",a "provincial-level garden city", and one of and winter resort city", and a "Chinese "top 10 green cities in China". ecological charm district". 8 9 临翔因资源富集、物产丰富而盛名。 Linxiang District is endowed with rich resources and abundant products. 临翔区生物多样性极其丰富,适宜发展茶叶、核桃、 The district, with extremely great biodiversity, is 坚果、咖啡、甘蔗、烤烟、油菜等多种高原特色产业, suitable for growing tea, nuts, coffee, sugarcane, flue-cured tobacco, oilseed rape, and other 是“全国重点产茶区”,生产的昔归茶为普洱茶中的 crops of plateau characteristics. It is a "national 上品,与云南“老班章”“冰岛”齐名;金线莲、重 key tea-producing region". The Xigui tea, a top- grade Pu'er tea variety, enjoys equal popularity to 楼、石斛等名贵中草药均有分布,生物资源开发前景 Laobanzhang and Bingdao. The precious Chinese medicinal herbs such as Anoectochilus roxburghii, 可观。临翔矿产资源丰富,高岭土、稀土、硅藻土储 Paris polyphylla, and Dendrobium nobile grow well 量巨大,被称为全国“三土之乡”。其中高岭土可采 here, promising great prospects for developing 10 biological resources. Also, the district is rich in mineral resources. It has huge reserves of kaolin, rare earth and diatomite, hence nicknamed the "land of three earths". The district has recoverable kaolin reserves of 10.18 million tons, accounting for one-eighth of the national total. As the largest germanium mining area in Asia, the district 储量 1018 万吨,占全国储量的八分之一; has proven germanium coal reserves of 13.9 million tons, accounting for one-sixth and four-quarters of the global 探明锗煤储量 1390 万吨,是亚洲第一大锗 and national totals respectively. The district leads the 金属矿区,占世界储量的六分之一、全国储 country in germanium grades as well as the research and 量的四分之一,品位和锗产品的研发居全国 development of its products. Known as "China's capital of 之首,被称为全国“锗矿之都”,全市首家 germanium", the district is home to Xinyuan Germanium 上市公司鑫圆锗业公司座落临翔。 Industry Co Ltd, the first listed company in Lincang. 11 临翔因风情浓郁、文化荟萃而扬名。 Linxiang District is well-known for its diverse cultures and folk customs. 临翔区是一个多民族聚居的地方,民族文化深厚,世代生息繁衍着傣、彝、拉祜等 23 个少数民族,少数民族 人口占总人口的 21%。各民族至今仍然保留着原始古朴的民俗风情,浓郁的民族风情赋予临翔区独特的文化 魅力,先后荣获“中国象脚鼓文化之乡”“中国碗窑土陶文化之乡”等称号。 In the district, 23 ethnic minorities such as Dai, Yi, and Lahu live together, generating profound ethnic cultures. These ethnic groups account for 21 percent of the district's total population. They still retain their primitive folk customs, giving Linxiang its unique cultural charm and earning the district such titles as the "hometown of Chinese elephant-foot drum culture" and the "hometown of Chinese bowl kiln and pottery culture". 12 临 翔 区 茶 文 化 历 史 悠 久 , 是 世 界 大 叶 种 茶 的 原 生 地 和 名 茶 昔 归 的 故 乡 , 是 “ 茶 马 古 道 ” 的 必 经 之 地 , 是 “ 中 国 最 具 茶 文 化 魅 力 城 市 ” 。 临 翔 区 还 是 亚 洲 微 电 影 艺 术 节 和 “ 金 海 棠 ” 奖 颁 奖 活 动 的 永 久 举 办 地 , 连 续 七 届 亚 洲 微 电 影 艺 术 节 在 临 翔 成 功 举 办 。 The district has a long history of tea culture . It is the origin of the world's large-leaf tea and the famous Xigui tea. Due to its irreplaceable position on the ancient Tea-Horse Road, Lincang is inscribed on the list of the most charming cities for tea culture in China . As the permanent seat of the Asian Micro Film Festival and the Golden Begonia Awards, the district has hosted the Asian Micro Film Festival for seven consecutive Years. 临翔因充满活力、蓄势待发而驰名。 Linxiang is also famous for its enormous momentum and readiness for growth. 近年来,特别是脱贫攻坚战全面打响以来,区委、区政府团结带领全区各族干部群众,贯彻新发展理念,落 实高质量跨越发展要求,统筹推进稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险各项工作,着力把临翔率先建 成最美丽的家园,全区经济社会呈现出良好的发展态势,贫穷落后的面貌彻底改变,一个充满活力、蓄势待 发的美丽临翔正呈现在世人面前。特别是在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的指引下,随着国家“一带 一路”“孟中印缅经济走廊”建设、云南辐射中心建设的深入实施,临沧对缅开放的深入推进,必将给临翔 带来了前所未有的发展机遇;墨临高速、大临铁路等重大基础设施的建成和完善,将为临翔插上腾飞的翅膀, 在未来的发展中赢得更好优势,抢占更多机遇,实现跨越发展。 In recent years , especially since the battle agains t poverty began in full swing, the district committee and government have united the officials and people of all ethnic groups in implementing the new development philosophy and the requirements for high-quality development by leaps and bounds.
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