See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/290497883 Hygromia cinctella (Draparnaud, 1801) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Hygromiidae), a new snail species for the fauna of Bulgaria Article · January 2015 CITATIONS READS 5 302 3 authors: Ivailo Dedov Ulrich Schneppat Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bündner Naturmuseum 95 PUBLICATIONS 202 CITATIONS 13 PUBLICATIONS 64 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Fabia Knechtle Glogger Knechtle Glogger office for nature management 5 PUBLICATIONS 12 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Red List of European Landsnails: Part 2 View project Inland and marine molluscs of Amoliani Island, Chalkidiki, Greece View project All content following this page was uploaded by Fabia Knechtle Glogger on 22 January 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Zoogeography and Faunistics ACTA ZOOLOGICA BULGARICA Research Article Acta zool. bulg., 67 (4), 2015: 465-469 Hygromia cinctella (Draparnaud, 1801) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Hygromiidae), a New Snail Species for the Fauna of Bulgaria Ivailo K. Dedov1, Ulrich E. Schneppat2, Fabia Knechtle Glogger3 1 Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria; E-mail: [email protected] (corresponding author) 2 Bündner Naturmuseum, Masanserstrasse 31, CH-7000 Chur, Switzerland; E-mail: [email protected] 3 Knechtle Glogger Naturmanagement, Sturzenegg 2147, CH-9100 Herisau, Switzerland; E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The girdled snail Hygromia (Hygromia) cinctella (Draparnaud, 1801) is recorded for the first time from Bul- garia from the city area of Sofia. This species belongs to a genus that is newly recorded for the Bulgarian fauna, too. The species as considered as introduced to the country. Keywords: Hygromia cinctella, Gastropoda, new record, Bulgaria Introduction In the course of collecting samples in the city area of walls and in gardens (England and Switzerland), dis- Sofia in autumn 2014, a snail belonging to a genus, turbed habitats and gardens of densely populated re- hitherto not known to be a member of the Bulgarian gions (Netherlands, Germany) (Mi e n i S 2006, 2008 a, malacofauna, was detected. Hygromia cinctella had Gö l l n i t z 2008, We l t e r -Sc h u l t e S 2012). not been found previously in Sofia regardless of the collecting efforts within the same region in previ- ous years (2012-2013 – U. E. Schneppat, F. Knechtle Material and Methods Glogger, I. K. Dedov). The materials were hand collected in autumn The shell of H. cinctella is whitish-gray to (September, October 2014) from the following lo- horny-brown, slightly translucent, finely and rather calities: regularly striated with 5-6 flattened whorls with Bulgaria, Sofia, neighbourhood Knayzhevo, shallow suture. Last whorl sharply keeled with a Voivodina Mogila Street, along Vladayska River light spiral band at its periphery, emphasizing the (Fig. 1 A-C). Specimens (spm.) of different age were keel. Aperture simple without lip inside. Fully- detected: small juveniles, about half grown adults grown shells (diameter 10-12 mm) with narrow and and adults. almost covered by the reflected columellar margin 1. N42.65757°, E023.23511°, 670 m, on umbilicus, not well-marked. Animals light-greyish Ranunculus, 19.X.2014, 2 spm., leg. I. K. Dedov. or with yellowish hue, often with darker greyish 2. N42.65741°, E023.23511°, 670 m, on or brownish head and neck (KERNEY et al. 1983, Clematis vitalba, 19.X.2014, 1 spm., leg. I. K. Ří h o v á , Ju Ř i č k o v á 2011, We l t e r -Sc h u l t e S 2012). Dedov; other gastropods on the spot: Fruticicola The Girdled Snail lives typically in open habitats, fruticum (O. F. Muller, 1774). among low shrubs and herbs, often in small water 3. N42.65730°, E023.23462°, 671 m, on currents or in river valleys and on river banks, in cool Clematis vitalba, 19.X.2014, 6 spm., leg. I. K. and humid habitats (Italy), cultivated habitats, rarely Dedov; other gastropods on the spot: Helix lucorum natural forests (Switzerland), road-sides, under stone Linnaeus, 1758. 465 Dedov I. K. , U. E. Schneppat, F. Knechtle Glogger 4. N42.656444°, E023.231525°, 675 m, synan- http://animalbase.org/). thropic habitat, near a little bridge, Urtica dioica, The species was firstly recorded from NW Syringa vulgaris, Clematis vitalba, Fallopia japoni- France in the 1940s and spread rapidly, today al- ca, Artemisia vulgaris, only little grass. Habitat most in the entire country (De f o ss e z , Ma u r i n heavily littered. 27–29.IX.2014: specimens were 1995, We l t e r -Sc h u l t e S 2012, http://animalbase. found almost exclusively on leaves of Syringa org/). The species is also considered to be intro- vulgaris (0.3–1.5 m above ground) with some at- duced (in chronological order) to France, Pyrenees- tached to a nearby wall, leg. U. E. Schneppat and Atlantiques (Pr i e t o , Pu e n t e 1992) in the outermost F. Knechtle Glogger, about 50 spm. (five adults in southwestern part of the country as well as in South the collection of I. K. Dedov, Sofia, five adults in Tyrol, Italy (ki e r D o r f -tr a u t 2006); to England, the collection D. Georgiev, Plovdiv); 13–14.X.2014, Cornwall before 1950 with nurseries or garden 11 spm. Other gastropods on the spot: Deroceras plants (co M f o r t 1950), and still spreading rapidly, cf. reticulatum (O.F. Müller, 1774), Deroceras cf. reaching Devon and the London area (the IUCN turcicum (Simroth, 1894), H. lucorum Linnaeus, Red List of Threatened Species, http://animalbase. 1758, Limacus flavus (Linnaeus, 1758), Limax sp., org/). Hygromia cinctella was also introduced to Tandonia kusceri (H. Wagner, 1931). Austria about 1978 (St o J a sp a l 1978, ke r n e y et al. 1983, re i S c h ü t z 2005, Be c k M a n n , ko B i a l k a 2008, Results and Discussion fi S c h e r 2010, Du D a , Mr k v i c k a 2014), Germany (Wi mm e r 2006, Be c k M a n n , ko B i a l k a 2008, Gö l l n i t z Distribution 2008, ro S e n B a u e r 2011), the Netherlands (Bo e S v e l D According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened 2005, Mi e n i S 2006, 2007, 2008 b, 2010, 2012, Species (version 2014), originally H. cinctella occurs 2014, va n D e r ve l D e , kl o k 2013, va n D e r ve l D e in the following countries (from west to east): Spain et al. 2014, Be c k M a n n , ko B i a l k a 2008), Belgium (mainland); France (Corsica, mainland); Italy (main- (Ja c o bs , ha n S e n 2009, va n De n ne u c k e r , Sc h e e r S land, Sicilia); Slovenia; Croatia. Other authors men- 2014), Ireland (Pr e e c e 2005, Be c k M a n n , ko B i a l k a tion: SE France, Sardinia, Corsica, Italy including 2008), Scotland (We dd l e 2009), the Czech Republic Sicily (ci a n f a n e l l i , lo r i 2007, ha l l G a ss , va n n o z z i (Ří h o v á , Ju Ř i č k o v á 2011). 2014, http://animalbase.org/), Slovenia, NW Croatia In Switzerland the species has rapidly spread (Št a M o l , kl e t e č k i 2005, Be c k M a n n , ko B i a l k a 2008, over the last decades (Be a t 2007, Be c k M a n n , Št a M o l 2010, http://animalbase.org/), Bosnia and ko B i a l k a 2008). Our unpublished observations show Herzegovina, NW Serbia and Hungary (KERNEY et that in Switzerland H. cinctella has reached sites of al. 1983, Be c k M a n n , ko B i a l k a 2008, http://animal- much higher altitude than in almost any other parts base.org/). It is likely that the natural range of the of Europe (Grisons, Tinizong-Rona, 2009, 1250 m, species reaches NE Spain (Gr a e l l S 1846, Br o S 2006, CSCF; Grisons, Bergün-Bravuong, 2008, 1360 m, Fig. 1. Habitats of Hygromia cinctella along river Vladayska River, Sofia city area, Bulgaria. A - localities № 1 and 2, B - locality 3, C - locality 4. 466 Hygromia cinctella (Draparnaud, 1801) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Hygromiidae), a New Snail Fig. 2. External view of adult Bulgarian specimens Fig. 3. Sexual system of Hygromia cinctella. A – Bulgarian specimen, photo; B – after Prieto and Puente 1992, Fig. 13. Abbreviations: G – genital pore; ♂: P – penis, PR – penial retractor, EP – epiphalus, F – flagellum, VD – Vas deferens; ♀: DS – dart sac, MG – mucus glands, SO – spermoviduct, AG – albumen gland; BC – bursa copulatrix CSCF; Grisons, Churwalden-Malix, 2004, 1240 m, In Bulgaria, we found H. cinctella also in non- private data US-BNM; Ticino, Fusio, 2013, 1300 m, limestone areas. Currently, its Bulgarian popula- CSCF; Valais, Icogne, 2003, 1020 m, CSCF; Valais, tion is by far the easternmost known locality of the Saint-Martin, 2012, 1400 m, CSCF). Further, the species in Europe. Considering the wide and rapid spread of the species has happened independently of spread of H.
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