— 594 — MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES — QUAKANTINABLE DISEASES Zones infectées à la date du 4 décembre 1958 — Infected areas as of 4 December 1958 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire Notifications received under the International Sanitary international concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou Regulations relating to infected local areas and to areas les territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was a été signalée. reported. ^ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. à la date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notifiée aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 a^ : notified imder Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a) A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each maladie. disease. ' La date indiquée est celle de la fin de la semaine pendant laquelle est survenu ^ The date shown is that of the end of the week in which the last notified case le dernier cas notifié. occurred. PESTE — PLAGUE Océanie — Oceania Bombay, State Punjab, State 16.XI-4.Xn Ahmedabad, District . B 18.X Kamal, District................ a 7.X HAWAÏ — HAWAH Ahmednagar, District . ■ 26.VU Patiala, District............... b 6.X Hamakua, District . ■ 14.V.57 Akoia, D istrict................ ■ 9.VHI Rohtak, District .... b 20.VIH Afrique — Africa Amravati, District . ■ 26.VU : Chanda, District .... ■ 25.VI Rajasthan State MADAGASCAR East Khandesb, District . b 31.X. Jaipur, District .... B 4.X Kaira, District ................................ b I9.IX Sawai Madhopur, District B I8.X Tananarive^ Province CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Kolaba, District .... b 12.X Ambatolampy, District Kolhapur, District . B 15.XI Tripura, State, . a 30.XI.56 Ampitatafika................... ■ 22.XI 16.XJ-4.XII Nasik, District .... b 6.XI Osmanabad, District . • ■ 13.IX Uttar Pradesh, State Tsiroanomandidy, District Parbhani, District. b 13.IX Aligarh, District .... a 27.X Am balanirano................ b 8.X1 Asie — Asia Satara North, District . B 18.X Bara Banki, District . a 30.IX Sholapur, District . b 9.VIII , Farrukhabad, District . • a l.IX Tbana, District............... ■ 4.VIH Amérique — America Lucknow, District. a 27.V INDE — INDIA Wardha, District .... ■ 13.V in Rae Bareilli, District. a 12.VI Yeotmal, District .... m 22.V BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Calcutta (PA) * ............... « 17.TII.56 Saharanpur, District . a 30.1X Delhi ( A ) ....................... B 8.XI Bahia, Edo. Lucknow (A )................... ■ 5.VII Delhi, State .... ■ 22.Vin ' fyest Bengal, State Conceiçao do Coite, Mun. B 15.V1II Madras (PA)................... ■ 31.X Burdwan, District . a 6.n Riachao de Jacuipe, Mun. B 6.VIII Kerala, State Hooghly, District .... B 4.X Rui Barbosa, Mun. B 5.VIII Andhra Pradesh, State Howrah, District .... B 15.XI Adilabad, District . « 3 VI Trivandrum, District . b 25.1 Midnapur, District . B ll.X EQUATEUR — ECUADOR Anantapur, District . a 17.IÏ Murshidabad, District . a 17.XI Cuddappah, District. , . ■ 4.IX Madhya Pradesh, State Nadia, D istrict............. b 7.IV Loja, Prov. East Godavari, District . a I7.TX.57 24-Parganas, District « « B ll.X Celica, Cantôn Guntur, District .... ■ 26.VII Balaghat, District .... a 1.V1.57 Pindal, Parr............................B 8.XI Hyderabad, District . ■ 19.11 Bhopal (Raisen & Sehore, Krishna, District .... ■ 17.IX.56 Districts)....................... a ll.X n.57 PAKISTAN Bilaspur, District .... a 15.VII PÉROU — PERU Kuraool, District .... ■ 11.XII.57 East Pakistan . B 15.XI Mahbubnagar, District. ■ 8.IT Chhindwara, District . a 29.V.57 Lambayeque, Dpto, Nellore, District .... « 27.DC Nimar, District............... ■ 25.V.57 Chaîna (?).......................... a 18.V.57 Lamhayeque, Prov. Srikakulam, District . ■ 5 VI Raipur, District............... a 4. VI.56 Chittagong (PA) .... a 18.V.57 Salas, Uto ................... B I8.X Visakhapatnam, District . ■ 5.VTI Rajgarh, District .... a 7.XI.56 Dacca (A ).......................... B15.XI Warrangal, District . B 8.XI Tikamgarh, District . a 27.X Bakarganj, District . a 18.V.57 West Godavari, District . ■ 6.XI.56 Chittagong, District. a 18.V.S7 . Asie — Asia Madras, State Dacca, D istrict.................. b 18.V.57 ' Assam, State Salem, D istrict............... B 4.X Faridpur, District. a 18.V.57 . BIRMANIE — BURMA Goalpara, District. ■ 20.XI Jessore, District.................. a 18.V.57 Kamrup, District .... a 1ÂXI Khulna, District .... a 18.V.S7 Mandalay, Division Mysore, State Mymensingh, District . a 18.V.57 PyawbwcTowfl............... B 23.VIII Bihar, State Belgaum, District .... a 2S.in.57 Noakhali, District. a 18.V.57 Myingyan, District . B 23.VIII Bhagalpur, District . a 26.VII Bellary, District.................. a28.1.57 Pabna, D istrict.................. a 18.V.57 Champaran, District. ■ 5.IX Bijapur, District .... a 2I.VI.S7 Rangpur, District .... a 18.V.S7 Darbbanga, District. ■ 5.VII Chitaldrug, District . a 7.IV Sylhet, D istrict.................. b 18.V.57 Gaya, D istric t............... ■ 5.VII Dharwar, District. a 2.Vn.57 Tippera, District .... b 18.V.57 Hazaribagh, District. a 9.VII North Kanara, District . n 22.X1.57 PESTE DES RONGEURS Monghyr, Dicirict. a 6.VIII THAÎÔLANDE — THAILAND RODENT PLAGUE Muzafiarpur, District . a 22.V Orissa, State Palamau, District .... a 6.X Patna, D istrict............... a 27.VI.56 Balasore, District .... b 21.IV.56 Bangkok ( P A ) ............................ b 22.V 2.XI-4.XII Bolangir Patna, District . a 15.IV Thouburi, Province . a 22.V Purnea, District .... a 19.IX Santal Parganas, District. ■ 5.IX Cuttack, District .... a 8.n Ayuthia, Province . A 29.XI Afrique — Africa Saran, D istrict............... ■ 26.VII Dhenkaoal, District . a 25.1 Lopburi, Province . A 29.XI Shahabad, District . a 7.1V Ganjam, District .... a 7.VI1I.56 Nakhon Sawan, Prov. A 29.XI CONGO BELGE Kalahandi, District . a IS.IV Phetchburi, Province . A 22.>Û BELGIAN CONGO Koraput, District .... B l.XI Phichit, Province .... A 29.XI ^ A l’exclusion de la circonscription Mayurbbanj, District . a 7.IV Samut Sakhon, Province. A 29.XI Province Orientale de l’aéroport de Dum-Dum — ExcL: Puri, District................... a 7.VIII.56 Samut Songkhram, Prov. A 29.XI Nord-est de Blukwa . B l.XI Local area of Dum Dum airport. Sundergarh, District . a 7.III Sukhothai, Province. , A 29.XI — 595 — FIÈVRE JAUNE AFRIQUE-OCCIDENTALE KENYA Amérique — America FRANÇAISE YELLOW FEVER Mombasa (PA).................... A 15.XI FRENCH WEST AFRICA ARGENTINE — ARGENTINA 7.IX-4.XU Nairobi (A ) ................... B l.XI Formosa, Prov. A 3.XI Côte </’ Ivoire Central, Province B 25.X Abengouiou, Cercle . A 3.XI San Luis, Prov. Afrique — Africa > Abidjan, Cercle .... A 17.XI Coast, Province Beigrano, Dpto................ B 3I.X Bouaké, Cercle.................... A 17.XI Mombasa, District . A 12.XI ANGOLA Daloa, Cercle................... A 17.XI BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Dimbokro, Cercle . A 17.XI Territoire situé au nord du Gagnoa, Cercle ..... A 17.XI Nyanza, Province Cochabamba, Dpto 10® S. — Territory North . Grand-Bassam, Cercle . A 17.XI B ungom a.......................... B 27.X Jordan, Prov. of 10® S ........................... ■ 7.X.58 Grand-Lahou, Cercle . A lO.XI Cliza, C a n tô n ............... B 4.X Katiola, Cercle.................... A 17.XI Rift Valley, Province CONGO BELGE Man, Cercle........................A 3.XI Baringo, District .... A 11.XI La Paz, Dpto. Sassandra, Cercle .... A lO.Xl Caupolican, Prov. BELGIAN CONGO El Doret ....................... B 28.X . Séguéla, Cercle.................... A 17.X1 K itale.............................. A 17.XI Apolo, C antôn............... B 13.ÏX Territoire situé au nord du Nakuru, District .... A 1 l.XI Sta Cruz de V.A., Cantôn B 20.IX 10® S. — Territory North Dahomey of 10® S............................. ■ ll.Xn.56 Abomey, Cercle.....................A 17.XI Southern Province Potosx, Dpto, Parakou, Cercle.................... A 17.XI Kitui, D is tric t............... A 24.XI Bustillos, Prov. GAMBIE — GAMBIA . ■ l.X.56^ Portonovo, Cerde . A 17.XI * Machakos, District . B 1.XI Aymaya, Cantôn .... B 20.IX Savalou, Cercle.................. A 3.X1 Chayanta, Cantôn . B 6.IX Panacachi, Cantôn . B 6.IX GHANA.......................... ■ 1.X.56» Guinée LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . ■ 15.ni Chayanta, Prov. Dalaba, C ercle................ B 25.VIII NIGÉRIA, Fédération de la NIGÉRIA, Fédération de la Pocoata, Cantôn .... B 30.VIII NIGERIA, Federation of ■ l.X.56^ Faranah, Cercle . • B LIX NIGERIA. Federation of ■ 6.II.57 Haute-Voha BRÉSIL — BRAZIL SIERRA LEONE. ■ 1.X.56 » Bobodioulasso, Cerde . A lO.XI OUGANDA — UGANDA Belem ( P A ) ................... B 30.IV Dédougou, Cerde. B 20.X SOUDAN — SUDAN Kampala (A)...................... B 2S.X Manaus ( P ) ................... B 30.IV Dori, Cercle........................A lO.XI Recife ( P A ) ................... B 30.IV Territoire situé au sud du Ouahigouya, Cerde . A 10.XI Jinja T o w n ...................... ■ 20.VII.57 Mbale T ow n................... ■ 5.VII Rio de Janeiro (PA) . B 30.JX du 12® N. — Territory Sao Paulo ( A ) ............... B 30.IV South of 12® N................ ■ 17.XII.56 Soudan Buganda, Province Vitoria ( P ) ................... B 30.IV Bamako. Cerde .... A 11.XI Macina, C erde..............
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