Fradley and Streethay Parish Council Minutes of the Virtual Parish Council meeting held at 7:00pm on Tuesday 21 January 2021 Present: Councillors Simon Roberts (Chair) Alan Cope (Vice-Chair) Harry Warburton, Stan Whitehead, Glen Bown, Darren Peck and Jurgen Nijim In Attendance: County Cllr Eagland and District Cllr Derick Cross, Clare Orme (Clerk), Wendy Hollinshead (Asst. Clerk) and one member of the public. The Chair of this meeting welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting of the Parish Council and explained how the meeting would operate. 1. Minute Number 01/2021- Apologies for absence Cllrs M. Wilcox, S. Wilcox and D. Leytham 2. Minute Number 02/2021 – Declaration of Members Interests None 3. Minute Number 03/2021 - Public Speaking a) Minute Number 03/2021/A – Public Speaking No members of the public wished to speak. b) Minute number 03/2021/B - District Council Representatives Report Cllr Cross reported that the Chief Executive of LDC, Diane Tilley, was stepping down in May 2021. LDC is tightening the regulations for dog owners using public spaces. Fradley was not covered but may wish to seek similar rules for the open spaces in Fradley. The Planning dept had received an appeal in relation to the Canalside site. The Draft Local Plan had now been published on the website and goes for scrutiny on 22 January 2021. It would be considered by Cabinet on 9 February and before Full Council on 16 February. The maps were not accurate and would be amended but have been published to meet the deadlines. Cllr Warburton advised that the plan had not been able to include complete traffic information due to the effect on traffic movement of the restrictions to combat Covid-19. c) Minute Number 03/2021/C –County Council Representatives Report Cllr Eagland advised that Flood warnings had been issued for Alrewas and Fradley. Cllr Eagland had referred to Highways the complaint of the resident of Ward Close concerning the encroachment of vehicles onto the grass verges. The main complaint appeared to be against the refuse lorry and this had been referred to LDC who manage the waste services. Cllr Wilcox had advised that he would take the issue up with waste management department. Cllr Eagland advised that the climate change fund still had funds available, but applications close on 29 January 2021. Cllr Eagland had attended a meeting with Highways and the head Teacher of Streethay School concerning the lack of barriers outside the school. d) Minute Number 03/2021/D – Police Representatives Report There were no Police Representatives present at the meeting and there was nothing to report. 4. Minute Number 04/2021-Variation to the Order of Business Resolved: to vary the order of business to include:- a. Amendment to a cheque on the payment list b. Addition of 2 planning applications for consideration c. To add an exempt item in relation to a potential Data Breach. 5. Minute Number 05/2021- To confirm and agree as a true record of the minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting held by Zoom on 16 December 2020 Resolved: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 16 December 2020 were confirmed and agreed as a true record. 6. Minute number 102/2020 to approve the notes from the Councillor Parish Office/Hub Meeting held on 8 January 2021 Resolved: to approve the notes as a true record of the Councillor Parish Office/Hub meeting held on 8 January 2021 Fradley & Streethay Parish Council Chair/Vice Chair Initials Page 1 of 8 21 January 2021 Fradley and Streethay Parish Council Minutes of the Virtual Parish Council meeting held at 7:00pm on Tuesday 21 January 2021 7. Minute Number 07/2021 to confirm and agree as a true record the notes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 14 January 2021. Resolved: To approve the notes as a true record of the Finance Committee meeting held on 14 January 2021. 8. Minute number 08/2021. Clerks Report a. FYCC update. All of the Trustees and Directors have been written to but no response had been received as yet. b. Update on acquiring land for a community building at Streethay. Parish Councillors had attended a virtual meeting with LDC to discuss the Community Building. The notes of the list of actions had been circulated. The PC awaits hearing further from LDC. c. Resident complaint re damage to grass verge on Ward Close – passed to SCC for investigation. Cllr Eagland had already updated the meeting on this issue in Public Speaking. d. Consideration to have a Parish Council app. Cllr Nijim was exploring the possibility of a Parish Council app. Resolved: to refer the matter to the Communications Working Group to explore the feasibility of an App. e. Review of the Business Risk Assessment and the consideration of the additional Policy Document. Resolved: to approve the Business Risk Assessment and additional Policy Document. f. Watersmeet Flooding problem – Clerks Report. Resolved: to approach Redrow as the area flooding is in the region of previous works carried out by Redrow and they should make good the area. g. March edition of quarterly Newsletter Resolved: to refer the matter to the Communications Working Group to take forward. h. Consider diary dates from March 2021 to March 2022 for all monthly Parish Council Meetings and its committees including the Parish Assembly. Resolved: to approve the dates in the schedule as proposed and add dates for the Communications Working Group. 9. Minute number 09/2021 Update refurbishment of Streethay Play Park. The Company had not been able to provide the quotes for changing the bark pits to bonded bark due to the lockdown and personnel being placed on furlough. Work was progressing on the grant application. 10. Minute number 10/2021 Update Parish Council Office/Hub The Clerk reported that she had contacted LDC and the Parish Council were required to follow due process to amend the original section 106 agreement, and would need to complete a new funding form to claim any further section 106 money against the project. Resolved: the Project cost were approved as £150,000 budget for the Parish Council Office/Hub build Resolved: to use Cllr Bown’s design brief, with the three amendments. Cllr Bown to make the amendments and resend to the Clerk. Resolved: to reengage Planning Design to take the design brief forward. Resolved: the Clerk to continue to correspond with LDC with regards to amending the original funding application from £250,000 to £150,000 project costs, and to establish if the Council can still receive the full £92,15 against a smaller project. 11. Minute number 11/2021 Finance a. To consider the financial statements unaudited from 01 April to 28 December 2020. Bank Reconciliation as at 28.12.2020 Current Account 122,227.21 Reserve Account 93,685.98 Less unpresented Chq’s 5,003.86 Fradley & Streethay Parish Council Chair/Vice Chair Initials Page 2 of 8 21 January 2021 Fradley and Streethay Parish Council Minutes of the Virtual Parish Council meeting held at 7:00pm on Tuesday 21 January 2021 Total 210,909.33 Resolved: The Council approved the unaudited accounts from 01.04.2020 to 28.12.2020 and the supporting paperwork b. To confirm payments for January 2021 as follows: CHEQUE NO. PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT POWER 101413 to Salaries, Tax, NIC’s and 3,938.60 101415, Inc. Pension Contributions DD for Nest Pensions 101416 SJL Landscapes Ltd Monthly Ground Maintenance 2,038.08 Contract 101417 CSnotepad Covid Support Telephone Line 10.20 101418 Lending Hands Monthly Handyman Contract 300.00 101419 Cancelled Revised Invoice chq 101420 101420 The Parish Notice Board Notice Board – Posts Office 414.00 Company Card H M Land Registry Land Search 6.00 DD Plusnet Telephone and Broadband 39.60 Resolved: the above payments were approved c. To confirm the Income December 2020 DATE INCOME FROM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 28.12.2020 HSBC Bank Bank Interest 0.77 Resolved: the above income for was approved. d. Budget and Precept setting 2021/2022 and recommendations from the Finance Committee Meeting held on 14 January 2021 Resolved: to approve the budget and precept for 2021/2022 and the recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 14 January 2021. Resolved: To increase the precept payment for 2021/2022 from £131,306 to £161,893.00 to allow more of the planned projects to be completed. This would be an increase from £61.61 per household per year to £73.29 per household for the year, a percentage increase of 18.97% 12. Minute number 12/2021 Planning Applications for consideration and ratification a) Application No. Location Proposal Comments by 20/01178/FULM Land Off Horner Full planning application for a residential 10.01.2021 Avenue, Fradley, development with associated works and public Extension requested Lichfield, Staffordshire open space, and access from Horner Avenue and to comment to Ward Close 22.01.2021 agreed by LDC 08.01.2021 20/01787/FUH 51 Burton Old Road, Demolition of conservatory and erection of first 14.01.2021 Streethay, Lichfield, floor side extension over garage and single storey Extension requested Staffordshire rear extension to comment to 22.01.2021 Fradley & Streethay Parish Council Chair/Vice Chair Initials Page 3 of 8 21 January 2021 Fradley and Streethay Parish Council Minutes of the Virtual Parish Council meeting held at 7:00pm on Tuesday 21 January 2021 20/01859/FUH 81 Church Lane, Single storey rear extension to form kitchen and 20.01.2021 Fradley, Lichfield, utility Extension requested Staffordshire to comment to 22.01.2021 21/00039/FUL Fox Meadow Variation of condition 6 (Equestrian Use) of 07.02.2021 Equestrian Ltd Fox permission 12/01265/FUL
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