Language | Technology | Business RESOURCE ANNUAL DIRECTORY EDITORIAL ANNUAL INDEX 2006 What buyers and suppliers of language services want SURVEY 0011 RResourceesource DirectoryDirectory RD07RD07 LW1091LW1091 1 11/10/07/10/07 22:32:20:32:20 PMPM 002-032-03 aadsds RRD.inddD.indd 2 11/10/07/10/07 22:36:15:36:15 PMPM Why Buy GMS Software? Software as a Service (SaaS) is revolutionizing other industries. Localization is next. Welcome to Freeway! With no server or desktop software to purchase and instant Where will Freeway take you? connections to leading CMS solutions, companies of all sizes are already accelerating their translation projects on Freeway. www.GetOnTheFreeway.com Don’t pay for yesterday’s technology. Access the latest tools for Free. FAST • CONNECTED • FREE 002-032-03 aadsds RRD.inddD.indd 3 11/10/07/10/07 22:35:59:35:59 PMPM GEPP AZ0044 Lemoine LLemoineemoine indd RD.inddRD.in 2dd 4 22 11 200611/10/07/10/0 12:00:147 22:36:49:36:4 Uhr9 PMPM About the MultiLingual 2007 Resource Directory and Editorial Index 2006 any readers tell us that they keep their back issues of MultiLingual for reference. And throughout the year, they look for resources — the people, products and services they need to connect with in the language industry. Every year in the language industry is a busy and fast-changing one. The year Up Front M2006 saw many moves, mergers and acquisitions as well as the introduction of new technolo- gies and new uses for “traditional” tools. Using this resource directory and index, you can easily locate language-industry companies as well as information published in the pages of MultiLingual during 2006. For this fi fth annual Resource Directory and Index, we worked with Common Sense Advisory consultancy CEO Donald A. DePalma to survey buyers and providers of language services about what they want and what they think the “other side” wants in transacting language business. In his article (see the pages with red tabs) you may fi nd some surprising results. As in the past, the Resource Directory (blue tabs) lists companies that develop and use language-related technology along with others that provide services in translation, localization, international- ization, website globalization and many other specialties. Index pages (gold tabs) include authors, titles and topics, arranged in a single alphabet. This is followed by a list of acro- nyms and abbreviations used in our pages during the year; a glossary of language- industry terminology; and an index of the advertisers appearing in this directory. This special issue is also available at www.multilingual.com/resourceDirectory for your quick reference and for down- load. Subscribers can access it, too, as part of our digital edition. We hope you fi nd this special issue and the many other resources of Mul- tiLingual Computing, Inc., helpful and useful throughout the year. —The Staff of MultiLingual www.multilingual.com 2007 Resource Directory & Index 2006 MultiLingual 5 005-075-07 MMastheadasthead RD07.inddRD07.indd 5 11/10/07/10/07 33:33:36:33:36 PMPM on the web at www.multilingual.com e-Books Information for and about the language industry MultiLingual 2007 Resource Directory & Index 2006 Our website is designed to be an accessible, up-to-date Editor-in-Chief, Publisher: Donna Parrish information source and your link to the whole world Managing Editor: Laurel Wagers of language technology and international software Translation Dept. Editor: Jim Healey development. It contains an archive of hundreds of Copy Editor: Cecilia Spence News: Kendra Gray, Becky Bennett industry news items and a database of Illustrator: Doug Jones worldwide language industry resources. Production: Sandy Compton In addition, e-books by internationalization expert Editorial Board Bill Hall and Chinese-language scholar George Bell Jeff Allen, Henri Broekmate, are available for order or download. Bill Hall, Andres Heuberger, Ken Lunde, John O’Conner, Mandy Pet, Reinhard Schäler Advertising Director: Jennifer Del Carlo Advertising: Kevin Watson, Bonnie Merrell Free downloads Webmaster: Aric Spence Assistant: Shannon Abromeit MultiLingual “Getting Started” Guides at www.multilingual.com/gsg. Intern: Callie Welch Choose screen-quality PDFs for slower connections or print-quality fi les Special Projects: Terri Jadick for best reproduction. Invaluable resources for clients, novices and Advertising professionals in need of refresher courses. Printed copies of some guides [email protected] are also available (contact [email protected]). www.multilingual.com/advertising 208-263-8178 Our RESOURCE DIRECTORIES AND EDITORIAL INDEXES at www.multilingual.com/resourceDirectory. The 2007 Resource Directory Subscriptions, back issues, and Editorial Index 2006 will be available for download in late January. customer service [email protected] www.multilingual.com/subscribe Submissions, letters [email protected] How to use www.multilingual.com Editorial guidelines are available at www.multilingual.com/editorialWriter GO to the home page to see daily news updates and links to new website content. Current job postings are at www.multilingual.com/careers Reprints: [email protected] RESEARCH past articles by looking through our list of online articles at MultiLingual Computing, Inc. www.multilingual.com/featuredArticles 319 North First Avenue, Suite 2 Sandpoint, Idaho 83864-1495 USA FIND a technology or service by searching our database of more than 1,600 industry resources at [email protected] www.multilingual.com/industryResources www.multilingual.com © MultiLingual Computing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction KEEP up to date with current industry news at www.multilingual.com/news without permission is prohibited. For reprints and e-prints, please e-mail [email protected] or call 208-263-8178. PLAN your travels by checking the calendar of events at MultiLingual (ISSN 1523-0309), February 2007, is published monthly except Apr-May, Jul-Aug, Oct-Nov for US $58, www.multilingual.com/calendar international $85 per year by MultiLingual Computing, Inc., 319 North First Avenue, Suite 2, Sandpoint, ID 83864-1495. RENEW your subscription, or enter a change of address to make sure you Periodicals postage paid at Sandpoint, ID and additional mailing offi ces. never miss an issue of MultiLingual at www.multilingual.com/subscribe POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MultiLingual, 319 North First Avenue, Suite 2, Sandpoint, ID 83864-1495. 6 | MultiLingual 2007 Resource Directory & Index 2006 [email protected] 005-075-07 MMastheadasthead RD07.inddRD07.indd 6 11/10/07/10/07 33:38:34:38:34 PMPM Contents ■ 2007 Resource Directory Automated Translation . 9 Books & Publications . 10 Conferences . 10 Consulting Services . 10 Content Management . 10 Desktop Publishing Services . 11 Desktop Publishing Tools . 11 Dictionaries/Grammar Checkers . 11 Education (degrees, certifi cate programs) . 11 E-learning/Educational Software . 12 Enterprise Solutions . 12 Fonts & Operating Systems . 12 Industry Associations . 13 Internationalization Services . 13 Internationalization Tools . 13 Interpreting . 14 Language Learning . 14 Language Product Resellers . 15 Localization Services . 15 Localization Tools . 24 ■ Survey Report Marketing . 25 Mobile Systems Technologies . 26 43 What buyers and suppliers Multicultural Communications . 26 of language services want Multilingual Software . 26 — Donald A. DePalma Multimedia . 26 Optical Character Recognition . 26 Project Management . 26 Recruitment/Job Matching . 27 Research & Analysis . 27 Resources . 27 Software Testing . 27 Speech Technologies . 27 Subtitling/Dubbing . 28 Technical Writing . 28 Terminology Management . 28 ■ Editorial Index 2006 Training, Seminars & Workshops . 28 Translation Memory Broker . 28 49 Index: Issues 77 - 84 Translation Services . 29 Translation Tools . 41 65 Acronyms & Abbreviations Voice-overs . 42 67 Glossary Website Globalization . 42 Workfl ow Solutions . 42 73 Advertisers www.multilingual.com 2007 Resource Directory & Index 2006 MultiLingual | 7 005-075-07 MMastheadasthead RD07.inddRD07.indd 7 11/10/07/10/07 33:43:41:43:41 PMPM SuccessSuccess hashas aa simplesimple formula:formula: WhPWhP Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, Translation Provider since 1994 WhP is certiÀ ed ISO 9001:2000 by BVQI, www.whp.net, [email protected] 0088 WWhPhP RRD.inddD.indd 8 11/10/07/10/07 22:37:21:37:21 PMPM full page 7.875x10.875.indd 1 12/21/2006 6:00:01 PM RESOURCE ANNUAL DIRECTORY AUTOMATED TRANSLATION Applications Technology, Inc. www.apptek.com linguatec www.linguatec.net Cross Language www.crosslang.com Master’s Innovations Ltd. www.masterin.com Idiom Technologies, Inc. www.idiominc.com PROMT See our ads on this page and 12 Web: www.e-promt.com E-mail: [email protected] Language Engineering Company, LLC www.lec.com Birzhevaya Liniya, Vasilyevsky Island St. Petersburg 199034, Russia, 7-812-331-7540, Fax: 7-812-327-4483 Language Weaver, Inc. PROMT is a world leading provider of automatic translation solu- tions. The company develops translation software and services awarded Web: www.languageweaver.com E-mail: [email protected] by the leading computer magazines. PROMT provides automatic transla- tion for seven world languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Por- 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 1210 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA, 310-437-7300, Fax: 310-437-7307 tuguese, Italian and Russian, with a total of 24 translation directions for over 100 specialized domains. PROMT offers translation solutions
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