38 DRAGONBORN PALADIN OF BAHAMUT 88 KUYUTHA, EXARCH OF BAHAMUT 13 HALFLING ARCHER 42 MEZZODEMON ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS m Radiant Longsword: +15 vs AC; 10 + 5 radiant m Dragontalon Blade: +21 vs AC; 25 Damage m Short Sword: +9 vs AC; 5 Damage m Trident: +18 vs AC; 15 Damage Damage LEVEL LEVEL ❑■ C LEVEL R LEVEL ❑■ C 8 ❑■ M Bahamut’s Blade: +16 vs AC; 10 Damage, + 10 15 Coldfi re Breath: (large cone) +18 vs 4 Shortbow: (sight) +9 vs AC; 10 Damage 11 Poison Cloud: (burst 2) +16 vs DEF (Fort); radiant Damage per Dragon ally adjacent to this creature DEF (Ref ); 20 cold + 20 fi re Damage ❑■ R Skirmish Shot: (nearest) Move up to 20 poison Damage; hit or miss, adjacent crea- ❑■ C Will of Bahamut: (burst 5, enemies only) Speed and then attack, +10 vs AC; 20 Damage. tures take ongoing 10 poison Damage (save AC AC +18 vs DEF (Will); Stunned. RECHARGE when an AC RECHARGE when this creature hits with a R AC ends). RECHARGE when fi rst Bloodied. 24 28 adjacent Dragon ally is the target of a M attack. 19 attack. 27 ABILITIES Good • Dragon • Divine DEF DEF ABILITIES DEF ABILITIES DEF ABILITIES 21 27 14 23 Good • Dragon Good • Halfl ing Evil • Demon Unique. Flight • Martial Resist 10 Poison SPECIAL POWERS SPEED SPEED SPEED +4 DEF (Ref) SPEED 5 Foe of Tiamat: Allies attacking Evil Dragon targets F6 6 6 score criticals on attack rolls of natural 18+. CHAMPION 3 ❑■ ❑■ ❑■ CHAMPION 2 ❑■ ❑■ SPECIAL POWERS HP Warband Building: Your warband may include 1 HP • Use before you roll for initiative. If you win HP SPECIAL POWERS HP 60 non-Evil Dragon creature, regardless of faction. 95 the initiative check, a Dragon ally can make an 40 70 ❑■ Skewering Tines: Followup after a m M R m ■ • Use when an adjacent ally would be hit by a or immediate attack. ❑ Reactive Shot: Immediate, when hit by a attack; Immobilized (save ends). RECHARGE if attack. This creature switches positions with that ally and R attack; make a Shortbow attack that doesn’t is hit by that attack instead. • Use when a Dragon ally is eliminated by no Immobilized enemy is adjacent at end of this m provoke opportunity attacks. • Use before taking your fi rst turn of a round. Allies’ an enemy. That ally can make an immediate creature’s turn. attacks deal +5 radiant Damage this round. attack. She never shoots twice from the same spot. ©2008 Wizards ★ 1/60 ©2008 Wizards ★ 2/60 ©2008 Wizards ◆ 3/60 ©2008 Wizards ◆ 4/60 9 GRINNING IMP 7 INFERNAL ARMOR 43 RAKSHASA ASSASSIN 26 TIEFLING CLERIC OF ASMODEUS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS m Bite: +8 vs AC; 10 Damage m Short Sword: +10 vs AC; 10 Damage m Short Sword: +16 vs AC; 10 Damage m Mace: +14 vs AC; 10 + 5 necrotic Damage LEVEL ❑■ M LEVEL M LEVEL M LEVEL R 3 Hellish Poison Sting: +8 vs AC; 15 Damage 3 Gambit: +14 vs AC, provokes opportunity 11 Double Strike: (2 diff erent targets) +14 vs 7 Lance of Oblivion: (range 5) +12 vs DEF AND ongoing 10 poison Damage (save ends) attacks; 20 Damage AC each; 10 Damage each (Ref ); 10 necrotic Damage AND Dazed AND –2 DEF. RECHARGE when hit by an attack. ❑■ R Phantom Distraction: (range 5) +14 vs ❑■ A Seal of the Damned: (radius 2 within AC AC AC DEF (Will); Dazed AC sight) +12 vs DEF (Will); 20 necrotic Damage. 18 15 25 21 Hit or miss, Undead allies in area instead heal ABILITIES 10 HP. RECHARGE when a Good creature is eliminated. DEF ABILITIES DEF Evil • Devil DEF ABILITIES DEF 15 Evil • Devil 19 23 18 Evil • Rakshasa ABILITIES Flight Vulnerable 10 Radiant Evil • Tiefl ing • Divine SPEED SPEED SPECIAL POWERS SPEED SPEED F6 5 7 6 +4 DEF (Will) Opening Move: +4 Speed on this creature’s SPECIAL POWERS fi rst turn of the battle. SPECIAL POWERS HP HP HP HP ❑■ 25 Vanish: Replaces attack action: This creature 30 Sacrifi cial Lamb: When this creature is 70 ❑■ ❑■ Shadow Form: Use on this creature’s turn. 50 SPECIAL POWERS eliminated by an enemy, an adjacent ally is invisible until end of its next turn or until This creature has Phasing until end of its turn. ❑■ Baleful Sanctuary: Replaces attack action: it attacks. immediately heals 15 HP. Sneak Attack 15: +15 Damage whenever this Choose 1 ally within sight; the next time that With destruction as its only hope, creature has combat advantage against target. ally is attacked, the attacker takes 10 Damage. Imps are the embodiment of toxic treachery. recklessness is its only option. RECHARGE when that ally is eliminated. ©2008 Wizards ◆ 5/60 ©2008 Wizards ● 6/60 ©2008 Wizards ★ 7/60 ©2008 Wizards ◆ 8/60 57 VICIOUS BEARDED DEVIL 31 DEATHGRASP SARCOPHAGUS 22 DROW ADVENTURER 34 DROW DEMONBINDER ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS m Glaive: +20 vs AC; 15 Damage AND ongoing ❑■ M Claws of the Hungry Dead: +15 vs DEF m Fangblade: +14 vs AC; 10 Damage AND m Acid Touch: +15 vs DEF (Ref ); 10 acid Damage LEVEL 5 Damage (save ends) LEVEL (Ref ); 10 Damage AND Entombed. RECHARGE LEVEL ongoing 5 poison Damage (save ends) LEVEL R Acid Blast: (sight) +15 vs DEF (Ref ); 10 acid 13 10 if no creature is Entombed. 7 R Shuriken: (range 10, nearest) +14 vs AC; 10 Damage AND Dazed ABILITIES 5 Damage AND ongoing 5 poison Damage ❑■ M Arms of the Marilith: 6 attacks, +17 vs AC (save ends) each; 5 Damage each. RECHARGE when this AC AC ABILITIES AC AC 29 Evil • Devil 26 22 21 creature takes 20 or more Damage from an attack. Devilish Teamwork: Evil • Demon • Construct While adjacent, allies have +4 DEF (Will); Reach 4 DEF +2 AC. DEF DEF ABILITIES DEF ABILITIES 25 20 Immune Necrotic, Poison 19 19 Reach 2 Evil • Drow Evil • Drow • Demon +4 DEF (Will) SPEED SPECIAL POWERS SSPEEDPEED SPECIAL POWERS SPEEDSPEED SPEED 6 0 7 7 Battle Frenzy: +2 Attack and +10 Damage Entombed: Remove aff ected target from SPECIAL POWERS while Bloodied. the battle map. When that target activates, Mobile Melee Attack: Immediate, after SPECIAL POWERS the only action it can take is to make a m resolving this creature’s M attack; shift. HP Grasping Beard: Adjacent enemies that move HP HP HP ❑■ Wings of the Vrock: +2 Speed and Flight this attack against this creature. If this creature is ■ 80 away from this creature take 5 Damage. 65 45 ❑ Parry: Can’t be used while Bloodied; 50 turn. RECHARGE when fi rst Bloodied. eliminated, place the Entombed target in the immediate, when a M attack would hit this square this creature occupied. Eldritch Support: Immediate, when a Demon ally creature; that attack misses instead. makes an opportunity attack against an enemy Shadow Teleport: Replaces move action: Place ❑■ Sleep Poison: Followup after any attack; +12 in line of sight to this creature; Acid Blast against Bearded devils lust for blood and pain. this creature in an occupied victory area. vs DEF (Fort); Helpless that enemy. ©2008 Wizards ★ 9/60 ©2008 Wizards ◆ 10/60 ©2008 Wizards ◆ 11/60 ©2008 Wizards ★ 12/60 8 LOLTHBOUND GOBLIN 16 RUNESPIRAL DEMON 15 SHARDSOUL SLAYER 58 SOLAMITH ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS m War Pick: +10 vs AC; 10 Damage m Bite: +10 vs AC; 10 Damage m Slam: +12 vs AC; 10 Damage m Claw: +19 vs AC; 10 Damage LEVEL ❑■ C LEVEL C LEVEL LEVEL A 3 Lolthbound Shriek: (large cone) +8 vs 5 Arcane Arc: (all creatures in unblocked line 5 12 Soulfi re: (radius 1 within sight) +17 vs DEF DEF (Fort); 10 thunder Damage, Drow and between this creature and 1 Arcane creature (Ref ); 15 + 15 fi re Damage. Hit or miss, this Goblins immune within 6) +8 vs DEF (Ref ); 10 lightning Damage ABILITIES creature takes 5 Damage. It can take 10 extra AC AC AC AC Damage to increase the radius to 3. 18 19 ABILITIES 21 Evil • Construct 24 ABILITIES • Shardsoul ABILITIES Evil • Demon Goblin Immune Poison DEF DEF • Arcane DEF DEF Evil • Demon Drow Follower: 14 17 Resist 10 Lightning 17 20 +6 DEF (Fort) +2 AC and +2 DEF while a Drow ally is Defensive Mobility: Resist 10 Fire +5 AC against SPECIAL POWERS SSPEEDPEED within 5 squares. SSPEEDPEED SPEEDSPEED SSPEEDPEED Reach 2 6 7 opportunity attacks 6 Death’s Release: Immediate, when this creature 7 while moving. SPECIAL POWERS is eliminated; nearest ally has +2 Attack and +10 Damage until end of its next turn. If that ally is SPECIAL POWERS HP Venomous Thirst: +5 damage against targets HP SPECIAL POWERS HP m HP a Shardsoul, it can also make an immediate ❑■ C Soulfi re Retort: (small cone) Immediate, 30 taking ongoing poison Damage. 40 40 80 Lightning Speed: Whenever it damages an attack. when this creature takes damage from an enemy, this creature has +3 Speed until end of C Disorienting Aura: (burst 1) Use at end of this enemy’s attack; +18 vs DEF (Ref ); 15 + 15 its next turn. creature’s turn; +10 vs DEF (Will); Confused fi re Damage Powerful Charge 10: +10 Damage on charge. A nasty example of drow ingenuity. The spiral is always downward. Its malice roils within, begging to be shared. ©2008 Wizards ● 13/60 ©2008 Wizards ● 14/60 ©2008 Wizards ◆ 15/60 ©2008 Wizards ★ 16/60 34 SOULRIDER DEVIL 14 DEATHLOCK WIGHT 41 DRAEGLOTH FAVORED ONE 7 DROW ASSASSIN ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS ATTACK ACTIONS m m Longsword: +15 vs AC; 10 Damage m Claw: +7 vs DEF (Fort); 5 necrotic Damage, Flaying Rod: +18 vs AC; 15 Damage, m Short Sword: +6 vs AC; 10 Damage LEVEL ❑■ A LEVEL LEVEL Stunned on critical LEVEL Acid Flame: (radius 2 within sight) +14 and this creature heals 5 HP R Crossbow: (nearest) +7 vs AC; 10 Damage 9 vs DEF (Ref ); 15 fi re Damage AND ongoing 10 4 11 R Profane Agony: (range 6) +16 vs DEF (Fort); 2 R Grave Bolt: (sight) +7 vs DEF (Ref ); 10 ■ R acid Damage (save ends), 10 fi re only on miss 10 necrotic Damage AND Staggered ❑ Sniper’s Fang: (sight) +9 vs AC; 5 Damage necrotic Damage AND Immobilized AND ongoing 5 poison Damage (save ends).
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