H.Istory O.F A,Mer~C'a

H.Istory O.F A,Mer~C'a

NARRATIVE AND CRITICAL -., H.ISTORY O.F A,MER~C'A: <fnglt~lJ <f~plotatt.on~ A~D ~cttlement~ XortfJ :tmerica --- ----------------···------·---1...------------ .. NARRATIVE AND CRITICAL I-IISTORY OF AMERICA EDITED BY JUSTIN WINSOR LIBRARIAN OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY CORRESPOJiiDIKG SECB.ETARY MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCJllTT VoJ.... I II BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY ·~be tliba~ibe ~re$$, €ambtibge Copyri'ght, 1881;, BY JAMES R. OSGOOD AND COMPANY All rights restrlled. Tlu Riv1!1'side Press, Cam!Jridge, frfass., U.S. A. Printed by H. 0. Houghton & Company. CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. [The English arms on the title are copied from the Molimaux map, dated I6oo.] CHAPTER I. THE VoYAGES OF THE CABOTS. Charles .Deane • • • • • • • • • • I ILLUSTRATION: Sebastian Cabot, S· AJTOGRAPHS: Henry VII., r; Henry VIII., 4; Edward VI., 6; Queen Mary, 7· CRITICAL ESSAY 7 ILLUSTRATIONS: La Cosa map (ISOO),fac-simile,8; Ruysch's map (15o8), 9; Oron­ tius Fine's map (1531), 11; Stobnicza's map (r5r2), 13; Page of Peter Mar­ tyr in fac-simile, 15; Thorne's map (I 527 ), 17; Sebastian Cabot's map (I 544), 22; Lok's map ( 1582 ), 40; Hakluyt-Martyr map (1587 ), 42; Portuguese Por· tolano (1514-1520), s6. CHAPTER II. HAWKINS AND DRAKE. Edward E. Hale 59 lLLt:STRATIONS: John Hawkins, 6I; Zaltieri's map (I 566), 67; Furlano's map (IS74), 68. AuTOGRAPHS: John Hawkins, 6I; Francis Drake, 65. CRITICAL EssAY o~ DRAKE's BAv i4 ILLUSTRATIONS: :\lodern nup of California coast, 74; Viscaino's map (I6oz), 75i Dudley's map (I6-t6), 76,77; Jefferys' sketch-map (1753), 77· NorES ON THE SouRCES OF IKFOR\IATION. The Editor . ILLUSTRATIONS: Hondius's map, 79; Portus Novre Albionis, 8o; Molineaux's map (I6oo), So; Sir Francis Drake, 8r, 84; Thomas Cavendish, 8J Vlll CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. EXPLORATIONS TO THE NORTH-WEST.· Charles C. Smith ILLUSTRATIONS: Martin Frobisher, 87; Molineaux globe (1592), go; Molineaux map (16oo), 91; Sir Thomas Smith, 94; James's map of Hudson Bay (1632), ¢. AuTOGRAPHS: Martin Frobisher, 87; John Davis, 89; George Waymouth, 91; William Baffin, 94- CRITICAL ESSAy 97 ILLUSTRATION: Luke Fox's map of Baffin's Bay (1635), gS. THE ZENO INFLUENCE ON EARLY CARTOGRAPHY ; FROBISHER'S Ar-.~ HUDSON'S VOYAGES. The Editor 100 ILLUSTRATIONS: The Zeno map (circa 1400), 100; map in Wolfe's Lz"nschoten (1598), 101; Beste's map (1578), 102; Frobish~r's Strait, 103. CHAPTER IV. SIR WALTER RALEGH : SETTLEMENTS AT RoANOKE A.1'11D VoYAGES TO GtJIA.."'lA. William Wirt Henry 105. AUTOGRAPHS: Walter Ralegh, 105; Queen Elizabeth, 106; Ralph Lane, no. CRITICAL ESSAY • •• ••• 121 ILLUSTRATIONS: White's map in Hariot (1587), 124; De Laet's map (16Jo), 12.). AUTOGRAPH: Francis Bacon, 121. CHAPTER V. VIRGINIA, t6o6-1689. Robert A. Brock • 127 ILLUSTRATIONS: Jamestown, 130; George Percy, 134; Seal of the Virginia Company, 140; Lord Delaware, 142. AUTOGRAPHS: King James,. 127; Delaware, 133; Thomas Gates, 133; George Percy, 134; George Calvert, 146; William Berkeley, 147· CRmCAL EssAY 153 AUTOGRAPHS: 'Villiam Strachey, 156; Delaware, 156; John Harvey, 156; Johl' 'Vest, 164. NOTES ON THE 1\!APs OF VIRGINlA, ETC. The Editor. ILLUSTRATION: Smith's map of Virginia or the Chesapeake, 167. CHAPTER VI. NORUMBEGA AND ITS ENGUSH EXPLORERS. Benjamin F. De Costa • • ILLUSTRATION: Map of Ancient Pemaquid, 177. AUTOGRAPHS: J. Popham, 175; Ferd. Gorges, 175· . CONTENTS. IX CRITICAL ESSAY t ILLUSTRATIONS: Modern map of Coast of Maine, 190; Henri II. JOap (1543}, 195; Hood's map (!592), 197; Smith's map of New England (1616), Ig8, EARUEST ENGLISH PUBUCATIQNS ON AMERICA, AND OTHER NOTES. The Editor 199 ILLUSTRATIONS: Title of Eden's Munster, 2oo; Munster's map (1532),_ 201, ( 1540), 201; Title of Stultifera Nauis ( 1570), 202; Gilbert's map ( 1576), 203; Linschoten, 2o6; John G. Kohl, 209; Lenox globe (1510-1512), 212; Ex· tract from Molineaux globe (1592), 213; Frankfort globe (1515), 215; Molineaux map (16oo), 216. AUTOGRAPHS: Humphrey Gilbert, 203; Richard Hakluyt, 204; Jul. Ca::sar, 205; Ro. Cecyll, 2o6; John Smith, 211. · · CHAPTER VII. THE REUGIOUS. ELEMENT IN THE. SETTLEMENT OF NEW ENGLAND. -PuRITANS AND SEPARATISTS IN ENGLAND. George E. Ellis 219 CRITICAL ESSAY 244 CHAPTER VIII. THE PILGRL'd: CHURCH AND PLYMOUTH CoLONY. Franklin B • .Dexter •· 257 ILLUSTRATIONS: Site of Scrooby Manor-House, 258; Map of Scrooby and Aus- .. terfield, 259; Austerfield church, 26o; Record of William Bradford's baptism, 260; Robinson's House in Leyden, 262; Pl<?-n of Leyden, 263; Map of Cape Cod Harbor, 270; Map of Plymouth Harbor, 272; Historic Swords, 27 4; Governor Edward Winslow, 277 ; Pilgrim relics, 279; Governor Josiah Winslow, 282. AUTOG'RAPHS: John Smyth, 257; John Robinson, 259; Robert Browne, 261; Francis Johnson, 261; Signatures of Mayflower Pilgrims (William Brad­ ford, Myles Standish, \Villiam Brewster, John Alden, John Howland, Edward Winslow, George Soule, Francis Eaton, Isaac Allerton, Samuel Fuller, Peregrine \Vhite, Resolved \Vhite, John Cooke), 268; Dorothy May, 268; \Villiam Bradford, 268; Thomas Cushman, 271; Alexander Standish, 273; James Cole, senior, 273; Signers of the Patent, 1621 (Hamilton, Lenox, Warwick. Sheffield, Ferdinanda Gorges), 275; Governors of Plymouth Colon~/' (William Bradford, Edward Winslow; ThoJ!!aS Prence, Thomas Hincldey, Josiah Winslow), 278. CRITICAL ESSAY .. \.~ ILLUSTRATIONS: Extract from Bradford's History, 289; First page, Plymouth Records, 292. AUTOGRAPH: Nathaniel Morton, ?!91· CHAPTER IX. NEW E.'lGLAND. Charles Deane. 2 95 ILLUSTRATIONS: Dudley's map of New England (1646), 303; Alexander's map (1624), 306; John Wilson, JIJ; Dr. John Clark, 315; John Endicott, 317; Hingham meeting-house, 319; Joseph Dudley, 320; John Winthrop of Con· necticut, 331; John Davenport, 332; Map of Connecticut River (x666), 333· X CONTENTS. AUTOGRAPHS: 'Villi am Blaxton, 311 ; Samuel Maverick, 311 ; Thomas 'Val· ford, 311; Mathew Cradock, 312; John Wilson, 313; Quaker autographs, 314; John Endicott, 317; 'Colonial ministers of 1690 (Charles Morton, James Allen, Michael Wigglesworth, Joshua Moody, Samuel Willard, Cot­ ton Mather, Nehemiah 'Valter), 319; Joseph Dudley, 320; Abraham Shurt, 321; Thomas Danforth, 326; Thomas Hooker, 330; John Haynes, 331; John Winthrop, the younger, 331; John Allyn, 335; William Coddington, 336; Samuel Gorton, 336; Narragansett proprietors (Simon Bradstreet, Daniel Denison, Thomas Willett, Jno. Paine, Edward Hutchinson, Amos Richison, John Alcocke, George Denison, William Hudson), 338; Roger Williams, 339· CRmCAL EssAY 340 ILLUSTRATIONS: Seal of the Cou neil for New England, 342 ; Cotton Mather, 345; Ship of the seventeenth century, 347; Fac-simile of a page of Thomas Lechford's Plain~ Dealin.(, 352; James Savage's manuscript note on Lech­ ford, 353; Beginning of Thomas Shepard's Autobiography, 355- AUTOGRAPHS: Leaders in Pequot war ijohn Mason, Israel Stoughton, Lion Gardiner), 348; Jonathan Brewster, 349; Nathaniel 'Vard, 350; Signatures connected with the Indian Bible (Robert Boyle, Peter Bulkley, William Stoughton, Joseph Dudley, Thomas Hinckley, John Cotton, John Eliot, James Printer), 356; Edward Johnson, 358; John Norton, 358; Edward Burrough, 359; Robert Pike, 359; Benjamin Church, 361 ; Thomas Church, 361; William· Hubbard, 362; Walter Neale, 363; Ferdinando Gorges, 364; John Mason, 364; Roger Goode, 364; Thomas Gorges, 364; Connecticut secretaries (John Steel, Edward Hopkins, Thomas Welles, ] ohn Cullick, Daniel Clark, John Allyn), 374· . BmuoG:RAPmcAL NoTES; EARLY MAPS oF NEw ENGLA.."'D. The Edito? • • ILLUSTRATIONS: Maps of New England (1650), 382, (1680), 38J. AUTOGRAPH: John Carter Brown, 381. CHAPTER X. THE ENGLISH rn NEW YoRK. :John Austin Stevens • ILLUSTRATIONS: Sir Edmund Andros, 402; Great Seal of Andros, 410. AUTOGRAPHS: Commissioners (Richard Nicolls, Sir Robert Carr, George Cart­ wright, Samuel Maverick), 388; Francis Lovelace, 395; Thomas Dongan, 404; Jacob Leisler, 411. CRITICAL EssAY 41I NOTES. The Editor ILLUSTRATIONS: View of New York (1673), 416; View of The Strand. 417; Plan of New York, 418; Stadthuys (1679), 419. AuTOGR...\PH: Thomas 'Villett, 414. CHAPTER XI. THE ENGUSH IN EAST A."'D WEST JERSEY, r664-I689. ~Villiam A. rVlzitelzead • 421 AUTOGRAPHS: King James, 421; Richard Nicoll, 421; Robert Carr, 422; John Berkeley, 422; G. Carteret, 423; Philip Carteret, 424; James Bollen, 428; Edward Byllynge, 430; Gawen Laurie, 430; Nicolas Lucas, 430; Edmond Warner, 430; R. Bar~lay, 436; Earl of Perth, 439· . CONTENTS. XI CRITICAL ESSAY • • • • • f • • 449 NorE. The Editor .. 455 ILLUSTRATION: Sanson's map (.x656), 456. NOTE ON NEW ALBION. Gregory B. Keen. 457 ILLUSTRATIONS: Insignia of the Albion knights, 462; Farrer map of Virginia (165£ ), 465. AUTOGRAPH: Robert Evelin, 458. CHAPTER XII. THE FoUNDING OF PENNSYLVANIA. Frederick D. Stone ILLUSTRATIONS: George Fox, 470; William Penn, 474; Letitia Cottage, 483; Seal and Signatures to Frame of Government, 484; Slate-roof House, 492. AUTOGRAPHS: William Penn, 474; Thomas Wynne, 486; Charles Mason, 489; Jeremiah Dixon, 489 ; Thomas Lloyd, 494· CRITICAL ESSAY . 495 ILLUSTRATIONS : Title of Some Account, etc., 496; Title of Frame of Government, 497 ; Receipt and Seal of Free Society of Traders, 498; Gabriel Thomas's map (16g8 ), 501 ; Seal of Pennsylvania, 511; Section of Holme's map of Pennsylvania, 516. CHAPTER XIII. THE ENGLISH IN MARYLUID, I632-169r. William T. Brmt!ly ILLUSTRATIONS : George, first Lord Baltimore, 518; Baltimore arms, 520; Map of Maryland (1635), 525; Endorsement of Toleration Act, 535; Baltimore coins, 543; Cecil, second Lord Baltimore, 546. AUTOGRAPHS: George, first Lord Baltimore, 5!8; Leonard Calvert, 524; John Lewger, 528; Thomas Greene, 533; Margaret Brent, 533; William Stone, 534; Josias Fendall, 540; Charles Calvert, 542. CRITICAL EssAY . 553 AUTOGRAPH: Thomas Yong, 558. INDEX . • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • · 563 .

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