ANNUAL REPORT 2020 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Faroese Company Registration No. 1724 CONTENTS ANNUAL REPORT 2020 2 Chairman’s Statement 4 RISKS 66 Contents Statement by the Management and the Board of Directors 6 Risks and Risk Management 67 Outlook 10 Bakkafrost at a Glance 14 GOVERNANCE 72 Key Figures 17 Corporate Governance 73 Main Events 18 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability 75 Shareholder Information 77 STRATEGY 19 Directors and Management 78 Business Objectives and Strategy 20 Directors’ Profiles 79 Business Model 22 Group Management’s Profiles 81 Outline of Bakkafrost’s History 23 Statement by the Management The Value Chain 24 and the Board of Directors on the Annual Report 82 Independent Auditor’s Report 83 PERFORMANCE 35 Operational Review 36 Financial Review 41 Farming Segment - Faroe Islands (FO) 44 Farming Segment - Scotland (STC) 46 VAP Segment 48 FOF Segment 50 Market Review 53 CONTENTS ANNUAL REPORT 2020 3 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND NOTES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – P/F BAKKAFROST 151 – BAKKAFROST GROUP 86 Contents P/F BAKKAFROST - Income Statement 153 Consolidated Income Statement 90 P/F BAKKAFROST - Statement of Financial Position 154 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 91 P/F BAKKAFROST - Cash Flow Statement 156 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 92 P/F BAKKAFROST - Statement of Changes in Equity 157 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 94 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 95 P/F BAKKAFROST - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 158 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – BAKKAFROST GROUP 96 APPENDIX 166 NOTES - SECTION 1 BASIS OF PREPARATION 97 Quarterly Financial Figures 2017-2019 166 NOTES - SECTION 2 RESULTS FOR THE YEAR 100 Market Announcements Published in 2019 169 NOTES - SECTION 3 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 111 Financial Calendar for 2020 170 NOTES - SECTION 4 CAPITAL STRUCTURE Glossary 171 AND FINANCING ITEMS 136 NOTES - SECTION 5 OTHER DISCLOSURES 143 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2019 4 AN UNUSUAL YEAR In Q4 2019 Bakkafrost acquired The Scottish Salmon Com- Chairman’s pany (SSC) and hereby diversified our farming operation 2020 has been an unusual year in many ways. In the begin- into a new geography. The acquisition increased the scope Statement ning of 2020, it was hard to imagine that a small invisible of Bakka frost’s operation and brought new growth and de- virus could cause such disruption to everyone’s lives. Fortu- velopment opportunities to the Group. The acquisition was nately, our staff has been kept safe throughout the Covid-19 made on low multiples relative to industry peers. We see pandemic and Bakkafrost’s operation has only mildly been this as a 5-year turnaround case and during 2020 we have affected. It is however a completely different story with the worked closely with the organisation in Scotland to begin global salmon market. transforming of the operation using targeted investments and redefined processes, based on best practice. We are During 2020 the salmon market changed in many ways as convinced that the investment case is strong and see a good different parts of the world experienced one wave after an- upside potential. other with increasing cases of Covid-19 infection. The lock- downs of the HoReCa segment in our key markets has had a One of the important measures to improve the performance negative impact on Bakkafrost’s revenue and profitability, as in the farming operation in Scotland is to increase the size we normally sell our large sized superior salmon to high-end and quality of the released smolt. Therefore, Bakkafrost restaurants across the world. People have also travelled less plans to construct three large and modern RAS-based hatch- during 2020 and commercial flights have been reduced. This eries in Scotland, similar to the hatcheries Bakkafrost has in has reduced the access to cost-efficient air cargo capacity the Faroe Islands. This will enable us to extend Bakkafrost’s and more than doubled airfreight rates to US and early dur- large-smolt strategy to the farming operation in Scotland. By ing the pandemic also to China. increasing the quality and smolt size to 500g the cycle time at sea is reduced to 10-12 months, hereby reducing the bi- Earnings were not only affected by increased freight prices ological risk as well as enabling sustainable growth in har- in 2020. Average spot price on salmon decreased by 24.1% vest volume. The first of these 3 hatcheries in Scotland is the during the year and the downward trend was especially pre- hatchery at Applecross, which is an existing hatchery now dominant from the end of the second quarter to the end of being expanded and converted into RAS-technology. This ex- the year. pansion will gradually increase smolt size and quality and is expected to be completed by 2023, whereafter we will be During the pandemic, Bakkafrost has benefited from its self-sufficient with 250g smolt in Scotland. This alone will flexible value chain. As the demand in the HoReCa segment be a game-changer for the farming operation in Scotland and for fresh salmon has decreased, Bakkafrost has been able will improve further when the next two hatcheries are final- to swiftly divert volumes to the VAP-segment. This segment ised and average size of smolts is increased to 500g. produces consumer-packed products for the retail industry where the demand for salmon has been very strong through- Over the past years Bakkafrost has made large investments out the pandemic. The market for global salmon market has across its value chain in the Faroe Islands to grow production grown during 2020 and the growth has been especially capacity sustainably to 100,000 tonnes head-on gutted (HOG). RÚNI M. HANSEN strong in US and Europe. These investments, totalling 3 billion DKK, were outlined in Chairman of the Board our 5-year investment plan for the period 2018-2022. Some CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2020 5 ning circular system in our value chain is now efficiently solving a biological waste issue for Bakkafrost as well as for local dairy farmers. Simultaneously it is producing renewable energy for the public electricity grid and district heating sys- tem in the Faroe Islands. Even the biproduct from the biogas plant has value as the plant delivers high-quality fertiliser for the Faroese dairy farmers. The big winner is of course the environment with a reduced CO2 emission of around 11,000 tonnes per year. Sustainable sourcing of raw materials and sustainable farm- ing is also key to us. For our feed production, we only use sustainably certified raw materials. In our farming operation, we are very proud of achieving our 2020-goal of having 100% of our farming sites in the Faroe Islands ASC-certified. It has always been important for Bakkafrost to take good care of the environment, which is the precondition for a healthy operation in the long run. Preserving and respecting of these investments have been made in the fishmeal, -oil lands are good for offshore farming and the legislation in the our heritage, operating in a society so dependent on nature and -feed segment (FOF), which can now provide all the feed Faroe Islands has been prepared for issuing offshore farming – it is essential that the balance with nature is right and sus- for the farming operation in the Faroe Islands as well as to licen ses. The location is also well suited for Bakkafrost as it tainable. We are very much aware of the current and future Scotland. Most of the investments in the 2018 investment is within short distances to Bakkafrost’s operation. We have challenge we face, to be able to feed the world’s growing plan have now been completed or are well underway. One applied for an offshore farming license and expect to receive population with safe and healthy food but without compro- example of completed investments is the very large hatchery it during 2021. mising our planet. at Strond which is now in full production of large smolts of very high quality. The year 2021 will be the year where we It is however important to us that our growth ambitions are RETURN TO SHAREHOLDERS really begin to see the results of the investments. Hence, we well balanced with the natural boundaries given to us. We The Board of Directors will propose a dividend of DKK 3.65 see increasing harvest volume in the Faroe Islands for 2021 strongly believe, that farmed salmon is one of the solutions per share at the Annual General Meeting convened in April where we expect to harvest 66,000 tonnes HOG. This is a to ensure sustainably produced food for the world’s growing 2021. This corresponds to a total dividend of DKK 215.9 mil- significant increase over previous years. Over the next years population. Our salmon has an industry-leading low feed-to- lion. this volume will increase steadily until we reach 100,000 food conversion factor and a low carbon footprint. Therefore, tonnes HOG, most likely around 2025-2026. we need to grow but without outgrowing our planet. THANK YOU TO OUR EMPLOYEES On behalf of the Board of Directors, I express our apprecia- To grow Bakkafrost’s harvest volumes in the Faroe Islands We continuously work on improving the resource-efficiency tion to all employees in the Bakkafrost Group for the commit- sustainably beyond the 100,000 tonnes HOG, we believe of the operation and incorporate circular thinking and new ment and hard work in 2020. that offshore farming presents is great potential for Bakka- innovations in our value chain. One example of such is our frost. The conditions on the eastern coast of the Faroe Is- Biogas plant, which was completed in 2020.
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